- Get an Android Device with at least Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- Enable developer mode on your Android device. (7 Taps on build number, google it, if you need to)
- Enable USB Debugging in developer settings on your device.
- Download and install Android Studio on your computer.
- Clone the git repository and open the project in Android Studio.
- Open the SDK manager in Android Studio and install the Android 14 SDK.
- Connect your phone to your pc and allow debugging from this device when the popup appears.
- In Android Studio make sure to select you phone and then hit the run or debug button.
- Download and install Android Studio.
- Clone the git repository and open the project in Android Studio.
- Open the SDK manager in Android Studio and install the Android 14 SDK..
- In Android Studio hit Build > Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) > Build APK(s)
- Copy the APK to your phone and install it from there.