From 8fd41727615442f5cb2b6f9408d2b7f115729539 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Ganss
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 11:12:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix #343 Add support for redefined complexTypes
XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/XmlTests.cs | 18 +
.../xsd/graphml/graphml-structure.xsd | 1108 +++++++
.../xsd/graphml/graphml.xsd | 345 +++
.../xsd/graphml/portconstraints.xsd | 106 +
.../xsd/graphml/xlink.xsd | 59 +
.../xsd/graphml/yfeatures.xsd | 23 +
.../xsd/graphml/ygraphics.xsd | 2663 +++++++++++++++++
.../xsd/graphml/ygraphml.xsd | 105 +
.../xsd/graphml/yprocessors.xsd | 87 +
XmlSchemaClassGenerator/ModelBuilder.cs | 86 +-
XmlSchemaClassGenerator/TypeModel.cs | 4 +-
11 files changed, 4577 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml-structure.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/portconstraints.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/xlink.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yfeatures.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphics.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphml.xsd
create mode 100644 XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yprocessors.xsd
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/XmlTests.cs b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/XmlTests.cs
index d091b056..021841a3 100644
--- a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/XmlTests.cs
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/XmlTests.cs
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ private static IEnumerable ConvertXml(string name, string xsd, Generator
const string DtsxPattern = "xsd/dtsx/dtsx2.xsd";
const string WfsPattern = "xsd/wfs/";
const string EppPattern = "xsd/epp/*.xsd";
+ const string GraphMLPattern = "xsd/graphml/ygraphml.xsd";
const string NullableReferenceAttributesPattern = "xsd/nullablereferenceattributes/nullablereference.xsd";
// IATA test takes too long to perform every time
@@ -128,6 +129,23 @@ private static IEnumerable ConvertXml(string name, string xsd, Generator
// SharedTestFunctions.TestSamples(Output, "Iata", IataPattern);
+ [Fact, TestPriority(1)]
+ [UseCulture("en-US")]
+ public void TestGraphML()
+ {
+ Compiler.Generate("GraphML", GraphMLPattern, new Generator
+ {
+ NamespaceProvider = new Dictionary {
+ { new NamespaceKey(new Uri("graphml.xsd", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), ""), "GraphML.Main" },
+ { new NamespaceKey(new Uri("graphml-structure.xsd", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), ""), "GraphML.Structure" },
+ { new NamespaceKey(new Uri("ygraphxml.xsd", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), ""), "GraphML.Y" },
+ { new NamespaceKey(""), "XLink" },
+ { new NamespaceKey(""), "YEd" },
+ }.ToNamespaceProvider(new GeneratorConfiguration { NamespacePrefix = "GraphML" }.NamespaceProvider.GenerateNamespace),
+ });
+ SharedTestFunctions.TestSamples(Output, "GraphML", GraphMLPattern);
+ }
[Fact, TestPriority(1)]
public void TestClient()
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml-structure.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml-structure.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d9daec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml-structure.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,1108 @@
+ The schema corresponding to this document defines the structural
+ layer of the Graph Markup Language (GraphML).
+ Although a DTD is provided, this schema is, together with its extensions
+ and
+ the only normative reference.
+ Get access to the xlink attribute groups for the attributes
+ xlink:href and xlink:type of locator.type.
+ The attribute groups <element_name>.extra.attrib may be used
+ for adding user defined attributes to the elements
+ <element_name>.
+ The attribute group common.extra.attrib may be used for adding
+ user defined attributes to all elements.
+ Complex type definitions for the GraphML structural layer elements:
+ <data>, <default>, <key>, <graphml>, <graph>,
+ <node>, <port>,
+ <edge>, <hyperedge>, <endpoint> and <locator>.
+ The names of the complex types are constructed corresponding
+ to the pattern element_name.type.
+ (The only remaining GraphML structural layer element
+ <desc> is of simple type xs:string.)
+ Extension mechanism for the content of <data> and <default>.
+ The complex type data-extension.type is empty per default.
+ Users may redefine this type in order to add content to
+ the complex types data.type and default.type which are
+ extensions of data-extension.type.
+ Complex type for the <data> element.
+ data.type is mixed, that is, <data> may contain #PCDATA.
+ Content type: extension of data-extension.type which is empty
+ per default.
+ refers to the id attribute of a <key>.
+ identifies this <data>.
+ user defined extra attributes for <data> elements
+ Complex type for the <default> element.
+ default.type is mixed, that is, data may contain #PCDATA.
+ Content type: extension of data-extension.type which is empty
+ per default.
+ user defined extra attributes for <default> elements
+ Simple type for the for attribute of <key>.
+ key.for.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
+ Allowed values: all, graphml, graph, node, edge, hyperedge, port and endpoint.
+ Complex type for the <key> element.
+ identifies this <key>.
+ describes the domain of definition for
+ the corresponding graph attribute.
+ user defined extra attributes for <key> elements.
+ Complex type for the <graphml> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <graphml> elements.
+ Simple type for the edgedefault attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.edgedefault.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
+ Allowed values: directed, undirected.
+ Complex type for the <graph> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <graph> elements.
+ identifies this graph .
+ describes whether edges of this graph are considered
+ as directed or undirected per default (unless
+ specified by the attribute directed of <edge>).
+ Complex type for the <node> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <node elements.
+ identifies this node.
+ Complex type for the <port> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <port> elements.
+ identifies this port, within the node it is contained in.
+ Complex type for the <edge> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <edge> elements.
+ identifies this edge .
+ overwrites the edgedefault attribute of <graph> .
+ points to the id attribute of the source <node>.
+ points to the id attribute of the target <node>.
+ points to the name attribute of the source <port>.
+ points to the name attribute of the target <port>.
+ Complex type for the <hyperedge> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <hyperedge> elements.
+ identifies this <hyperedge> .
+ Simple type for the type attribute of <endpoint>.
+ endpoint.type.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
+ Allowed values: in, out, undir.
+ Complex type for the <endpoint> element.
+ user defined extra attributes for <endpoint> elements.
+ identifies this <endpoint> .
+ points to the name of the port, to which this endpoint is
+ connected .
+ points to the id of the node, to which this endpoint is connected.
+ defines the direction on this endpoint (undirected per default).
+ Complex type for the <locator> element.
+ Content type: (empty)
+ user defined extra attributes for <locator> elements.
+ points to the resource of this locator.
+ type of the hyperlink (fixed as simple).
+ Description: Provides human-readable descriptions for the GraphML
+ element containing this <desc> as its first child.
+ Occurence: <key>, <graphml>, <graph>,
+ <node>, <port>, <edge>, <hyperedge>, and
+ <endpoint>.
+ Description: Graphs and nodes are declared by the elements
+ <graph> and <node>, respectively. The optional
+ <locator>-child of these elements point to
+ their definition. (If there is no <locator>-child
+ the graphs/nodes are defined by their content).
+ Occurence: <graph>, and <node>.
+ Description: In GraphML there may be data-functions attached
+ to graphs, nodes, ports, edges, hyperedges and
+ endpoint and to the whole collection of
+ graphs described by the content of <graphml>.
+ These functions are declared by <key> elements
+ (children of <graphml>) and defined by <data>
+ elements.
+ Occurence: <graphml>, <graph>, <node>, <port>,
+ <edge>, <hyperedge>, and <endpoint>.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <data> element.
+ Description: In GraphML there may be data-functions attached
+ to graphs, nodes, ports, edges, hyperedges and
+ endpoint and to the whole collection of
+ graphs described by the content of <graphml>.
+ These functions are declared by <key> elements
+ (children of <graphml>) and defined by <data>
+ elements.
+ Occurence: <graphml>.
+ Description: In GraphML there may be data-functions attached
+ to graphs, nodes, ports, edges, hyperedges and
+ endpoint and to the whole collection of
+ graphs described by the content of <graphml>.
+ These functions are declared by <key> elements
+ (children of <graphml>) and defined by <data>
+ elements.
+ The (optional) <default> child of <key> gives
+ the default value for the corresponding function.
+ Occurence: <key>.
+ Description: <graphml> is the root element of each GraphML
+ document.
+ Occurence: root.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <graphml> element.
+ Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <key> element in this document.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <graph> element in this document.
+ Ensures: for the key attribute of each <data> in this document,
+ the existence of an id attribute of
+ <key> which matches the value of it.
+ Description: Describes one graph in this document.
+ Occurence: <graphml>, <node>, <edge>, <hyperedge>.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <graph> element.
+ Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <node> element in this graph.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <edge> element in this graph.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <hyperedge> element in this graph.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <endpoint> element in this graph.
+ Ensures: for the source attribute of each <edge> in this graph,
+ the existence of an id attribute of
+ <node> which matches the value of it.
+ Ensures: for the target attribute of each <edge> in this graph,
+ the existence of an id attribute of
+ <node> which matches the value of it.
+ Ensures: for the node attribute of each <endpoint> in this graph,
+ the existence of an id attribute of
+ <node> which matches the value of it.
+ Description: Describes one node in the <graph>
+ containing this <node>.
+ Occurence: <graph>.
+ Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the name attributes of
+ each <port> element within this <node>.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <node> element.
+ Description: Nodes may be structured by ports; thus edges
+ are not only attached to a node but to a certain
+ port in this node.
+ Occurence: <node>, <port>.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <port> element.
+ Description: Describes an edge in the <graph> which contains this
+ <edge>.
+ Occurence: <graph>.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <edge> element.
+ Description: While edges describe relations between two nodes,
+ a hyperedge describes a relation between an arbitrary
+ number of nodes.
+ Occurence: <graph>.
+ Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children
+ of this <hyperedge> element.
+ Description: The list of <endpoints> within a hyperedge
+ points to the nodes contained in this hyperedge.
+ Occurence: <hyperedge>.
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d781833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/graphml.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ This document defines the GraphML language including GraphML attributes and GraphML parseinfo.
+ Redefinition of file graphml-structure.xsd.
+ Extends the attribute group key.extra.attrib (which takes
+ part in the attribute list of <key>) by adding the
+ attribute group key.attributes.attrib which is defined below.
+ Redefinition of file graphml-structure.xsd.
+ Extends the attribute group node.extra.attrib (which takes
+ part in the attribute list of <node>) by adding the
+ attribute group node.parseinfo.attrib which is defined below.
+ Redefinition of file graphml-structure.xsd.
+ Extends the attribute group graph.extra.attrib (which takes
+ part in the attribute list of <graph>) by adding the
+ attribute group graph.parseinfo.attrib which is defined below.
+ Simple type for the attribute of <key>.
+ is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
+ Allowed values: (no restriction)
+ Simple type for the attr.type attribute of <key>.
+ key.type.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ key.type.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
+ Allowed values: boolean, int, long, float, double, string, complex.
+ Definition of the attribute group key.attributes.attrib.
+ This group consists of the two optional attributes
+ - (gives the name for the data function)
+ - attr.type (declares the range of values for the data function)
+ Simple type for the parse.order attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.order.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.order.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
+ Allowed values: free, nodesfirst, adjacencylist.
+ Simple type for the parse.nodes attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.nodes.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.nodes.type is a restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Simple type for the parse.edges attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.edges.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.edges.type is a restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Simple type for the parse.maxindegree attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.maxindegree.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.maxindegree.type is a restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Simple type for the parse.maxoutdegree attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.maxoutdegree.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.maxoutdegree.type is a restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Simple type for the parse.nodeids attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.nodeids.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.nodeids.type is a restriction of xs:string
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Simple type for the parse.edgeids attribute of <graph>.
+ graph.edgeids.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ graph.edgeids.type is a restriction of xs:string
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Definition of the attribute group graph.parseinfo.attrib.
+ This group consists of the seven attributes:
+ parse.nodeids
(fixed to 'canonical' meaning that the id attribute
+ of <node> follows the pattern 'n[number]),
+ parse.edgeids
(fixed to 'canonical' meaning that the id attribute
+ of <edge> follows the pattern 'e[number]),
+ parse.order
(required; one of the values 'nodesfirst',
+ 'adjacencylist' or 'free'),
+ parse.nodes
(required; number of nodes in this graph),
+ parse.edges
(required; number of edges in this graph),
+ parse.maxindegree
(optional; maximal indegree of a node in this graph),
+ parse.maxoutdegree
(optional; maximal outdegree of a node in this graph)
+ Simple type for the parse.indegree attribute of <node>.
+ node.indegree.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ node.indegree.type is a restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Simple type for the parse.outdegree attribute of <node>.
+ node.outdegree.type is final, that is, it may not be extended
+ or restricted.
+ node.outdegree.type is a restriction of xs:nonNegativeInteger
+ Allowed values: (no restriction).
+ Definition of the attribute group node.parseinfo.attrib.
+ This group consists of two attributes
+ - parse.indegree (optional; indegree of this node),
+ - parse.outdegree (optional; outdegree of this node).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/portconstraints.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/portconstraints.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8e2519b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/portconstraints.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ The valid endpoint types of a port constraint.
+ Valid values are:
+ - source: for a source port constraint
+ - target: for a target port constraint
+ The valid locations of a port constraint.
+ Valid values are:
+ - east: for an east location
+ - west: for a west location
+ - north: for a north location
+ - south: for a south location
+ - any: for any location
+ Complex type definition for a portconstraint.
+ The type of the constraint (source or target).
+ The location of the constraint (source or target).
+ Whether this is a strong port constraint.
+ An optional edge group id.
+ PortConstraint element definition.
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/xlink.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/xlink.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4de85194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/xlink.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yfeatures.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yfeatures.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ece11064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yfeatures.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Schema definitions for yFiles GraphML graphics and
+ postprocessor extensions.
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphics.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphics.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2039b64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphics.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,2663 @@
+ The valid line types for an edge or node realizer.
+ Valid values are:
+ -
+ line: for a continous line
+ -
+ dashed: for a dashed line
+ -
+ dotted: for a dotted line
+ -
+ dashed_dotted: for a dash-dotted line
+ The valid font types for a label.
+ Valid values are:
+ -
+ plain
+ : for a plain font
+ -
+ bold
+ : for a bold font
+ -
+ italic
+ : for an italic font
+ -
+ bolditalic
+ : for a bold and italic font
+ The shape types for a ShapeNodeRealizer.
+ Valid values are:
+ -
+ rectangle
+ : for a rectangular shape
+ -
+ roundrectangle
+ : for a rectangular shape with rounded corners
+ -
+ ellipse
+ : for an elliptical shape
+ -
+ parallelogram
+ : for a parallelogram shape
+ -
+ hexagon
+ : for a hexagonal shape
+ -
+ octagon
+ : for a octagonal shape
+ -
+ diamond
+ : for a diamond shape
+ -
+ triangle
+ : for a triangular shape
+ -
+ trapezoid
+ : for a trapezoidal shape, whose upper line is half as long as its lower line
+ -
+ trapezoid2
+ : for a trapezoidal shape, whose lower line is half as long as its upper line
+ -
+ rectangle3d
+ : for a rectangular shape with 3D-ish looks
+ The arrow types for EdgeRealizers.
+ Valid values are:
+ - standard: for the default arrow
+ - delta: for a triangular arrow shape
+ - white_delta: like delta, but filled white
+ - diamond: for a diamond arrow shape
+ - white_diamond: like diamond, but filled white
+ - none: for no arrow
+ - plain: for the plain arrow
+ - concave: for a concave arrow
+ - convex: for a convex arrow
+ - circle: for a circle arrow
+ - dash: for a dash arrow
+ - transparent_circle: for a transparent circle arrow
+ - skewed_dash: for a skewed dash arrow
+ - t_shape: for a T-shaped arrow
+ The valid alignemts for labels.
+ Valid values are:
+ - center: center alignment
+ - left: left alignment
+ - right: right alignment
+ The valid label models for node labels.
+ Valid values are:
+ - free: free model
+ - sides: sides model
+ - corners: corners model
+ - eight_pos: sides+corners model
+ - sandwich: sandwich model
+ - internal: internal model
+ - custom: custom model
+ The valid label positions for node labels.
+ Note:
+ For a given node label model, the set of valid
+ label positions is a subset of this enumeration that depends on the
+ actual node label model.
+ Valid values are:
+ - n: north (outside)
+ - nw: north west (outside)
+ - ne: north east(outside)
+ - w: west (outside)
+ - e: east (outside)
+ - sw: south west (outside)
+ - s: south (outside)
+ - se: south east (outside)
+ - c: center (inside)
+ - tl: top left (inside)
+ - t: top (inside)
+ - tr: top right (inside)
+ - r: right (inside)
+ - l: left (inside)
+ - bl: bottom left (inside)
+ - b: bottom (inside)
+ - br: bottom right (inside)
+ - anywhere: anywhere
+ The auto size policies for node labels.
+ Valid values are:
+ - node_width: resize to node width
+ - node_height:resize to node height
+ - content: resize to content size
+ - none: no automatic resizing
+ The valid label models for node labels.
+ Valid values are:
+ - centered: edge center
+ - center_slider: edge center, freeley movable
+ - side_slider: edge side, freely movable
+ - free: free model
+ - two_pos: source or target only
+ - three_center: three positions at edge center
+ - six_pos: three positions at either source or target
+ - custom: for a custom model
+ The valid label positions for edge labels.
+ Note:
+ For a given edge label model, the set of valid
+ label positions is a subset of this enumeration that depends on the
+ actual edge label model.
+ Valid values are:
+ - center: at source on the edge segment
+ - tcentr: at target on the edge segment
+ - scentr: at center on the edge segment
+ - stail: at source below the edge segment
+ - ttail: at target below the edge segment
+ - tail: at center below the edge segment
+ - shead: at source above the edge segment
+ - thead: at target above the edge segment
+ - head: at center above the edge segment
+ - anywhere: anywhere
+ The valid preferred label positions for edge labels.
+ Note:
+ For a given edge label model, the set of valid
+ preferred label positions is a subset of this enumeration that depends on the
+ actual edge label model. This value is evaluated by automatic label layout algorithms and may differ
+ from the actual label position.
+ Valid values are:
+ - target_right: at target right from the edge segment
+ - target: anywhere at the target
+ - target_left: at target left from the edge segment
+ - target_on_edge: at target on the edge segment
+ - source_right: at source right from the edge segment
+ - source: anywhere at the source
+ - source_left: at source left from the edge segment
+ - source_on_edge: at source on the edge segment
+ - center_right: at center right from the edge segment
+ - center: anywhere at the center
+ - center_left: at center left from the edge segment
+ - center_on_edge: at center on the edge segment
+ - anywhere: anywhere
+ - on_edge: anywhere on the edge
+ - left: anywhere left from the edge
+ - right: anywhere right from the edge
+ The valid horizontal text vs. icon alignements for labels.
+ Valid values are:
+ - left: place text to the left of the icon
+ - right: place text to the right of the icon
+ - center: place text on center of the icon
+ - left_aligned: align text to the left of the icon
+ - right_aligned: align text to the right of the icon
+ The valid vertical text vs. icon alignements for labels.
+ Valid values are:
+ - top: place text above the icon
+ - bottom: place text below the icon
+ - center: place text on center of the icon
+ Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional location, specified by the x and y attribute.
+ The x coordinate of the point.
+ The y coordinate of the point.
+ Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional rectangle.
+ The location is specified by the x and y attribute, the dimension by the width and height attributes.
+ The x coordinate of the rectangle.
+ The y coordinate of the rectangle.
+ The width of the rectangle.
+ The height of the rectangle.
+ Type definition for rectangles.
+ Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional rectangle, where attribtue values are optional.
+ The location is specified by the x and y attribute, the dimension by the width and height attributes.
+ The x coordinate of the rectangle.
+ The y coordinate of the rectangle.
+ The width of the rectangle.
+ The height of the rectangle.
+ Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional path, consisting of a point list together with optional source
+ and target locations.
+ The source resp. target location is specified by the sx and sy resp. tx and ty attributes.
+ Single control point for two dimensional paths.
+ true iff the path should be rendered in reverse order.
+ The x coordinate of the source point.
+ The y coordinate of the source point.
+ The x coordinate of the target point.
+ The y coordinate of the target point.
+ Simple type that encodes a color value.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a line style.
+ The color of the line.
+ Whether the line has a color set. If false, the line is invisible.
+ The type of the line.
+ The width of the line.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a drop shadow.
+ The color of the drop shadow.
+ The offset in x direction.
+ The offset in y direction.
+ Complex type that describes the common attributes of node and edge labels.
+ The (optional) custom label model.
+ The (optional) custom label model parameter.
+ Whether the label is visible or not.
+ The alignment of the label.
+ The text color of the label.
+ The border color of the label's content rectangle.
+ Whether the label border should be painted.
+ The background color of the label's content rectangle.
+ Whether the label background should be painted.
+ Whether the label has (possibly empty) text.
+ The font family for the label text.
+ The font size for the label text.
+ The font style for the label text.
+ The rotation angle style for the label.
+ The URL of an icon for the label.
+ Reference to an embedded image resource.
+ Reference to an embedded arbitrary serializable resource.
+ Whether to underline the label text.
+ The horizontal text position wrt to an optional icon.
+ The vertical text position wrt to an optional icon.
+ The distance between the label text and an optional icon.
+ The optional configuration of the label.
+ Complex type that describes the additional attributes of node labels.
+ The label model.
+ The actual label position in the current label model.
+ The auto size policy of the label.
+ The distance of the label to the node.
+ Complex type that describes the additional attributes of edge labels.
+ The label model.
+ The actual label position in the current label model.
+ The preferred label position in the current label model.
+ The current label distance from the edge.
+ The current label position along the edge, expressed as ratio from source to target.
+ Complex type that describes the label model for both row and column labels in TableGroupNodes.
+ The offset of the label.
+ Complex type that describes the common properties of the label model parameter for both row and column labels in TableGroupNodes.
+ The id of the column/row for the label.
+ Whether the label lies inside or not.
+ Element type definition for a row label model in TableGroupNodes.
+ Element type definition for a column label model in TableGroupNodes.
+ Element type definition for a row label model parameter in TableGroupNodes.
+ The horizontal position of the label.
+ Element type definition for a column label model parameter in TableGroupNodes.
+ The vertical position of the label.
+ Complex type that describes the geometry of simple graph elements.
+ Complex type that describes the common attributes of a node realizer in yFiles.
+ The location and size of the node.
+ The fill attributes of the node.
+ Whether the node has a visible fill color.
+ The first fill color.
+ The second fill color (for gradient fills).
+ Whether the node is transparent.
+ The LineStyle of the border.
+ The (optional) node label.
+ The (optional) node port list.
+ Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <NodePort> element in this resource block.
+ Whether the node is currently selected.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a ShapeNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The actual shape of a ShapeNodeRealizer.
+ The shape type.
+ The drop shadow.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of an ImageNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ Encodes an image for an ImageNodeRealizer.
+ The URL of an image for external image sources.
+ Whether to use alpha channel information from the image.
+ Reference to an inlined image resource.
+ The refid must point to an existing inlined image resource in a toplevel graphml y:Resource
+ block.
+ Type that can be used to describe insets in integer precision.
+ The minimal inset at the top in integer precision.
+ The minimal inset at the bottom in integer precision.
+ The minimal inset at the left in integer precision.
+ The minimal inset at the right in integer precision.
+ Type that can be used to describe insets in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the top in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the bottom in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the left in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the right in double precision.
+ Type that can be used to describe insets in both integer and double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the top in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the bottom in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the left in double precision.
+ The minimal inset at the right in double precision.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a GroupNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The actual shape of a GroupNodeRealizer.
+ The shape type.
+ The drop shadow.
+ The state of a GroupNodeRealizer (open/closed etc.).
+ Whether the group is currently closed.
+ Whether to display the inner graph even in closed state.
+ Type that can be used to describe additional data for node bounds determination.
+ Whether the size of the label should be respected for automatic bounds calculation.
+ The minimal insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
+ The extra insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ This Realizer can multiplex between several different realizers for a node.
+ List of subordinate realizers for this node realizer.
+ The list index of the currently active realizer (zero based).
+ Type for the UserData that holds the actual state of a generic Node or Edge Realizer.
+ Class name of the data holder instance.
+ String representation of the user data value.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a GenericNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ Represents the UserData that holds the actual state of this realizer instance.
+ Represents the StyleProperties of this realizer instance.
+ The name of the configuration. This configuration must have been registered previously.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a GenericGroupNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The state of a GenericGroupNodeRealizer (open/closed etc.).
+ Whether the group is currently closed.
+ Whether the group node should automatically resize itself.
+ The height of the group node in closed state.
+ The width of the group node in closed state.
+ The minimal insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
+ The extra insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a TableGroupNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ Represents the table structure of this realizer instance.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a TableNodeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The default insets for a column.
+ The default insets for a row.
+ The insets for the table.
+ List of columns for this table.
+ A single column element
+ List of rows for this table.
+ A single row element
+ Whether to automatically resize the table.
+ The default column width of the table.
+ The default minimum column width of the table.
+ The default row height of the table.
+ The default minimum row height of the table.
+ Type definition for a TableNodeRealizer table column.
+ The insets of the column
+ The unique id of the column.
+ The minimum width of the column.
+ The width of the column.
+ Type definition for a TableNodeRealizer table row.
+ The insets of the row.
+ The unique id of the row.
+ The minimum height of the row.
+ The height of the row.
+ ShapeNodeRealizer element definition.
+ ImageNodeRealizer element definition.
+ GroupNodeRealizer element definition.
+ GenericNodeRealizer element definition.
+ GenericGroupNodeRealizer element definition.
+ ProxyShapeNodeRealizer element definition.
+ ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer element definition.
+ TableGroupNodeRealizer element definition.
+ Complex type that describes the common attributes of an edge realizer in yFiles.
+ The edge path.
+ The line style used to draw the edge.
+ The source and target arrows.
+ The source arrow type.
+ The target arrow type.
+ The edge label(s).
+ The visual edge source port.
+ The visual edge target port.
+ Whether the edge currently is selected.
+ The type of a visual edge port.
+ The icon of the port.
+ The type of the port, currently fixed to InterfacePort.
+ Type definition for an icon.
+ The URL of an icon.
+ Reference to an embedded image resource.
+ Reference to an embedded arbitrary serializable resource.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a PolylineEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The style used to draw the bends.
+ Whether to draw smooth instead of angular bends.
+ The arc types for ArcEdgeRealizers.
+ Valid values are:
+ - fixedHeight: fixed height, but variable ratio
+ - fixedRatio: fixed ration, but variable height
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of an ArcEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The Arc.
+ The arc type.
+ The current height of the arc.
+ The current ratio of the arc.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of a QuadCurveEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
+ The straightness of the curve.
+ Complex type that describes the attributes of an GenericEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
+ Represents the UserData that holds the actual state of this realizer instance.
+ Class name of the data holder instance.
+ String representation of the user data value.
+ The name of the configuration. This configuration must have been registered previously.
+ PolyLineEdgeRealizer element definition.
+ ArcEdgeRealizer element definition.
+ BezierEdgeRealizer element definition.
+ SplineEdgeRealizer element definition.
+ QuadCurveEdgeRealizer element definition.
+ GenericEdgeRealizer element definition.
+ Complex type that describes the geometry of port elements.
+ Port geometry element definition.
+ The valid port location policies for NodeScaledPortLocationModel.
+ Valid values are:
+ Complex type that describes a NodeScaledPortLocationModel.
+ NodeScaledPortLocationModel element definition.
+ Complex type that describes a list of node ports.
+ A single node port element
+ Complex type that describes a NodePort.
+ The id of the port.
+ Complex type that describes the label model for node ports.
+ Whether to allow local candidates.
+ The offset of the label.
+ The valid parameter positions for PortLabelModelParameter.
+ Valid values are:
+ - north
+ - south
+ - east
+ - west
+ - center
+ Complex type that describes a PortLabelModelParameter.
+ The id of the port for the label.
+ The position of the parameter.
+ PortLabelModelParameter element definition.
+ PortLabelModel element definition.
+ Complex type that describes the visual configuration for node ports.
+ The port graphics configuration.
+ Whether the port is selected.
+ PortGraphics element definition.
+ UserData element definition.
+ Complex type for a shared resource element inside a resource block container.
+ The actual content. Note that arbitrary (wellformed) content is allowed here.
+ The id of the shared resource. Needed to reference this resource.
+ The type of the shared resource.
+ The format of the shared resource.
+ Complex type for a shared resource block container.
+ A shared resource element.
+ Resource block element definition.
+ Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of
+ each <Resource> element in this resource block.
+ Complex type definition for a single style property.
+ The name of the property.
+ The class name of the property.
+ The string value of the property.
+ Complex type definition for a set of style properties for generic node/edge realizers.
+ Element type definition for a simple style property.
+ The fill color of the style.
+ The line color of the style.
+ The line type of the style.
+ The line width of the style.
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphml.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphml.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c68d28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/ygraphml.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ GraphML core language definitions including GraphML attributes and GraphML parseinfo.
+ Redefinition of file graphml-structure.xsd.
+ Extends the attribute group key.extra.attrib (which takes
+ part in the attribute list of <key>) by adding the
+ attribute yfiles.type which is defined below.
+ Custom yfiles specific attribute that allows to specify an additional data type.
+ Redefinition of file graphml-structure.xsd.
+ Extends the attribute group node.extra.attrib (which takes
+ part in the attribute list of <node>) by adding a
+ yfiles specific attribute for the folder type.
+ The foldertype for group/folder nodes.
+ The valid folder types for a folder/group node.
+ Valid values are
+ - folder: for folder nodes
+ - group: for group nodes
+ - leaf: for leaf nodes (this is the implied value)
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yprocessors.xsd b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yprocessors.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de565c05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator.Tests/xsd/graphml/yprocessors.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ Complex type definitions for a graphml postprocessor.
+ Postprocessors are executed after the graph has been loaded.
+ Type definitions for the options for a graphml postprocessor.
+ These options are the same as for xml serialized YModules.
+ The name of the option.
+ The value of the option.
+ The class of the postprocessor.
+ This must resolve to a subclass of y.option.yModule
+ Complex type definitions for a list of graphml postprocessors.
+ Postprocessor element definition.
+ Postprocessors element definition.
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/ModelBuilder.cs b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/ModelBuilder.cs
index 5f8776ff..911a2228 100644
--- a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/ModelBuilder.cs
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/ModelBuilder.cs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ internal class ModelBuilder
private readonly GeneratorConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly XmlSchemaSet _set;
- private readonly Dictionary AttributeGroups;
- private readonly Dictionary Groups;
+ private readonly Dictionary> AttributeGroups = new();
+ private readonly Dictionary> Groups = new();
private readonly Dictionary Namespaces = new();
private readonly Dictionary Types = new();
private readonly Dictionary> SubstitutionGroups = new();
@@ -44,18 +44,40 @@ public ModelBuilder(GeneratorConfiguration configuration, XmlSchemaSet set)
SetType(new XmlSchemaComplexType(), AnyType, objectModel);
- AttributeGroups = set.Schemas().Cast().SelectMany(s => s.AttributeGroups.Values.Cast())
- .DistinctBy(g => g.QualifiedName.ToString())
- .ToDictionary(g => g.QualifiedName);
- Groups = set.Schemas().Cast().SelectMany(s => s.Groups.Values.Cast())
- .DistinctBy(g => g.QualifiedName.ToString())
- .ToDictionary(g => g.QualifiedName);
var dependencyOrder = new List();
var seenSchemas = new HashSet();
foreach (var schema in set.Schemas().Cast())
ResolveDependencies(schema, dependencyOrder, seenSchemas);
+ foreach (var schema in dependencyOrder)
+ {
+ var currentAttributeGroups = schema.AttributeGroups.Values.Cast()
+ .DistinctBy(g => g.QualifiedName.ToString());
+ foreach (var currentAttributeGroup in currentAttributeGroups)
+ {
+ if (!AttributeGroups.ContainsKey(currentAttributeGroup.QualifiedName))
+ {
+ AttributeGroups.Add(currentAttributeGroup.QualifiedName, new HashSet());
+ }
+ AttributeGroups[currentAttributeGroup.QualifiedName].Add(currentAttributeGroup);
+ }
+ var currentSchemaGroups = schema.Groups.Values.Cast()
+ .DistinctBy(g => g.QualifiedName.ToString());
+ foreach (var currentSchemaGroup in currentSchemaGroups)
+ {
+ if (!Groups.ContainsKey(currentSchemaGroup.QualifiedName))
+ {
+ Groups.Add(currentSchemaGroup.QualifiedName, new HashSet());
+ }
+ Groups[currentSchemaGroup.QualifiedName].Add(currentSchemaGroup);
+ }
+ }
foreach (var schema in dependencyOrder)
foreach (var globalType in set.GlobalTypes.Values.Cast().Where(s => s.GetSchema() == schema))
@@ -769,14 +791,14 @@ private SimpleModel CreateSimpleModel(XmlSchemaSimpleType simpleType, List items)
var interfaces = items.Select(i => i.XmlParticle).OfType()
- .Select(i => (InterfaceModel)builder.CreateTypeModel(i.RefName, builder.Groups[i.RefName]));
+ .Select(i => (InterfaceModel)builder.CreateTypeModel(i.RefName, builder.Groups[i.RefName].First()));
private void AddInterfaces(ReferenceTypeModel refTypeModel, XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributes)
var interfaces = attributes.OfType()
- .Select(a => (InterfaceModel)builder.CreateTypeModel(a.RefName, builder.AttributeGroups[a.RefName]));
+ .Select(a => (InterfaceModel)builder.CreateTypeModel(a.RefName, builder.AttributeGroups[a.RefName].First()));
@@ -790,31 +812,43 @@ private IEnumerable CreatePropertiesForAttributes(Uri source, Typ
switch (item)
case XmlSchemaAttribute attribute when attribute.Use != XmlSchemaUse.Prohibited:
properties.Add(PropertyFromAttribute(owningTypeModel, attribute));
- case XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef attributeGroupRef:
- if (_configuration.GenerateInterfaces)
- CreateTypeModel(attributeGroupRef.RefName, AttributeGroups[attributeGroupRef.RefName]);
- var attributeGroup = AttributeGroups[attributeGroupRef.RefName];
- var attributes = attributeGroup.Attributes.Cast()
- .Where(a => !(a is XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef agr && agr.RefName == attributeGroupRef.RefName))
- .ToList();
+ case XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef attributeGroupRef:
- if (attributeGroup.RedefinedAttributeGroup != null)
+ foreach (var attributeGroup in AttributeGroups[attributeGroupRef.RefName])
- foreach (var attr in attributeGroup.RedefinedAttributeGroup.Attributes.Cast())
+ if (_configuration.GenerateInterfaces)
+ CreateTypeModel(attributeGroupRef.RefName, attributeGroup);
+ var attributes = attributeGroup.Attributes.Cast()
+ .Where(a => !(a is XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef agr && agr.RefName == attributeGroupRef.RefName))
+ .ToList();
+ if (attributeGroup.RedefinedAttributeGroup != null)
- var n = attr.GetQualifiedName();
+ var attrs = attributeGroup.RedefinedAttributeGroup.Attributes.Cast()
+ .Where(a => !(a is XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef agr && agr.RefName == attributeGroupRef.RefName)).ToList();
- if (n != null)
- attributes.RemoveAll(a => a.GetQualifiedName() == n);
+ if (attrs.Any(a => (a is XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef agr && agr.RefName == attributeGroupRef.RefName))) { }
- attributes.Add(attr);
+ foreach (var attr in attrs)
+ {
+ var n = attr.GetQualifiedName();
+ if (n != null)
+ attributes.RemoveAll(a => a.GetQualifiedName() == n);
+ attributes.Add(attr);
+ }
+ var newProperties = CreatePropertiesForAttributes(source, owningTypeModel, attributes);
+ properties.AddRange(newProperties);
- properties.AddRange(CreatePropertiesForAttributes(source, owningTypeModel, attributes));
@@ -901,7 +935,7 @@ private IEnumerable CreatePropertiesForElements(Uri source, TypeM
var group = Groups[groupRef.RefName];
if (_configuration.GenerateInterfaces)
- CreateTypeModel(groupRef.RefName, group);
+ CreateTypeModel(groupRef.RefName, group.First());
var groupItems = GetElements(groupRef.Particle).ToList();
var groupProperties = CreatePropertiesForElements(source, owningTypeModel, item, groupItems, order: order).ToList();
diff --git a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/TypeModel.cs b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/TypeModel.cs
index 659a88aa..cfbae63d 100644
--- a/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/TypeModel.cs
+++ b/XmlSchemaClassGenerator/TypeModel.cs
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ public virtual CodeTypeDeclaration Generate()
protected void GenerateTypeAttribute(CodeTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration)
- if (XmlSchemaName == null) return;
+ if (XmlSchemaName == null
+ || (this is ClassModel cm && cm.IsRedefined)) return;
var typeAttribute = AttributeDecl(
new(new CodePrimitiveExpression(XmlSchemaName.Name)),
@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@ public IEnumerable AllDerivedReferenceTypes(List DerivedTypes.Any(d => d.XmlSchemaType?.Parent is XmlSchemaRedefine);
public bool IsAbstract { get; set; }
public bool IsMixed { get; set; }
public bool IsSubstitution { get; set; }