Main target: I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.
Actually it is a challenge for 100 days to make a habit of everyday coding to develop my skill sets. I inspired by Alexander Kallaway #100DaysOfCode challenge. More details about the challenge can be found here: or the official repo.
Start Date | End Date |
25 May, 2017 | -------- |
- Make habit of coding daily & learn everyday
- Revisit HTML, CSS, JS for deeper knowledge
- Make some real world projects for my portfolio
- Get a good grap on Node JS & server-side javascript
- Complete FCC certification
No | Project Title | Completed On |
1 | Flat Login Template | Day 1 |
2 | Creative Login/Signup Template | Day 2 |
3 | Rivet - Simple Blog Template | Day 6 |
4 | React Weather App | Day 15 |
5 | React Youtube App | Day 25 |
Today's Progress:
- Revised the basic HTML & CSS
- Completed a "Flat Login Template" project
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: center an element on a page using
Thoughts: At last able to start the chellenge and do some real coding. Enjoyed the time and work. Wish to have a great journey.
Today's Progress:
- Continue revising the HTML & CSS
- Completed a "Creative Login/Singup Template" project
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: details about
Thoughts: Things are going well. As today was a weekend, I got some more time to learn some confusing topics of CSS. Feeling active. ππ
Today's Progress:
- Deep drive into Responsive Design
- Completed "Learn Responsive Design" inter-active course on Codecademy
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: details about
property - CSS: apply different style based on DPI (
Thoughts: Not a bad day at all. Though it seems like missing doing some commit on github. ππ
Today's Progress:
- Learning
CSS preprocessor - Completed "Learn Sass" course on Codecademy
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: details about SCSS
Thoughts: Interactive courses (like freecodecamp, codecademy) are great for learning new topics with some hands-on coding. I should complete some more interactive courses on those.
Today's Progress:
- Learning about
css & CSSBEM
coding styles - Working on a HTML5 Blog template
Link to work:
- Project was not finished today. Hope it'll finish tomorrow.
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: moduler css application and benifits, why & how
Thoughts: It was a busy day for learning new things so got fewer things done today. Hope can do some more tomorrow.
Today's Progress:
- Completed yesterday's blog template project "Rivet | Simple Blog Template"
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Issues of building a responsive site manually without any framework
Thoughts: It is really hard to create and maintain a responsive site without organized code. It's also very time consuming. Got a better realization why those CSS frameworks are so much popular. I think speed will come through experience. π
Today's Progress:
- Deep dirve into CSS3 properties and animation
- Started some small animation transition projects
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS:
property & CSS3 animations
Thoughts: After all, the journey going well. Completed 1st week of the journey. It's motivaing me to carry on. Not a bad progress over-all.
Today's Progress:
- It was an off day. There were some family program.
Link to work:
- None
New thing(s) learned:
- None
Thoughts: It's better to sometime take a break. Feeling fresh.
Today's Progress:
- Deep dirve Bootstrap framework
- Started a bootstrap project wish to finish tomorrow
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- Bootstrap:
details and how to create
Thoughts: It's time to speed up some building process with frameworks. As expected, Bootstrap is the first one to look at. Wish to do some quality projects with Bootstrap.
Today's Progress:
- Revisit to Javascript World
- A deep drive into MDN JS
- Started "Learn JavaScript" course on Codecademy
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- JS revisied, nothing much new.
Thoughts: JS is a must have tool for all kind of developer. Though I have some pending CSS animation and Bootstrap projects, I want to start the JS so that I can use them on those projects too. Actually we don't go too far in the frontend world without JS. It's like the opening door of the real power of web. πͺπͺ
Today's Progress:
- Continue "Learn JavaScript" course on Codecademy
- Started eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- JS revisied, nothing much new.
Thoughts: I should completed the codecademy course today. Btw, the eBook will be a good start to deep drive into JS. Wish to complete it as soon as possible.
Today's Progress:
- Completed "Learn JavaScript" course on Codecademy
- Continue reading eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: few
Thoughts: Not a bad progress overall. Time to do some project again.
Today's Progress:
- Getting Started with React JS
- Revised completed course "Learn ReactJS: Part I" on Codecademy
- Continue reading eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" [Ch-3] by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: React
- Component based web app development
Thoughts: Though I had some experience with React previously, I wanted to have a fresh start. Modern Javascript frameworks like ReactJS/VueJS can bring great power to projects if can be implemented properly. React completely forces the developers to think differently.
Today's Progress:
- Started a little "React Weather App" project
- Continue reading eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" [Ch-3] by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
boilerplate usage
Thoughts: Things going well. Hope the first react project will complete tomorrow.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on "React Weather App" project
- Continue reading eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" [Ch-4] by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing much new things today.
Thoughts: Best way to learn a new technology is to create some real project after learning the basic. In a nutshell, learning by doing. But we must not skip the theoritical part though.
Today's Progress:
- Completed "React Weather App" project
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: React component life cycles & it's usages
- OpenWeatherMap api usages & data fetching
- Production ready app properties
- Continious deployment cycle on cloud server
Thoughts: Finally completed my first production ready React app and deployed on live server. Though it is a small app & there was a step by step guide, but understanding the different parts and under delaying working theories & mechanisms were the main parts of the project. It took some extra time to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together but I think the time worth it. πππ
Today's Progress:
- Started new course 30 Days of React by Seems a good complete intro to React.
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
- Continue reading eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" [Ch-5] by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: React component nesting, parent-chield relationship building, static component, dynamic component, data-driven component
Thoughts: It's time to take a deeper look into React. #30DaysOfReact will be a good start for that I think. Hope can complete it soon.
Today's Progress:
- Continue course 30 Days of React by [Day: 3-7]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
- Continue reading eBook "Eloquent JavaScript" [Ch-6] by Marijn Haverbeke
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: in-depth react component life cycle hooks
Thoughts: I was little bit busy last few days so couldn't do much. But in the end of the day every bit of little effort counts.
Today's Progress:
- Continue course 30 Days of React by [Day: 8]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: in-depth react
Thoughts: I am enjoying working with react. Though it seems little scary at first glance, more and more anyone dig into, more he can see the power & simplicity.
Today's Progress:
- It was an off day. I was on a journey to my home villege.
Link to work:
- None
New thing(s) learned:
- None
Thoughts: It was a full day bus journey. Busy and long tired day. Need some quality sleep. π΄π΄
Today's Progress:
- Continue course 30 Days of React by [Day: 9]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
- Started Personal Portfolio Site project
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: Component based css styling
- JS: Integrating styles with React
Thoughts: Things are started again slowly. Need some momentum.
Today's Progress:
- Continue course 30 Days of React by [Day: 10]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: React interactivity & event functions like:
Thoughts: It is little bit hard to continue learning during such a busy schedule. But I am trying my best.
Today's Progress:
- Continue course 30 Days of React by [Day: 11-15]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: React
pure component
& when to use - JS:
functionality - JS: Fetching remote data using
Thoughts: At last get some free time today and decreased some pending work load. Feeling better now. Just need to finish the book and start some project.
Today's Progress:
- Started new project "React Youtube App"
- Started new udemy course "Modern React with Redux"
- Continue course 30 Days of React by [Day: 16-17]
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
what, how, why - JS:
Thoughts: Things getting some momentum. Starting a new project opens the door to learn new things. Wish to complete the project before Eid vacation.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on "React Youtube App" project
- Continue course "Modern React with Redux"
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
Youtube API
Thoughts: Not a bad progress so far.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on "React Youtube App" project
- Completed "Modern React with Redux" course (React part)
- Started new book "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
utility library usage & some api
Thoughts: Currently I am focused only on pure React. So courses and books I started was completed till React discussion. Redux/Flux/Relay/GraphQL all other tech discussion are omitted now, and will be continued on appropriate time sequentially. I want to do 2-3 more complete React projects before drive into advanced topices.
Today's Progress:
- Completed "React Youtube App" project
- Continue reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch [Ch: 2-3]
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- Tools: some webpack config tweaks to run production build
Thoughts: Finally completed the video site app using youtube api. Feeling great about total progress. Now I am much more comfortable about React and it's ecosystems. ππ
Today's Progress:
- Continue reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch [Ch: 4]
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing much new. Previous knowledge review.
Thoughts: Today was a busy day, and next will be also a busy week as Eid is almost knocking on the door. In this time, expect to complete some book reading and exercises.
Due to Eid-ul-fittar, I am on a vacation. I'll try to come back to coding as soon as possible. But in the main time, during the vacation, I'll try to read some books and resources in my free time. I'll update the vacation progress here:
- On a journey to my home villege. no reading or coding today.
- No reading or coding today also. Visiting some relatives house.
- Reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch [Ch: 4]
- No coding or reading. Enjoying the vacation.
- Today is Eid Day. So no reading or coding.
- No reading or coding today also. Visiting some relatives houses.
- Reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch [Ch: 5]
- Nothing much today. No reading or coding. Comming back to home. Wish to start regular coding journey from tomorrow.
- Couldn't start working today also. I have to extend the vacation due to some family issue.
- Finally reached the end of the vacation. No coding or reading today, but hopefully can start from tomorrow. Overall enjoyed a Happy Eid Vacation.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on Personal Portfolio Site
- Continue reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch [Ch: 4]
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing much new. Previous knowledge review.
Thoughts: After a 10 days long vacation, the exiciting coding journey continues from today. I need to finish my portfolio site as soon as possible.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on Personal Portfolio Site
- Research & analyze some React UI framework like:
- Testing some static generator like:
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Other: static site generator working process
Thoughts: I wanted to build my portfolio site with a JavaScript based static site generator where I also can use my React knowledge. Gatsby & Phenomic was the best options right now. Gatsby is relatively popular but lack of documentation. Phenomic is newer but packed with good documentation. Still need some research to finalize.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on Personal Portfolio Site. Working on layout design.
- Research & analyze some UI kit for my site
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing new thing learned today
Thoughts: UI design decision making process is really time consuming. Though I coded some temporary page layout today, but no one was good enough. I think it will take more time to complete the personal site project of mine.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on Personal Portfolio Site.
- Completed the design selection process.
- Continue reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch [Ch: 5]
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Other: some photoshop tweaks for slice and selection.
Thoughts: Finally complete initial research for portfolio UI. Now actual design is in progress. Hope to complete it within 1-2 days.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on Personal Portfolio Site.
- Completed PSD design for Home & About page
- Started another book React.js Training by
- Completed exercise tasks form "React.js Training" book
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
Atomic Design
concept and how to apply in real world app - JS:
what & why
Thoughts: During web surfing, I found that book "React.js Training" by I read their Rangle's Angular Training Book previously so I had an idea about their content quality. So I couldn't hold myself to start reading their React book.
Anyway, beside reading that book, I successfully started PSD design for my portfolio site and completed first two pages, "Home" & "About". Quite Happy about the progress. πππ
Today's Progress:
- Finished React.js Training book by
- Completed exercise tasks form "React.js Training" book
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: some
concept and how to apply in real world app
Thoughts: No work on personal portfolio today. Completed the React book started yesterday. Actually the book is a summarized introduction of React ecosystems & concepts. Was not so much useful as I expected.
Today's Progress:
- Completed reading "The Road to learn React" by Robin Wieruch
- Work on some design for my portfolio site
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: advanced React components
- JS: React state management
Thoughts: Finally completed the book "The Road to learn React". Overall a good read. Today some works on my portfolio site design have been done too. Quite a good progress indeed.
Today's Progress:
- Started new book "Fullstack Reack" by
- Continue working on portfolio site.
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing much new today
Thoughts: Passing a bit busy day. Not much work done. Started a new book on React and done some design for my portfolio.
Today's Progress:
- Continue reading book "Fullstack Reack" by [Ch-1]
- Completed chapter coding examples & exercises
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing new today. Revise on React basics.
Thoughts: Not much work done today. Feeling little bit empty.
Today's Progress:
- Continue reading book "Fullstack Reack" by [Ch-1]
- Started a little application, "React Voting App"
Link to work:
- No compelete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: React component optimization & dependency injection tips
Thoughts: Enjoying the book so far. Need to do some work on my portfolio site (no work done last two days).
Today's Progress:
- Continue reading book "Fullstack Reack" by [Ch-2]
- Completed "React Voting App" application
Link to work:
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
keyword's working process forarrow function
of ES6
Thoughts: Successfully completed first exercise app form the "Fullstack React" book. Good progress overall.
Today's Progress:
- Completed design for portfolio site
- Started building the site in React
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
in depth
Thoughts: I need to complete my portfolio site as soon as possible. That's why I focused on portfolio site building; keeping everything aside. Wish to complete it this time asap.
Today's Progress:
- It was an off day. No coding or reading. I was on a visit to my home.
Link to work:
- None
New thing(s) learned:
- None
Thoughts: I had some personal works to be done. So I thought to take a day off. It feels refreshing.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on portfolio site.
Link to work:
- No complete app today.
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
implementation - CSS:
Thoughts: Not much coding, lot of reading.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on portfolio site.
- Research on
Link to work:
- No complete app today.
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
usage - Other:
features andoffline
app making
Thoughts: Overall a good progress. Want to give my portfolio site offline browsing capability, which needed some research; done today.
Today's Progress:
- Continue working on portfolio site. Made some progress.
Link to work:
- No complete app today.
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS:
how to.
Thoughts: Little more progress to final site. I need to take a deeper look into git workflow.
Today's Progress:
- Started a deeper look at
&git workflow
on Atlassian
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing much new. Just revisited git basics.
Thoughts: Wanted to revisit the version control world. This is the first step.
Today's Progress:
- Continue
tutorial on Atlassian - Continue work on portfolio site
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- Git: some new git commands
Thoughts: Little progress overall today.
Today's Progress:
- Continue
tutorial on Atlassian
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- Git: new git commands
Thoughts: Work on some more git tutorial today. No work on portfolio site though.
Today's Progress:
- It was an off day. No coding or reading.
Link to work:
- None
New thing(s) learned:
- None
Thoughts: I took a break today. Went out with my family members.
Today's Progress:
- Completed
tutorial on Atlassian
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- Git: some new git commands & methods
Thoughts: Took a break yesterday. Passing days with little bit ups and downs. Completed the git tutorial today.
Today's Progress:
- Continue work on portfolio site.
Link to work:
- No complete project today.
New thing(s) learned:
- Nothing much new
Thoughts: Little more progress. Need to start freeCodeCamp
Today's Progress:
- It was an off day. No coding or reading.
Link to work:
- None
New thing(s) learned:
- None
Thoughts: Need to take another off day for some personal reason. Hope to come back on track soon.
Today's Progress:
- Introduction to Redux
- Restarted 30 Days of React by [Day: 18]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: Redux concept & intro
Thoughts: Finally get started with Redux. Feeling great.
Today's Progress:
- Continue book 30 Days of React by [Day: 19]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: Redux
Thoughts: Redux is little bit complex concept at first. Need some deep research.
Today's Progress:
- Continue book 30 Days of React by [Day: 20]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: some more redux concept
Thoughts: Little progress on redux.
Today's Progress:
- Continue some work on portfolio site
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Other: Cross-browser polyfills why & how
Thoughts: Little more progress on portfolio site.
Today's Progress:
- Continue book 30 Days of React by [Day: 21]
- Completed some exercise examples form #30DaysOfReact series.
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: some more redux concept
Thoughts: Need more clarification on these topics. Need some deep drive.
Today's Progress:
- Continue some work on portfolio site
- Deep dive into
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
v4 how to
Thoughts: Going through the react-router
documentation and how it works. How it provides dynamic routing features to our apps. Very useful piece of technology.
Today's Progress:
- Continue some work on portfolio site
- Implemented
to portfolio project
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS:
command working process withcreate-react-app
- JS:
customization for
Thoughts: The day seems finding rabbit holes during implement in my project and gluing them to match my need. It was hard but at the end of the day, it is fun too. ππ
Today's Progress:
- Continue some work on portfolio site
- Completed collapsible sidebar design
- Implemented
v4 to portfolio project - Created
for the site
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- JS: implementation of
in web projects
Thoughts: This is a good progress on my portfolio site. Completed the sidebar menu and routes today. Feeling great.
Today's Progress:
- Continue some work on portfolio site
- Applied git workflow in my project
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- Other: some workflow techniques
Thoughts: Nothing much work done today. Little progress.
Today's Progress:
- No coding or reading. Going back to Dhaka
Link to work:
- None
New thing(s) learned:
- None
Thoughts: It was a travel day go back to Dhaka. No coding or reading.
Today's Progress:
- Continue some work on portfolio site
- Created an animated scrolling mouse icon
Link to work:
- No complete project today
New thing(s) learned:
- CSS: some animation technique
Thoughts: Feeling great about that nice little animated scrolling mouse. ππ