See for the g810-led application.
- Dynamic load/unload of application profiles
- Dynamic media controls
- 'On press' mute toggler
- 'Google Keyboard'-Toggler for a keyboard full of colors based on running applications.
The script is based on a application listener ('while loop' based on 'ps o comm -C'), a dbus-listener (dbus-monitor) for the multimedia controls and a 'on press' mute toggler (amixer). The script is configured with the files PROFILE_BASE, PROFILES, GOOGLE_KEYBOARD, PROFILES_PERMANAENT. These files must have the following format:
Start any application in the terminal and/or use the top/htop command to get the application name used in the PROFILES* files.
- Clone repository
git clone
- Hide the folder
mv g810-profile .g810-profile
- Make script(s) executable / create 'bin' folder and link the script file
chmod +x $HOME/.g810-profile/src/ $HOME/.g810-profile/src/
mkdir $HOME/.g810-profile/bin
ln -s $HOME/.g810-profile/src/ $HOME/.g810-profile/bin/g810-profile
- Backup current .profile / add '~/.g810-profile/bin' to PATH
cp .profile{,.backup."$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"}
printf "\n# g810-profile (keyboard profile manager)\nPATH=\$PATH:~/.g810-profile/bin" >> .profile
- Configure default music player in script. --> See #Variables (examples) All Mpris2 compatible players should work. (ctrl+x to save)
nano .g810-profile/src/
- Add default player to the 'PROFILES' file in the '~/.g810-profile' folder. (ctrl+x to save)
nano .g810-profile/PROFILES
logout/login user session
Logout/login user session to load new PATH in .profiles -
start g810-profile
g810-profile start
- First test:
g810-profile --join
- 'Google Keyboard' Name of all applications in GOOGLE_KEYBOARD written on the keyboard in various colors.
The function is a 'toggler'. Maybe add a custom shortcut...
g810-profile --google
- Mute toggle Disable 'mute' shortcut in the settings of your window manager (normally 'Backspace'-key to disable shortcut. Add a new custom shortcut for the 'mute' button with the fallowing value...
g810-profile --mute
- Start g810-profile
g810-profile start
- Stop g810-profile
g810-profile stop
The 'ding' sound file has been published under the Creatice Commons 'Sampling Plus 1.0' license and was found here