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File metadata and controls

155 lines (118 loc) · 5.75 KB


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CustomBlockData is a library for the Bukkit API that allows you to store ANY information inside blocks. It does so by providing the CustomBlockData class which implements the PersistentDataContainer interface.

It does not need any files or databases by saving the information inside the chunk's PersistentDataContainer, and the information is persistent even after server restarts.

CustomBlockData is compatible with all Bukkit versions from 1.16.3 onwards, including all forks. Older versions are not supported because Chunk only implements PersistentDataHolder since 1.16.3.


  • It does not need any files or databases
  • When the chunk where the block is inside gets deleted, there will be no leftover information
  • You can store anything that can be stored inside a normal PersistantDataContainer (which means, basically, anything)
  • It can automatically keep track of block changes and automatically delete block data when a block gets broken, move data when a block gets moved, etc
    • You can make specific blocks protected from this, or listen to the cancellable CustomBlockDataEvents
    • (This is disabled by default for backwards compatibility - just call CustomBlockData#registerListener(Plugin) to enable it)

Maven Dependency

The dependency is available on Maven Central:


Shading and relocating

You must shade (and you should relocate) the customblockdata package.




repositories {


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.jeff-media:custom-block-data:2.2.4'

Shading & Relocating

You must shade (and you should relocate) the customblockdata package. You will need the Shadow plugin found here. Add the following to your shadowJar section!

shadowJar {
    relocate 'com.jeff_media.customblockdata', 'your.package.customblockdata'

Optionally, make the build task depend on shadowJar:

build.dependsOn += shadowJar


To get a block's PersistentDataContainer, all you have to do is create an instance of CustomBlockData providing the block and the instance of your main class:

PersistentDataContainer customBlockData = new CustomBlockData(block, plugin);

If you want CustomBlockData to autimatically handle moving/removing block data for changed blocks (e.g. move data when a block gets moved with a piston, or to remove data when a player breaks a block, etc) you must call CustomBlockData.registerListener(Plugin) once in your onEnable().

For more information about how to use it, just look at the API docs for the PersistentDataContainer or look at this tutorial.


Javadocs can be found here:


If you need help, feel free to join my Discord server and head to #programming-help:


If you are using this project in your paid plugins, or if you just want to buy me a coffee, I would be happy over a small donation :)

Donate with PayPal