All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Performance optimization: Now caches login state.
- New {firstnamephonetic} tag.
- New {lastnamephonetic} tag.
- New {middlename} tag.
- Managers can no longer access the Themes menu.
- Only Site Administrators can access User: Profile Fields in Admin menu.
- Fix-312: ifactivitycompleted and ifnotactivitycompleted now works correctly with graded activities.
- Fix-311: Global tags can now include numbers in their name.
- Fix-308: Fixed compatibility issue with PHP 8.3.
- New {menulanguages} tag.
- New {keyboard}...{/keyboard} tag.
- New {menuwishlist} tag.
- New {sitelogourl} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname is "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname is ""}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname not "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname not ""}...{/ifprofile} tag. Similar to {ifprofile_field_shortname} tag but can't be nested.
- New {ifprofile shortname contains "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname in "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {rawurlencode}...{/rawurlencode} tag.
- New {ifgrouping groupingid}...{/ifgrouping} tag.
- New {ifnotgrouping groupingid}...{/ifnotgrouping} tag.
- New {mygroupings} tag.
- New {ifnotincohort} tag.
- Fixed bug with ifactivitycompleted and ifnotactivitycompleted if activity does not exist.
- Fixed issue with %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D leaving % symbol behind.
- Fixed issue when {coursesummary} is used in a block.
- Link to External LTI now only available in Moodle 4.3+.
- Addressed compatibility issue with mod_hvp that prevents link to current theme settings from working.
- Refactoring in preparations for Moodle 4.5.
- Added more documentation to
- Fixed links and updated table of contents in
- The {thisurl_enc} tag is now compliant with RFC 3986.
- {categories0} tag now shows hidden categories if role has moodle/category:viewhiddencategories.
- {categories0menu} tag now shows hidden categories if role has moodle/category:viewhiddencategories.
- Fixed a couple of PHP 5.6 compatibility issues. Note that unit tests are still only compatible with PHP 7.1 and later.
- Fix-302: {qrcode} and {urlencode} not processed after replacement tags.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Moodle LMS 4.5.
- {iftheme} tag now works even when at the beginning of a string.
- Updated for Moodle coding guidelines.
- New {menucoursemore} tag.
- New {iftheme}{/iftheme} tag.
- New {ifnottheme}{/ifnottheme} tag.
- New {alert border}{/alert} tag.
- New links to edit Advanced theme settings and current theme settings to {menuthemes} tag.
- {ALPHA} New {dashboard_siteinfo} tag. Work in progress - doesn't display correctly in all themes.
- GitHub actions workflow.
- Small performance optimization.
- Corrected "Course: Badges" link in {menuadmin}.
- Updated PHP and Moodle compatibility in
- Fix-291: Escape tags now work reliably.
- Improved filtering of parameters for some tags.
- Improved detection of https protocol.
- Improved {ifmobile} tag detection.
- Improved error handling of the ifactivitycompleted tag.
- Improved error handling of the ifnotactivitycompleted tag.
- {getstring} tag now checks if string is deprecated before trying to load a string from the language pack.
- Reference to style guides in
- References to PHP and Moodle versions in bug reports.
- Removed support for Travis integration.
- Copyright notice to include 2024.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Moodle LMS 4.4.
- New {menuthemes} tag.
- New {sitename} tag.
- New {sitesummary} tag.
- New {ifminstudent} tag.
- {courseenddate} tag can now take an optional courseid parameter.
- {courseenddate} tag will now display strftime date formats.
- If support page is blank, the {supportpage} tag will be blank instead of displaying the tag.
- If support email is blank, the {supportemail} tag will display "Not available" instead of the tag.
- If support name is blank, the {supportname} tag will display "Not available" instead of the tag.
- Fixed {preferredlanguage} tag if system default language is a child language pack.
- Refactored for performance improvement performance. Enable more tags for embedding.
- Instructions for enabling filters in custom menu.
- {courseshortname} tag can now be used inside other tags.
- {teamcards} now lists users with selected roles in Site Administration > Appearance > Course > Course Contacts.
- Fixed issue where a tel: link was unexpectedly created in {teamcards}.
- Fixed bug with rendering of coursecards in Moodle 3.10 and earlier.
- New %7Bwwwroot%7D - alias for the {wwwroot} tag.
- Fixed: {coursecard}, {coursecards}, {mycoursescards} and {coursecardsbyenrol} now include visible courses without an end date.
- Fixed a failed PHPUnit test for {coursemoduleid}.
- Fix spacing for some failed CSS code checks.
- Tested compatible with PHP 8.2.
- Support for FontAwesome v6 syntax including fa-solid and fa-brands. E.g. {fa-solid fa-user}.
- Fix-266: New {multilang}{/multilang} tag. Note: Depends on Moodle's
Multi-language content
filter. - Fix-198: Module level assigned roles detection to {ifcustomrole} and {ifnotcustomrole} tags.
- New {myccourses} tag.
- New {ifnotincourse}{/ifnotincourse} tags.
- New {coursecount students:active} tag.
- Fix-258: New {ifvisible} tag.
- New {supportservicespage} tag (for Moodle 4.2 and later).
- New {coursemoduleid} tag.
- Fix-261: New {courseimage-url} tag.
- New {chart progresspie} tag (ALPHA - not yet compatible with Firefox).
- Fix-187: New {coursecard} tag (not the same as {coursecards}).
- New {courseenrolmentdate} tag.
- (ALPHA) New horizontal layout setting for {coursecards}, {coursecardsbyenrol} and {mycoursescards} (affects all 3).
- (ALPHA) New table list layout setting for {coursecards}, {coursecardsbyenrol} and {mycoursescards} (affects all 3).
- Fix-251: New optional course ID parameter for {coursestartdate} tag.
- Alternative (alt) text to {qrcode} tag.
- Documented tags in the source code.
- Compatibility with Moodle 4.3.
- The {button} tag will now attempt to automatically strip HTML tags created by some other filters.
- Fixed profile pictures including user picture, gravatar and faceless avatar.
- {scrape} tag now automatically removes any HTML in case Moodle turned the URL into a link.
- Reordered tags to fix issue where some tags were not working or not being interpreted in the right order.
- Fix-271: Fixed issue with multiple static declarations.
- Fix-272: Fixed issue with {categorydescription} tag if it includes an embedded URL for image.
- Fix-274: Fixed issue creating {button} with {urlencoded}{shortcoursename}{/urlencoded}.
- Fix-273: Fixed several tags that were not being replaced.
- Fix-269: Fixed deprecation notice relating to trim() function in PHP 8.1.
- Fix-241: You may now optionally specify a space delimited list of category ID(s) in the {mycoursescards} tag.
- Git now ignores .patch files.
- Fix-256: The {courseid} and %7Bcourseid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fix-256: The {coursemoduleid} and %7Bcoursecontextid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fix-256: The {coursecontextid} and %7Bcoursecontextid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fix-256: The {coursemoduleid} and %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fixed display of Course Cards Layout list of settings.
- Addressed some PHP 8.1 compatibility warnings.
- Some tags are now disabled if they do not meet Moodle and PHP version requirements.
- Fix-253: Cohort names can now contain a dash in {ifincohort} tag.
- Instruction to patch Moodle 4.2 to enable FilterCodes in custom menu.
- {timezone} now works correctly if user's timezone is set to system timezone.
- Refactored {mycourses...} tags and added missing unordered tag for {mycourses} tag.
- {mycoursescards} tag will now display message if the user is not enrolled in any courses.
- Courses that are either hidden or expired will now appear in course cards if the user has the capability to to see hidden courses.
- Documentation (
- Partial fix for sizing issue of radial and pie charts in Moodle 4.1 and 4.2.
- Copyright notice to include 2023.
- Compatibility with Moodle 4.2.
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1.
- New {ifenrolpage}{/ifenrolpage} tags.
- New {ifnotenrolpage}{/ifnotenrolpage} tags.
- {courseid} tag now resolves to course id on enrolment pages.
- New {courseunenrolurl} tag.
- New {coursecount students} tag.
- Setting to show hidden profile fields using the {profile_field_...} tag.
- CSS class support for details tag.
- New {coursegrade} tag.
- New {ifnotingroup}{/ifnotingroup} tags.
- New setting to disable {sesskey} tag globally.
- GitHub bug and feature request issue templates.
- Code of Conduct guidelines.
- Compatibility with Moodle 4.1.
- Compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Fix-218: You can now use the {profile_field_...} tag inside the {chart} tag.
- Fix-244: Blank avatars now appear in {coursecards} regardless of whether Gravatars are enabled.
- Fix-217: You can now have up to 50 global tags.
- Fix-231: Updated documentation for {coursecards} tag.
- Fix-236: Fixed bug which appeared during installation of Moodle with FilterCodes pre-installed.
- Fix-240: Corrected documentation for {supportpage} tag. (thanks dinism!)
- Most tags are compatible with Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3,2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 4.0 and now 4.1.
- Tested to be compatible with PHP 7.4 and 8.0.
- phpcs.xml.cont.dist file.
- .gitignore file.
- Fix-221: Resolved conflict between {mygroups} and {ifingroup} tags when used at the same time.
- Fix-222: Fixed PHPUnit v9.5 compatibility.
- New {ifhasarolename roleshortname}{/ifhasarolename} tags.
- Sample ALPHA code in the documentation to patch Moodle 4.0 themes for support in the custom menu.
- New {courseprogresspercent} tag.
- New {ifmobile}{/ifmobile} tags.
- New {ifnotmobile}{/ifnotmobile} tags.
- New {ifnotinactivity}{/ifnotinactivity} tags.
- New {ifinactivity}{/ifinactivity} tags.
- New {ifnotactivitycompleted id}{/ifnotactivitycompleted} tags.
- New {ifactivitycompleted id}{/ifactivitycompleted} tags.
- Support for optional course ID parameter in the {coursename} tag.
- Support for optional course ID parameter in the {coursesummary} tag.
- New {qrcode}{/qrcode} tags.
- New {lastlogin} tag.
- New {mygroups} tag.
- New {teamcards} (ALPHA) tag.
- New {ifnotvisible}{/ifnotvisible} tags.
- New {showmore}{/showmore} tags (ALPHA).
- New {menuadmin} tag.
- New {mycoursescards} tag.
- New fc-coursecontacts and fc-coursecontactroles classes for {coursecontacts} HTML.
- New {coursecontacts} tag (formerly {courseteachers}).
- {coursecontacts} can now optionally display user profile description.
- {coursecontacts} can now optionally link to phone number.
- New {chart progressbar x Title text} tag (ALPHA).
- New {chart radial x Title text} tag (ALPHA).
- New {chart pie x Title text} tag (ALPHA).
- New {markborder}{/markborder} tags.
- New {marktext}{/marktext} tags.
- New {coursegradepercent} tag.
- New {button}{/button} tags
- New {ifnothome}{/ifnothome} tags.
- New {label}{/label} tags.
- New setting to enable/disable {categorycards} background.
- New fc-categorycards class to {categorycards} to make it easier to customize.
- New fc-categorycard-ID# class to {categorycards} to make it possible to customize background of card.
- New {sectionname} tag.
- New {hr} tag.
- New {coursecardsbyenrol} tag.
- New {userscountrycount} tag.
- Missing support for {supportname}, {supportemail} and {supportpage} tags.
- Known limitation in regarding Moodle's 'Download course content' feature.
- Compatibility with Moodle 4.0
- Improve parsing of {scrape} tag. Improper syntax will no longer make Moodle crash, the tag just won't work properly.
- {lang}, {idnumber} and {coursegradepercent} tags can now be used within other tags for example.
- {coursesummary} tag is now processed through Moodle filters for multi-language support.
- Fixed {coursecards catid}.
- Fixed many tags that did not work if they contained a line break.
- Tag %7Bcoursecontextid%7D now works.
- Fix-166,168,191 multiple instances of date/time related tags (firstaccessdate, coursestartdate, courseenddate, coursecompletiondate, now)
- {coursesactive} no longer count courses that are before start date or after end date, if any.
- Renamed {courseteachers} tag to {coursecontacts}. No longer ALPHA.
- {coursecontacts} now display's based on role coursecontacts setting in Site Admin > Display > Courses.
- The {highlight} tag now uses HTML5 mark tags instead of span tags.
- Replaced Learn Moodle link with Moodle Academy in menudev.
- Page Builder link now works in menudev.
- Photo Editor link now works in menudev.
- Screen Recorder link now works in menudev.
- Fixed undefined COMPLETION_ENABLED error on Dashboard.
- Full name now supports RTL languages.
- Refactored the {coursecards} code. No longer displays empty list.
- Fixed {ifprofile_field_...} tag visibility and clarified documentation.
- {coursecards} no longer displays hidden courses or those whose end-dates are past, unless you are an administrator.
- Results from {course_field_shortname} and {course_fields} are now processed through Moodle filters.
- Updated the documentation and fix typos.
- Tested to be compatible up to and including Moodle 4.0.
- Updated copyright notice to include 2022.
- Corrections in some of the language strings.
- Completed French translation.
- Clarification for {coursecards} and {categorycards} documentation in this file.
- There is no new or changed functionality in this release.
- New {courseteachers} tag (ALPHA).
- New %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D tag.
- New define custom global {global_...} tags (up to 20).
- New {courserequest} tag.
- New {courserequestmenu} tag.
- New {courserequestmenu0} tag.
- New {coursecards catid} tag. You can now optionally specify courses in a specific category id to display.
- New setting to hide completed courses in {mycoursesmenu} list.
- New {menudev} tag.
- New {ifprofile_field_...}{/ifprofile_field_...} tags.
- New {supportname} tag.
- New {supportemail} tag.
- New {supportpage} tag.
- New {webpage} gets automatically substituted to {profile_field_webpage} as of Moodle 3.11.
- {coursesummary} can now include other FilterCodes.
- {categorycards} titles now always display white.
- Request a Course link is no longer included in {mycourses}. See new {courserequest} tag.
- Request a Course link is no longer included in {mycoursesmenu}. See new {courserequestmenu0} and {courserequestmenu} tags.
- {profile_field_...} of type Date/Time now displays date/time instead of a number.
- {profile_field_...} of type Checkbox now displays Yes/No instead of a 1 or 0.
- {profile_field_...} of other types will now display value if field contains 0.
- {profile_field_...} tags will now be removed if user is not logged in.
- {filtercodes} tag now works on all pages but only for users who have course:update capability.
- Custom menu tags should not be processed through the "URL to Link" (urltolink) filter. See to update your theme.
- Documentation in this file.
- Tested to be compatible up to and including Moodle 3.11.
- Copyright notice for 2021.
- New {ifingroup id|idnumber}{/ifingroup} tags.
- New {filtercodes} tag. Note: Only works for teachers and above.
- New {alert style}{/alert} tags (ALPHA).
- New {ifincohort idname|idnumber}{/ifincohort} tags.
- New {webpage} tag.
- New {ifnoteditmode} tag.
- New {iftenant idnumber|tenantid}{/iftenant} (ALPHA) tags. (Workplace only - in Moodle classic, tenant is assumed to be 1).
- New {ifworkplace}{/ifworkplace} (ALPHA) tags. (Workplace only - in Moodle classic, will not display tags or content).
- New {timezone} tag.
- New {preferredlanguage} tag.
- New {coursesummary} tag.
- New {firstaccessdate} tag.
- New {formsesskey} tag.
- New Moodle date/time format option for the {firstaccessdate} tag.
- New Moodle date/time format option for the {coursestartdate} tag.
- New Moodle date/time format option for the {courseenddate} tag.
- New Moodle date/time format option for the {coursecompletiondate} tag.
- New {ifminsitemanager} tag.
- New {now} tag.
- New option to format the date/time {now dateTimeFormat}.
- {courseprogress} and {courseprogressbar} now show zero progress if progress is 0.
- {alert} to allow for optional contextual class stying.
- Reorganized and grouped list of tags and made some corrections in the documentation.
- FAQ: Information on how to patch Moodle to enable FilterCodes in the custom menu.
- FAQ: Search the file for the word Troubleshooting to now find helpful information.
- Fixed {diskfreespace} and {diskfreespacedata} on very large/unlimited storage. Note: Greater than about 84,703.29 Yottabyte (YB) is now considered infinite.
- {profile_field_shortname} now supports textarea type custom fields.
- Re-enabled the %7Buserid%7D tag.
- Fixed {courseshortname} so that it displays the site shortname if you are not in a course.
- Should now be passing 100% of the PHPUnit Tests.
- Tested to be compatible up to and including Moodle 3.10.
- New configurable setting to enable/disable escaped [{braces}] (e.g. for creating documentation). Default is enabled.
- You can now escape tags so they are not processed by wrapping them in [{brackets}]. {{double-braces}} are no longer supported.
- New {diskfreespacedata} tag.
- New {diskfreespace} tag.
- New {help}{/help} tags.
- New {info}{/info} tags.
- New {ifcustomrole roleshortname}{/{ifcustomrole} tags.
- New {ifnotcustomrole roleshortname}{/{ifnotcustomrole} tags.
- New {userdescription} tag.
- New {categorycards} tag (ALPHA).
- New {coursecards} tag (ALPHA).
- New {courseprogress} tag (ALPHA).
- New {courseprogressbar} tag (ALPHA).
- New {-} tag (soft hyphen)
- New {profilefullname} tag.
- New {ifloggedinas}{/ifloggedinas} tags.
- New {ifnotloggedinas}{/ifnotloggedinas} tags.
- New {categories0} tag.
- New {categories0menu} tag.
- New {categoriesx} tag.
- New {categoriesxmenu} tag.
- New {courseparticipantcount} tag.
- New {course_fields} tag.
- New {course_field_...} tags.
- New {courseimage} tag.
- New {categorydescription} tag.
- New {categorynumber} tag.
- New {categoryname} tag.
- New {categoryid} tag.
- New {lang} tag.
- New {toggleeditingmenu} tag.
- New {ifeditmode}{/ifeditmode} set of tags.
- New {ifdev}{/ifdev} set of tags.
- New {ifcourserequests}{/ifcourserequests} set of tags.
- composer.json
- Separator in menu above Request a Course link (part of {mycoursesmenu} tag).
- New question to FAQ regarding setting filter priorities so that all enabled filters works together.
- Tested to be compatible with PHP 7.3 and 7.4.
- Tested to be compatible with Moodle 3.9.
- Read-only name and email address fields are now also disabled in {form...} templates.
- Now checks moodle/course:request capability before creating Course Request link in {ifcourserequests}, {mycourses} and {mycoursemenu}
- No longer identifies Guest users as being logged-in.
- Documentation: FAQ info on how to translate built-in contact forms.
- Documentation to reflect new functionality.
- Updated FAQ.
- .travis.yml and fixed issues.
- Fixed example of Create Course menu item. Now creates a course in the current category.
- Fixed {note} tag which was not working.
- You can no longer escape tags using {{double}} braces. This was causing issues with MathJAX. Bracket your [{tag}] instead.
Some tags, which are indicated in this documentation as ALPHA, may still require some development and are not guarantied to be implementaed or implemented in the same way in future releases. Please let us know if you think they are useful if they work for you or what changes you might like to see.
UI tags are compatible with most Bootrap 4 based themes for Moodle. They have been tested with:
Academi, Adaptable, Aigne, Bandeau, Boost, Classic, Eguru, Enlight Lite, Fordson, Foundation, GCWeb, Klass, Moove, Roshni Lite and Trema.
They were found to be incompatible with the following Moodle themes:
- Boost Campus
- Boost Learning
- Boost Mgnific
- Boost_Training
- You can now escape tags so they are not processed by using a double set of braces {{ and }} around tags.
- If Request a Course is enabled, it will now be appended in {mycourses} and {mycoursesmenu}.
- New {wwwcontactform} tag.
- New {profile_field_...} tags.
- New {formcheckin} tag.
- New {formsupport} tag.
- New {formcourserequest} tag.
- New {formcontactus} tag.
- New {formquickquestion} tag.
- New {thisurl} tag.
- New {thisurl_enc} tag.
- New {urlencode}{/urlencode} set of tags.
- New {highlight}{/highlight} tags.
- New {note} tag.
- New {ifinsection} tag.
- New {ifnotinsection} tag.
- New {ifincourse} tag.
- New {courseidnumber} tag.
- New {coursecontextid} and %coursecontextid%7D tags.
- New {referrer} tag - alias of {referer} previously implemented.
- Missing $string['pluginname'] to language file.
- Added some unit tests.
- Fixed some unit tests.
- Fix for {scrape} tag to better handle missing parameters.
- Fixed {langx} tag so that it works correctly with language and culture codes.
- {usersonline} tag now compatible with more than just MySQL/MariaDB.
- Most tags are compatible with Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3,2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and now 3.8.
- Documentation to reflect new functionality.
- New {pagepath} tag.
- New {editingtoggle} tag.
- New {idnumber} tag (from user profile).
- New {fa...} tag (for FontAwesome).
- New {glyphicon...} tag (for Glyphicons).
- New {sectionid} and %7Bsectionid%7D tags.
- New {details}, {summary}, {/summary}, {/details} tags (experimental).
- New .travis.yml configuration file for Travis.
- Expanded compatibility - now includes Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3,2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and now 3.7.
- Fixed {categories} filter code compatibility with Moodle 2.7 to 3.5.
- New settings page.
- New {getstring} tag.
- New {siteyear} tag - current 4 digit year - useful for copyright notices.
- New {lastname} tag (synonym of {surname}).
- New {courseshortname} tag.
- New {scrape url="..." tag="..." class="..." id="..." code="..."} tag. Must be enabled in FilterCodes settings.
- New {ifhome} tag.
- New {ifdashboard} tag.
- New {coursecount} tag.
- New {usercount} tag.
- New {usersactive} tag.
- New {usersonline} tag.
- New experimental support for Moodle Custom Menu filtering in Boost and Clean (bootstrapbase) themes. Must be enabled in FilterCodes settings and requires Moodle 3.2+.
- Expanded compatibility - now includes Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3,2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and now 3.6.
- No major issues in the last 12 months of BETA - Project status is now STABLE.
- Added support for Privacy API.
- New %7Bsesskey%7D tag as an alternative to {sesskey} for use with encoded URLs.
- New %7Bcourseid%7D tag as an alternative to {courseid} for use with encoded URLs.
- New %7Buserid%7D tag as an alternative to {userid} for use with encoded URLs.
- New {coursestartdate} tag.
- New {courseenddate} tag.
- New {coursecompletiondate} tag.
- Support for reCAPTCHA v2 in Moodle 3.1.11+, 3.2.8+, 3.3.5+, 3.4.5+ and 3.5+.
- FilterCodes upgrade notifications now works properly when a updates are available on
- Expanded compatibility - now includes Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3,2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
- Documentation - fixed errors and added FAQ for reCAPTCHA.
- Copyright notice to include 2018.
- Minor performance optimization.
- Example of enabling filters in custom menu and custom user menu in boost based themes.
- ReCAPTCHA will now work on https.
- Fixed example of enabling filters in custom menu and custom user menu in bootstrapbase based themes.
Over a dozen new FilterCodes added including:
- New {alternatename} tag.
- New {city} tag.
- New {categories} tag.
- New {categoriesmenu} tag.
- New {country} tag.
- New {coursename} tag.
- New {department} tag.
- New {institution} tag.
- New {mycourses} tag.
- New {mycoursesmenu} tag.
- New {readonly} tag.
- New {sesskey} tag.
- New {userpictureimg X} tag.
- New {userpictureurl X} tag.
- Expanded compatibility now includes Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3,2, 3.3 and 3.4.
- Added new useful examples of using FilterCodes in custom menus (see Usage section).
- Added
- Project status is now BETA.
- Reorganized (New: logo, status badges, table of contents, contributing, etc).
- Default Moodle role IDs are no longer hard coded. {ifrolename} and {ifminrolename} type tags now use role archetypes instead of role shortnames. (thanks @FMCorz !)
- Fixed bug where no country was selected in user's profile.
- Support for Multiple occurences of same {if...}{/if...} tags.
- Support for Multiline spanning of {if...}{/if...} tags.
- {mycourses} and {mycoursesmenu} tags are no longer ever empty.
- {recaptcha} tag now officially supported. For use with Contact Form for Moodle.
- Updated documentation and FAQ.
- Conditional role tags are now aware of switching roles.
- New {ifminassistant}{/ifminassistant} set of tags.
- New {ifminteacher}{/ifminteacher} set of tags.
- New {ifmincreator}{/ifmincreator} set of tags.
- New {ifminmanager}{/ifminmanager} set of tags.
- {ifrolename} type tags will now only display content if you have been assigned that particular role.
- Identification of roles no longer depends on the verification of unique capabilities but by role assignment.
- Bug fix: {ifstudent}{/ifstudent} set of tags now work. (thanks @gemguardian !)
- Bug fix: Using {ifenrolled} and {ifnotenrolled} no longer cause a PHP error when used in a course. (thanks @gemguardian !)
- Updated documentation and FAQ.
- New tag: {ifnotenrolled} - Exact logical opposite of {ifenrolled} tag.
- Significant performance improvements.
- Language strings are now correctly named.
- Initial public release on and GitHub.
- Plugin officially compatible and tested with Moodle 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.