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File metadata and controls

91 lines (64 loc) · 2.74 KB

Hello hills

The tiny project mapping elevation in Moscow. The map using Openstreetmap and SRTM3 data. Result of work at

The tools you need to get the same map are:

####Get the source data Download OSM data extracts and import it into PostgreSQL. Use any Planet.osm source you like.

Get proper SRTM data. In my case I used SRTM3 data (Eurasia).

####Process data

Export roads data to CSV format. See queries.sql.

SELECT osm_id, bicycle, highway, name, ST_AsText(ST_Transform(way,4326)) FROM public.planet_osm_line WHERE highway is not NULL AND
way && ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(37.05 55.05,37.91 55.91)'::box3d,4326),900913);

Despite OSM data stored in Google Mercator (SRID: 90013) I used WGS84 (SRID: 4326). Decimal degrees easier to read and convert values to arc-seconds.

Configure input parameters in script and run it. Sorry it's my first python script, I'm not a developer. The script will open CSV data and SRTM file (.hgt) and will create export CSV-file with processed lines.


The polylines will be splited to simple short lines with only two coordinates, the lowest coordinate will be the first.

The script computes following parameters for each line:

  • the average elevation of this line (average value of coordinates elevetion)
  • tilt angle
  • length of this line

Come back to PostgreSQL with computed data and import it into new table.

Create a table:

--Create new table
CREATE TABLE roads_hills
  rid serial NOT NULL,
  osm_id text,
  bicycle text,
  highway text,
  name text,
  angle smallint,
  a_height smallint,
  d_height smallint,
  dist smallint, 
  lines text,
  way geometry,
  	CONSTRAINT roads_hills_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rid),
	CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK (st_ndims(way) = 2),
	CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geom CHECK (geometrytype(way) = 'LINESTRING'::text OR way IS NULL),
	CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_way CHECK (st_srid(way) = 900913)
CREATE INDEX roads_hills_the_geom_gist
  ON roads_hills
  USING gist

Import data from CSV file:

COPY roads_hills(osm_id,bicycle,highway,name,angle,a_height,d_height,dist,lines) FROM 'export_file.csv' DELIMITERS ';' CSV

Convert linestring coordinates from string values to geometry column:

UPDATE roads_hills SET way = ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(' || lines || ')',4326), 900913);

####Design map