JIRA link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-1404
This test plan cover Vertx upgrade to 4.2
- Update to Vert.x 4.2.1 and related projects
- Update to Vert.x 4.2.4 and Netty 4.1.73
- What's new in Vert.x 4.2
RHBQ testing should be focused on Quarkus specifics, not on Vert.x specific topic as there is Vert.x product to cover these aspects.
4.2 introduces "Shared http client", but that's Vert.x specific feature. The suggested way for Quarkus is to use smallrye-mutiny-vertx-web-client
and this library doesn't allow to create shared http client.
Another big feature is Websockets support, Quarkus delivers that using quarkus-websockets
Other noticeable features as related to Reactive SQL Clients, these topics are covered in dedicated Feature Requests.
No extra test development needed.
- All existing tests around
Vertx HttpClient
and SQLdatasources
will cover backward compatibility issues related to these topics.
Following actions were taken to ensure familiarity:
- Focus on exploratory testing of the features
- Ensure good user experience and simplicity of use
- Tester: Pablo Gonzalez [email protected]