From 97b82b6e103da38a1229d245bfc0e1514c9ed513 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Xiangting Xiao Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 22:02:35 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add RTT view to User page --- .../AVD Insights/AVDWorkbookV2.workbook | 2 +- .../User Report/User report.workbook | 821 +++++++++--------- .../Host Pool Overview.workbook | 276 +++++- .../Template Versioning Footer.workbook | 2 +- 4 files changed, 689 insertions(+), 412 deletions(-) diff --git a/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/AVD Insights/AVDWorkbookV2.workbook b/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/AVD Insights/AVDWorkbookV2.workbook index 0dcccbcdc6..4428a647b8 100644 --- a/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/AVD Insights/AVDWorkbookV2.workbook +++ b/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/AVD Insights/AVDWorkbookV2.workbook @@ -1152,4 +1152,4 @@ "Azure Monitor" ], "$schema": "" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/User Report/User report.workbook b/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/User Report/User report.workbook index 6da8b9c880..d01e37370b 100644 --- a/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/User Report/User report.workbook +++ b/Workbooks/Windows Virtual Desktop/User Report/User report.workbook @@ -400,65 +400,9 @@ "type": 3, "content": { "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}'\r\n| where _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as SourceData\r\n| where State==\"Started\"\r\n| project-rename StartTime=TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=fullouter\r\n(\r\n SourceData\r\n | where State == \"Completed\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, SessionHostName, EndTime=TimeGenerated\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| project CorrelationId=coalesce(CorrelationId, CorrelationId1), StartTime=coalesce(StartTime, {TimeRange:start}), EndTime=coalesce(EndTime, {TimeRange:end}), SessionHostName=coalesce(SessionHostName, SessionHostName1)\r\n| extend ProbeTime = range(bin_at(StartTime, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start}), bin_at(EndTime + {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:end}), {TimeRange:grain})\r\n| mv-expand ProbeTime to typeof(datetime)\r\n| extend ConnectionContainsProbe = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime > ProbeTime),\r\n ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime + {TimeRange:grain} >= ProbeTime)\r\n| make-series Connections=dcountif(CorrelationId, ConnectionContainsProbe or ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket) on ProbeTime from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by Host=trim_end(@\"\\..*\", SessionHostName)", - "size": 1, - "title": "Connections over time for {UserName}", - "noDataMessage": "No connections detected for this user in the specified time frame.", - "showExportToExcel": true, - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "areachart", - "chartSettings": { - "showMetrics": false, - "showLegend": true - } - }, - "customWidth": "50", - "name": "ConnectionsbyUser" - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDFeeds\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}' and _ResourceId =~ '{wvdworkspace}'\r\n| make-series FeedCount = dcount(CorrelationId) default=long(0) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}", + "query": "let GetDaysInTimeRange = (Period:timespan) {\r\n // Get the number of days in the period, note the period MUST be longer than 1 day, and in full days\r\n max_of(toint(round(Period/1d, 0)), 1);\r\n};\r\nlet GetTimespanAverage = (Time:timespan, Period:timespan) {\r\n // Get the number of days in the period, note the period MUST be longer than 1 day, and in full days\r\n let Days = GetDaysInTimeRange(Period);\r\n // Total hours is the number of days*24, plus the hours\r\n let TotalHours = toint(format_timespan(Time, \"d\")) * 24 + toint(format_timespan(Time, \"H\"));\r\n // Calculate the average hours\r\n let AvgHours = TotalHours / Days;\r\n // We're rounding down for the average, figure out fractional hours left \r\n let MinuteResidue = toint(((1.0*TotalHours/Days) - AvgHours) * 60);\r\n // Total minutes is the number of minutes plus the residue from above\r\n let TotalMinutes = toint(format_timespan(Time, \"m\")) + MinuteResidue;\r\n // Calculate average minutes\r\n let AvgMinutes = toint(round(todouble(TotalMinutes) / Days));\r\n // Pad with zero if necessary\r\n let MinuteStr = iif(AvgMinutes < 10, strcat(\"0\", AvgMinutes), tostring(AvgMinutes));\r\n let Result = strcat(\"~ \", AvgHours, \":\", MinuteStr, \" h\");\r\n iif(Time/1s > 0, Result, '');\r\n};\r\nlet ProbeRange = range ProbeDay from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step 1d | extend JoinKey=1;\r\nWVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as UserConnections\r\n| where State == \"Started\" and TimeGenerated <= {TimeRange:end}\r\n| extend StartTime = TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=rightouter\r\n(\r\n UserConnections\r\n | where State == \"Completed\"\r\n | extend EndTime = TimeGenerated\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| extend StartTime = min_of(coalesce(StartTime, {TimeRange:start}), EndTime), UserName=coalesce(UserName,UserName1) // If the start time has fallen out of retention, it should not be set to after the EndTime\r\n| where StartTime between ({TimeRange:start} .. {TimeRange:end}) or // Connections starting in our date range\r\n EndTime between ({TimeRange:start} .. {TimeRange:end}) or // Connections ending in our date range\r\n (StartTime <= {TimeRange:start} and EndTime >= {TimeRange:end}) // Connections that started before and ended after the range\r\n| extend EndTime=min_of(EndTime, {TimeRange:end})-1s, StartTime=max_of(StartTime,{TimeRange:start})+1s // Crop connections to within the report boundary\r\n| extend Duration = EndTime-StartTime\r\n| sort by ClientType asc // Sort for Clients string to be homogenous\r\n| as UserUsage\r\n| join kind=leftouter\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where (Name == \"LaunchExecutable\" and Parameters.connectionStage == \"RdpShellAppExecuted\") or Name==\"RdpShellAppExecuted\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, Parameters=tostring(Parameters.filename)\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| summarize AppsToStartConnection=dcount(ResourceAlias),\r\n AppsUsed=dcount(Parameters),\r\n Connections=dcount(CorrelationId),\r\n Time=sum(Duration),\r\n ClientCount=dcount(ClientType)\r\n by UserName\r\n| join kind=leftouter \r\n(\r\n // Count days with usage\r\n UserUsage\r\n | extend JoinKey = 1\r\n | join kind=fullouter ProbeRange on JoinKey\r\n | make-series ConnectedToday=dcountif(CorrelationId, bin(ProbeDay, 1d) == bin(StartTime, 1d) or \r\n bin(ProbeDay, 1d) == bin(EndTime, 1d) or \r\n bin(ProbeDay, 1d) between (bin(StartTime, 1d)..bin(EndTime, 1d)))\r\n on ProbeDay from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step 1d by UserName\r\n | mv-expand ProbeDay to typeof(datetime), ConnectedToday to typeof(int)\r\n | summarize Days=countif(ConnectedToday > 0) by UserName\r\n) on UserName\r\n| project\r\n ['Days in time range']=GetDaysInTimeRange({TimeRange:end} - {TimeRange:start}),\r\n ['Days with usage']=coalesce(Days, 0),\r\n ['Apps to start connection']=coalesce(AppsToStartConnection, 0),\r\n ['Apps used']=coalesce(AppsUsed, 0),\r\n ['Connection count']=coalesce(Connections, 0),\r\n ['Connection time']=strcat(\"~ \", toint(format_timespan(Time, 'd'))*24+toint(format_timespan(Time, 'H')), \":\", format_timespan(Time, 'mm'), \" h\"),\r\n ['Average daily time']=GetTimespanAverage(Time,{TimeRange:end} - {TimeRange:start}),\r\n ['Client count']=coalesce(ClientCount, 0)\r\n| evaluate narrow()\r\n| project Metric=replace(@\"\\[|'|\\]\", \"\", Column), Value", "size": 1, - "title": "Feed refreshes over time for {UserName}", - "noDataMessage": "No feed refreshes for this user in the specified time frame.", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 - }, - "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", - "showExportToExcel": true, - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "barchart", - "chartSettings": { - "showMetrics": false - } - }, - "customWidth": "50", - "name": "FeedRefreshesByUser" - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDFeeds\r\n| where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{wvdworkspace}'\r\n| summarize LastSeen=max(TimeGenerated), FeedRefreshes=dcount(CorrelationId) by ClientType\r\n| join kind=fullouter\r\n(\r\n WVDConnections\r\n | where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n | summarize LastSeen=max(TimeGenerated), Connections=dcount(CorrelationId) by ClientType\r\n) on ClientType\r\n| project ClientType=coalesce(ClientType, ClientType1), Subtitle=\"Connections / Feed refrehes\", LastSeen=max_of(LastSeen, LastSeen1), FeedRefreshes=coalesce(FeedRefreshes, 0), Connections=coalesce(Connections, 0)\r\n| extend ClientTypeShort=replace(\"\", \"\", ClientType)\r\n| sort by Connections desc", - "size": 0, - "title": "Select a client", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 - }, - "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", - "exportFieldName": "ClientType", - "exportParameterName": "SelectedClientType", - "exportDefaultValue": "*", + "title": "Key usage numbers", "queryType": 0, "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", "crossComponentResources": [ @@ -466,374 +410,71 @@ ], "visualization": "tiles", "gridSettings": { - "sortBy": [ + "formatters": [ { - "itemKey": "LastSeen", - "sortOrder": 2 + "columnMatch": "Days", + "formatter": 0, + "numberFormat": { + "unit": 27, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "useGrouping": false + } + } + }, + { + "columnMatch": "ConnectionTime", + "formatter": 0, + "numberFormat": { + "unit": 24, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "useGrouping": false, + "maximumSignificantDigits": 2 + } + } } ] }, - "sortBy": [ - { - "itemKey": "LastSeen", - "sortOrder": 2 - } - ], "tileSettings": { "titleContent": { - "columnMatch": "ClientTypeShort", + "columnMatch": "Metric", "formatter": 1 }, - "subtitleContent": { - "columnMatch": "Subtitle" - }, "leftContent": { - "columnMatch": "Connections", - "formatter": 12, - "formatOptions": { - "min": -1, - "max": 0, - "palette": "blue" - } - }, - "rightContent": { - "columnMatch": "FeedRefreshes", + "columnMatch": "Value", "formatter": 12, "formatOptions": { - "min": -1, - "max": 0, - "palette": "orange" + "palette": "auto" }, "numberFormat": { - "unit": 0, + "unit": 17, "options": { "style": "decimal", - "maximumSignificantDigits": 2 + "maximumFractionDigits": 2, + "maximumSignificantDigits": 3 } } }, - "secondaryContent": { - "columnMatch": "LastSeen", - "formatter": 6, - "dateFormat": { - "formatName": "shortDateTimePattern" - }, - "tooltipFormat": { - "tooltip": "Last seen time" - } - }, - "showBorder": true - } - }, - "customWidth": "16", - "name": "ClientTiles", - "styleSettings": { - "maxWidth": "250px" - } - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}' and UserName == '{UserName}' and (\"{SelectedClientType}\" == \"*\" or ClientType == \"{SelectedClientType}\")\r\n| as SourceData\r\n| where State==\"Started\"\r\n| project-rename StartTime=TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=fullouter\r\n(\r\n SourceData\r\n | where State == \"Completed\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, ClientVersion, ClientType, EndTime=TimeGenerated\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| project CorrelationId=coalesce(CorrelationId, CorrelationId1), StartTime=coalesce(StartTime, {TimeRange:start}), EndTime=coalesce(EndTime, {TimeRange:end}), ClientType=coalesce(ClientType, ClientType1), ClientVersion=coalesce(ClientVersion, ClientVersion1)\r\n| extend ClientTypeShort=replace(\"\", \"\", ClientType), ProbeTime = range(bin_at(StartTime, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start}), bin_at(EndTime + {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:end}), {TimeRange:grain})\r\n| mv-expand ProbeTime to typeof(datetime)\r\n| extend ConnectionContainsProbe = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime > ProbeTime),\r\n ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime + {TimeRange:grain} >= ProbeTime)\r\n| make-series Connections=dcountif(CorrelationId, ConnectionContainsProbe or ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket) on ProbeTime from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by Client=strcat(ClientTypeShort, \" v\", ClientVersion)\r\n\r\n", - "size": 0, - "title": "Connections by client and version", - "noDataMessage": "No connections found for the configured filters.", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 + "showBorder": false }, - "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", - "showExportToExcel": true, - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "areachart", - "sortBy": [], "chartSettings": { - "showMetrics": false, - "showLegend": true - } - }, - "customWidth": "42", - "name": "ConnectionsByClientAndVersion", - "styleSettings": { - "margin": "6px" - } - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDFeeds\r\n| where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{wvdworkspace}' and (\"{SelectedClientType}\" == \"*\" or ClientType == \"{SelectedClientType}\")\r\n| extend ClientTypeShort=replace(\"\", \"\", ClientType)\r\n| make-series FeedRefreshes=dcount(CorrelationId) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by strcat(ClientTypeShort, \" v\", ClientVersion)\r\n", - "size": 0, - "title": "Feed refreshes by client and version", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 - }, - "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", - "showExportToExcel": true, - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "areachart", - "gridSettings": { - "formatters": [ - { - "columnMatch": "ClientType", - "formatter": 5 - }, - { - "columnMatch": "ClientVersion", - "formatter": 5 - }, - { - "columnMatch": "LastSeen", - "formatter": 6, - "formatOptions": { - "aggregation": "Max", - "customColumnWidthSetting": "30ch" - } - }, - { - "columnMatch": "FeedRefreshes", - "formatter": 4, - "formatOptions": { - "min": 0, - "palette": "gray", - "aggregation": "Sum", - "customColumnWidthSetting": "128px" - } - }, - { - "columnMatch": "Connections", - "formatter": 4, - "formatOptions": { - "min": 0, - "palette": "blue", - "aggregation": "Sum", - "customColumnWidthSetting": "115px" + "ySettings": { + "numberFormatSettings": { + "unit": 26, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "useGrouping": true, + "maximumFractionDigits": 1 } } - ], - "hierarchySettings": { - "treeType": 1, - "groupBy": [ - "ClientType" - ], - "expandTopLevel": true, - "finalBy": "ClientVersion" } - }, - "sortBy": [] + } }, - "customWidth": "42", - "name": "FeedRefreshesByClientAndVersion", - "styleSettings": { - "margin": "6px" - } + "name": "KeyUsageNumbersTiles" }, { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}' and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as Connections\r\n| where State == \"Connected\" and TimeGenerated <= {TimeRange:end}\r\n| join kind=inner\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where (Name == \"LaunchExecutable\" and Parameters.connectionStage == \"RdpShellAppExecuted\") or Name==\"RdpShellAppExecuted\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, Parameters=tostring(Parameters.filename)\r\n | extend Parameters=trim('\"', Parameters) // remove quotes for paths with spaces in them\r\n | extend Parameters=replace(@\"^(.*[\\\\\\/])\", \"\", tolower(Parameters)) // remove binary path to only keep file name\r\n | extend Parameters=replace(@\"!app\", @\"\\1\", Parameters) //inbox apps to readable format\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| summarize TotalLaunches=dcount(CorrelationId), DaysLaunched=dcount(bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)), Clients=dcount(ClientType) by Parameters\r\n| extend Subtitle=\"Launches / Days with usage\", Clients=strcat(\"Used on \", Clients, iif(Clients > 1, \" different \", \" \"), \"client\", iif(Clients > 1, \"s\", \"\"))\r\n| sort by TotalLaunches desc", - "size": 1, - "title": "Remote apps used", - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "tiles", - "tileSettings": { - "titleContent": { - "columnMatch": "Parameters", - "formatter": 1 - }, - "subtitleContent": { - "columnMatch": "Clients" - }, - "leftContent": { - "columnMatch": "TotalLaunches", - "formatter": 12, - "formatOptions": { - "palette": "auto" - }, - "numberFormat": { - "unit": 17, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "maximumFractionDigits": 2, - "maximumSignificantDigits": 3 - } - } - }, - "rightContent": { - "columnMatch": "DaysLaunched", - "formatter": 12, - "formatOptions": { - "palette": "auto" - } - }, - "secondaryContent": { - "columnMatch": "Subtitle", - "formatter": 1 - }, - "showBorder": false - } - }, - "customWidth": "50", - "name": "PopularResourceByUser" - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}' and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as Connections\r\n| where State == \"Started\" and TimeGenerated <= {TimeRange:end}\r\n| extend StartTime = TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=leftouter\r\n(\r\n Connections\r\n | where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and State == \"Completed\"\r\n | extend EndTime = TimeGenerated\r\n)\r\non CorrelationId\r\n| extend EndTime = coalesce(EndTime, {TimeRange:end})\r\n| where EndTime >= {TimeRange:start}\r\n// limit duration hours to our timeframe even if connection spanned the edges...\r\n| extend Duration = min_of(EndTime, {TimeRange:end}) - max_of(StartTime, {TimeRange:start})\r\n| summarize Duration = sum(Duration) by Host=trim_end(@\"\\..*\", SessionHostName)\r\n| project Host, UsageHours = Duration / 1h\r\n", - "size": 1, - "title": "Connection time by host", - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "piechart", - "chartSettings": { - "yAxis": [ - "UsageHours" - ], - "ySettings": { - "numberFormatSettings": { - "unit": 26, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "useGrouping": true, - "maximumFractionDigits": 1 - } - } - } - } - }, - "customWidth": "50", - "name": "HostUsageByUser" - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "let GetDaysInTimeRange = (Period:timespan) {\r\n // Get the number of days in the period, note the period MUST be longer than 1 day, and in full days\r\n max_of(toint(round(Period/1d, 0)), 1);\r\n};\r\nlet GetTimespanAverage = (Time:timespan, Period:timespan) {\r\n // Get the number of days in the period, note the period MUST be longer than 1 day, and in full days\r\n let Days = GetDaysInTimeRange(Period);\r\n // Total hours is the number of days*24, plus the hours\r\n let TotalHours = toint(format_timespan(Time, \"d\")) * 24 + toint(format_timespan(Time, \"H\"));\r\n // Calculate the average hours\r\n let AvgHours = TotalHours / Days;\r\n // We're rounding down for the average, figure out fractional hours left \r\n let MinuteResidue = toint(((1.0*TotalHours/Days) - AvgHours) * 60);\r\n // Total minutes is the number of minutes plus the residue from above\r\n let TotalMinutes = toint(format_timespan(Time, \"m\")) + MinuteResidue;\r\n // Calculate average minutes\r\n let AvgMinutes = toint(round(todouble(TotalMinutes) / Days));\r\n // Pad with zero if necessary\r\n let MinuteStr = iif(AvgMinutes < 10, strcat(\"0\", AvgMinutes), tostring(AvgMinutes));\r\n let Result = strcat(\"~ \", AvgHours, \":\", MinuteStr, \" h\");\r\n iif(Time/1s > 0, Result, '');\r\n};\r\nlet ProbeRange = range ProbeDay from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step 1d | extend JoinKey=1;\r\nWVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as UserConnections\r\n| where State == \"Started\" and TimeGenerated <= {TimeRange:end}\r\n| extend StartTime = TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=rightouter\r\n(\r\n UserConnections\r\n | where State == \"Completed\"\r\n | extend EndTime = TimeGenerated\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| extend StartTime = min_of(coalesce(StartTime, {TimeRange:start}), EndTime), UserName=coalesce(UserName,UserName1) // If the start time has fallen out of retention, it should not be set to after the EndTime\r\n| where StartTime between ({TimeRange:start} .. {TimeRange:end}) or // Connections starting in our date range\r\n EndTime between ({TimeRange:start} .. {TimeRange:end}) or // Connections ending in our date range\r\n (StartTime <= {TimeRange:start} and EndTime >= {TimeRange:end}) // Connections that started before and ended after the range\r\n| extend EndTime=min_of(EndTime, {TimeRange:end})-1s, StartTime=max_of(StartTime,{TimeRange:start})+1s // Crop connections to within the report boundary\r\n| extend Duration = EndTime-StartTime\r\n| sort by ClientType asc // Sort for Clients string to be homogenous\r\n| as UserUsage\r\n| join kind=leftouter\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where (Name == \"LaunchExecutable\" and Parameters.connectionStage == \"RdpShellAppExecuted\") or Name==\"RdpShellAppExecuted\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, Parameters=tostring(Parameters.filename)\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| summarize AppsToStartConnection=dcount(ResourceAlias),\r\n AppsUsed=dcount(Parameters),\r\n Connections=dcount(CorrelationId),\r\n Time=sum(Duration),\r\n ClientCount=dcount(ClientType)\r\n by UserName\r\n| join kind=leftouter \r\n(\r\n // Count days with usage\r\n UserUsage\r\n | extend JoinKey = 1\r\n | join kind=fullouter ProbeRange on JoinKey\r\n | make-series ConnectedToday=dcountif(CorrelationId, bin(ProbeDay, 1d) == bin(StartTime, 1d) or \r\n bin(ProbeDay, 1d) == bin(EndTime, 1d) or \r\n bin(ProbeDay, 1d) between (bin(StartTime, 1d)..bin(EndTime, 1d)))\r\n on ProbeDay from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step 1d by UserName\r\n | mv-expand ProbeDay to typeof(datetime), ConnectedToday to typeof(int)\r\n | summarize Days=countif(ConnectedToday > 0) by UserName\r\n) on UserName\r\n| project\r\n ['Days in time range']=GetDaysInTimeRange({TimeRange:end} - {TimeRange:start}),\r\n ['Days with usage']=coalesce(Days, 0),\r\n ['Apps to start connection']=coalesce(AppsToStartConnection, 0),\r\n ['Apps used']=coalesce(AppsUsed, 0),\r\n ['Connection count']=coalesce(Connections, 0),\r\n ['Connection time']=strcat(\"~ \", toint(format_timespan(Time, 'd'))*24+toint(format_timespan(Time, 'H')), \":\", format_timespan(Time, 'mm'), \" h\"),\r\n ['Average daily time']=GetTimespanAverage(Time,{TimeRange:end} - {TimeRange:start}),\r\n ['Client count']=coalesce(ClientCount, 0)\r\n| evaluate narrow()\r\n| project Metric=replace(@\"\\[|'|\\]\", \"\", Column), Value", - "size": 1, - "title": "Key usage numbers", - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "tiles", - "gridSettings": { - "formatters": [ - { - "columnMatch": "Days", - "formatter": 0, - "numberFormat": { - "unit": 27, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "useGrouping": false - } - } - }, - { - "columnMatch": "ConnectionTime", - "formatter": 0, - "numberFormat": { - "unit": 24, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "useGrouping": false, - "maximumSignificantDigits": 2 - } - } - } - ] - }, - "tileSettings": { - "titleContent": { - "columnMatch": "Metric", - "formatter": 1 - }, - "leftContent": { - "columnMatch": "Value", - "formatter": 12, - "formatOptions": { - "palette": "auto" - }, - "numberFormat": { - "unit": 17, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "maximumFractionDigits": 2, - "maximumSignificantDigits": 3 - } - } - }, - "showBorder": false - }, - "chartSettings": { - "ySettings": { - "numberFormatSettings": { - "unit": 26, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "useGrouping": true, - "maximumFractionDigits": 1 - } - } - } - } - }, - "name": "KeyUsageNumbersTiles" - }, - { - "type": 3, - "content": { - "version": "KqlItem/1.0", - "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\" and UserName == \"{UserName}\"\r\n| as ConnectionData\r\n| where State == \"Started\"\r\n| join kind = leftsemi\r\n(\r\n // Only include connections that actually reached the host to prevent short (failed) attempts from skewing the data\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where Source == \"RDStack\" and Name =~ \"RdpStackConnectionEstablished\" and _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n\r\n| join kind = inner\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"LoadBalancedNewConnection\"\r\n | extend LoadBalanceOutcome=Parameters.LoadBalanceOutcome\r\n | project CorrelationId, ConnectionBackground=case(LoadBalanceOutcome == \"NewSession\", \"New session\", LoadBalanceOutcome in (\"Active\", \"Disconnected\", \"Pending\"), \"Existing session\", LoadBalanceOutcome)\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| join kind = inner\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints // new session\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"ShellReady\" or (Name =~ \"LaunchExecutable\" and Parameters.connectionStage == \"RdpShellAppExecuted\") or Name=~\"RdpShellAppExecuted\"\r\n | project TimeNewSessions=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId\r\n | summarize TimeNewSessions=min(TimeNewSessions) by CorrelationId\r\n\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| join kind = inner ( \r\n ConnectionData // existent Sessions\r\n | where State == \"Connected\"\r\n | project TimeConnected=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| extend ProductiveTime = iff(ConnectionBackground==\"New session\",TimeNewSessions, TimeConnected)\r\n| join kind = leftouter\r\n( \r\n //OnCredentialsAcquisitionCompleted\t2021-09-13T16:48:50.4440000Z\tClient\t{\"CredentialType\":\"SavedPassword\",\"DurationMS\":\"9\",\"Success\":\"True\"}\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"OnCredentialsAcquisitionCompleted\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, credaquire = Parameters.DurationMS \r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| join kind = leftouter\r\n( \r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"SSOTokenRetrieval\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, ssotokeretrieval = Parameters.DurationMS\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| extend ProductiveTime = (ProductiveTime - TimeGenerated) / 1s - (coalesce(credaquire,0)/1000) - (coalesce(ssotokeretrieval,0)/1000)\r\n| make-series Median=percentile(ProductiveTime, 50) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by ConnectionBackground\r\n\r\n", - "size": 0, - "aggregation": 5, - "title": "Time to connect", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 - }, - "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", - "showExportToExcel": true, - "queryType": 0, - "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", - "crossComponentResources": [ - "{poolla}" - ], - "visualization": "unstackedbar", - "chartSettings": { - "ySettings": { - "numberFormatSettings": { - "unit": 24, - "options": { - "style": "decimal", - "useGrouping": true, - "maximumSignificantDigits": 2 - } - } - } - } - }, - "name": "TimeToConnectGraph" - }, - { - "type": 12, + "type": 12, "content": { "version": "NotebookGroup/1.0", "groupType": "editable", @@ -996,9 +637,6 @@ "size": 2, "title": "Connecting to {CorrelationHost}", "noDataMessage": "No errors were found for the selected session.", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 - }, "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "showExportToExcel": true, "queryType": 0, @@ -1180,9 +818,6 @@ "aggregation": 3, "title": "Ranking of errors impacting {wvdActivityType} activities for {UserName} in {TimeRange:label}", "noDataMessage": "No errors reported in the selected time period", - "timeContext": { - "durationMs": 0 - }, "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "exportFieldName": "label", "exportParameterName": "wvderror", @@ -1353,6 +988,378 @@ "styleSettings": { "showBorder": true } + }, + { + "type": 12, + "content": { + "version": "NotebookGroup/1.0", + "groupType": "editable", + "items": [ + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}'\r\n| where _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as SourceData\r\n| where State==\"Started\"\r\n| project-rename StartTime=TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=fullouter\r\n(\r\n SourceData\r\n | where State == \"Completed\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, SessionHostName, EndTime=TimeGenerated\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| project CorrelationId=coalesce(CorrelationId, CorrelationId1), StartTime=coalesce(StartTime, {TimeRange:start}), EndTime=coalesce(EndTime, {TimeRange:end}), SessionHostName=coalesce(SessionHostName, SessionHostName1)\r\n| extend ProbeTime = range(bin_at(StartTime, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start}), bin_at(EndTime + {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:end}), {TimeRange:grain})\r\n| mv-expand ProbeTime to typeof(datetime)\r\n| extend ConnectionContainsProbe = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime > ProbeTime),\r\n ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime + {TimeRange:grain} >= ProbeTime)\r\n| make-series Connections=dcountif(CorrelationId, ConnectionContainsProbe or ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket) on ProbeTime from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by Host=trim_end(@\"\\..*\", SessionHostName)", + "size": 1, + "title": "Connections over time for {UserName}", + "noDataMessage": "No connections detected for this user in the specified time frame.", + "showExportToExcel": true, + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "areachart", + "chartSettings": { + "showMetrics": false, + "showLegend": true + } + }, + "customWidth": "50", + "name": "ConnectionsbyUser" + } + ] + }, + "name": "Connections over time Group" + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDFeeds\r\n| where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{wvdworkspace}'\r\n| summarize LastSeen=max(TimeGenerated), FeedRefreshes=dcount(CorrelationId) by ClientType\r\n| join kind=fullouter\r\n(\r\n WVDConnections\r\n | where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n | summarize LastSeen=max(TimeGenerated), Connections=dcount(CorrelationId) by ClientType\r\n) on ClientType\r\n| project ClientType=coalesce(ClientType, ClientType1), Subtitle=\"Connections / Feed refrehes\", LastSeen=max_of(LastSeen, LastSeen1), FeedRefreshes=coalesce(FeedRefreshes, 0), Connections=coalesce(Connections, 0)\r\n| extend ClientTypeShort=replace(\"\", \"\", ClientType)\r\n| sort by Connections desc", + "size": 0, + "title": "Select a client", + "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", + "exportFieldName": "ClientType", + "exportParameterName": "SelectedClientType", + "exportDefaultValue": "*", + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "tiles", + "gridSettings": { + "sortBy": [ + { + "itemKey": "LastSeen", + "sortOrder": 2 + } + ] + }, + "sortBy": [ + { + "itemKey": "LastSeen", + "sortOrder": 2 + } + ], + "tileSettings": { + "titleContent": { + "columnMatch": "ClientTypeShort", + "formatter": 1 + }, + "subtitleContent": { + "columnMatch": "Subtitle" + }, + "leftContent": { + "columnMatch": "Connections", + "formatter": 12, + "formatOptions": { + "min": -1, + "max": 0, + "palette": "blue" + } + }, + "rightContent": { + "columnMatch": "FeedRefreshes", + "formatter": 12, + "formatOptions": { + "min": -1, + "max": 0, + "palette": "orange" + }, + "numberFormat": { + "unit": 0, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "maximumSignificantDigits": 2 + } + } + }, + "secondaryContent": { + "columnMatch": "LastSeen", + "formatter": 6, + "dateFormat": { + "formatName": "shortDateTimePattern" + }, + "tooltipFormat": { + "tooltip": "Last seen time" + } + }, + "showBorder": true + } + }, + "customWidth": "16", + "name": "ClientTiles", + "styleSettings": { + "maxWidth": "250px" + } + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}' and UserName == '{UserName}' and (\"{SelectedClientType}\" == \"*\" or ClientType == \"{SelectedClientType}\")\r\n| as SourceData\r\n| where State==\"Started\"\r\n| project-rename StartTime=TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=fullouter\r\n(\r\n SourceData\r\n | where State == \"Completed\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, ClientVersion, ClientType, EndTime=TimeGenerated\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| project CorrelationId=coalesce(CorrelationId, CorrelationId1), StartTime=coalesce(StartTime, {TimeRange:start}), EndTime=coalesce(EndTime, {TimeRange:end}), ClientType=coalesce(ClientType, ClientType1), ClientVersion=coalesce(ClientVersion, ClientVersion1)\r\n| extend ClientTypeShort=replace(\"\", \"\", ClientType), ProbeTime = range(bin_at(StartTime, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:start}), bin_at(EndTime + {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:grain}, {TimeRange:end}), {TimeRange:grain})\r\n| mv-expand ProbeTime to typeof(datetime)\r\n| extend ConnectionContainsProbe = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime > ProbeTime),\r\n ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket = (StartTime < ProbeTime and EndTime + {TimeRange:grain} >= ProbeTime)\r\n| make-series Connections=dcountif(CorrelationId, ConnectionContainsProbe or ConnectionEndedInPreviousBucket) on ProbeTime from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by Client=strcat(ClientTypeShort, \" v\", ClientVersion)\r\n\r\n", + "size": 0, + "title": "Connections by client and version", + "noDataMessage": "No connections found for the configured filters.", + "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", + "showExportToExcel": true, + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "areachart", + "sortBy": [], + "chartSettings": { + "showMetrics": false, + "showLegend": true + } + }, + "customWidth": "42", + "name": "ConnectionsByClientAndVersion", + "styleSettings": { + "margin": "6px" + } + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "//aligning to this:\r\nWVDConnectionNetworkData\r\n| join kind=inner (WVDConnections\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\" and UserName == \"{UserName}\"\r\n | project UserName, GatewayRegion, CorrelationId\r\n | where GatewayRegion != \"<>\"\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| project-away CorrelationId1\r\n| make-series Median=percentile(EstRoundTripTimeInMs, 50) default=0, p95=percentile(EstRoundTripTimeInMs, 95) default=0 on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}", + "size": 0, + "aggregation": 3, + "title": "RTT median and 95th percentile", + "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "timechart" + }, + "name": "User Rtt Time Chart" + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\" and UserName == \"{UserName}\"\r\n| as ConnectionData\r\n| where State == \"Started\"\r\n| join kind = leftsemi\r\n(\r\n // Only include connections that actually reached the host to prevent short (failed) attempts from skewing the data\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where Source == \"RDStack\" and Name =~ \"RdpStackConnectionEstablished\" and _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n\r\n| join kind = inner\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"LoadBalancedNewConnection\"\r\n | extend LoadBalanceOutcome=Parameters.LoadBalanceOutcome\r\n | project CorrelationId, ConnectionBackground=case(LoadBalanceOutcome == \"NewSession\", \"New session\", LoadBalanceOutcome in (\"Active\", \"Disconnected\", \"Pending\"), \"Existing session\", LoadBalanceOutcome)\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| join kind = inner\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints // new session\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"ShellReady\" or (Name =~ \"LaunchExecutable\" and Parameters.connectionStage == \"RdpShellAppExecuted\") or Name=~\"RdpShellAppExecuted\"\r\n | project TimeNewSessions=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId\r\n | summarize TimeNewSessions=min(TimeNewSessions) by CorrelationId\r\n\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| join kind = inner ( \r\n ConnectionData // existent Sessions\r\n | where State == \"Connected\"\r\n | project TimeConnected=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| extend ProductiveTime = iff(ConnectionBackground==\"New session\",TimeNewSessions, TimeConnected)\r\n| join kind = leftouter\r\n( \r\n //OnCredentialsAcquisitionCompleted\t2021-09-13T16:48:50.4440000Z\tClient\t{\"CredentialType\":\"SavedPassword\",\"DurationMS\":\"9\",\"Success\":\"True\"}\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"OnCredentialsAcquisitionCompleted\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, credaquire = Parameters.DurationMS \r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| join kind = leftouter\r\n( \r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where _ResourceId =~ \"{HostPool}\"\r\n | where Name =~ \"SSOTokenRetrieval\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, ssotokeretrieval = Parameters.DurationMS\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| extend ProductiveTime = (ProductiveTime - TimeGenerated) / 1s - (coalesce(credaquire,0)/1000) - (coalesce(ssotokeretrieval,0)/1000)\r\n| make-series Median=percentile(ProductiveTime, 50) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by ConnectionBackground\r\n\r\n", + "size": 0, + "aggregation": 5, + "title": "Time to connect", + "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", + "showExportToExcel": true, + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "unstackedbar", + "chartSettings": { + "ySettings": { + "numberFormatSettings": { + "unit": 24, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "useGrouping": true, + "maximumSignificantDigits": 2 + } + } + } + } + }, + "name": "TimeToConnectGraph" + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}' and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as Connections\r\n| where State == \"Connected\" and TimeGenerated <= {TimeRange:end}\r\n| join kind=inner\r\n(\r\n WVDCheckpoints\r\n | where (Name == \"LaunchExecutable\" and Parameters.connectionStage == \"RdpShellAppExecuted\") or Name==\"RdpShellAppExecuted\"\r\n | project CorrelationId, Parameters=tostring(Parameters.filename)\r\n | extend Parameters=trim('\"', Parameters) // remove quotes for paths with spaces in them\r\n | extend Parameters=replace(@\"^(.*[\\\\\\/])\", \"\", tolower(Parameters)) // remove binary path to only keep file name\r\n | extend Parameters=replace(@\"!app\", @\"\\1\", Parameters) //inbox apps to readable format\r\n) on CorrelationId\r\n| summarize TotalLaunches=dcount(CorrelationId), DaysLaunched=dcount(bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)), Clients=dcount(ClientType) by Parameters\r\n| extend Subtitle=\"Launches / Days with usage\", Clients=strcat(\"Used on \", Clients, iif(Clients > 1, \" different \", \" \"), \"client\", iif(Clients > 1, \"s\", \"\"))\r\n| sort by TotalLaunches desc", + "size": 1, + "title": "Remote apps used", + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "tiles", + "tileSettings": { + "titleContent": { + "columnMatch": "Parameters", + "formatter": 1 + }, + "subtitleContent": { + "columnMatch": "Clients" + }, + "leftContent": { + "columnMatch": "TotalLaunches", + "formatter": 12, + "formatOptions": { + "palette": "auto" + }, + "numberFormat": { + "unit": 17, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "maximumFractionDigits": 2, + "maximumSignificantDigits": 3 + } + } + }, + "rightContent": { + "columnMatch": "DaysLaunched", + "formatter": 12, + "formatOptions": { + "palette": "auto" + } + }, + "secondaryContent": { + "columnMatch": "Subtitle", + "formatter": 1 + }, + "showBorder": false + } + }, + "customWidth": "50", + "name": "PopularResourceByUser" + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDConnections\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}' and _ResourceId =~ '{HostPool}'\r\n| as Connections\r\n| where State == \"Started\" and TimeGenerated <= {TimeRange:end}\r\n| extend StartTime = TimeGenerated\r\n| join kind=leftouter\r\n(\r\n Connections\r\n | where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and State == \"Completed\"\r\n | extend EndTime = TimeGenerated\r\n)\r\non CorrelationId\r\n| extend EndTime = coalesce(EndTime, {TimeRange:end})\r\n| where EndTime >= {TimeRange:start}\r\n// limit duration hours to our timeframe even if connection spanned the edges...\r\n| extend Duration = min_of(EndTime, {TimeRange:end}) - max_of(StartTime, {TimeRange:start})\r\n| summarize Duration = sum(Duration) by Host=trim_end(@\"\\..*\", SessionHostName)\r\n| project Host, UsageHours = Duration / 1h\r\n", + "size": 1, + "title": "Connection time by host", + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "piechart", + "chartSettings": { + "yAxis": [ + "UsageHours" + ], + "ySettings": { + "numberFormatSettings": { + "unit": 26, + "options": { + "style": "decimal", + "useGrouping": true, + "maximumFractionDigits": 1 + } + } + } + } + }, + "customWidth": "50", + "name": "HostUsageByUser" + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDFeeds\r\n| where UserName == '{UserName}' and _ResourceId =~ '{wvdworkspace}'\r\n| make-series FeedCount = dcount(CorrelationId) default=long(0) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain}", + "size": 1, + "title": "Feed refreshes over time for {UserName}", + "noDataMessage": "No feed refreshes for this user in the specified time frame.", + "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", + "showExportToExcel": true, + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "barchart", + "chartSettings": { + "showMetrics": false + } + }, + "customWidth": "50", + "name": "FeedRefreshesByUser" + }, + { + "type": 3, + "content": { + "version": "KqlItem/1.0", + "query": "WVDFeeds\r\n| where UserName == \"{UserName}\" and _ResourceId =~ '{wvdworkspace}' and (\"{SelectedClientType}\" == \"*\" or ClientType == \"{SelectedClientType}\")\r\n| extend ClientTypeShort=replace(\"\", \"\", ClientType)\r\n| make-series FeedRefreshes=dcount(CorrelationId) on TimeGenerated from {TimeRange:start} to {TimeRange:end} step {TimeRange:grain} by strcat(ClientTypeShort, \" v\", ClientVersion)\r\n", + "size": 0, + "title": "Feed refreshes by client and version", + "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", + "showExportToExcel": true, + "queryType": 0, + "resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces", + "crossComponentResources": [ + "{poolla}" + ], + "visualization": "areachart", + "gridSettings": { + "formatters": [ + { + "columnMatch": "ClientType", + "formatter": 5 + }, + { + "columnMatch": "ClientVersion", + "formatter": 5 + }, + { + "columnMatch": "LastSeen", + "formatter": 6, + "formatOptions": { + "aggregation": "Max", + "customColumnWidthSetting": "30ch" + } + }, + { + "columnMatch": "FeedRefreshes", + "formatter": 4, + "formatOptions": { 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