Vault is used to store commerce environment configuration and secret, and is also used as certification authority (CA) to issue certificate to commerce servers to allow them communicate with SSL.
This chart deploys Vault and Consul for HCL Commerce V9 as the remote configuration center, which stores environment data and acts as the certification agent to issue certificate to each HCL Commerce app server based on unique service name. Vault and Consul are required before you deploy HCL Commerce V9 application if you plan to use the Vault
configuration mode. It needs to be deployed only once and the service can be available to multiple Commerce environments. After the vault is started, it can run scripts to enable mount the tenant secret path and load commerce environment configuration data as you specified in values.yaml, and also it can enable and configure PKI backend to issue certificate if you enable the vaultConsul.vaultLoadData
in values.yaml.
This Helm Chart is only for testing and development purpose. It does not persist data or handle vault root token securely. However, for development and testing purpose, the data stored in the values.yaml can be used as a master copy and re-load the data every time when vault is redeployed or restarted. Please refer guide of Vault to setup cluster to support production environment.
This Helm Chart attempts to pull Vault and Consul Docker Image from DockerHub. If you use the default settings, ensure that your environment can connect to internet. Or you can pull those Docker images to a private Docker Image Repository and update following values
Name | Default Value | Usage |
vaultConsul.imageRepo | | container registry for vault and consul images |
vaultConsul.vaultImageName | vault | Vault Docker Image name |
vaultConsul.vaultImageTag | 1.7.0 | Vault Docker Image tag |
vaultConsul.consulImageName | consul | Consul Docker Image name |
vaultConsul.consulImageTag | 1.9.4 | Consul Docker Image tag |
supportC.imageRepo | | container registry for commerce support container image |
supportC.image | commerce/supportcontainer | full path to the support container image |
supportC.tag | v9-latest | image tag for commerce support container image |
test.image | | Helm Test command uses Centos Docker Image |
Note vault:1.7.0 / consul:1.9.4 have been tested. There is no guarantee that other tags for those docker images will work as expected.
This helm chart deploy vault in development mode to by pass the unseal process. In this mode the data will be stored in memory only. The configuration data is defined in helm values file so they will be re-loaded everytime when vault is re-deployed / re-started. However, the root CA certificate stored in CA can not be persisted unless it is defined and persisted in a secret. This helm chart allows either specifying CA certificate by a tls secret name, or let this helm chart auto-generate one and persist it in the tls secret during the install time.
To let vault helm chart auto create a CA certificate and create a TLS secret, please configure externalCA.enabled
and externalCA.autoCreate
to true in values. Also, this auto creation logic requires support container image which is configured in supportC.imageRepo
, supportC.image
and supportC.tag
Please note that CA certificate auto generation is only done in the vault chart install time, i.e. helm install
, but not helm upgrade
. So if you have deployed the vault using the previous version of the chart, you will need to delete and re-install it.
You can use the following steps to create a self-signed CA certificate and configure it to use in vault deployment.
- create a private key
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
- create a CA certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key private.key -days 365 -out ca.pem -config req.conf
req.conf content
[ req ]
[ dn ]
CN=My Company CA
[ ext ]
- create a tls secret with kubectl
kubectl create secret tls my-vault-ca --cert=ca.pem --key=private.key -n vault
- create override values file my-values.yaml for vault deployment with following content
enabled: true
existingSecretName: 'my-vault-ca'
autoCreate: false
- Deploy vault with helm install command
helm install my-vault <path-to-vault-chart> -n vault -f my-values.yaml
The resource limitation is not defined for Vault-Consul, since it's used as the associate service to support HCL Commerce Version 9 deployment and will not handle high traffic volumes.
Before deploying vault, you need to plan how you are going to deploy commerce, and then modify the data accordingly as the data specified in your values yaml file will be loaded to the vault as postStart action. In vault, a tenant name will be used as a secret mount path, this secret path will contain one or more environments, and each environment contains the key-value (KV) pairs. The environment level KVs will be under environment path directly, while auth and live instance specific KVs are under auth or live. E.g
/Demo # tenant path
/qa # env path
internalDomainName: commerce.svc.cluster.local # environment level properties
/auth # auth instance path
dbHost: # auth instance level properties
/live # live instance path
dbHost: # live instance level properties
It is strongly recommended to not modify the default values.yaml file for your deployment, but instead copying it to your customized values file, e.g my-values.yaml
file, to maintain your customized values for your future deployment and upgrade.
- Change the tenant if you want to name it differently. Note, if you change the tenant name here, you will also need to change the tenant in commerce helm chart values to match the same name.
- By default it does not create ingress for vault service. If you want to create an ingress to access vault ui, set
- As part of the vault deployment, it will create a vault token secret in the
namespace, so that the commerce application can get the vault token from that secret. It requires the commerce namespace existed before you can deploy this vault. Ifcommerce
namespace has not been created, you can create it now withkubectl create ns commerce
. If you plan to deploy commerce in other name spaces, you need to create those names spaces now (kubectl create ns ), and list all of the namespaces in commerceNameSpaces. E.g if I want to deploy 2 commerce environments 'dev' and 'qa' in 'commerce-dev' and 'commerce-qa' name spaces, you would need to:- kubectl create ns commerce-dev
- kubectl create ns commerce-qa
- Config
to following:commerceNameSpaces: - commerce-dev - commerce-qa
- Update
if you want to test different images - Update
to the one you want to use. - If you change the
value, you will need to runecho -n new_token | base64
and updatevaultTokenBase64
with this value - Update the data under
. E.g update the db information. See above Plan and Configure Values for vault deployment for details of the data hierarchy in vault.
It is recommended to deploy vault in a separate namespace, such as vault
and serve for all commerce environments. If you don't vault
namespace, you can create it by kubectl create ns vault
. Following command is to use helm (v3) to deploy this chart in vault
$ helm install vault-consul ./hcl-commerce-vaultconsul -f my-values.yaml -n vault
Note: vault-consul
is the release name, and ./hcl-commerce-vaultconsul
is the local path to the chart, and vault
is the namespace where this chart deploys to.
Once vault is deployed, run "kubectl get pods -n vault" to make sure vault-consul-xxxx has 2/2 in READY column
Also list the secret in your commerce namespace to make sure the secret has been created.
$ kubectl get secret vault-token-secret -n commerce
vault-token-secret Opaque 1 7m44s
When you need to update vault values, you can update configuration values in vaultData, and then re-deploy vault using a command similar to following
helm upgrade vault-consul ./hcl-commerce-vaultconsul -f my-values.yaml -n vault
use the helm test command: helm test vault-consul --cleanup=true
$ helm delete vault-consul -n vault