Joseph's Notes
Check out the repo and read the first file.
git clone && \
cd star-wars-command-line-master/rebel-traitor-hunt/ && \
cat instructions-from-vader
Ok, find traitor and SECURITY-BREACH
is the answer file to confirm.
Protect that for now.
chmod 000 contact_vader
Examine the layout
cd death-star; tree -d
Don't want to accidentally cat the hints
rm -f hint*
Ok let's go.
grep -i traitor interviews/*
interview-699607:Trooper stated that the only intel she has is that the traitors armor was severely battle damaged, a late Kamino make, and had a TK ID number that starts with a "113" and ends in an "8".
less armor-info
Too many, but shows the formatting of the data.
less imperial-personnel
Too many. But it gives the look up hint at the beginning.
Alexsandr Kallus M 36 Lothal Barracks, line 318
Line 318 of "barracks/Lothal"
Find the armor
grep -B1 -i 'kamino' armor-info | grep '113'
These all end with -8
already. Let's get the clean numbers
grep -B1 -i 'kamino' armor-info | grep '113' | cut -d\# -f2 | tr -d ' '
Build first suspect list with that info.
for xx in $(grep -B1 -i 'kamino' armor-info | grep '113' | cut -d\# -f2 | tr -d ' '); do printf '\n'; grep -A5 $xx armor-info; done >> mysuspects.txt
Distill the data into a list of names
grep Owner mysuspects.txt | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\ -f2-
Find out about these people. Input field separator will need to be newline for spaces to work in the loop.
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b"); for xx in $(grep Owner mysuspects.txt | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\ -f2-); do grep $xx imperial-personnel; done
Hmm no results.
What are memberships?
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b"); for xx in $(grep Owner mysuspects.txt | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\ -f2-); do grep $xx memberships/*; done
What are these files?
I forgot about the breach! Let's try that one.
grep SECURITY-BREACH stormtrooper-report-log
Three new clues:
SECURITY-BREACH: It appears that this may be an inside job. Footage from a mouse droid is blurry but shows that the traitor is a tall male, at least 6', wearing stormtrooper armor.
SECURITY-BREACH: The last known retinal scan of the traitor shows that he is affiliated with the Imperial Dejarik Club, Blue Milkaholics Anonymous, Ewotic Ewoks, and Aim Like A Stormtrooper 101. The rest of the data showing his name and identity have been tampered with...
SECURITY-BREACH: A female trooper with the alias of "Salacius" was the last known trooper to have interacted with the traitor.
Someone imperial, male, tall, clubs, and check into reports. This narrows the suspects.
grep -A1 -B4 "Height: 6" mysuspects.txt > mysuspects2.txt
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b"); for xx in $(grep Owner mysuspects2.txt | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\ -f2-); do grep $xx memberships/*; done
memberships/Aim_Like_A_Stormtrooper_101:Richard LeParmentier
memberships/Blue_Milkaholics_Anonymous:Richard LeParmentier
memberships/Ewotic_Ewoks:Richard LeParmentier
memberships/Imperial_Dejarik_Club:Richard LeParmentier
memberships/Aim_Like_A_Stormtrooper_101:Janthaus Staucks
(Looking back, I could have stopped here, but I wasn't sure if I had all of the evidence yet!)
What's in the barracks?
grep traitor barracks/*
Check into this Salacius woman.
grep Salacius armor-info
Not a trooper.
grep -n Salacius imperial-personnel
Two females match out of four people with this name.
298:Salacius Sun F 26 Plasteel Barracks, line 40
1690:Salacius Church F 38 Bespin Barracks, line 179
Let's check out this barracks.
head -n 40 barracks/Plasteel | tail -1
grep "SEE INTERVIEW" barracks/*
Too many.
(That result list turned out to be a bug!)
Try the other barracks.
head -n 179 barracks/Bespin | tail -1
These refer to files. We've seen 66907 already from earlier.
cat interviews/interview-47246024
This trooper has been on holiday in Utapau for the last 3 weeks, has no intel.
HM. I'm a bit confused. Let's reread the original starting document and try keywords. Also what could be in Palpatine's journal?
grep -Pi 'go+?d' palpatines-personal-journal
grep -ri "Richard LeParmentier" *
grep -ri "Janthaus Staucks" *
grep -ri documents *
grep -ri force *
grep -ri SHEEV
The signature seems consistent.
grep -i traitor palpatines-personal-journal
grep -ri membership *
interviews/interview-29741223:Should not be considered a suspect, has no SkyMiles membership and has never been a member of the Museum of Bash History.
(Bug remnants!)
grep -ri 'has never' *
interviews/interview-174898:The license plate of Keefe's Mazda matches the witness's description, but the make is wrong, and Keefe has never been a SkyMiles member. Shouldn't be considered a suspect.
interviews/interview-29741223:Should not be considered a suspect, has no SkyMiles membership and has never been a member of the Museum of Bash History.
interviews/interview-30259493:Shaw knew the victim, but has never been a SkyMiles member and has a solid alibi for the morning in question. Not considered a suspect.
grep -ri skymiles
interviews/interview-290346:Is a SkyMiles, TCPL, Museum of Bash History, and AAA member.
grep -ri "license" *
interviews/interview-56892213:He's tall enough to be a suspect, but he drives a Subaru, not a Honda, and the license plate doesn't match.
interviews/interview-737609:Keller's car matches the description, but not his license plate.
grep -ri keller
interviews/interview-737609:Keller is also shorter than the killer.
Killer? We are looking for an infiltrator. What is this, a subplot? With cars?
grep -ri killer
interviews/interview-2939888:Billings should not be considered a suspect, she is too short to match the camera footage and the killer is believed to be male.
grep -ri Billings
armor-info:Owner: Heather Billings
imperial-personnel:Heather Billings F 38 Culbert Barracks, line 19
That line 19 just leads back to the interview found.
grep -C6 "Heather Billings" armor-info
TK ID# L337369
Make: Utapau
Condition: Pristine
Owner: Heather Billings
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 244 lbs
grep -C6 "Al Shaw" imperial-personnel
TK ID# L337X19
Make: Geonosis
Condition: Pristine
Owner: Al Shaw
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs
I dont know if this goes anywhere.
Why would the traitor use underscores in the log?
grep -ri prune_faced *
grep -ri bantha_poo *
grep -ri cant_believe *
grep -ri my_grandma *
Well his paternal grandmother is not an imperial citizen or stormtrooper.
Let's recheck all SEE INTERVIEWS then.
for xx in $(grep "SEE INTERVIEW" barracks/* | cut -d\# -f2); do echo -ne $xx": "; cat interviews/interview-$xx | tr -s '\n' ' '; echo; done
Hmm that's a lot data.
(And wasn't supposed to be there!)
Reference barracks lines.
grep -n "SEE INTERVIEW" barracks/* | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d: -f1-2 | tr -s ':' ' '
Cross-reference their interview to their personnel file.
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b"); for xx in $(grep -n "SEE INTERVIEW" barracks/* | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d: -f1-2 | tr -s ':' ' '); do aa=$(echo $xx | cut -d\ -f1 | tr -d '_'); bb=$(echo $xx | cut -d\ -f2); grep $aa imperial-personnel | grep $bb; grep $(echo $xx | cut -d\ -f2) barracks/$(echo $xx | cut -d\ -f1); done
This is also a lot more data.
At this point I'm going to go with the guy connected to the most clubs, TK 113Q4H8 Richard LeParmentier
echo "113Q4H8" | $(command -v md5 || command -v md5sum) | grep -qif .5dmtcerroc && echo "$(cat .5dmrewsna)" || echo "$(cat .5dmgnorw)"
Vader is pleased.