Version numbers refer to the iotprovision version bundled in this binary. Other tools have their own version numbers.
- DSG-5399 Multi-tool support in binary release
- DSG-4701 Pysequans utility, to support upgrading Sequans Monarch 2 firmware, and storing custom certificates and private keys
- DSG-5161 Moved device certificate storage in Sequans Monarch 2 platform from NVM storage slot 0 to 18, to be compliant with Sequans use of reserved NVM storage slots
- DSG-5078 Updated bundled debugger firmware
- DSG-5618, DSG-5624 Improved port auto-detection
- DSG-4818 support for AVR-IoT Cellular Mini kit
- DSG-4600 support for SAM-IoT provisioning
- Full stack rebuild (v2)
- Improved reliability of provisioning firmware startup
- Improved and more consistent output (logging)
- Cloud provider argument is now mandatory (AWS is no longer default)
- Added Azure demo application (preliminary support: provisioning only)
- Updated bundled debugger firmware
- Wildcard character correction in IoT Core policy creation
- Failure on MacOS (Catalina)
- Prevent re-generation of device certificate
- provisioning to AWS custom account using MAR
- WINC FW upgrade
- Azure provisioning (preliminary/alpha)
- provisioning to AWS custom account using JITR
- provisioning AVR-IoT and PIC-IoT kits to the Microchip sandbox account on AWS
- provisioning AVR-IoT and PIC-IoT kits to the Microchip sandbox account on Google