- Enhancements
- Added font size options for page numbers. (@cfacello)
- Enhancements
- Added character styles. (@xerespm)
- Enhancements
- Corrected how renderers output namespaced nodes to ensure jruby compliance. (HUGE thank you to @henrychung for researching and implementing this).
- Bug Fixes
- Corrected bug where lists were no longer multi-line. (@jdugan h/t @StochasticSpring).
- Bug Fixes
- Removed unintended use of Active Support method in footer renderer. (@jdugan).
- Bug Fixes
- Cleaned up experimental feature for iframes. (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Added experimental feature for iframes. (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Added indentation controls to paragraph commands (@avolochnev).
- Enhancements
- Added an :orientation option to :page_size so print jobs work as expected (@jdugan h/t @swedishpotato).
- Bug Fixes
- Changed Paragraph and Table Cell Models slightly to allow syntax flexibility with respect to options (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Added vertical alignment (@ykonovets).
- Enhancements
- Changed tilt dependency to be less restrictive (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Added custom properties (@davidtolsma).
- Added page breaks to paragraph model sub-functions (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Corrected image markup to support Word 2007 (@Alnoroid).
- Deprecations
- The :style attribute is no longer allowed on text and link commands. Use :font, :size, etc. instead (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Added :caps attribute to paragraph styles (@jensljungblad).
- Change table model to allow TableCellModel to be subclassed (@gh4me).
- Implemented true line breaks within paragraphs (@Linuus).
- Converted paragraph command to accept/allow blank content (@Linuus).
- Allowed :top and :bottom attributes to be set on default paragraph style (@jdugan).
- Line breaks are no longer allowed at the document level. Use blank paragraphs instead (@jdugan).
- Enhancements
- Initial commits. (@jdugan)