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Spire User's Guide

This guide explains the architecture, layout, and usage of Spire. Initially, we will explore some of the basic structures and patterns used by Spire. Then, we'll look at many of the concrete types that Spire defines. Finally, we'll peek at some of the advanced or tricky corners of the library.

Type Classes

Like many Scala libraries, Spire uses type classes to define generic operations.

For example, Ring[A] is a type class that defines many basic operations, such as + and * on a type A. When using type classes it's important to try to distinguish the following:

  1. The type class itself (Ring[A]). This is often a trait.
  2. Concrete instances of the type class, such as Ring[Int].
  3. Syntax implicits that use the type class to define operators.

The methods in these type classes are always given text names (like plus). In some cases these names correspond to symbolic operators: in the case of plus, it corresponds with +. When using these type classes, users have the option of using the symbolic syntax on the values directly or calling the method on the type class instance:

import spire.algebra.Ring
import spire.syntax.ring._

def usingSymbols[A: Ring](x: A, y: A): A = x + y
def usingNames[A](x: A, y: A)(implicit r: Ring[A]): A =, y)

Some methods (e.g. sqrt) do not have corresponding symbols. In those cases, the method name itself can be used with the values:

def sqrt[A: NRoot](x: A): A = x.sqrt

Package Layout

In the case of Ring[A], the type class itself is located in spire.algebra. Except for a few special cases, all of Spire's type classes can be found in spire.algebra.

Type class instances can be found in two different places. For types defined in Spire, or code that is aware of Spire, type class instances should be placed in the type's companion object. For example, UByte (an unsigned byte type) has an instance of Rig[UByte] contained in its companion object.

For types defined elsewhere that Spire supports directly (for example the built-in number types) Spire defines objects in spire.std which contain their instances. So to get all the instances for Int you'd import them from To get all these "standard instances" at one go, import spire.std.any._. This pattern should also be used when supporting other number types that are not Spire-aware.

Finally, syntax implicits are imported from objecs in spire.syntax. To get the syntax for Ring[A] you'd import spire.syntax.ring._. Again, there is a shortcut package: you can import spire.syntax.all._ to get all syntax.

These imports might seem a bit confusing, but they are very useful when you find a situation where Spire's types or operators conflict with another library's. We provide an even more basic import (spire.implicits._) for when you want all instances and all operators. This is nice when working in the console or experimenting, and for when you're sure there won't be a conflict.


Most of the time, you'll be using type classes as context bounds. For instance:

import spire.algebra._
import spire.std.any._
import spire.syntax.ring._

object Demo {
  def double[A: Ring](x: A): A = x + x
  def triple[A: Ring](x: A): A = x * 3
  println((double(3), triple(4)))

This code ends up being equivalent to:

object Demo {
  def double[A](x: A)(implicit ev: Ring[A]): A =, x)
  def triple[A](x: A)(implicit ev: Ring[A]): A = ev.times(x, ev.fromInt(3))
  println((double(3)(IntAlgebra), triple(4)(IntAlgebra)))

The IntAlgebra type extends Ring[Int] and has been imported via spire.std.any._. The implicits providing the binary operators + and * (and also the implicit to convert the integer literal into an A) were all imported form spire.syntax.ring._. And the Ring context bound is really just sugar for an implicit parameter (the type class instance).

Hopefully this small example gives you an idea of the basic mechanics behind Spire's generic math capabilities.


To achieve speed on-par with direct (non-generic) code, you will need to use specialization. The good news is that most of Spire's code is already specialized (and tested for proper performance). The bad news is that you'll have to annotate all your generic code like so:

import spire.algebra._
import spire.std.any._
import spire.syntax.ring._

import scala.{specialized => sp}

object Demo {
  def double[@sp A: Ring](x: A): A = x + x
  def triple[@sp A: Ring](x: A): A = x * 3
  println((double(3), triple(4)))

There are too many gotchas with specialization to list here. But the (very) short guide to specialization is:

  1. It's much easier to specialize methods.
  2. Calls from generic code into specialized code are not specialized.
  3. Limit specialization to types you'll use via @sp(Int, Double).
  4. Specialization will increase bytecode size by a factor of x2-10.

If you have questions about specialization feel free to ask on the mailing list. You may notice that some code in Spire is structured in an unusual way, and often this is to make sure specialization works properly.

You may find that it's easy to develop generic code without using specialization first (to keep things simple) and then going back and adding annotations later if necessary. This helps keep things simple while you get your code working correctly, and it's a (relatively) minor change to enable specialization later (as long as you are consistent).

Of course, if your code is not generic, you can call into Spire's specialized code without worrying about any of this (and the result will be unboxed and fast).

Type Classes


Spire's type classes are often described in terms of properties (or "laws"). These properties must be true no matter what values are used.

Here's a brief description of some of the most common properties:

  • associativity: |+| is associative if (a |+| b) |+| c = a |+| (b |+| c).
  • identity: id is an identity value for |+| if a |+| id = a = id |+| a.
  • inverse: |+| has an inverse operation if a |+| a.inverse = id = a.inverse |+| a.
  • commutativity: |+| is commutative if a |+| b = b |+| a.

In some cases the operator names are different (e.g. +, *) but the properties themselves remain the same.


Spire provides an Eq[A] type class to represent type-safe equality. This allows us to talk about types for which there isn't a computationally useful notion of equality, and also to avoid programming errors caused by universal equality.

Eq[A] provides two operators

  • eqv (a === b) equality operator.
  • neqv (a =!= b) inequality operator (defaults to !(a === b)).

Spire requires that eqv obey the laws of an equivalence relation, namely:

  • a === a (reflexivity)
  • if a === b then b === a (symmetry)
  • if a === b then a is b (anti-symmetry)
  • if a === b and b === c then a === c (transitivity)

The anti-symmetry property may seem confusing. The idea is that if a === b then a and b must be substitutable for each other, such that for any expression f(x), f(a) === f(b).


Total orderings in Spire are supported by the Order[A] type class. Unlike other ordering type classes (e.g. scala.math.Ordering), this one is specialized to avoid boxing. Order[A] extends Eq[A] can be implemented via a single compare method, although it provides all of the following:

  • eqv (a === b)
  • neqv (a =!= b)
  • lt (a < b)
  • gt (a > b)
  • lteqv (a <= b)
  • gteqv (a >= b)
  • compare (a compare b)
  • min (a min b)
  • max (a max b)

Instances of Order[A] are required to observe the following properties:

  • if a <= b and b <= a then a === b (anti-symmetry)
  • if a <= b and b <= c then a <= b (transitivity)
  • either a <= b or b <= a (totality)

Additionally, total orderings across fields should obey the following additional laws:

  • if a <= b then (a + c) <= (b + c) (O1)
  • if zero <= a and zero <= b then zero <= (a * b) (O2)

(These are laws are required by ordered fields.)

In some cases users may need to use (or define) total orderings that do not follow all these laws, or may break laws required by other structures. An example would be the lexicographic ordering of complex numbers, which breaks O2. In these cases, users will need to be aware of the risks and limit their use to situations where the particular law is not needed.


The most basic algebraic type classes Spire supports involve a single associative binary operator (called op and represented as |+|):

  • Semigroup[A] just the associative operator |+|, nothing more.
  • Monoid[A] a semigroup that also has an identity element id.
  • Group[A] a monoid that also has an inverse operation (inverse or -).
  • CSemigroup[A] a semigroup that is commutative.
  • CMonoid[A] a monoid that is commutative.
  • AbGroup[A] an "abelian group", a group that is commutative.

Most types have many possible implementations of these types classes. In these cases Spire requires users to explicitly choose which implementation they want.

Spire also defines two parallel group heirarchies for additive and multiplicative groups. These have the same properties but different names and symbols. The following list provides the generic, additive, and multiplicative variants:

  • operator method: op, plus, times
  • operator symbol: |+|, +, *
  • identity name: id, zero, one
  • inverse method: inverse, negate, reciprocal
  • inverse symbol: inverse, - (unary), reciprocal
  • inverse binary operator: |-|, - (binary), /

Rings and Fields

Rings are a set together with two binary operation (additive and multiplicative). Spire defines these by extending the appropriate additive and multiplicative group traits. The following list roughly describes the Ring-like type classes Spire provides:

  • Semiring[A] provides +, zero, and *.
  • Rig[A] provides +, zero, *, and one.
  • Rng[A] provides commutative +, zero, -, and *.
  • Ring[A] provides commutative +, zero, -, *, and one.
  • CRing[A] provides commutative +, zero, -, commutative *, and one.

The following list makes clear how these type classes are defined via inheritance:

  • Semiring[A] extends AdditiveMonoid[A] with MultiplicativeSemigroup[A]
  • Rig[A] extends Semiring[A] with MultiplicativeMonoid[A]
  • Rng[A] extends Semiring[A] with AdditiveAbGroup[A]
  • Ring[A] extends Rig[A] with Rng[A]
  • CRing[A] extends Ring[A] with MultiplicativeCMonoid[A]

Rings also provide a pow method (**) for doing repeated multiplication.


Spire supports euclidean domains (called EuclideanRing[A]). A euclidean domain is a commutative ring (CRing[A]) that also supports euclidean division (e.g. floor division or integer division). This structure generalizes many useful properties of the integers (for instance, quotients and remainders, and greatest common divisors).

Formally, euclidean domains have a euclidean function f such that for any x and y in A, if y is nonzero, then there are q and r (quotient and remainder) such that a = b*q + r and r = 0 or f(r) < f(b). For integers, f is usually the absolute value function.

Spire's EuclideanRing[A] supports the following operations:

  • quot (a /~ b) finding the quotient (often integer division).
  • mod (a % b) the remainder from the quotient operation.
  • quotmod (a /% b) combines quot and mod into one operation.
  • gcd (a gcd b) find the greatest common divisor of a and b.
  • lcm (a lcm b) find the lowest common multiple of a and b.

Spire requires that b * (a /~ b) + (a % b) is equivalent to a.


Fields are commutative rings with commutative multiplication and multiplicative inverses for all non-zero elements. Fields generalize how most people think about rational numbers.

Spire's Field[A] supports the following operations:

  • div (a / b) divide a by b.
  • reciprocal (a.reciprocal) the multiplicative inverse of a, i.e. one/a.

Even though fields sit at the top of the ring hierarchy, there are many operations which are not provided by fields:

  • equality and ordering (provided by Eq[A] and Order[A]).
  • square root, and other roots (provided by NRoot[A]).
  • sine, cosine, and trigonometric functions (provided by Trig[A]).

Irrational and Transcendental type classes

Spire supports square roots and fractional powers via NRoot[A]. There are three basic methods available:

  • sqrt (a.sqrt) finds the square root of a
  • nroot ((a nroot k)) finds the kth root of a
  • fpow ((a fpow b)) takes a to the fractional power b

Spire does not have any fractional types that can represent irrational roots exactly. This means that many laws we might like to write about roots will be weaker than we would like:

  • a.sqrt = (a nroot 2) = (a fpow 2)
  • if A can represent 1/k exactly, then (a nroot k) = (a fpow k.reciprocal)
  • if (a nroot k) is rational, then (a nroot k).pow(k) = a

Approximate types like Double and BigDecimal have a built-in precision to which Spire can find roots. Exact types like Rational do not have NRoot instances defined by default, but instances can instantiated with user-provided precision.

Similarly, Spire supports the Trigonometric functions via Trig[A]. The preceeding caveats about precision apply to these functions and values as well. The following methods are supported:

  • e Euler's number

  • pi Ratio of a circle's diameter to its circumfernce.

  • exp(a) Raise e to a-th power.

  • expm1(a) Equivalent to exp(a) - 1 with less error.

  • log(a) Find the natural logarithm of a (r such that expr(r) = a)

  • log1p(a) Equivalent to log(1 + a) but with less error.

  • sin(a) Sine: the y-coordinate of the unit circle.

  • cos(a) Cosine: the x-coordinate of the unit circle.

  • tan(a) Tangent: equivalent to sin(a) / cos(a).

  • asin(a) inverse sine function, asin(sin(a)) = a.

  • acos(a) inverse cosine function, acos(cos(a)) = a.

  • atan(a) inverse tangent function, atan(tan(a)) = a.

  • atan2(y, x) like atan but returns results in (0, 2pi).

  • sinh(x) hyperbolic sine, y-coordinate of the unit hyperbola.

  • cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine, x-coordinate of the unit hyperbola.

  • tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent, sinh(a) / cosh(a).

  • toRadians(a) convert degrees (e.g. 180) to pi-radians (e.g. pi)

  • toDegrees(a) convert pi-radians (e.g. pi/2) to degrees (e.g. 90).

Spire is able to calculate trigonometric values (like pi) and functions (like sine) to arbitrary precision when using BigDecimal. Unlike with NRoot, there is no support for creating Trig[Rational] instances with arbitrary precision (although an instance with Double precision can be found in spire.optional.rationalTrig).

Modules, VectorSpaces, &co



This section attempts to chronicle the existing number types in terms of their capabilities and problems.

Byte, Short, Int, and Long

These built-in integral types are all signed and have a fixed-width (8, 16, 32, and 64 bits respectively). Division with these types is truncated, and overflow can silently occur when numbers to get too big (or too small). Division by zero will trigger an exception.

It's worth noting that the JVM does not support operating on Byte and Short directly: these operations will usually return Int. This can cause confusion when using type inference, and can also lead to differences between direct code (where adding bytes produces an int) and generic code (where adding bytes produces a byte).

Float and Double

These fractional types correspond to IEEE-754 floating point (32- and 64-bit respectively). They contain three sentinel values: positive and negative infinity and NaN. Large positive and negative quantities will overflow to their respective infinity value, and division by zero will silently go to infinity.

Comparison and equality semantics for NaN are tricky (for example NaN == NaN is false). This also means that there is no total ordering for doubles that complies with IEEE comparisons. For an alternate Ordering[Double] that is total, see spire.optional.totalfloat.

Since floating-point values are approximations of real values, loss of precision can occur when adding values of different magnitudes. Thus, many operations are not always associative. Spire assumes that users who work with Float and Double are aware of these problems, and provides instances like Ring[Double] even though it will fail to be associative in some cases.


This integral type is unbounded--it will never overflow (although operations will get slower and slower as the value gets larger). This is probably one of the least difficult types to use correctly.


This fractional type is different than the previous floating point values. It contains a MathContext object which specifies a certain number of decimal digits of precision (34 by default). Results will be rounded to this level of precision, which also makes this type not associative in some cases (although with user-specified precision it is easier to avoid cases where this matters).

The math context also defines how values should be rounded. Since this type is decimal, it can exactly represent any decimal number (unlike a floating point value) although its math context will need enough digits to do so.

As with floating point, Spire makes a best effort to support this type even though there may be problems related to precision and rounding. Spire also provides capabilities which the underlying type lacks, including roots, fractional powers, and trigonometric methods.


This fractional type represents a rational number, a fraction of two integers (n/d). It is an exact type, although as you might expect it can't represent irrational numbers without approximating them as rationals. It is unbounded, although as the fraction becomes larger or more complex, operations will become slower. Rationals are always stored in simplest form to speed up future calculations.

This is probably the easiest fractional type to use correctly.


This integral type is also unbounded, like BigInt. However, it is more efficient for small values, where it will use a Long instead. There is usually no reason to prefer using a BigInt over a SafeLong except to comply with an external API, or in cases where most values are expected to exceed a long's storage capacity.


This is a simple unbounded, unsigned integral type. It models natural numbers a as a cons list of digits (each "digit" being a 32-bit unsigned integer). For relatively small values (32-128 bits) it is often faster than SafeLong or BigInt. For larger values it becomes slower.

The Natural type a bit of an odd-ball type at present. However the fact that it is guaranteed to be non-negative is useful.

UByte, UShort, UInt, and ULong

These unsigned integral types are provided by Spire. They have most of the same operations as their signed counterparts, although they use unsigned division which is a bit more involved.

They are value classes, so in most cases there should be no extra overhead when compared with their primitive counterparts. The one exception is with arrays. Array[UInt] will be boxed whereas Array[Int] is not. Since conversions between UInt and Int only exit at compile-time, it's easy to work around this issue by storing UInt instances in an Array[Int].

Writing literal unsigned values is slightly more cumbersome than their signed counterparts (consider UInt(7) versus 7). Spire provides syntax imports which make these slightly easier to write:

import spire.syntax.literals._

ui"7" // equivalent to UInt(7)


This value class uses a Long with an implicit denominator. The type itself doesn't contain information about the denominator. Instead, an implicit FixedScale instance is required to provide that context when necessary (for instance, during multiplication). Like the previous unsigned values, fixed point values will not be boxed in most cases.

This type is designed to solve a specific type of problem and should only be used in situations where a large number of rational numbers with the same denominator are needed, and efficiency is very important.

Complex[A] and Quanternion[A]

These generic types represent complex numbers (x + yi) and quaternions (w + xi + xj + zk) respectively. They can be parameterized with any fractional type A which has a Field[A], NRoot[A], and Trig[A]. In general these values are as exact as their underlying A values are, although in some cases approximate results are necessarily returned (in cases where roots or trigonometry functions are used).

These types are specialized, so most operations should be quite fast and not cause unnecessary boxing. However, these types use more memory than a non-generic complex number based on Double values would, and are a bit slower.


This is a boxed number type that approximates the semantics of numbers in a dynamically-typed numeric tower (like Scheme or Python). There are four subtypes of Number, based on SafeLong, Double, BigDecimal, and Rational. Combining two numbers will always return a number of the highest precision.

Number is a good choice for users who want simple and correct numbers. The type keeps operations as safe as possible, while providing access to all operators and methods.


Interval supports arithmetic across a range of possible A values. This can be thought of as representing uncertainty about a single, actual value, or as operating on the entire set of values simultaneously. Any type that has an Order[A] can be used in an interval, although most arithmetic operations will require additional type classes (ranging from AdditiveSemigroup[A] for + to Field[A] for /).

Intervals may be unbounded on either side, and bounds can be open or closed. (An interval includes closed boundaries, but not open boundaries). Here are some string representations of various intervals:

  • [3, 6] the set of values between 3 and 6 (including both).
  • (2, 4) the set of values between 2 and 4 (excluding both).
  • (1, 2] half-open set, including 1 but not 2.
  • (-∞, 5) the set of values less than 5.

Intervals model continuous spaces, even if the type A is discrete. So for instance when (3, 4) is an Interval[Int] it is not considered "empty" , even though there are no Int values between 3 and 4. This is because we can multiply the interval by 2 to get (6, 8) which is clearly not empty. The underlying continuous interval contains values which when multiplied by a scalar become valid Int values.


Currently Spire supports univariate polynomials. These are polynomials with a single variable (e.g. x) with the following structure:

c0 + (c1 * x^1) + (c2 * x^2) + ... + (cn * x^n)

The coefficents (c0 through cn) are values of the type C, and the exponents (1 through n) are Int values (this does mean that Spire's implementation only supports polynomials whose exponents are less than 2147483648).

Like interval, arithmetic on polynomials is accomplished using type classes for C, such as Semiring[C]. With the right type classes, polynomials can support all the arithmetic operations covered by euclidean rings, but not fields. Division and reciprocal operations are impossible because polynomials do not support fractional or negative exponents. Polynomials also support interval, derivative, and other operations.

Spire does support a convenient syntax for literal polynomials. By importing spire.syntax.literals._ (or just spire.implicits._) you can use the poly string interpolator to create Polynomial[Rational] instances:

import spire.syntax.literals._
poly"3x^2 - 5x + 1"
poly"5/4x^6 - 7x - 2"
poly"1.2x^3 - 6.1x^2 + 9x - 3.33"

Spire actually supports two types of polynomials: dense and sparse. For most simple polynomials used in these examples, you'll probably want dense polynomials. However, in cases where your polynomials have a few terms with very large exponents the sparse implementation will be more efficient. In any case, the underlying representation is an implementation detail and both types support the same operations (and can interoperate).


The Algebraic type is an implementation of a number for "Exact Geometric Computation". It represents algebraic numbers using an AST of the operations performed on it. Algebraic numbers can be compared accurately and exactly. This means that if we have two numbers a and b, then a compare b is always correct, regardless of whether they are irrational or incredibly close to each other. They are suitable for use in algorithms that use square- or n-roots and rely on sign tests and numeric comparison to work correctly.

On top of exact comparisons/sign tests, Algebraic is able to approximate itself to any desired precision, after the fact. This works for both absolute approximations, such as x +/- 0.00001, or relative approximations, such as x.toBigDecimal(new MathContext(10000)).

Because Algebraic can represent algebraic numbers (note: we are adding support for polynomial roots, not just n-roots), they have a wider range than Rational. However, whereas Rational represents numbers exactly, Algebraic can only compare exactly. They also sacrifice performance to achieve this, and so are not suitable for use where you need performance and can tolerate a certain amount of error.


Real stands for "computable real". Spire's Real implementation is based on ERA, written in Haskell by David Lester. Computable real numbers are those which can be computed (i.e. approximated) to any desired precision. Unlike Double and BigDecimal, Real values are not stored as approximations, but rather as a function from a desired precision to the closest approximate value.

If we have an instance x of Real which approximates a real number r, this means that for any precision p (in bits), our instance will produce an x such that x/2^p is the closest rational value to r. Translated into Scala, this means that x.apply(p) returns a SafeLong value x, such that Rational(x, SafeLong(2).pow(p)) is a best approximation for r.

Spire represents two types of Real values: Exact and Inexact. The former are rational values for which we have an existing instance of Rational, and are inexpensive to work with. The latter are functions for approximating (potentially) irrational values, are lazily evaluated and memoized, and can potentially be very expensive to compute.

As with Rational values, operations on Real values are able to obey the relevant algebraic identities. But unlike Rational, Real supports roots and trigonometric functions. Furthermore, important trig identities are also preserved:

import Real.{sin, cos}
def circle(a: Real): Real = (cos(a).pow(2) + sin(a).pow(2)).sqrt
// will return CR(1) no matter what value is provided

One interesting consequence of the design of computable real numbers is non-continuous operations (such as sign tests, comparisons, and equality) cannot be performed exactly. If x.apply(p) returns 0, there is no way to know whether the value is actually zero, or just a very small value (either positive or negative!) which is approximately zero at this precision. Similarly, it's not possible to say that x is equal to y, but only that they are equivalent (or not) at a given precision.

Spire currently bakes in a "default" precision to use with these kinds of methods. Furthermore, these methods will always work with Exact values: the issues only arise when using Inexact values. Given that the alternative to using Real is to use another approximate type, providing approximate comparisons and equality seems like a reasonable compromise.

Which number types should I use?

Spire provides many number types, and it is not always obvious what their relative merits are. This section explains the distinctions between them, and may help you decide which numeric representation(s) to use.

There is usually a tension between numbers that have correctness caveats (like possible overflow or precision issues) and numbers that have performance caveats (like extra allocations and/or slower code). Spire provides a wide range of numeric types that should address most needs.

Natural numbers (unsigned, whole-value numbers)

For non-negative numbers, the safe type to use is Natural. It is quite fast when representing small-ish numbers (128-bits or less), but has no upper bound on the values it can reprsent. However, its unique cons-structure means that for very large values BigInt and SafeLong may be faster. Since it only supports non-negative values, subtraction is non-total (and may throw an exception).

If your values are guaranteed to be small (or you are prepared to detect truncation), you can use UByte (8-bit), UShort (16-bit), UInt (32-bit), or ULong (64-bit), depending on how much space you need. These types have the same unsigned semantics as unsigned types in languages like C. These types are not boxed, although care must be used with arrays (like any value class).

Integer numbers (signed, whole-value numbers)

There are two safe types that can be used with integer values: SafeLong and BigInt. Both support arbitrarily large values, as well as the usual semantics for things like integer division (quot). The former (SafeLong) performs much better for values that can be represented with a Long (e.g. 64-bit or less), and is a good default choice. When dealing with values that are mostly or entirely very large, BigInt may be a bit faster.

Like the unsigned case, you can use Byte (8-bit), Short (16-bit), Int (32-bit), or Long (64-bit) to handle cases where your values are small, or where you want to avoid allocations and will handle truncation issues yourself. These types are provided by Scala (and ultimately the JVM) and will not cause object allocations.

Fractional numbers (numbers that can be divided)

There are many different fractional flavors, which support various trade-offs between expressive power, precision, and performance.

Fractional types come in two basic flavors: precise or imprecise. Imprecise types (like Double) will accumulate error and are not associative in some cases (meaning that (x + y) + z may produce different results than x + (y + z)). These types are often faster than precise types but can be risky to use.

Precise numbers make stronger precision guarantees, but at the cost of performance or expressiveness. They are often a bit slower, and may restrict the operations they support (to preserve guarantees about precision).

Precise types

The most powerful precise type is Real. It represents computable real numbers, and supports all the operations you would expect, including roots and trigonometry. However, irrational values (like Real(2).sqrt or Real.pi) are represented via functions from precision to approximations. This means that in some situations this type might be too slow, or use too much memory. Additionally, operations requiring comparison or equality tests can only be approximately computed. However, this type should never accumulate error, so your results will always be correctly approximated to whatever precision you need.

The next precise type is Algebraic. This type supports all rational values as well as roots. However, it cannot represent transcendental values like "pi", making its values a subset of Real's. Unlike Real, this type is able to do exact sign tests (and thus, equality tests and comparisons). Due to the ASTs Algebraic uses to represent expressions, execution may be slow and involve lots of allocations.

Finally there is Rational. This type represents values as irreducible fractions (e.g. n/d). Rational cannot represent irrational values (such as roots), but efficiently implements all operations on rational values. This type has the fewest performance "gotchas", although obviously fractions with large numerators or denominators will take longer to operate on.

Imprecise types

These types are more efficient than the precise types, but require care and analysis to ensure that results are correct and sufficiently accurate.

The imprecise type with the most potential precision is BigDecimal which is provided by Scala. This number approximates real values to a number of decimal (base-10) digits (by default 34). Unlike floating point values, this type has an exact representation of values like 0.111110, and the user can use java.math.MathContext to configure how much precision is used. Even so, the type is still subject to accumulated rounding error, and thus is not truly associative.

Next come Float and Double, the built-in 32- and 64-bit floating-point implementations on the JVM. The pitfalls of using floating-point values are well-known (and documented elsewhere) but these types are very fast.

Finally, Spire supports the experimental FixedPoint class. This value class uses unboxed Long values to represent fractions in terms of user-specified denominator (supplied via an implicit FixedScale instance). This is a very special-purpose type to be used in cases where floating-point approximations have problems and unboxed values are required. You should avoid this type unless your applications has a known, specific need for fixed-point arithmetic.

Other types

The other numeric and pseudo-numeric types (like Polynomial, Interval, Complex, and Quaternion) each implement specific functionality, so there should be less confusion about which type to use. The sections describing these types explain their properties and trade-offs.

Pseudo-Random Number Generators, Distributions, etc

Since Spire tries to make number types more pluggable in Scala code, it only makes sense that we'd want to allow users to easily generate a wide variety of number types using pluggable PRNGs. The spire.random package contains random number generators appropriate to many different tasks, as well as a functional interface to creating uniform distributions of values.

Pseudo-Random Number Generators

Spire supports two types of PRNGs: mutable and immutable.

The mutable.Generator trait represents a PRNG strategy. Using uniformly-generated Int or Long values it can generate random values, arrays of values, and so on. Defining a generator is relatively easy (for a very simple example see Lcg64).

By default, generators are not threadsafe. A synchronized generator can be created from an unsynchronized one via the sync method. Generators can be copied, and their seeds can be saved and restored. This allows users to create deterministic streams of values by using the same seed. In general, it is preferred for users to create and use their own generators as opposed to relying on a single generator across threads.

Although the mutable.Generator trait itself only provides low-level methods like nextInt, it can produce values of any type using the Dist[A] type class, which will be discussed in the next seciton.

The immutable.Generator trait is similar to mutable.Generator, although the state it stores is immutable. Each time a number is generated a new generator is returned as well, which allows these generators to be used in a pure-functional context. The same Dist[A] instances that would be used with a mutable generator are also applicable here.

Creation random values with Dist[A]

The Dist[A] type class represents a strategy for generating a distribution of A values given a Generator instance. Dist[A] makes no guarantee as to how the A values are distributed (for instance, it may always return the same value). Users who are interested in particular distributions should use the Uniform[A] and Gaussian[A] traits to generate Dist[A] instances that correspond to their needs.

The Dist[A] objects themselves are immutable and are powered by generators (both mutable and immutable). They can be transformed via map, flatMap, and other combinators. Given the appropriate structure on A, Dist[A] instances can also be operated on as if they were value.


Currently, spire.random provides Uniform[A] and Gaussian[A] type classes which given appropriate parameters can produce Dist[A] instances. Since most types have a (approximately) infinite number of possible values, bounds and other constraints need to be put on these types before we can usefully talk about (or implement) probability distributions in Spire.

Given min and max, a Uniform[A] instance can produce a uniformly-distributed Dist[A] instance.

Given a mean and stdDev, a Gaussian[A] instance can produce a Dist[A] whose values are distributed according to the desired gaussian distribution.