Releases: microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-java
Releases · microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-java
- Weekly generation.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Models and requests referencing the newly added models and requests have been updated to reflect the added models/requests.
- Models and requests referencing the newly removed models and requests have been updated to reflect the removed models/requests.
- ManagedTenant Namespace:
- ManagementTemplateCollectionTenantSummary model and related requests
- ManagementTemplateStepTenantSummary model and related requests.
- Main Graph Namespace:
- ActionCapability model.
- ChannelSummary model.
- ChatMessageActions model.
- ChatMessageHistoryItem model.
- CloudPcPartnerAgent models.
- CloudPcProvisioningType model.
- CloudPcRegionGroup model.
- CloudPcRemoteActionCapability model.
- CloudPcRemoteActionName model.
- IdentityProviderState model.
- LayoutTemplateType model.
- LoginPageLayoutConfiguration model.
- MetaDataKey models.
- OnPremisesAccidentalDeletionPrevention model.
- PageLayoutType model.
- PagePromotionType model.
- PresenceStatusMessage model.
- ReactionsFacet model.
- SectionEmphasisType model.
- SegmentConfiguration models.
- ServerProcessedContent model.
- ShiftWorkCloudPcAccessState model.
- TitleArea models.
- UserExperienceAnalyticsDeviceScopeSummary model.
- WebPartData model.
- WebPartPosition model.
- ApplicationSegment, WebApplicationSegment, IpApplicationSegment models and related request.
- AzureCommunicationServicesUserConversationMember model and related requests.
- BrowserSharedCookie models and related requests.
- BrowserSite models and related requests.
- BusinessScenario models and related requests.
- CanvasLayout model and related requests.
- CloudPCGetShiftWorkCloudPcAccessState models and related requests.
- CloudPCGetSupportedCloudPcRemoteActions models and related requests.
- CloudPcReportsGetSharedUseLicenseUsageReport models and related requests.
- CloudPCRetryPartnerAgentInstallation models and related requests.
- CorsConfiguration_v2 models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyReorder models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementPartnerTerminate models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetEncryptionReportForDevices models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetMobileApplicationManagementAppConfigurationReport models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementUserExperienceAnalyticsSummarizedDeviceScopes models and related requests.
- HorizontalSection models and related requests.
- InternetExplorerMode model and related requests.
- MacOSMicrosoftDefenderApp model and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceEndRemoteHelpSession models and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceInitiateMobileDeviceManagementKeyRecovery models and related requests.
- OnPremisesDirectorySynchronization models and related requests.
- Planner models and related requests.
- PresenceSetStatusMessage models and related requests.
- ReportRootGetTeamsTeamCounts models and related requests.
- SitePageGetWebPartsByPosition models and related requests.
- StandardWebPart model and related requests.
- Edge model and related requests.
- TextWebPart model and related requests.
- VerticalSection model and related requests.
- WebPartGetPositionOfWebPart models and related requests.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Models and requests referencing the newly added models and requests have been updated to reflect the removed models/requests.
- Removed OrganizationalMessage models and related requests.
- Removed DeviceManagement requests and models related to OrganizationalMessage.
- Removed UserExperienceAnalyticsRegressionSummary models and related requests.
- ChatMessageActions model.
- ChatMessageHistoryItem model.
- CloudPcProvisioningType model.
- OnPremisesAccidentalDeletionPrevention model.
- UserExperienceAnalyticsDeviceScopeSummary model.
- BrowserSharedCookie models and related requests.
- BrowserSite models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyReorder models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementPartnerTerminate models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetEncryptionReportForDevices models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetMobileApplicationManagementAppConfigurationReport models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementUserExperienceAnalyticsSummarizedDeviceScopes models and related requests.
- Edge model and related requests.
- InternetExplorerMode model and related requests.
- MacOSMicrosoftDefenderApp model and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceEndRemoteHelpSession models and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceInitiateMobileDeviceManagementKeyRecovery models and related requests.
- OnPremisesDirectorySynchronization models and related requests.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Models and requests referencing the newly added models and requests have been updated to reflect the removed models/requests.
- Added lots of models and requests to the ManagedTenant namespace.
- AttachmentContentProperties model.
- AuthenticationApp* models.
- CollapseProperty model.
- OpticalCharacterRecognitionConfiguration model.
- ChatMessageSetReaction models and related requests.
- ChatMessageUnsetReaction models and related requests.
- CloudPcCrossCloudGovernmentOrganizationMapping model and related requests.
- PrintUsage requests.
- Added the following models and requests to the ManagedTenants namespace:
- ManagedTenant alert models and related requests.
- ManagedTenant email models and related requests.
- ManagedTenant api models and related requests.
- ManagedTenant notification models and related requests.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Models and requests referencing the newly added models and requests have been updated to reflect the removed models/requests.
- AccessPackageMoveToCatalog models and related requests.
- CloudPcExportJob models and related requests.
- CloudPcReports models and related requests.
- ConditionalAccessTemplate model and related requests.
- DeviceCompliancePolicyGetNoncompliantDevicesToRetire models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementGetOrganizationalMessageTenantConsent models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementPostOrganizationalMessageTenantConsent models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetMobileApplicationManagementAppRegistrationSummaryReport models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementUpdateOrganizationalMessageTenantConsent models and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceEnrollNowAction models and related requests.
- MicrosoftTunnelServerGenerateServerLog models and related requests.
- MicrosoftTunnelServerLogCollectionResponseGenerateDownloadUrl models and related requests.
- UserExperienceAnalyticsAnomaly models and related requests.
- AssociatedAssignmentPayloadType model.
- CloudPcReportName model.
- ConditionalAccessPolicyDetail model.
- DeviceManagementPriorityMetaData model.
- MobileThreatDefensePartnerPriority model.
- OrganizationalMessageTenantConsent model.
- PayloadByFilter model.
- SearchContent model.
- ServicePrincipalLockConfiguration model.
- SharePointOneDriveOptions model.
- TemplateScenarios model.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Models and requests referencing the newly added models and requests have been updated to reflect the removed models/requests.
- Removed MeetingChatMode model.
- AppliedAuthenticationEventListener model.
- AuthenticationEventHandlerResult model.
- AuthenticationEventType model.
- CustomExtensionCalloutResult model.
- WatermarkProtectionValues model.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Models and requests referencing the newly added models and requests have been updated to reflect the removed models/requests.
- Removed ConnectionQuota requests from the ExternalConnectors namespace.
- Removed AzureADFeatureUsage models and related requests.
- Removed AzureADLicenseUsage models and realted requests.
- Removed AzureADUserFeatureUsage models and related requests.
- Removed RestrictedSignIn model and related requests.
- Removed the AzureADLicenseType model.
- Removed FeatureUsageDetail model.
- Removed LicenseInfoDetail model.
- AuthenticationCombinationConfiguration model and related requests.
- AuthenticationMethodModeDetail model and related requests.
- AuthenticationStrengthPolicy models and related requests.
- AuthenticationStrengthRoot model and related requests.
- DriveItemAssignSensitivityLabel models and related requests.
- Fido2CombinationConfiguration model and related requests.
- AuthenticationMethodFeatureConfiguration model.
- AuthenticationMethodModes model.
- AuthenticationStrengthRequirements model.
- AuthenticationStrengthUsage model.
- BaseAuthenticationMethod model.
- CloudPcDiskEncryptionState model.
- ConditionalAccess models.
- CrossTenantAccessPolicyTenantRestrictions model.
- DevicesFilter model.
- FeatureTarget models.
- MicrosoftAuthenticatorFeatureSettings model.
- UpdateAllowedCombinationsResult model.
- CaseExportOperationC requests added to the ediscovery namespace.
- Models and Requests added to the newly added DeviceManagement namespace.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- DataProcessorServiceForWindowsFeaturesOnboarding model.
- DetectedAppPlatformType model.
- SubjectSet model.
- CreateRemoteHelpSessionResponse model and requests.
- DeletedItemContainer model and requests.
- ManagedDeviceCreateRemoteHelpSession models and requests.
- ManagedDeviceRequestRemoteHelpSessionAccess models and requests.
- ManagedDeviceRetrieveRemoteHelpSession models and requests.
- RequestRemoteHelpSessionAccessResponse model and requests.
- RetrieveRemoteHelpSessionResponse model and requests.
- WinGetApp models and requests.
- Models and Requests added to the IdentityGovernance namespace.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- VerifiedPublisher property added to ServicePrincipal model.
- Updated beta models and request builders generated using Typewriter, based on latest Beta-Metadata.
- Model and request classes related to the newly added entities have been modified to reference the newly added models and requests.
- Security namespace has been expanded to include broadened functionality.
- ExternalConnectors namespace has been expanded to included broadened functionality.
- AccessPackageSubjectLifecycle model.
- AndroidDeviceOwnerCertificateAccessType model.
- AndroidDeviceOwnerSilentCertificateAccess model.
- AuthenticationConfigurationValidation model.
- AzureCommunicationServicesUserIdentity model.
- CloudPcHealthCheckItem model.
- CloudPCRestoreParameterSet models.
- CloudPcSupportedRegionStatus model.
- CommunicationsApplication models.
- Communications Identities models.
- DeviceDeltaParameterSet models.
- DeviceLicensingStatus model.
- GroupPeerOutlierRecommendationInsightSettings model.
- GroupPolicyConfigurationIngestionType model.
- HttpRequestEndpoint model.
- IngestionSource model.
- OfficeSuiteDefaultFileFormatType model.
- OutlierContainerType model.
- OutlierMemberType model.
- PowerliftDownloadRequest model.
- PowerliftIncidentMetadata model.
- RequestSignatureVerification model.
- SupportedClaimConfiguration model.
- TenantInformation model.
- VpnOnDemandRuleInterfaceTypeMatch model.
- WeakAlgorithms model.
- AdminReportSettings model and related requests.
- AuthenticationCondition models and related requests.
- AuthenticationEventListener model and related requests.
- CallTranscript model and related requests.
- CloudPcConnectivityEvent models and related requests.
- CustomAuthenticationExtension models and related requests.
- DeviceManagementReportsGetNoncompliantDevicesAndSettingsReport models and related requests.
- EmployeeExperience model and related requests.
- GroupPolicyUploadedPresentation model and related requests.
- LearningContent model and related requests.
- LearningProvider model and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceAppDiagnostics models and related requests.
- ManagedDeviceDownloadAppDiagnostics models and related requests.
- MembershipOutlierInsight model and related requests.
- OnTokenIssuanceStart models and related requests.
- OrganizationalMessage models and related requests.
- SecurityReportsRoot models and related requests.
- SecurityRunHuntingQuery models and related requests.
- SolutionsRoot model and requests.
- TeamTemplate models and related requests.
- TenantRelationshipFindTenantInformation models and related requests.
- UnifiedRoleDefinitionAssignedPrincipals models and related requests.
- VirtualAppointment models and related requests.
- Workspace model and related requests.
- Models and Requests added to the ExternalConncectors namespace.
- Models and Requests added to the Security namespace.