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This is a convenience package for working with The 2D Shape Structure Dataset. The dataset has the following copyright notice

Copyright (c) [2016] [A. Carlier, K. Leonard, S. Hahmann, G. Morin, M. Collins]

and is licensed under an MIT-License.

The whole dataset is 1.8 MB large (zipped) and is only downloaded once when you use this package.


Install this package from the General Registry:

julia> ]
pkg> add The2DShapeStructureDataset

and make it available:

julia> using The2DShapeStructureDataset

You can then obtain the coordinates for, say, the structure apple-1:

julia> shape_coords("apple-1")
2×112 HybridArrays.HybridMatrix{2, StaticArraysCore.Dynamic(), Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}} with indices SOneTo(2)×Base.OneTo(112):
 0.0      0.0      0.0047847  0.0047847  0.014354  0.019139  0.028708  0.043062    0.038278  0.028708  0.019139  0.0095694  0.0047847  0.0      0.0      0.0
 0.41627  0.44498  0.47368    0.50239    0.5311    0.55981   0.58852   0.61722      0.23923   0.26794   0.29665   0.32536    0.35407    0.38278  0.41148  0.41627

Find out what shapes are available by calling shape_names or visiting the visual explorer.