Load '+ obj.limit + ' More...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check for grid end
+ if (this.buffered >= this.total - this.offset) $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more').hide();
+ return;
+ function markSearch() {
+ // mark search
+ if(obj.markSearchResults === false) return;
+ clearTimeout(obj.last.marker_timer);
+ obj.last.marker_timer = setTimeout(function () {
+ // mark all search strings
+ var str = [];
+ for (var s in obj.searchData) {
+ var tmp = obj.searchData[s];
+ if ($.inArray(tmp.value, str) == -1) str.push(tmp.value);
+ }
+ if (str.length > 0) $(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-data > div').w2marker(str);
+ }, 50);
+ }
+ },
+ getRecordHTML: function (ind, lineNum, summary) {
+ var rec_html = '';
+ // first record needs for resize purposes
+ if (ind == -1) {
+ rec_html += '';
+ }
+ if (typeof col.render == 'object') data = '
' + col.render[data] + '
+ if (typeof col.render == 'string') {
+ var tmp = col.render.toLowerCase().split(':');
+ var prefix = '';
+ var suffix = '';
+ if ($.inArray(tmp[0], ['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'percent']) != -1) {
+ if (typeof tmp[1] == 'undefined' || !w2utils.isInt(tmp[1])) tmp[1] = 0;
+ if (tmp[1] > 20) tmp[1] = 20;
+ if (tmp[1] < 0) tmp[1] = 0;
+ if (tmp[0] == 'money') { tmp[1] = 2; prefix = w2utils.settings.currencySymbol; }
+ if (tmp[0] == 'percent') { suffix = '%'; if (tmp[1] !== '0') tmp[1] = 1; }
+ if (tmp[0] == 'int') { tmp[1] = 0; }
+ // format
+ data = '
' + prefix + w2utils.formatNumber(Number(data).toFixed(tmp[1])) + suffix + '
+ }
+ if (tmp[0] == 'date') {
+ if (typeof tmp[1] == 'undefined' || tmp[1] == '') tmp[1] = w2utils.settings.date_display;
+ data = '
' + prefix + w2utils.formatDate(data, tmp[1]) + suffix + '
+ }
+ if (tmp[0] == 'age') {
+ data = '
' + prefix + w2utils.age(data) + suffix + '
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this.show.recordTitles) {
+ var data = '
'+ data +'
+ } else {
+ // title overwrite
+ var title = String(data).replace(/"/g, "''");
+ if (typeof col.title != 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof col.title == 'function') title = col.title.call(this, record, ind, col_ind);
+ if (typeof col.title == 'string') title = col.title;
+ }
+ var data = '
'+ data +'
+ }
+ }
+ if (data == null || typeof data == 'undefined') data = '';
+ return data;
+ },
+ getFooterHTML: function () {
+ return '
+ ' '+
+ ' '+
+ ' '+
+ '
+ },
+ status: function (msg) {
+ if (typeof msg != 'undefined') {
+ $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer').find('.w2ui-footer-left').html(msg);
+ } else {
+ // show number of selected
+ var msgLeft = '';
+ var sel = this.getSelection();
+ if (sel.length > 0) {
+ msgLeft = String(sel.length).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,") + ' ' + w2utils.lang('selected');
+ var tmp = sel[0];
+ if (typeof tmp == 'object') tmp = tmp.recid + ', '+ w2utils.lang('Column') +': '+ tmp.column;
+ if (sel.length == 1) msgLeft = w2utils.lang('Record ID') + ': '+ tmp + ' ';
+ }
+ $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer .w2ui-footer-left').html(msgLeft);
+ // toolbar
+ if (sel.length == 1) this.toolbar.enable('edit'); else this.toolbar.disable('edit');
+ if (sel.length >= 1) this.toolbar.enable('delete'); else this.toolbar.disable('delete');
+ }
+ },
+ lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
+ var box = $(this.box).find('> div:first-child');
+ setTimeout(function () { w2utils.lock(box, msg, showSpinner); }, 10);
+ },
+ unlock: function () {
+ var box = this.box;
+ setTimeout(function () { w2utils.unlock(box); }, 25); // needed timer so if server fast, it will not flash
+ },
+ parseField: function (obj, field) {
+ var val = '';
+ try { // need this to make sure no error in fields
+ val = obj;
+ var tmp = String(field).split('.');
+ for (var i in tmp) {
+ val = val[tmp[i]];
+ }
+ } catch (event) {
+ val = '';
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(w2grid.prototype, w2utils.event);
+ w2obj.grid = w2grid;
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2layout - layout widget
+ * - $().w2layout - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2toolbar, w2tabs
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - onResize for the panel
+ * - problem with layout.html (see in 1.3)
+ * - add panel title
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+(function ($) {
+ var w2layout = function (options) {
+ this.box = null // DOM Element that holds the element
+ this.name = null; // unique name for w2ui
+ this.panels = [];
+ this.tmp = {};
+ this.padding = 1; // panel padding
+ this.resizer = 4; // resizer width or height
+ this.style = '';
+ this.onShow = null;
+ this.onHide = null;
+ this.onResizing = null;
+ this.onRender = null;
+ this.onRefresh = null;
+ this.onResize = null;
+ this.onDestroy = null
+ $.extend(true, this, w2obj.layout, options);
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2layout = function(method) {
+ if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
+ // check required parameters
+ if (!method || typeof method.name == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is required but not supplied in $().w2layout().');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof w2ui[method.name] != 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is not unique. There are other objects already created with the same name (obj: '+ method.name +').');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(method.name)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore). ');
+ return;
+ }
+ var panels = method.panels;
+ var object = new w2layout(method);
+ $.extend(object, { handlers: [], panels: [] });
+ // add defined panels panels
+ for (var p in panels) {
+ object.panels[p] = $.extend(true, {}, w2layout.prototype.panel, panels[p]);
+ if ($.isPlainObject(object.panels[p].tabs) || $.isArray(object.panels[p].tabs)) initTabs(object, panels[p].type);
+ if ($.isPlainObject(object.panels[p].toolbar) || $.isArray(object.panels[p].toolbar)) initToolbar(object, panels[p].type);
+ }
+ // add all other panels
+ for (var p in { 'top':'', 'left':'', 'main':'', 'preview':'', 'right':'', 'bottom':'' }) {
+ if (object.get(p) != null) continue;
+ object.panels[p] = $.extend(true, {}, w2layout.prototype.panel, { type: p, hidden: true, size: 50 });
+ }
+ if ($(this).length > 0) {
+ object.render($(this)[0]);
+ }
+ w2ui[object.name] = object;
+ return object;
+ } else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
+ var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
+ obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2layout' );
+ }
+ function initTabs(object, panel, tabs) {
+ var pan = object.get(panel);
+ if (pan != null && typeof tabs == 'undefined') tabs = pan.tabs;
+ if (pan == null || tabs == null) return false;
+ // instanciate tabs
+ if ($.isArray(tabs)) tabs = { tabs: tabs };
+ $().w2destroy(object.name + '_' + panel + '_tabs'); // destroy if existed
+ pan.tabs = $().w2tabs($.extend({}, tabs, { owner: object, name: object.name + '_' + panel + '_tabs' }));
+ pan.show.tabs = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function initToolbar(object, panel, toolbar) {
+ var pan = object.get(panel);
+ if (pan != null && typeof toolbar == 'undefined') toolbar = pan.toolbar;
+ if (pan == null || toolbar == null) return false;
+ // instanciate toolbar
+ if ($.isArray(toolbar)) toolbar = { items: toolbar };
+ $().w2destroy(object.name + '_' + panel + '_toolbar'); // destroy if existed
+ pan.toolbar = $().w2toolbar($.extend({}, toolbar, { owner: object, name: object.name + '_' + panel + '_toolbar' }));
+ pan.show.toolbar = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Implementation of core functionality
+ w2layout.prototype = {
+ // default setting for a panel
+ panel: {
+ type : null, // left, right, top, bottom
+ size : 100, // width or height depending on panel name
+ minSize : 20,
+ hidden : false,
+ resizable : false,
+ overflow : 'auto',
+ style : '',
+ content : '', // can be String or Object with .render(box) method
+ tabs : null,
+ toolbar : null,
+ width : null, // read only
+ height : null, // read only
+ show : {
+ toolbar : false,
+ tabs : false
+ },
+ onRefresh : null,
+ onShow : null,
+ onHide : null
+ },
+ // alias for content
+ html: function (panel, data, transition) {
+ return this.content(panel, data, transition);
+ },
+ content: function (panel, data, transition) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var p = this.get(panel);
+ if (panel == 'css') {
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_css').html('');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (p == null) return false;
+ if ($('#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel2_'+ p.type).length > 0) return false;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ p.type).scrollTop(0);
+ if (data == null || typeof data == 'undefined') {
+ return p.content;
+ } else {
+ if (data instanceof jQuery) {
+ console.log('ERROR: You can not pass jQuery object to w2layout.content() method');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // remove foreign classes and styles
+ var tmp = $('#'+ 'layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ panel + ' > .w2ui-panel-content');
+ var panelTop = $(tmp).position().top;
+ tmp.attr('class', 'w2ui-panel-content');
+ if (tmp.length > 0 && typeof p.style != 'undefined') tmp[0].style.cssText = p.style;
+ if (p.content == '') {
+ p.content = data;
+ if (!p.hidden) this.refresh(panel);
+ } else {
+ p.content = data;
+ if (!p.hidden) {
+ if (transition != null && transition != '' && typeof transition != 'undefined') {
+ // apply transition
+ var nm = 'layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ p.type;
+ var div1 = $('#'+ nm + ' > .w2ui-panel-content');
+ div1.after('
+ var div2 = $('#'+ nm + ' > .w2ui-panel-content.new-panel');
+ div1.css('top', panelTop);
+ div2.css('top', panelTop);
+ if (typeof data == 'object') {
+ data.box = div2[0]; // do not do .render(box);
+ data.render();
+ } else {
+ div2.html(data);
+ }
+ w2utils.transition(div1[0], div2[0], transition, function () {
+ div1.remove();
+ div2.removeClass('new-panel');
+ div2.css('overflow', p.overflow);
+ // IE Hack
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')) setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 100);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (!p.hidden) this.refresh(panel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // IE Hack
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')) setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 100);
+ return true;
+ },
+ load: function (panel, url, transition, onLoad) {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (panel == 'css') {
+ $.get(url, function (data, status, xhr) {
+ obj.content(panel, xhr.responseText);
+ if (onLoad) onLoad();
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (this.get(panel) != null) {
+ $.get(url, function (data, status, xhr) {
+ obj.content(panel, xhr.responseText, transition);
+ if (onLoad) onLoad();
+ // IE Hack
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')) setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 100);
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ sizeTo: function (panel, size) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var pan = obj.get(panel);
+ if (pan == null) return false;
+ // resize
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div .w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.35s',
+ '-moz-transition' : '.35s',
+ '-ms-transition' : '.35s',
+ '-o-transition' : '.35s'
+ });
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ obj.set(panel, { size: size });
+ }, 1);
+ // clean
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div .w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '0s',
+ '-moz-transition' : '0s',
+ '-ms-transition' : '0s',
+ '-o-transition' : '0s'
+ });
+ obj.resize();
+ }, 500);
+ return true;
+ },
+ show: function (panel, immediate) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'show', target: panel, object: this.get(panel), immediate: immediate });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ var p = obj.get(panel);
+ if (p == null) return false;
+ p.hidden = false;
+ if (immediate === true) {
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '1' });
+ if (p.resizabled) $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).show();
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ obj.resize();
+ } else {
+ if (p.resizabled) $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).show();
+ // resize
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '0' });
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div .w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.2s',
+ '-moz-transition' : '.2s',
+ '-ms-transition' : '.2s',
+ '-o-transition' : '.2s'
+ });
+ setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 1);
+ // show
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+ panel).css({ 'opacity': '1' });
+ }, 250);
+ // clean
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div .w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '0s',
+ '-moz-transition' : '0s',
+ '-ms-transition' : '0s',
+ '-o-transition' : '0s'
+ });
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ obj.resize();
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ hide: function (panel, immediate) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'hide', target: panel, object: this.get(panel), immediate: immediate });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ var p = obj.get(panel);
+ if (p == null) return false;
+ p.hidden = true;
+ if (immediate === true) {
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '0' });
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).hide();
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ obj.resize();
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_resizer_'+panel).hide();
+ // hide
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div .w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.2s',
+ '-moz-transition' : '.2s',
+ '-ms-transition' : '.2s',
+ '-o-transition' : '.2s'
+ });
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+panel).css({ 'opacity': '0' });
+ setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 1);
+ // clean
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div .w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '0s',
+ '-moz-transition' : '0s',
+ '-ms-transition' : '0s',
+ '-o-transition' : '0s'
+ });
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ obj.resize();
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ toggle: function (panel, immediate) {
+ var p = this.get(panel);
+ if (p == null) return false;
+ if (p.hidden) return this.show(panel, immediate); else return this.hide(panel, immediate);
+ },
+ set: function (panel, options) {
+ var obj = this.get(panel, true);
+ if (obj == null) return false;
+ $.extend(this.panels[obj], options);
+ this.refresh(panel);
+ this.resize(); // resize is needed when panel size is changed
+ return true;
+ },
+ get: function (panel, returnIndex) {
+ var obj = null;
+ for (var p in this.panels) {
+ if (this.panels[p].type == panel) {
+ if (returnIndex === true) return p; else return this.panels[p];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ el: function (panel) {
+ var el = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +' .w2ui-panel-content');
+ if (el.length != 1) return null;
+ return el[0];
+ },
+ hideToolbar: function (panel) {
+ var pan = this.get(panel);
+ if (!pan) return;
+ pan.show.toolbar = false;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +' > .w2ui-panel-toolbar').hide();
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ showToolbar: function (panel) {
+ var pan = this.get(panel);
+ if (!pan) return;
+ pan.show.toolbar = true;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +' > .w2ui-panel-toolbar').show();
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ toggleToolbar: function (panel) {
+ var pan = this.get(panel);
+ if (!pan) return;
+ if (pan.show.toolbar) this.hideToolbar(panel); else this.showToolbar(panel);
+ },
+ hideTabs: function (panel) {
+ var pan = this.get(panel);
+ if (!pan) return;
+ pan.show.tabs = false;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +' > .w2ui-panel-tabs').hide();
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ showTabs: function (panel) {
+ var pan = this.get(panel);
+ if (!pan) return;
+ pan.show.tabs = true;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +' > .w2ui-panel-tabs').show();
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ toggleTabs: function (panel) {
+ var pan = this.get(panel);
+ if (!pan) return;
+ if (pan.show.tabs) this.hideTabs(panel); else this.showTabs(panel);
+ },
+ render: function (box) {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: obj.name, box: box });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ if (typeof box != 'undefined' && box != null) {
+ if ($(obj.box).find('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_main').length > 0) {
+ $(obj.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-layout')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ obj.box = box;
+ }
+ if (!obj.box) return false;
+ $(obj.box)
+ .attr('name', obj.name)
+ .addClass('w2ui-layout')
+ .html('
+ if ($(obj.box).length > 0) $(obj.box)[0].style.cssText += obj.style;
+ // create all panels
+ var tmp = ['top', 'left', 'main', 'preview', 'right', 'bottom'];
+ for (var t in tmp) {
+ var pan = obj.get(tmp[t]);
+ var html = '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div').append(html);
+ // tabs are rendered in refresh()
+ }
+ $(obj.box).find(' > div')
+ .append('
+ if (obj.tmp.resizing == 'left' && (obj.get('left').minSize - obj.tmp.resize.div_x > obj.get('left').width)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_x = obj.get('left').minSize - obj.get('left').width;
+ }
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'left' && (obj.get('main').minSize + obj.tmp.resize.div_x > obj.get('main').width)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_x = obj.get('main').width - obj.get('main').minSize;
+ }
+ // right panel -> drag
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'right' && (obj.get('right').minSize + obj.tmp.resize.div_x > obj.get('right').width)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_x = obj.get('right').width - obj.get('right').minSize;
+ }
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'right' && (obj.get('main').minSize - obj.tmp.resize.div_x > obj.get('main').width)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_x = obj.get('main').minSize - obj.get('main').width;
+ }
+ // top panel -> drag
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'top' && (obj.get('top').minSize - obj.tmp.resize.div_y > obj.get('top').height)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = obj.get('top').minSize - obj.get('top').height;
+ }
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'top' && (obj.get('main').minSize + obj.tmp.resize.div_y > obj.get('main').height)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = obj.get('main').height - obj.get('main').minSize;
+ }
+ // bottom panel -> drag
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'bottom' && (obj.get('bottom').minSize + obj.tmp.resize.div_y > obj.get('bottom').height)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = obj.get('bottom').height - obj.get('bottom').minSize;
+ }
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'bottom' && (obj.get('main').minSize - obj.tmp.resize.div_y > obj.get('main').height)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = obj.get('main').minSize - obj.get('main').height;
+ }
+ // preview panel -> drag
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'preview' && (obj.get('preview').minSize + obj.tmp.resize.div_y > obj.get('preview').height)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = obj.get('preview').height - obj.get('preview').minSize;
+ }
+ if (obj.tmp.resize.type == 'preview' && (obj.get('main').minSize - obj.tmp.resize.div_y > obj.get('main').height)) {
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = obj.get('main').minSize - obj.get('main').height;
+ }
+ switch(obj.tmp.resize.type) {
+ case 'top':
+ case 'preview':
+ case 'bottom':
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_x = 0;
+ if (p.length > 0) p[0].style.top = (obj.tmp.resize.value + obj.tmp.resize.div_y) + 'px';
+ break;
+ case 'left':
+ case 'right':
+ obj.tmp.resize.div_y = 0;
+ if (p.length > 0) p[0].style.left = (obj.tmp.resize.value + obj.tmp.resize.div_x) + 'px';
+ break;
+ }
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }
+ },
+ refresh: function (panel) {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ if (typeof panel == 'undefined') panel = null;
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof panel != 'undefined' ? panel : obj.name), object: obj.get(panel) });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // obj.unlock(panel);
+ if (panel != null && typeof panel != 'undefined') {
+ var p = obj.get(panel);
+ if (p == null) return;
+ // apply properties to the panel
+ var el = $('#layout_'+ obj.name +'_panel_'+ panel).css({ display: p.hidden ? 'none' : 'block' });
+ el = el.find('.w2ui-panel-content');
+ if (el.length > 0) el.css('overflow', p.overflow)[0].style.cssText += ';' + p.style;
+ if (p.resizable === true) {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_'+ panel).show();
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_'+ panel).hide();
+ }
+ // insert content
+ if (typeof p.content == 'object' && p.content.render) {
+ p.content.box = $('#layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_'+ p.type +' > .w2ui-panel-content')[0];
+ p.content.render(); // do not do .render(box);
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_'+ p.type +' > .w2ui-panel-content').html(p.content);
+ }
+ // if there are tabs and/or toolbar - render it
+ var tmp = $(obj.box).find('#layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_'+ p.type +' .w2ui-panel-tabs');
+ if (p.show.tabs) {
+ if (tmp.find('[name='+ p.tabs.name +']').length == 0 && p.tabs != null) tmp.w2render(p.tabs); else p.tabs.refresh();
+ } else {
+ tmp.html('').removeClass('w2ui-tabs').hide();
+ }
+ var tmp = $(obj.box).find('#layout_'+ obj.name + '_panel_'+ p.type +' .w2ui-panel-toolbar');
+ if (p.show.toolbar) {
+ if (tmp.find('[name='+ p.toolbar.name +']').length == 0 && p.toolbar != null) tmp.w2render(p.toolbar); else p.toolbar.refresh();
+ } else {
+ tmp.html('').removeClass('w2ui-toolbar').hide();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($('#layout_' +obj.name +'_panel_main').length <= 0) {
+ obj.render();
+ return;
+ }
+ obj.resize();
+ // refresh all of them
+ for (var p in this.panels) { obj.refresh(this.panels[p].type); }
+ }
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ resize: function () {
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ if (!this.box) return false;
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name, panel: this.tmp.resizing });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ if (this.padding < 0) this.padding = 0;
+ // layout itself
+ var width = parseInt($(this.box).width());
+ var height = parseInt($(this.box).height());
+ $(this.box).find(' > div').css({
+ width : width + 'px',
+ height : height + 'px'
+ });
+ var obj = this;
+ // panels
+ var pmain = this.get('main');
+ var pprev = this.get('preview');
+ var pleft = this.get('left');
+ var pright = this.get('right');
+ var ptop = this.get('top');
+ var pbottom = this.get('bottom');
+ var smain = true; // main always on
+ var sprev = (pprev != null && pprev.hidden != true ? true : false);
+ var sleft = (pleft != null && pleft.hidden != true ? true : false);
+ var sright = (pright != null && pright.hidden != true ? true : false);
+ var stop = (ptop != null && ptop.hidden != true ? true : false);
+ var sbottom = (pbottom != null && pbottom.hidden != true ? true : false);
+ // calculate %
+ for (var p in { 'top':'', 'left':'', 'right':'', 'bottom':'', 'preview':'' }) {
+ var tmp = this.get(p);
+ var str = String(tmp.size);
+ if (tmp && str.substr(str.length-1) == '%') {
+ var tmph = height;
+ if (tmp.type == 'preview') {
+ tmph = tmph
+ - (ptop && !ptop.hidden ? ptop.sizeCalculated : 0)
+ - (pbottom && !pbottom.hidden ? pbottom.sizeCalculated : 0);
+ }
+ tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt((tmp.type == 'left' || tmp.type == 'right' ? width : tmph) * parseFloat(tmp.size) / 100);
+ } else {
+ tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt(tmp.size);
+ }
+ if (tmp.sizeCalculated < parseInt(tmp.minSize)) tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt(tmp.minSize);
+ }
+ // top if any
+ if (ptop != null && ptop.hidden != true) {
+ var l = 0;
+ var t = 0;
+ var w = width;
+ var h = ptop.sizeCalculated;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_top').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px'
+ }).show();
+ ptop.width = w;
+ ptop.height = h;
+ // resizer
+ if (ptop.resizable) {
+ t = ptop.sizeCalculated - (this.padding == 0 ? this.resizer : 0);
+ h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_top').show().css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px',
+ 'cursor': 'ns-resize'
+ }).bind('mousedown', function (event) {
+ w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('top', event);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_top').hide();
+ }
+ // left if any
+ if (pleft != null && pleft.hidden != true) {
+ var l = 0;
+ var t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var w = pleft.sizeCalculated;
+ var h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
+ (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var e = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left');
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0 && e.length > 0 && e[0].clientHeight < e[0].scrollHeight) w += 17; // IE hack
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px'
+ }).show();
+ pleft.width = w;
+ pleft.height = h;
+ // resizer
+ if (pleft.resizable) {
+ l = pleft.sizeCalculated - (this.padding == 0 ? this.resizer : 0);
+ w = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_left').show().css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px',
+ 'cursor': 'ew-resize'
+ }).bind('mousedown', function (event) {
+ w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('left', event);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left').hide();
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_left').hide();
+ }
+ // right if any
+ if (pright != null && pright.hidden != true) {
+ var l = width - pright.sizeCalculated;
+ var t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var w = pright.sizeCalculated;
+ var h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
+ (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_right').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px'
+ }).show();
+ pright.width = w;
+ pright.height = h;
+ // resizer
+ if (pright.resizable) {
+ l = l - this.padding;
+ w = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_right').show().css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px',
+ 'cursor': 'ew-resize'
+ }).bind('mousedown', function (event) {
+ w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('right', event);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_right').hide();
+ }
+ // bottom if any
+ if (pbottom != null && pbottom.hidden != true) {
+ var l = 0;
+ var t = height - pbottom.sizeCalculated;
+ var w = width;
+ var h = pbottom.sizeCalculated;
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_bottom').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px'
+ }).show();
+ pbottom.width = w;
+ pbottom.height = h;
+ // resizer
+ if (pbottom.resizable) {
+ t = t - (this.padding == 0 ? 0 : this.padding);
+ h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_bottom').show().css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px',
+ 'cursor': 'ns-resize'
+ }).bind('mousedown', function (event) {
+ w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('bottom', event);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_bottom').hide();
+ }
+ // main - always there
+ var l = 0 + (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var w = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
+ (sright ? pright.sizeCalculated + this.padding: 0);
+ var h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
+ (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
+ (sprev ? pprev.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var e = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main');
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0 && e.length > 0 && e[0].clientHeight < e[0].scrollHeight) w += 17; // IE hack
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px'
+ });
+ pmain.width = w;
+ pmain.height = h;
+ // preview if any
+ if (pprev != null && pprev.hidden != true) {
+ var l = 0 + (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var t = height - (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - pprev.sizeCalculated;
+ var w = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) -
+ (sright ? pright.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0);
+ var h = pprev.sizeCalculated;
+ var e = $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview');
+ if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0 && e.length > 0 && e[0].clientHeight < e[0].scrollHeight) w += 17; // IE hack
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px'
+ }).show();
+ pprev.width = w;
+ pprev.height = h;
+ // resizer
+ if (pprev.resizable) {
+ t = t - (this.padding == 0 ? 0 : this.padding);
+ h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding);
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_preview').show().css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'left': l + 'px',
+ 'top': t + 'px',
+ 'width': w + 'px',
+ 'height': h + 'px',
+ 'cursor': 'ns-resize'
+ }).bind('mousedown', function (event) {
+ w2ui[obj.name].tmp.events.resizeStart('preview', event);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview').hide();
+ }
+ // display tabs and toolbar if needed
+ for (var p in { 'top':'', 'left':'', 'main':'', 'preview':'', 'right':'', 'bottom':'' }) {
+ var pan = this.get(p);
+ var tmp = '#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ p +' > .w2ui-panel-';
+ var height = 0;
+ if (pan.show.tabs) {
+ if (pan.tabs != null && w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p +'_tabs']) w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p +'_tabs'].resize();
+ height += w2utils.getSize($(tmp + 'tabs').css({ display: 'block' }), 'height');
+ }
+ if (pan.show.toolbar) {
+ if (pan.toolbar != null && w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p +'_toolbar']) w2ui[this.name +'_'+ p +'_toolbar'].resize();
+ height += w2utils.getSize($(tmp + 'toolbar').css({ top: height + 'px', display: 'block' }), 'height');
+ }
+ $(tmp + 'content').css({ display: 'block' }).css({ top: height + 'px' });
+ }
+ // send resize to all objects
+ var obj = this;
+ clearTimeout(this._resize_timer);
+ this._resize_timer = setTimeout(function () {
+ for (var e in w2ui) {
+ if (typeof w2ui[e].resize == 'function') {
+ // sent to all none-layouts
+ if (w2ui[e].panels == 'undefined') w2ui[e].resize();
+ // only send to nested layouts
+ var parent = $(w2ui[e].box).parents('.w2ui-layout');
+ if (parent.length > 0 && parent.attr('name') == obj.name) w2ui[e].resize();
+ }
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ if (typeof w2ui[this.name] == 'undefined') return false;
+ // clean up
+ if ($(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-layout')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ delete w2ui[this.name];
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ if (this.tmp.events && this.tmp.events.resize) $(window).off('resize', this.tmp.events.resize);
+ if (this.tmp.events && this.tmp.events.mousemove) $(document).off('mousemove', this.tmp.events.mousemove);
+ if (this.tmp.events && this.tmp.events.mouseup) $(document).off('mouseup', this.tmp.events.mouseup);
+ return true;
+ },
+ lock: function (panel, msg, showSpinner) {
+ if ($.inArray(String(panel), ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'preview', 'main']) == -1) {
+ console.log('ERROR: First parameter needs to be the a valid panel name.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var nm = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_' + panel;
+ w2utils.lock(nm, msg, showSpinner);
+ },
+ unlock: function (panel) {
+ if ($.inArray(String(panel), ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'preview', 'main']) == -1) {
+ console.log('ERROR: First parameter needs to be the a valid panel name.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var nm = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_' + panel;
+ w2utils.unlock(nm);
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(w2layout.prototype, w2utils.event);
+ w2obj.layout = w2layout;
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2popup - popup widget
+ * - $().w2popup - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - when maximized, align the slide down message
+ * - bug: after transfer to another content, message does not work
+ * - transition should include title, body and buttons, not just body
+ * - add lock method() to lock popup content
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+var w2popup = {};
+(function ($) {
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2popup = function(method, options) {
+ if (typeof method == 'undefined') {
+ options = {};
+ method = 'open';
+ }
+ if ($.isPlainObject(method)) {
+ options = method;
+ method = 'open';
+ }
+ method = method.toLowerCase();
+ if (method == 'load' && typeof options == 'string') options = { url: options };
+ if (method == 'open' && typeof options.url != 'undefined') method = 'load';
+ if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {};
+ // load options from markup
+ var dlgOptions = {};
+ if ($(this).length > 0 ) {
+ if ($(this).find('div[rel=title], div[rel=body], div[rel=buttons]').length > 0) {
+ if ($(this).find('div[rel=title]').length > 0) {
+ dlgOptions['title'] = $(this).find('div[rel=title]').html();
+ }
+ if ($(this).find('div[rel=body]').length > 0) {
+ dlgOptions['body'] = $(this).find('div[rel=body]').html();
+ dlgOptions['style'] = $(this).find('div[rel=body]')[0].style.cssText;
+ }
+ if ($(this).find('div[rel=buttons]').length > 0) {
+ dlgOptions['buttons'] = $(this).find('div[rel=buttons]').html();
+ }
+ } else {
+ dlgOptions['title'] = ' ';
+ dlgOptions['body'] = $(this).html();
+ }
+ if (parseInt($(this).css('width')) != 0) dlgOptions['width'] = parseInt($(this).css('width'));
+ if (parseInt($(this).css('height')) != 0) dlgOptions['height'] = parseInt($(this).css('height'));
+ }
+ // show popup
+ return w2popup[method]($.extend({}, dlgOptions, options));
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Implementation of core functionality (SINGELTON)
+ w2popup = {
+ defaults: {
+ title : '',
+ body : '',
+ buttons : '',
+ style : '',
+ color : '#000',
+ opacity : 0.4,
+ speed : 0.3,
+ modal : false,
+ maximized : false,
+ keyboard : true, // will close popup on esc if not modal
+ width : 500,
+ height : 300,
+ showClose : true,
+ showMax : false,
+ transition : null
+ },
+ handlers : [],
+ onOpen : null,
+ onClose : null,
+ onMax : null,
+ onMin : null,
+ onKeydown : null,
+ open: function (options) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // get old options and merge them
+ var old_options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ var options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, { body : '' }, old_options, options);
+ // if new - reset event handlers
+ if ($('#w2ui-popup').length == 0) {
+ w2popup.handlers = [];
+ w2popup.onMax = null;
+ w2popup.onMin = null;
+ w2popup.onOpen = null;
+ w2popup.onClose = null;
+ w2popup.onKeydown = null;
+ }
+ if (options.onOpen) w2popup.onOpen = options.onOpen;
+ if (options.onClose) w2popup.onClose = options.onClose;
+ if (options.onMax) w2popup.onMax = options.onMax;
+ if (options.onMin) w2popup.onMin = options.onMin;
+ if (options.onKeydown) w2popup.onKeydown = options.onKeydown;
+ if (window.innerHeight == undefined) {
+ var width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
+ var height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
+ if (w2utils.engine == 'IE7') { width += 21; height += 4; }
+ } else {
+ var width = window.innerWidth;
+ var height = window.innerHeight;
+ }
+ if (parseInt(width) - 10 < parseInt(options.width)) options.width = parseInt(width) - 10;
+ if (parseInt(height) - 10 < parseInt(options.height)) options.height = parseInt(height) - 10;
+ var top = ((parseInt(height) - parseInt(options.height)) / 2) * 0.6;
+ var left = (parseInt(width) - parseInt(options.width)) / 2;
+ // check if message is already displayed
+ if ($('#w2ui-popup').length == 0) {
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'open', target: 'popup', options: options, present: false });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // output message
+ w2popup.lockScreen(options);
+ var msg = '';
+ $('body').append(msg);
+ // allow element to render
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2').hide();
+ $('#w2ui-popup').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -webkit-transform',
+ '-webkit-transform': 'scale(1)',
+ '-moz-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -moz-transform',
+ '-moz-transform': 'scale(1)',
+ '-ms-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -ms-transform',
+ '-ms-transform': 'scale(1)',
+ '-o-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -o-transform',
+ '-o-transform': 'scale(1)',
+ 'opacity': '1'
+ });
+ }, 1);
+ // clean transform
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-popup').css({
+ '-webkit-transform': '',
+ '-moz-transform': '',
+ '-ms-transform': '',
+ '-o-transform': ''
+ });
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }, options.speed * 1000);
+ } else {
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'open', target: 'popup', options: options, present: true });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // check if size changed
+ if (typeof old_options == 'undefined' || old_options['width'] != options['width'] || old_options['height'] != options['height']) {
+ $('#w2ui-panel').remove();
+ w2popup.resize(options.width, options.height);
+ }
+ // show new items
+ var body = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2 > .w2ui-msg-body').html(options.body);
+ if (body.length > 0) body[0].style.cssText = options.style;
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-buttons').html(options.buttons);
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title').html(
+ (options.showClose ? '
' : '')+
+ (options.showMax ? '
' : '') +
+ options.title);
+ // transition
+ var div_old = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1')[0];
+ var div_new = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box2')[0];
+ w2utils.transition(div_old, div_new, options.transition);
+ div_new.className = 'w2ui-box1';
+ div_old.className = 'w2ui-box2';
+ $(div_new).addClass('w2ui-current-box');
+ // remove max state
+ $('#w2ui-popup').data('prev-size', null);
+ // call event onChange
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ // save new options
+ options._last_w2ui_name = w2utils.keyboard.active();
+ w2utils.keyboard.active(null);
+ $('#w2ui-popup').data('options', options);
+ // keyboard events
+ if (options.keyboard) $(document).on('keydown', this.keydown);
+ // initialize move
+ var tmp = { resizing: false };
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title')
+ .on('mousedown', function (event) { mvStart(event); })
+ .on('mousemove', function (event) { mvMove(event); })
+ .on('mouseup', function (event) { mvStop(event); });
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body')
+ .on('mousemove', function (event) { mvMove(event); })
+ .on('mouseup', function (event) { mvStop(event); });
+ $('#w2ui-lock')
+ .on('mousemove', function (event) { mvMove(event); })
+ .on('mouseup', function (event) { mvStop(event); });
+ // handlers
+ function mvStart(event) {
+ if (!event) event = window.event;
+ if (!window.addEventListener) { window.document.attachEvent('onselectstart', function() { return false; } ); }
+ tmp.resizing = true;
+ tmp.tmp_x = event.screenX;
+ tmp.tmp_y = event.screenY;
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
+ if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else return false;
+ }
+ function mvMove(evnt) {
+ if (tmp.resizing != true) return;
+ if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
+ tmp.tmp_div_x = (evnt.screenX - tmp.tmp_x);
+ tmp.tmp_div_y = (evnt.screenY - tmp.tmp_y);
+ $('#w2ui-popup').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': 'none',
+ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px, 0px)',
+ '-moz-transition': 'none',
+ '-moz-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px)',
+ '-ms-transition': 'none',
+ '-ms-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px)',
+ '-o-transition': 'none',
+ '-o-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px)'
+ });
+ $('#w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': 'none',
+ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px, 0px)',
+ '-moz-transition': 'none',
+ '-moz-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px)',
+ '-ms-transition': 'none',
+ '-ms-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px',
+ '-o-transition': 'none',
+ '-o-transform': 'translate('+ tmp.tmp_div_x +'px, '+ tmp.tmp_div_y +'px)'
+ });
+ }
+ function mvStop(evnt) {
+ if (tmp.resizing != true) return;
+ if (!evnt) evnt = window.event;
+ tmp.tmp_div_x = (evnt.screenX - tmp.tmp_x);
+ tmp.tmp_div_y = (evnt.screenY - tmp.tmp_y);
+ $('#w2ui-popup').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': 'none',
+ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)',
+ '-moz-transition': 'none',
+ '-moz-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
+ '-ms-transition': 'none',
+ '-ms-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
+ '-o-transition': 'none',
+ '-o-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
+ 'left': (parseInt($('#w2ui-popup').css('left')) + parseInt(tmp.tmp_div_x)) + 'px',
+ 'top': (parseInt($('#w2ui-popup').css('top')) + parseInt(tmp.tmp_div_y)) + 'px'
+ });
+ $('#w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': 'none',
+ '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)',
+ '-moz-transition': 'none',
+ '-moz-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
+ '-ms-transition': 'none',
+ '-ms-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
+ '-o-transition': 'none',
+ '-o-transform': 'translate(0px, 0px)',
+ 'left': (parseInt($('#w2ui-panel').css('left')) + parseInt(tmp.tmp_div_x)) + 'px',
+ 'top': (parseInt($('#w2ui-panel').css('top')) + parseInt(tmp.tmp_div_y)) + 'px'
+ });
+ tmp.resizing = false;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ keydown: function (event) {
+ var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ if (!options.keyboard) return;
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = w2popup.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'keydown', target: 'popup', options: options, object: w2popup, originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // default behavior
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 27:
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if ($('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').length > 0) w2popup.message(); else w2popup.close();
+ break;
+ }
+ // event after
+ w2popup.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
+ },
+ close: function (options) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var options = $.extend({}, $('#w2ui-popup').data('options'), options);
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'close', target: 'popup', options: options });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // default behavior
+ $('#w2ui-popup, #w2ui-panel').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -webkit-transform',
+ '-webkit-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
+ '-moz-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -moz-transform',
+ '-moz-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
+ '-ms-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -ms-transform',
+ '-ms-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
+ '-o-transition': options.speed +'s opacity, '+ options.speed +'s -o-transform',
+ '-o-transform': 'scale(0.9)',
+ 'opacity': '0'
+ });
+ w2popup.unlockScreen();
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-popup').remove();
+ $('#w2ui-panel').remove();
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
+ }, options.speed * 1000);
+ // restore active
+ w2utils.keyboard.active(options._last_w2ui_name);
+ // remove keyboard events
+ if (options.keyboard) $(document).off('keydown', this.keydown);
+ },
+ toggle: function () {
+ var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ if (options.maximized === true) w2popup.min(); else w2popup.max();
+ },
+ max: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ if (options.maximized === true) return;
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'max', target: 'popup', options: options });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // default behavior
+ options.maximized = true;
+ options.prevSize = $('#w2ui-popup').css('width')+':'+$('#w2ui-popup').css('height');
+ $('#w2ui-popup').data('options', options);
+ // do resize
+ w2popup.resize(10000, 10000, function () {
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
+ });
+ },
+ min: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ if (options.maximized !== true) return;
+ var size = options.prevSize.split(':');
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'min', target: 'popup', options: options });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // default behavior
+ options.maximized = false;
+ options.prevSize = null;
+ $('#w2ui-popup').data('options', options);
+ // do resize
+ w2popup.resize(size[0], size[1], function () {
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after'}));
+ });
+ },
+ get: function () {
+ return $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ },
+ set: function (options) {
+ w2popup.open(options);
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title').html('');
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-body').html('');
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-buttons').html('');
+ },
+ reset: function () {
+ w2popup.open(w2popup.defaults);
+ },
+ load: function (options) {
+ if (String(options.url) == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The url parameter is empty.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var tmp = String(options.url).split('#');
+ var url = tmp[0];
+ var selector = tmp[1];
+ if (String(options) == 'undefined') options = {};
+ // load url
+ var html = $('#w2ui-popup').data(url);
+ if (typeof html != 'undefined' && html != null) {
+ popup(html, selector);
+ } else {
+ $.get(url, function (data, status, obj) {
+ popup(obj.responseText, selector);
+ $('#w2ui-popup').data(url, obj.responseText); // remember for possible future purposes
+ });
+ }
+ function popup(html, selector) {
+ delete options.url;
+ $('body').append('
'+ html +'
+ if (typeof selector != 'undefined' && $('#w2ui-tmp #'+selector).length > 0) {
+ $('#w2ui-tmp #'+ selector).w2popup(options);
+ } else {
+ $('#w2ui-tmp > div').w2popup(options);
+ }
+ // link styles
+ if ($('#w2ui-tmp > style').length > 0) {
+ var style = $('
').append($('#w2ui-tmp > style').clone()).html();
+ if ($('#w2ui-popup #div-style').length == 0) {
+ $('#w2ui-ppopup').append('
+ }
+ $('#w2ui-popup #div-style').html(style);
+ }
+ $('#w2ui-tmp').remove();
+ }
+ },
+ message: function (options) {
+ $().w2tag(); // hide all tags
+ if (!options) options = { width: 200, height: 100 };
+ if (parseInt(options.width) < 10) options.width = 10;
+ if (parseInt(options.height) < 10) options.height = 10;
+ if (typeof options.hideOnClick == 'undefined') options.hideOnClick = false;
+ var head = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-msg-title');
+ if ($('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').length == 0) {
+ var pwidth = parseInt($('#w2ui-popup').width());
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box1')
+ .before('');
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').data('options', options);
+ } else {
+ if (typeof options.width == 'undefined') options.width = w2utils.getSize($('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message'), 'width');
+ if (typeof options.height == 'undefined') options.height = w2utils.getSize($('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message'), 'height');
+ }
+ var display = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').css('display');
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').css({
+ '-webkit-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-'+ options.height + 'px)': 'translateY(0px)'),
+ '-moz-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-'+ options.height + 'px)': 'translateY(0px)'),
+ '-ms-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-'+ options.height + 'px)': 'translateY(0px)'),
+ '-o-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(-'+ options.height + 'px)': 'translateY(0px)')
+ });
+ if (display == 'none') {
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').show().html(options.html);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '0s', '-moz-transition': '0s', '-ms-transition': '0s', '-o-transition': '0s',
+ 'z-Index': 1500
+ }); // has to be on top of lock
+ w2popup.lock();
+ if (typeof options.onOpen == 'function') options.onOpen();
+ }, 300);
+ } else {
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').css('z-Index', 250);
+ var options = $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').data('options');
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').remove();
+ w2popup.unlock();
+ if (typeof options.onClose == 'function') options.onClose();
+ }
+ // timer needs to animation
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message').css({
+ '-webkit-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)': 'translateY(-'+ options.height +'px)'),
+ '-moz-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)': 'translateY(-'+ options.height +'px)'),
+ '-ms-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)': 'translateY(-'+ options.height +'px)'),
+ '-o-transform': (display == 'none' ? 'translateY(0px)': 'translateY(-'+ options.height +'px)')
+ });
+ }, 1);
+ },
+ lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
+ w2utils.lock($('#w2ui-popup'), msg, showSpinner);
+ },
+ unlock: function () {
+ w2utils.unlock($('#w2ui-popup'));
+ },
+ lockScreen: function (options) {
+ if ($('#w2ui-lock').length > 0) return false;
+ if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {};
+ options = $.extend({}, w2popup.defaults, options);
+ // show element
+ $('body').append('
+ // lock screen
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-lock').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ '-moz-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ '-ms-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ '-o-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ 'opacity': options.opacity
+ });
+ }, 1);
+ // add events
+ if (options.modal == true) {
+ $('#w2ui-lock').on('mousedown', function () {
+ $('#w2ui-lock').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.1s',
+ '-moz-transition': '.1s',
+ '-ms-transition': '.1s',
+ '-o-transition': '.1s',
+ 'opacity': '0.6'
+ });
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ });
+ $('#w2ui-lock').on('mouseup', function () {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-lock').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.1s',
+ '-moz-transition': '.1s',
+ '-ms-transition': '.1s',
+ '-o-transition': '.1s',
+ 'opacity': options.opacity
+ });
+ }, 100);
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ });
+ } else {
+ $('#w2ui-lock').on('mouseup', function () { w2popup.close(); });
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ unlockScreen: function () {
+ if ($('#w2ui-lock').length == 0) return false;
+ var options = $.extend({}, $('#w2ui-popup').data('options'), options);
+ $('#w2ui-lock').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ '-moz-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ '-ms-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ '-o-transition': options.speed +'s opacity',
+ 'opacity': 0
+ });
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#w2ui-lock').remove();
+ }, options.speed * 1000);
+ return true;
+ },
+ resize: function (width, height, callBack) {
+ var options = $('#w2ui-popup').data('options');
+ // calculate new position
+ if (parseInt($(window).width()) - 10 < parseInt(width)) width = parseInt($(window).width()) - 10;
+ if (parseInt($(window).height()) - 10 < parseInt(height)) height = parseInt($(window).height()) - 10;
+ var top = ((parseInt($(window).height()) - parseInt(height)) / 2) * 0.8;
+ var left = (parseInt($(window).width()) - parseInt(width)) / 2;
+ // resize there
+ $('#w2ui-popup').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': options.speed + 's width, '+ options.speed + 's height, '+ options.speed + 's left, '+ options.speed + 's top',
+ '-moz-transition': options.speed + 's width, '+ options.speed + 's height, '+ options.speed + 's left, '+ options.speed + 's top',
+ '-ms-transition': options.speed + 's width, '+ options.speed + 's height, '+ options.speed + 's left, '+ options.speed + 's top',
+ '-o-transition': options.speed + 's width, '+ options.speed + 's height, '+ options.speed + 's left, '+ options.speed + 's top',
+ 'top': top,
+ 'left': left,
+ 'width': width,
+ 'height': height
+ });
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ callBack();
+ }, options.speed * 1000);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // merge in event handling
+ $.extend(w2popup, w2utils.event);
+// ============================================
+// --- Common dialogs
+var w2alert = function (msg, title, callBack) {
+ if (typeof title == 'undefined') title = w2utils.lang('Notification');
+ if (jQuery('#w2ui-popup').length > 0) {
+ w2popup.message({
+ width : 400,
+ height : 150,
+ html : '
+ '
+ ' '+
+ '
+ onClose : function () {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ w2popup.open({
+ width : 450,
+ height : 200,
+ showMax : false,
+ title : title,
+ body : '
+ buttons : '',
+ onClose : function () {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+var w2confirm = function (msg, title, callBack) {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'undefined' || typeof title == 'function') {
+ callBack = title;
+ title = w2utils.lang('Confirmation');
+ }
+ if (typeof title == 'undefined') {
+ title = w2utils.lang('Confirmation');
+ }
+ if (jQuery('#w2ui-popup').length > 0) {
+ w2popup.message({
+ width : 400,
+ height : 150,
+ html : '
+ '
+ ' '+
+ ' '+
+ '
+ onOpen: function () {
+ jQuery('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-message .w2ui-popup-button').on('click', function (event) {
+ w2popup.message();
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(event.target.id);
+ });
+ },
+ onKeydown: function (event) {
+ switch (event.originalEvent.keyCode) {
+ case 13: // enter
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack('Yes');
+ w2popup.message();
+ break
+ case 27: // esc
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack('No');
+ w2popup.message();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ w2popup.open({
+ width : 450,
+ height : 200,
+ title : title,
+ modal : true,
+ showClose : false,
+ body : '
+ buttons : ''+
+ '',
+ onOpen: function (event) {
+ event.onComplete = function () {
+ jQuery('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-button').on('click', function (event) {
+ w2popup.close();
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(event.target.id);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ onKeydown: function (event) {
+ switch (event.originalEvent.keyCode) {
+ case 13: // enter
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack('Yes');
+ w2popup.close();
+ break
+ case 27: // esc
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack('No');
+ w2popup.close();
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2tabs - tabs widget
+ * - $().w2tabs - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - tabs might not work in chromium apps, need bind()
+ * - on overflow display << >>
+ * - individual tab onClick (possibly other events) are not working
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+(function ($) {
+ var w2tabs = function (options) {
+ this.box = null; // DOM Element that holds the element
+ this.name = null; // unique name for w2ui
+ this.active = null;
+ this.tabs = [];
+ this.right = '';
+ this.style = '';
+ this.onClick = null;
+ this.onClose = null;
+ this.onRender = null;
+ this.onRefresh = null;
+ this.onResize = null;
+ this.onDestroy = null;
+ $.extend(true, this, w2obj.tabs, options);
+ }
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2tabs = function(method) {
+ if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
+ // check required parameters
+ if (!method || typeof method.name == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is required but not supplied in $().w2tabs().');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof w2ui[method.name] != 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is not unique. There are other objects already created with the same name (obj: '+ method.name +').');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(method.name)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore). ');
+ return;
+ }
+ // extend tabs
+ var tabs = method.tabs;
+ var object = new w2tabs(method);
+ $.extend(object, { tabs: [], handlers: [] });
+ for (var i in tabs) { object.tabs[i] = $.extend({}, w2tabs.prototype.tab, tabs[i]); }
+ if ($(this).length != 0) {
+ object.render($(this)[0]);
+ }
+ // register new object
+ w2ui[object.name] = object;
+ return object;
+ } else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
+ var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
+ obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2tabs' );
+ }
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Implementation of core functionality
+ w2tabs.prototype = {
+ tab : {
+ id : null, // commnad to be sent to all event handlers
+ text : '',
+ hidden : false,
+ disabled : false,
+ closable : false,
+ hint : '',
+ onClick : null,
+ onRefresh : null,
+ onClose : null
+ },
+ add: function (tab) {
+ return this.insert(null, tab);
+ },
+ insert: function (id, tab) {
+ if (!$.isArray(tab)) tab = [tab];
+ // assume it is array
+ for (var r in tab) {
+ // checks
+ if (String(tab[r].id) == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied. (obj: '+ this.name +')');
+ return;
+ }
+ var unique = true;
+ for (var i in this.tabs) { if (this.tabs[i].id == tab[r].id) { unique = false; break; } }
+ if (!unique) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id='+ tab[r].id +'" is not unique within the current tabs. (obj: '+ this.name +')');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(tab[r].id)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id='+ tab[r].id +'" must be alpha-numeric + "-_". (obj: '+ this.name +')');
+ return;
+ }
+ // add tab
+ var tab = $.extend({}, tab, tab[r]);
+ if (id == null || typeof id == 'undefined') {
+ this.tabs.push(tab);
+ } else {
+ var middle = this.get(id, true);
+ this.tabs = this.tabs.slice(0, middle).concat([tab], this.tabs.slice(middle));
+ }
+ this.refresh(tab[r].id);
+ }
+ },
+ remove: function (id) {
+ var removed = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!tab) return false;
+ removed++;
+ // remove from array
+ this.tabs.splice(this.get(tab.id, true), 1);
+ // remove from screen
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).remove();
+ }
+ return removed;
+ },
+ select: function (id) {
+ if (this.get(id) == null || this.active == id) return false;
+ this.active = id;
+ this.refresh();
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: function (id, tab) {
+ var index = this.get(id, true);
+ if (index == null) return false;
+ $.extend(this.tabs[index], tab);
+ this.refresh(id);
+ return true;
+ },
+ get: function (id, returnIndex) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ var all = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) if (this.tabs[i].id != null) all.push(this.tabs[i].id);
+ return all;
+ }
+ for (var i in this.tabs) {
+ if (this.tabs[i].id == id) {
+ if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.tabs[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ show: function () {
+ var shown = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!tab || tab.hidden === false) continue;
+ tab.hidden = false;
+ this.refresh(tab.id);
+ shown++;
+ }
+ return shown;
+ },
+ hide: function () {
+ var hidden = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!tab || tab.hidden === true) continue;
+ tab.hidden = true;
+ this.refresh(tab.id);
+ hidden++;
+ }
+ return hidden;
+ },
+ enable: function (id) {
+ var enabled = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!tab || tab.disabled === false) continue;
+ tab.disabled = false;
+ this.refresh(tab.id);
+ enabled++;
+ }
+ return enabled;
+ },
+ disable: function (id) {
+ var disabled = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tab = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!tab || tab.disabled === true) continue;
+ tab.disabled = true;
+ this.refresh(tab.id);
+ disabled++;
+ }
+ return disabled;
+ },
+ refresh: function (id) {
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ if (String(id) == 'undefined') {
+ // refresh all
+ for (var i in this.tabs) this.refresh(this.tabs[i].id);
+ }
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof id != 'undefined' ? id : this.name), object: this.get(id) });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // create or refresh only one item
+ var tab = this.get(id);
+ if (tab == null) return;
+ if (typeof tab.caption != 'undefined') tab.text = tab.caption;
+ var jq_el = $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id));
+ var tabHTML = (tab.closable ? '
' : '') +
+ '
' + tab.text + '
+ if (jq_el.length == 0) {
+ // does not exist - create it
+ var addStyle = '';
+ if (tab.hidden) { addStyle += 'display: none;'; }
+ if (tab.disabled) { addStyle += 'opacity: 0.2; -moz-opacity: 0.2; -webkit-opacity: 0.2; -o-opacity: 0.2; filter:alpha(opacity=20);'; }
+ html = '
'+ tabHTML + ' | ';
+ if (this.get(id, true) != this.tabs.length-1 && $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).length > 0) {
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).before(html);
+ } else {
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // refresh
+ jq_el.html(tabHTML);
+ if (tab.hidden) { jq_el.css('display', 'none'); }
+ else { jq_el.css('display', ''); }
+ if (tab.disabled) { jq_el.css({ 'opacity': '0.2', '-moz-opacity': '0.2', '-webkit-opacity': '0.2', '-o-opacity': '0.2', 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=20)' }); }
+ else { jq_el.css({ 'opacity': '1', '-moz-opacity': '1', '-webkit-opacity': '1', '-o-opacity': '1', 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=100)' }); }
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ render: function (box) {
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ if (String(box) != 'undefined' && box != null) {
+ if ($(this.box).find('> table #tabs_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ this.box = box;
+ }
+ if (!this.box) return;
+ // render all buttons
+ var html = '
+ ' '+ this.right +' |
+ '
+ $(this.box)
+ .attr('name', this.name)
+ .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs')
+ .html(html);
+ if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ this.refresh();
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ resize: function () {
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // empty function
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // clean up
+ if ($(this.box).find('> table #tabs_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ delete w2ui[this.name];
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ // ===================================================
+ // -- Internal Event Handlers
+ click: function (id, event) {
+ var tab = this.get(id);
+ if (tab == null || tab.disabled) return false;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: id, object: this.get(id), originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.active) +' .w2ui-tab').removeClass('active');
+ this.active = tab.id;
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ this.refresh(id);
+ },
+ animateClose: function(id, event) {
+ var tab = this.get(id);
+ if (tab == null || tab.disabled) return false;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'close', target: id, object: this.get(id), originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ var obj = this;
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.2s',
+ '-moz-transition': '2s',
+ '-ms-transition': '.2s',
+ '-o-transition': '.2s',
+ opacity: '0' });
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var width = $(obj.box).find('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).width();
+ $(obj.box).find('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id))
+ .html('
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $(obj.box).find('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)).find(':first-child').css({ 'width': '0px' });
+ }, 50);
+ }, 200);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ obj.remove(id);
+ }, 450);
+ // event before
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ animateInsert: function(id, tab) {
+ if (this.get(id) == null) return;
+ if (!$.isPlainObject(tab)) return;
+ // check for unique
+ var unique = true;
+ for (var i in this.tabs) { if (this.tabs[i].id == tab.id) { unique = false; break; } }
+ if (!unique) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id='+ tab.id +'" is not unique within the current tabs. (obj: '+ this.name +')');
+ return;
+ }
+ // insert simple div
+ var jq_el = $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id));
+ if (jq_el.length != 0) return; // already exists
+ // measure width
+ if (typeof tab.caption != 'undefined') tab.text = tab.caption;
+ var tmp = '
+ '
+ ''+
+ (tab.closable ? '' : '') +
+ ' '+ tab.text +' '+
+ ' |
+ '
+ $('body').append(tmp);
+ // create dummy element
+ tabHTML = '
+ var addStyle = '';
+ if (tab.hidden) { addStyle += 'display: none;'; }
+ if (tab.disabled) { addStyle += 'opacity: 0.2; -moz-opacity: 0.2; -webkit-opacity: 0.2; -o-opacity: 0.2; filter:alpha(opacity=20);'; }
+ html = '
'+ tabHTML +' | ';
+ if (this.get(id, true) != this.tabs.length && $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))].id)).length > 0) {
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.tabs[parseInt(this.get(id, true))].id)).before(html);
+ } else {
+ $(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
+ }
+ // -- move
+ var obj = this;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var width = $('#_tmp_simple_tab').width();
+ $('#_tmp_tabs').remove();
+ $('#tabs_'+ obj.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id) +' > div').css('width', width+'px');
+ }, 1);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // insert for real
+ obj.insert(id, tab);
+ }, 200);
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(w2tabs.prototype, w2utils.event);
+ w2obj.tabs = w2tabs;
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2toolbar - toolbar widget
+ * - $().w2toolbar - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - on overflow display << >>
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+(function ($) {
+ var w2toolbar = function (options) {
+ this.box = null, // DOM Element that holds the element
+ this.name = null, // unique name for w2ui
+ this.items = [],
+ this.right = '', // HTML text on the right of toolbar
+ this.onClick = null,
+ this.onRender = null,
+ this.onRefresh = null,
+ this.onResize = null,
+ this.onDestroy = null
+ $.extend(true, this, w2obj.toolbar, options);
+ }
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2toolbar = function(method) {
+ if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
+ // check required parameters
+ if (!method || typeof method.name == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is required but not supplied in $().w2toolbar().');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof w2ui[method.name] != 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is not unique. There are other objects already created with the same name (obj: '+ method.name +').');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(method.name)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore). ');
+ return;
+ }
+ var items = method.items;
+ // extend items
+ var object = new w2toolbar(method);
+ $.extend(object, { items: [], handlers: [] });
+ for (var i in items) { object.items[i] = $.extend({}, w2toolbar.prototype.item, items[i]); }
+ if ($(this).length != 0) {
+ object.render($(this)[0]);
+ }
+ // register new object
+ w2ui[object.name] = object;
+ return object;
+ } else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
+ var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
+ obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2toolbar' );
+ }
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Implementation of core functionality
+ w2toolbar.prototype = {
+ item: {
+ id : null, // commnad to be sent to all event handlers
+ type : 'button', // button, check, radio, drop, menu, break, html, spacer
+ text : '',
+ html : '',
+ img : null,
+ icon : null,
+ hidden : false,
+ disabled: false,
+ checked : false, // used for radio buttons
+ arrow : true, // arrow down for drop/menu types
+ hint : '',
+ group : null, // used for radio buttons
+ items : null, // for type menu it is an array of items in the menu
+ onClick : null
+ },
+ add: function (items) {
+ this.insert(null, items);
+ },
+ insert: function (id, items) {
+ if (!$.isArray(items)) items = [items];
+ for (var o in items) {
+ // checks
+ if (typeof items[o].type == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" is required but not supplied in w2toolbar.add() method.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($.inArray(String(items[o].type), ['button', 'check', 'radio', 'drop', 'menu', 'break', 'html', 'spacer']) == -1) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" should be one of the following [button, check, radio, drop, menu, break, html, spacer] '+
+ 'in w2toolbar.add() method.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof items[o].id == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied in w2toolbar.add() method.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var unique = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { if (this.items[i].id == items[o].id) { unique = false; return; } }
+ if (!unique) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is not unique within the current toolbar.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(items[o].id)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" must be alpha-numeric + "-_".');
+ return;
+ }
+ // add item
+ var it = $.extend({}, w2toolbar.prototype.item, items[o]);
+ if (id == null || typeof id == 'undefined') {
+ this.items.push(it);
+ } else {
+ var middle = this.get(id, true);
+ this.items = this.items.slice(0, middle).concat([it], this.items.slice(middle));
+ }
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ },
+ remove: function (id) {
+ var removed = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ removed++;
+ // remove from screen
+ $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id)).remove();
+ // remove from array
+ var ind = this.get(it.id, true);
+ if (ind) this.items.splice(ind, 1);
+ }
+ return removed;
+ },
+ set: function (id, item) {
+ var index = this.get(id, true);
+ if (index == null) return false;
+ $.extend(this.items[index], item);
+ this.refresh(id);
+ return true;
+ },
+ get: function (id, returnIndex) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ var all = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) if (this.items[i].id != null) all.push(this.items[i].id);
+ return all;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ if (this.items[i].id == id) {
+ if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.items[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ show: function (id) {
+ var items = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.hidden = false;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ hide: function (id) {
+ var items = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.hidden = true;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ enable: function (id) {
+ var items = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.disabled = false;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ disable: function (id) {
+ var items = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.disabled = true;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ check: function (id) {
+ var items = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.checked = true;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ uncheck: function (id) {
+ var items = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.checked = false;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ render: function (box) {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ if (typeof box != 'undefined' && box != null) {
+ if ($(this.box).find('> table #tb_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ this.box = box;
+ }
+ if (!this.box) return;
+ // render all buttons
+ var html = '
+ '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ var it = this.items[i];
+ if (typeof it.id == 'undefined' || it.id == null) it.id = "item_" + i;
+ if (it == null) continue;
+ if (it.type == 'spacer') {
+ html += ' | ';
+ } else {
+ html += ''+ this.getItemHTML(it) +
+ ' | ';
+ }
+ }
+ html += ''+ this.right +' | ';
+ html += '
+ '
+ $(this.box)
+ .attr('name', this.name)
+ .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
+ .html(html);
+ if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ refresh: function (id) {
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof id != 'undefined' ? id : this.name), item: this.get(id) });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ if (typeof id == 'undefined') {
+ // refresh all
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ var it = this.items[i];
+ if (typeof it.id == 'undefined' || it.id == null) it.id = "item_" + i;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ }
+ }
+ // create or refresh only one item
+ var it = this.get(id);
+ if (it == null) return;
+ var el = $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
+ var html = this.getItemHTML(it);
+ if (el.length == 0) {
+ // does not exist - create it
+ if (it.type == 'spacer') {
+ html = '
| ';
+ } else {
+ html = '
'+ html +
+ ' | ';
+ }
+ if (this.get(id, true) == this.items.length-1) {
+ $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
+ } else {
+ $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.items[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).before(html);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // refresh
+ el.html(html);
+ if (it.hidden) { el.css('display', 'none'); } else { el.css('display', ''); }
+ if (it.disabled) { el.addClass('disabled'); } else { el.removeClass('disabled'); }
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ resize: function () {
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // empty function
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // clean up
+ if ($(this.box).find('> table #tb_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ $(this.box).html('');
+ delete w2ui[this.name];
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ // ========================================
+ // --- Internal Functions
+ getItemHTML: function (item) {
+ var html = '';
+ if (typeof item.caption != 'undefined') item.text = item.caption;
+ if (typeof item.hint == 'undefined') item.hint = '';
+ if (typeof item.text == 'undefined') item.text = '';
+ switch (item.type) {
+ case 'menu':
+ case 'button':
+ case 'check':
+ case 'radio':
+ case 'drop':
+ var img = '
| ';
+ if (item.img) img = '
| ';
+ if (item.icon) img = '
| ';
+ html += '
+ break;
+ case 'break':
+ html += '
+ break;
+ case 'html':
+ html += '
+ ' ' + item.html + ' | '+
+ '
+ break;
+ }
+ var newHTML = '';
+ if (typeof item.onRender == 'function') newHTML = item.onRender.call(this, item.id, html);
+ if (typeof this.onRender == 'function') newHTML = this.onRender(item.id, html);
+ if (newHTML != '' && typeof newHTML != 'undefined') html = newHTML;
+ return html;
+ },
+ menuClick: function (id, menu_index, event) {
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ var obj = this;
+ var it = this.get(id);
+ if (it && !it.disabled) {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: (typeof id != 'undefined' ? id : this.name), item: this.get(id),
+ subItem: (typeof menu_index != 'undefined' && this.get(id) ? this.get(id).items[menu_index] : null), originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // normal processing
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }
+ },
+ click: function (id, event) {
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ var obj = this;
+ var it = this.get(id);
+ if (it && !it.disabled) {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: (typeof id != 'undefined' ? id : this.name),
+ item: this.get(id), originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ $('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button').removeClass('down');
+ if (it.type == 'radio') {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ var itt = this.items[i];
+ if (itt == null || itt.id == it.id || itt.type != 'radio') continue;
+ if (itt.group == it.group && itt.checked) {
+ itt.checked = false;
+ this.refresh(itt.id);
+ }
+ }
+ it.checked = true;
+ $('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button').addClass('checked');
+ }
+ if (it.type == 'drop' || it.type == 'menu') {
+ if (it.checked) {
+ // if it was already checked, second click will hide it
+ it.checked = false;
+ } else {
+ // show overlay
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var el = $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
+ if (!$.isPlainObject(it.overlay)) it.overlay = {};
+ if (it.type == 'drop') {
+ el.w2overlay(it.html, $.extend({ left: (el.width() - 50) / 2, top: 3 }, it.overlay));
+ }
+ if (it.type == 'menu') {
+ el.w2menu(it.items, $.extend({ left: (el.width() - 50) / 2, top: 3 }, it.overlay, {
+ select: function (item, event, index) { obj.menuClick(it.id, index, event); }
+ }));
+ }
+ // window.click to hide it
+ $(document).on('click', hideDrop);
+ function hideDrop() {
+ it.checked = false;
+ if (it.checked) {
+ $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button').addClass('checked');
+ } else {
+ $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button').removeClass('checked');
+ }
+ obj.refresh(it.id);
+ $(document).off('click', hideDrop);
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (it.type == 'check' || it.type == 'drop' || it.type == 'menu') {
+ it.checked = !it.checked;
+ if (it.checked) {
+ $('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button').addClass('checked');
+ } else {
+ $('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button').removeClass('checked');
+ }
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(w2toolbar.prototype, w2utils.event);
+ w2obj.toolbar = w2toolbar;
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2sidebar - sidebar widget
+ * - $().w2sidebar - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - return ids of all subitems
+ * - add find() method to find nodes by a specific criteria (I want all nodes for exampe)
+ * - dbl click should be like it is in grid (with timer not HTML dbl click event)
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+(function ($) {
+ var w2sidebar = function (options) {
+ this.name = null;
+ this.box = null;
+ this.sidebar = null;
+ this.parent = null;
+ this.nodes = []; // Sidebar child nodes
+ this.menu = [];
+ this.selected = null; // current selected node (readonly)
+ this.img = null;
+ this.icon = null;
+ this.style = '';
+ this.topHTML = '';
+ this.bottomHTML = '';
+ this.keyboard = true;
+ this.onClick = null; // Fire when user click on Node Text
+ this.onDblClick = null; // Fire when user dbl clicks
+ this.onContextMenu = null;
+ this.onMenuClick = null; // when context menu item selected
+ this.onExpand = null; // Fire when node Expands
+ this.onCollapse = null; // Fire when node Colapses
+ this.onKeydown = null;
+ this.onRender = null;
+ this.onRefresh = null;
+ this.onResize = null;
+ this.onDestroy = null;
+ $.extend(true, this, w2obj.sidebar, options);
+ }
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2sidebar = function(method) {
+ if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
+ // check required parameters
+ if (!method || typeof method.name == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is required but not supplied in $().w2sidebar().');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof w2ui[method.name] != 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is not unique. There are other objects already created with the same name (obj: '+ method.name +').');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(method.name)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore). ');
+ return;
+ }
+ // extend items
+ var nodes = method.nodes;
+ var object = new w2sidebar(method);
+ $.extend(object, { handlers: [], nodes: [] });
+ if (typeof nodes != 'undefined') {
+ object.add(object, nodes);
+ }
+ if ($(this).length != 0) {
+ object.render($(this)[0]);
+ }
+ object.sidebar = object;
+ // register new object
+ w2ui[object.name] = object;
+ return object;
+ } else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
+ var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
+ obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2sidebar' );
+ }
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Implementation of core functionality
+ w2sidebar.prototype = {
+ node: {
+ id : null,
+ text : '',
+ count : '',
+ img : null,
+ icon : null,
+ nodes : [],
+ style : '',
+ selected : false,
+ expanded : false,
+ hidden : false,
+ disabled : false,
+ group : false, // if true, it will build as a group
+ plus : false, // if true, plus will be shown even if there is no sub nodes
+ // events
+ onClick : null,
+ onDblClick : null,
+ onContextMenu : null,
+ onExpand : null,
+ onCollapse : null,
+ // internal
+ parent : null, // node object
+ sidebar : null
+ },
+ add: function (parent, nodes) {
+ if (arguments.length == 1) {
+ // need to be in reverse order
+ nodes = arguments[0];
+ parent = this;
+ }
+ if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
+ return this.insert(parent, null, nodes);
+ },
+ insert: function (parent, before, nodes) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ // need to be in reverse order
+ nodes = arguments[1];
+ before = arguments[0];
+ var ind = this.get(before);
+ if (ind == null) {
+ var txt = (nodes[o].caption != 'undefined' ? nodes[o].caption : nodes[o].text);
+ console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because cannot find node "'+ before +'" to insert before.');
+ return null;
+ }
+ parent = this.get(before).parent;
+ }
+ if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
+ if (!$.isArray(nodes)) nodes = [nodes];
+ for (var o in nodes) {
+ if (typeof nodes[o].id == 'undefined') {
+ var txt = (nodes[o].caption != 'undefined' ? nodes[o].caption : nodes[o].text);
+ console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because it has no id.');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (this.get(this, nodes[o].id) != null) {
+ var txt = (nodes[o].caption != 'undefined' ? nodes[o].caption : nodes[o].text);
+ console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node with id='+ nodes[o].id +' (text: '+ txt + ') because another node with the same id already exists.');
+ continue;
+ }
+ var tmp = $.extend({}, w2sidebar.prototype.node, nodes[o]);
+ tmp.sidebar= this;
+ tmp.parent = parent;
+ var nd = tmp.nodes;
+ tmp.nodes = []; // very important to re-init empty nodes array
+ if (before == null) { // append to the end
+ parent.nodes.push(tmp);
+ } else {
+ var ind = this.get(parent, before, true);
+ if (ind == null) {
+ var txt = (nodes[o].caption != 'undefined' ? nodes[o].caption : nodes[o].text);
+ console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because cannot find node "'+ before +'" to insert before.');
+ return null;
+ }
+ parent.nodes.splice(ind, 0, tmp);
+ }
+ if (typeof nd != 'undefined' && nd.length > 0) { this.insert(tmp, null, nd); }
+ }
+ this.refresh(parent.id);
+ return tmp;
+ },
+ remove: function () { // multiple arguments
+ var deleted = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (tmp == null) continue;
+ var ind = this.get(tmp.parent, arguments[a], true);
+ if (ind == null) continue;
+ tmp.parent.nodes.splice(ind, 1);
+ deleted++;
+ }
+ if (deleted > 0 && arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(tmp.parent.id); else this.refresh();
+ return deleted;
+ },
+ set: function (parent, id, node) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ // need to be in reverse order
+ node = id;
+ id = parent;
+ parent = this;
+ }
+ // searches all nested nodes
+ this._tmp = null;
+ if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
+ if (parent.nodes == null) return null;
+ for (var i=0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
+ if (parent.nodes[i].id == id) {
+ // make sure nodes inserted correctly
+ var nodes = node.nodes;
+ $.extend(parent.nodes[i], node, { nodes: [] });
+ if (typeof nodes != 'undefined') {
+ this.add(parent.nodes[i], nodes);
+ }
+ this.refresh(id);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ this._tmp = this.set(parent.nodes[i], id, node);
+ if (this._tmp) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ get: function (parent, id, returnIndex) { // can be just called get(id) or get(id, true)
+ if (arguments.length == 1 || (arguments.length == 2 && id === true) ) {
+ // need to be in reverse order
+ returnIndex = id;
+ id = parent;
+ parent = this;
+ }
+ // searches all nested nodes
+ this._tmp = null;
+ if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
+ if (parent.nodes == null) return null;
+ for (var i=0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
+ if (parent.nodes[i].id == id) {
+ if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return parent.nodes[i];
+ } else {
+ this._tmp = this.get(parent.nodes[i], id, returnIndex);
+ if (this._tmp || this._tmp === 0) return this._tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ return this._tmp;
+ },
+ hide: function () { // multiple arguments
+ var hidden = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (tmp == null) continue;
+ tmp.hidden = true;
+ hidden++;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
+ return hidden;
+ },
+ show: function () {
+ var shown = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (tmp == null) continue;
+ tmp.hidden = false;
+ shown++;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
+ return shown;
+ },
+ disable: function () { // multiple arguments
+ var disabled = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (tmp == null) continue;
+ tmp.disabled = true;
+ if (tmp.selected) this.unselect(tmp.id);
+ disabled++;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
+ return disabled;
+ },
+ enable: function () { // multiple arguments
+ var enabled = 0;
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var tmp = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (tmp == null) continue;
+ tmp.disabled = false;
+ enabled++;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh();
+ return enabled;
+ },
+ select: function (id) {
+ if (this.selected == id) return false;
+ this.unselect(this.selected);
+ var new_node = this.get(id);
+ if (!new_node) return false;
+ $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id))
+ .addClass('w2ui-selected')
+ .find('.w2ui-icon').addClass('w2ui-icon-selected');
+ new_node.selected = true;
+ this.selected = id;
+ },
+ unselect: function (id) {
+ var current = this.get(id);
+ if (!current) return false;
+ current.selected = false;
+ $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id))
+ .removeClass('w2ui-selected')
+ .find('.w2ui-icon').removeClass('w2ui-icon-selected');
+ if (this.selected == id) this.selected = null;
+ return true;
+ },
+ toggle: function(id) {
+ var nd = this.get(id);
+ if (nd == null) return;
+ if (nd.plus) {
+ this.set(id, { plus: false });
+ this.expand(id);
+ this.refresh(id);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (nd.nodes.length == 0) return;
+ if (this.get(id).expanded) this.collapse(id); else this.expand(id);
+ },
+ collapse: function (id) {
+ var nd = this.get(id);
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'collapse', target: id, object: nd });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +'_sub').slideUp('fast');
+ $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +' .w2ui-node-dots:first-child').html('
+ nd.expanded = false;
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ collapseAll: function (parent) {
+ if (typeof parent == 'undefined') parent = this;
+ if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
+ if (parent.nodes == null) return null;
+ for (var i=0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
+ if (parent.nodes[i].expanded === true) parent.nodes[i].expanded = false;
+ if (parent.nodes[i].nodes && parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) this.collapseAll(parent.nodes[i]);
+ }
+ this.refresh(parent.id);
+ },
+ expand: function (id) {
+ var nd = this.get(id);
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'expand', target: id, object: nd });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +'_sub').slideDown('fast');
+ $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +' .w2ui-node-dots:first-child').html('
+ nd.expanded = true;
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ expandAll: function (parent) {
+ if (typeof parent == 'undefined') parent = this;
+ if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent);
+ if (parent.nodes == null) return null;
+ for (var i=0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) {
+ if (parent.nodes[i].expanded === false) parent.nodes[i].expanded = true;
+ if (parent.nodes[i].nodes && parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) this.collapseAll(parent.nodes[i]);
+ }
+ this.refresh(parent.id);
+ },
+ expandParents: function (id) {
+ var node = this.get(id);
+ if (node == null) return;
+ if (node.parent) {
+ node.parent.expanded = true;
+ this.expandParents(node.parent.id);
+ }
+ this.refresh(id);
+ },
+ click: function (id, event) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var nd = this.get(id);
+ if (nd == null) return;
+ var old = this.selected;
+ if (nd.disabled || nd.group) return; // should click event if already selected
+ // move selected first
+ $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(old)).removeClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-icon').removeClass('w2ui-icon-selected');
+ $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-icon').addClass('w2ui-icon-selected');
+ // need timeout to allow rendering
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
+ // restore selection
+ $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).removeClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-icon').removeClass('w2ui-icon-selected');
+ $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(old)).addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-icon').addClass('w2ui-icon-selected');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // default action
+ if (old != null) obj.get(old).selected = false;
+ obj.get(id).selected = true;
+ obj.selected = id;
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }, 1);
+ },
+ keydown: function (event) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var nd = obj.get(obj.selected);
+ if (!nd || obj.keyboard !== true) return;
+ // trigger event
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'keydown', target: obj.name, originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default behaviour
+ if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 32) { // enter or space
+ if (nd.nodes.length > 0) obj.toggle(obj.selected);
+ }
+ if (event.keyCode == 37) { // left
+ if (nd.nodes.length > 0) {
+ obj.collapse(obj.selected);
+ } else {
+ // collapse parent
+ if (nd.parent && !nd.parent.disabled && !nd.parent.group) {
+ obj.collapse(nd.parent.id);
+ obj.click(nd.parent.id);
+ setTimeout(function () { obj.scrollIntoView(); }, 50);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (event.keyCode == 39) { // right
+ if (nd.nodes.length > 0) obj.expand(obj.selected);
+ }
+ if (event.keyCode == 38) { // up
+ var tmp = prev(nd);
+ if (tmp != null) { obj.click(tmp.id, event); setTimeout(function () { obj.scrollIntoView(); }, 50); }
+ }
+ if (event.keyCode == 40) { // down
+ var tmp = next(nd);
+ if (tmp != null) { obj.click(tmp.id, event); setTimeout(function () { obj.scrollIntoView(); }, 50); }
+ }
+ // cancel event if needed
+ if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [13, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40]) != -1) {
+ if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return;
+ function next (node, noSubs) {
+ if (node == null) return null;
+ var parent = node.parent;
+ var ind = obj.get(node.id, true);
+ var nextNode = null;
+ // jump inside
+ if (node.expanded && node.nodes.length > 0 && noSubs !== true) {
+ var t = node.nodes[0];
+ if (!t.disabled && !t.group) nextNode = t; else nextNode = next(t);
+ } else {
+ if (parent && ind + 1 < parent.nodes.length) {
+ nextNode = parent.nodes[ind + 1];
+ } else {
+ nextNode = next(parent, true); // jump to the parent
+ }
+ }
+ if (nextNode != null && (nextNode.disabled || nextNode.group)) nextNode = next(nextNode);
+ return nextNode;
+ }
+ function prev (node) {
+ if (node == null) return null;
+ var parent = node.parent;
+ var ind = obj.get(node.id, true);
+ var prevNode = null;
+ var noSubs = false;
+ if (ind > 0) {
+ prevNode = parent.nodes[ind - 1];
+ // jump inside parents last node
+ if (prevNode.expanded && prevNode.nodes.length > 0) {
+ var t = prevNode.nodes[prevNode.nodes.length - 1];
+ if (!t.disabled && !t.group) prevNode = t; else prevNode = prev(t);
+ }
+ } else {
+ prevNode = parent; // jump to the parent
+ noSubs = true;
+ }
+ if (prevNode != null && (prevNode.disabled || prevNode.group)) prevNode = prev(prevNode);
+ return prevNode;
+ }
+ },
+ scrollIntoView: function (id) {
+ if (typeof id == 'undefined') id = this.selected;
+ var nd = this.get(id);
+ if (nd == null) return;
+ var body = $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div');
+ var item = $(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id));
+ var offset = item.offset().top - body.offset().top;
+ if (offset + item.height() > body.height()) {
+ body.animate({ 'scrollTop': body.scrollTop() + body.height() / 1.3 });
+ }
+ if (offset <= 0) {
+ body.animate({ 'scrollTop': body.scrollTop() - body.height() / 1.3 });
+ }
+ },
+ dblClick: function (id, event) {
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ var nd = this.get(id);
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'dblClick', target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ if (nd.nodes.length > 0) this.toggle(id);
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ contextMenu: function (id, event) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var nd = obj.get(id);
+ if (id != obj.selected) obj.click(id);
+ // need timeout to allow click to finish first
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'contextMenu', target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ if (nd.group || nd.disabled) return;
+ if (obj.menu.length > 0) {
+ $(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id))
+ .w2menu(obj.menu, {
+ left: (event ? event.offsetX || event.pageX : 50) - 25,
+ select: function (item, event, index) { obj.menuClick(id, index, event); }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }, 1);
+ },
+ menuClick: function (itemId, index, event) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'menuClick', target: itemId, originalEvent: event, menuIndex: index, menuItem: obj.menu[index] });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ // -- empty
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ render: function (box) {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ if (typeof box != 'undefined' && box != null) {
+ if ($(this.box).find('> div > div.w2ui-sidebar-div').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ this.box = box;
+ }
+ if (!this.box) return;
+ $(this.box)
+ .attr('name', this.name)
+ .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar')
+ .html('
+ '' +
+ ''+
+ ''+
+ '
+ );
+ $(this.box).find('> div').css({
+ width : $(this.box).width() + 'px',
+ height : $(this.box).height() + 'px'
+ });
+ if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
+ // adjust top and bottom
+ if (this.topHTML != '') {
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').html(this.topHTML);
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div')
+ .css('top', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').height() + 'px');
+ }
+ if (this.bottomHTML != '') {
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').html(this.bottomHTML);
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div')
+ .css('bottom', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').height() + 'px');
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ // ---
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ refresh: function (id) {
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (typeof id != 'undefined' ? id : this.name) });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // adjust top and bottom
+ if (this.topHTML != '') {
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').html(this.topHTML);
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div')
+ .css('top', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').height() + 'px');
+ }
+ if (this.bottomHTML != '') {
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').html(this.bottomHTML);
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div')
+ .css('bottom', $(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').height() + 'px');
+ }
+ // default action
+ $(this.box).find('> div').css({
+ width : $(this.box).width() + 'px',
+ height : $(this.box).height() + 'px'
+ });
+ var obj = this;
+ if (typeof id == 'undefined') {
+ var node = this;
+ var nm = '.w2ui-sidebar-div';
+ } else {
+ var node = this.get(id);
+ if (node == null) return;
+ var nm = '#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(node.id) + '_sub';
+ }
+ if (node != this) {
+ var tmp = '#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(node.id);
+ var nodeHTML = getNodeHTML(node);
+ $(this.box).find(tmp).before('');
+ $(this.box).find(tmp).remove();
+ $(this.box).find(nm).remove();
+ $('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp').before(nodeHTML);
+ $('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp').remove();
+ }
+ // refresh sub nodes
+ $(this.box).find(nm).html('');
+ for (var i=0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) {
+ var nodeHTML = getNodeHTML(node.nodes[i]);
+ $(this.box).find(nm).append(nodeHTML);
+ if (node.nodes[i].nodes.length != 0) { this.refresh(node.nodes[i].id); }
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ function getNodeHTML(nd) {
+ var html = '';
+ var img = nd.img;
+ if (img == null) img = this.img;
+ var icon = nd.icon;
+ if (icon == null) icon = this.icon;
+ // -- find out level
+ var tmp = nd.parent;
+ var level = 0;
+ while (tmp && tmp.parent != null) {
+ if (tmp.group) level--;
+ tmp = tmp.parent;
+ level++;
+ }
+ if (typeof nd.caption != 'undefined') nd.text = nd.caption;
+ if (nd.group) {
+ html =
+ '
+ ' '+ (!nd.hidden && nd.expanded ? w2utils.lang('Hide') : w2utils.lang('Show')) +''+
+ ' '+ nd.text +''+
+ '
+ '
+ } else {
+ if (nd.selected && !nd.disabled) obj.selected = nd.id;
+ var tmp = '';
+ if (img) tmp = '
+ if (icon) tmp = '
+ html =
+ '
+ '
+ ''+
+ ' ' + (nd.nodes.length > 0 ? (nd.expanded ? '-' : '+') : (nd.plus ? '+' : '')) + ' ' +
+ ' | '+
+ ''+
+ tmp +
+ (nd.count !== '' ? ' '+ nd.count +' ' : '') +
+ ''+ nd.text +' '+
+ ' | '+
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ },
+ resize: function () {
+ var time = (new Date()).getTime();
+ if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resize', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ $(this.box).css('overflow', 'hidden'); // container should have no overflow
+ //$(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $(this.box).find('> div').css({
+ width : $(this.box).width() + 'px',
+ height : $(this.box).height() + 'px'
+ });
+ //$(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-div').css('overflow', 'auto');
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'destroy', target: this.name });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // clean up
+ if ($(this.box).find('> div > div.w2ui-sidebar-div').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ delete w2ui[this.name];
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
+ var box = $(this.box).find('> div:first-child');
+ w2utils.lock(box, msg, showSpinner);
+ },
+ unlock: function () {
+ w2utils.unlock(this.box);
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(w2sidebar.prototype, w2utils.event);
+ w2obj.sidebar = w2sidebar;
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2field - various field controls
+ * - $().w2field - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - select - for select, list - for drop down (needs this in grid)
+ * - enum add events: onLoad, onRequest, onCompare, onSelect, onDelete, onClick for already selected elements
+ * - upload (regular files)
+ * - enum - refresh happens on each key press even if not needed (for speed)
+ * - BUG with prefix/postfix and arrows (test in different contexts)
+ * - multiple date selection
+ * - rewrire everythin in objects (w2ftext, w2fenum, w2fdate)
+ * - render calendar to the div
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+(function ($) {
+ var w2field = new (function () {
+ this.customTypes = [];
+ });
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2field = function(method) {
+ // Method calling logic
+ if (w2field[method]) {
+ return w2field[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
+ } else if ( typeof method === 'object') {
+ return w2field.init.apply( this, arguments );
+ } else if ( typeof method === 'string') {
+ return w2field.init.apply( this, [{ type: method }] );
+ } else {
+ console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2field');
+ }
+ };
+ $.extend(w2field, {
+ // CONTEXT: this - is jQuery object
+ init: function (options) {
+ var obj = w2field;
+ return $(this).each(function (field, index) {
+ // Check for Custom Types
+ if (typeof w2field.customTypes[options.type.toLowerCase()] == 'function') {
+ w2field.customTypes[options.type.toLowerCase()].call(this, options);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Common Types
+ var tp = options.type.toLowerCase();
+ switch (tp) {
+ case 'clear': // removes any previous field type
+ $(this)
+ .off('focus')
+ .off('blur')
+ .off('keypress')
+ .off('keydown')
+ .off('change')
+ .removeData(); // removes all attached data
+ if ($(this).prev().hasClass('w2ui-list')) { // if enum
+ $(this).prev().remove();
+ $(this).removeAttr('tabindex').css('border-color', '').show();
+ }
+ if ($(this).prev().hasClass('w2ui-upload')) { // if upload
+ $(this).prev().remove();
+ $(this).removeAttr('tabindex').css('border-color', '').show();
+ }
+ if ($(this).prev().hasClass('w2ui-field-helper')) { // helpers
+ $(this).css('padding-left', $(this).css('padding-top'));
+ $(this).prev().remove();
+ }
+ if ($(this).next().hasClass('w2ui-field-helper')) { // helpers
+ $(this).css('padding-right', $(this).css('padding-top'));
+ $(this).next().remove();
+ }
+ if ($(this).next().hasClass('w2ui-field-helper')) { // helpers
+ $(this).next().remove();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'text':
+ case 'int':
+ case 'float':
+ case 'money':
+ case 'alphanumeric':
+ case 'hex':
+ var el = this;
+ var defaults = {
+ min : null,
+ max : null,
+ arrows : false,
+ keyboard: true,
+ suffix : '',
+ prefix : ''
+ }
+ options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
+ if (['text', 'alphanumeric', 'hex'].indexOf(tp) != -1) {
+ options.arrows = false;
+ options.keyboard = false;
+ }
+ // init events
+ $(this)
+ .data('options', options)
+ .on('keypress', function (event) { // keyCode & charCode differ in FireFox
+ if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || (event.charCode != event.keyCode && event.keyCode > 0)) return;
+ if (event.keyCode == 13) $(this).change();
+ var ch = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
+ if (!checkType(ch, true)) {
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ })
+ .on('keydown', function (event, extra) {
+ if (!options.keyboard) return;
+ var cancel = false;
+ var v = $(el).val();
+ if (!checkType(v)) v = options.min || 0; else v = parseFloat(v);
+ var key = event.keyCode || extra.keyCode;
+ var inc = 1;
+ if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) inc = 10;
+ switch (key) {
+ case 38: // up
+ $(el).val((v + inc <= options.max || options.max == null ? v + inc : options.max)).change();
+ if (tp == 'money') $(el).val( Number($(el).val()).toFixed(2) );
+ cancel = true;
+ break;
+ case 40: // down
+ $(el).val((v - inc >= options.min || options.min == null ? v - inc : options.min)).change();
+ if (tp == 'money') $(el).val( Number($(el).val()).toFixed(2) );
+ cancel = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cancel) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // set cursor to the end
+ setTimeout(function () { el.setSelectionRange(el.value.length, el.value.length); }, 0);
+ }
+ })
+ .on('change', function (event) {
+ // check max/min
+ var v = $(el).val();
+ var cancel = false;
+ if (options.min != null && v != '' && v < options.min) { $(el).val(options.min).change(); cancel = true; }
+ if (options.max != null && v != '' && v > options.max) { $(el).val(options.max).change(); cancel = true; }
+ if (cancel) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check validity
+ if (this.value != '' && !checkType(this.value)) $(this).val(options.min != null ? options.min : '');
+ });
+ if ($(this).val() == '' && options.min != null) $(this).val(options.min);
+ if (options.prefix != '') {
+ $(this).before(
+ '
+ options.prefix +
+ '
+ var helper = $(this).prev();
+ helper
+ .css({
+ 'color' : $(this).css('color'),
+ 'font-family' : $(this).css('font-family'),
+ 'font-size' : $(this).css('font-size'),
+ 'padding-top' : $(this).css('padding-top'),
+ 'padding-bottom': $(this).css('padding-bottom'),
+ 'padding-left' : $(this).css('padding-left'),
+ 'padding-right' : 0,
+ 'margin-top' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-top')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-bottom' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-bottom')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-left' : 0,
+ 'margin-right' : 0
+ })
+ .on('click', function () {
+ $(this).next().focus();
+ });
+ $(this).css('padding-left', (helper.width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + 5) + 'px');
+ }
+ var pr = parseInt($(this).css('padding-right'));
+ if (options.arrows != '') {
+ $(this).after(
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ var height = w2utils.getSize(this, 'height');
+ var helper = $(this).next();
+ helper
+ .css({
+ 'color' : $(this).css('color'),
+ 'font-family' : $(this).css('font-family'),
+ 'font-size' : $(this).css('font-size'),
+ 'height' : ($(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom')) ) + 'px',
+ 'padding' : '0px',
+ 'margin-top' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-top')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-bottom' : '0px',
+ 'border-left' : '1px solid silver'
+ })
+ .css('margin-left', '-'+ (helper.width() + parseInt($(this).css('margin-right')) + 12) + 'px')
+ .on('mousedown', function (event) {
+ var btn = this;
+ var evt = event;
+ $('body').on('mouseup', tmp);
+ $('body').data('_field_update_timer', setTimeout(update, 700));
+ update(false);
+ // timer function
+ function tmp() {
+ clearTimeout($('body').data('_field_update_timer'));
+ $('body').off('mouseup', tmp);
+ }
+ // update function
+ function update(notimer) {
+ $(el).focus().trigger($.Event("keydown"), {
+ keyCode : ($(evt.target).attr('type') == 'up' ? 38 : 40)
+ });
+ if (notimer !== false) $('body').data('_field_update_timer', setTimeout(update, 60));
+ };
+ });
+ pr += helper.width() + 12;
+ $(this).css('padding-right', pr + 'px');
+ }
+ if (options.suffix != '') {
+ $(this).after(
+ '
+ options.suffix +
+ '
+ var helper = $(this).next();
+ helper
+ .css({
+ 'color' : $(this).css('color'),
+ 'font-family' : $(this).css('font-family'),
+ 'font-size' : $(this).css('font-size'),
+ 'padding-top' : $(this).css('padding-top'),
+ 'padding-bottom': $(this).css('padding-bottom'),
+ 'padding-left' : '3px',
+ 'padding-right' : $(this).css('padding-right'),
+ 'margin-top' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-top')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-bottom' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-bottom')) + 1) + 'px'
+ })
+ .on('click', function () {
+ $(this).prev().focus();
+ });
+ helper.css('margin-left', '-'+ (helper.width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right')) + 5) + 'px');
+ pr += helper.width() + 3;
+ $(this).css('padding-right', pr + 'px');
+ }
+ function checkType(ch, loose) {
+ switch (tp) {
+ case 'int':
+ if (loose && ['-'].indexOf(ch) != -1) return true;
+ return w2utils.isInt(ch);
+ break;
+ case 'float':
+ if (loose && ['-','.'].indexOf(ch) != -1) return true;
+ return w2utils.isFloat(ch);
+ break;
+ case 'money':
+ if (loose && ['-','.','$','€','£','¥'].indexOf(ch) != -1) return true;
+ return w2utils.isMoney(ch);
+ break;
+ case 'hex':
+ return w2utils.isHex(ch);
+ break;
+ case 'alphanumeric':
+ return w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'date':
+ var obj = this;
+ var defaults = {
+ format : w2utils.settings.date_format, // date format
+ start : '', // start of selectable range
+ end : '', // end of selectable range
+ blocked : {}, // {'4/11/2011': 'yes'}
+ colored : {} // {'4/11/2011': 'red:white'}
+ }
+ options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
+ // -- insert div for calendar
+ $(this) // remove transtion needed for functionality
+ .css( { 'transition': 'none', '-webkit-transition': 'none', '-moz-transition': 'none', '-ms-transition': 'none', '-o-transition': 'none' })
+ .data("options", options)
+ .on('focus', function () {
+ var top = parseFloat($(obj).offset().top) + parseFloat(obj.offsetHeight);
+ var left = parseFloat($(obj).offset().left);
+ clearInterval($(obj).data('mtimer'));
+ $('#global_calendar_div').remove();
+ $('body').append('
+ '
+ $('#global_calendar_div')
+ .html($().w2field('calendar_get', obj.value, options))
+ .css({
+ left: left + 'px',
+ top: top + 'px'
+ })
+ .data('el', obj)
+ .show();
+ var max = $(window).width() + $(document).scrollLeft() - 1;
+ if (left + $('#global_calendar_div').width() > max) {
+ $('#global_calendar_div').css('left', (max - $('#global_calendar_div').width()) + 'px');
+ }
+ // monitors
+ var mtimer = setInterval(function () {
+ var max = $(window).width() + $(document).scrollLeft() - 1;
+ var left = $(obj).offset().left;
+ if (left + $('#global_calendar_div').width() > max) left = max - $('#global_calendar_div').width();
+ // monitor if moved
+ if ($('#global_calendar_div').data('position') != ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight)) {
+ $('#global_calendar_div').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.2s',
+ left: left + 'px',
+ top : ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight) + 'px'
+ }).data('position', ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight));
+ }
+ // monitor if destroyed
+ if ($(obj).length == 0 || ($(obj).offset().left == 0 && $(obj).offset().top == 0)) {
+ clearInterval(mtimer);
+ $('#global_calendar_div').remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ $(obj).data('mtimer', mtimer);
+ })
+ .on('blur', function (event) {
+ // trim empty spaces
+ $(obj).val($.trim($(obj).val()));
+ // check if date is valid
+ if ($.trim($(obj).val()) != '' && !w2utils.isDate($(obj).val(), options.format)) {
+ $(this).w2tag(w2utils.lang('Not a valid date') + ': '+ options.format);
+ }
+ clearInterval($(obj).data('mtimer'));
+ $('#global_calendar_div').remove();
+ })
+ .on('keypress', function (event) {
+ var obj = this;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $('#global_calendar_div').html( $().w2field('calendar_get', obj.value, options) );
+ }, 10);
+ });
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // if it is unix time - convert to readable date
+ if (w2utils.isInt(obj.value)) obj.value = w2utils.formatDate(obj.value, options.format);
+ }, 1);
+ break;
+ case 'time':
+ break;
+ case 'datetime':
+ break;
+ case 'color':
+ var obj = this;
+ var defaults = {
+ prefix : '#',
+ suffix : '
+ }
+ options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
+ // -- insert div for color
+ $(this)
+ .attr('maxlength', 6)
+ .on('focus', function () {
+ var top = parseFloat($(obj).offset().top) + parseFloat(obj.offsetHeight);
+ var left = parseFloat($(obj).offset().left);
+ clearInterval($(obj).data('mtimer'));
+ $('#global_color_div').remove();
+ $('body').append('
+ '
+ $('#global_color_div')
+ .html($().w2field('getColorHTML', obj.value))
+ .css({
+ left: left + 'px',
+ top: top + 'px'
+ })
+ .data('el', obj)
+ .show();
+ var max = $(window).width() + $(document).scrollLeft() - 1;
+ if (left + $('#global_color_div').width() > max) {
+ $('#global_color_div').css('left', (max - $('#global_color_div').width()) + 'px');
+ }
+ // monitors
+ var mtimer = setInterval(function () {
+ var max = $(window).width() + $(document).scrollLeft() - 1;
+ var left = $(obj).offset().left;
+ if (left + $('#global_color_div').width() > max) left = max - $('#global_color_div').width();
+ // monitor if moved
+ if ($('#global_color_div').data('position') != ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight)) {
+ $('#global_color_div').css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.2s',
+ left: left + 'px',
+ top : ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight) + 'px'
+ }).data('position', ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight));
+ }
+ // monitor if destroyed
+ if ($(obj).length == 0 || ($(obj).offset().left == 0 && $(obj).offset().top == 0)) {
+ clearInterval(mtimer);
+ $('#global_color_div').remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ $(obj).data('mtimer', mtimer);
+ })
+ .on('click', function () {
+ $(this).trigger('focus');
+ })
+ .on('blur', function (event) {
+ // trim empty spaces
+ $(obj).val($.trim($(obj).val()));
+ clearInterval($(obj).data('mtimer'));
+ $('#global_color_div').remove();
+ })
+ .on('keydown', function (event) { // need this for cut/paster
+ if (event.keyCode == 86 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
+ var obj = this;
+ $(this).prop('maxlength', 7);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var val = $(obj).val();
+ if (val.substr(0, 1) == '#') val = val.substr(1);
+ if (!w2utils.isHex(val)) val = '';
+ $(obj).val(val).prop('maxlength', 6).change();
+ }, 20);
+ }
+ })
+ .on('keyup', function (event) {
+ if (event.keyCode == 86 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) $(this).prop('maxlength', 6);
+ })
+ .on('keypress', function (event) { // keyCode & charCode differ in FireFox
+ if (event.keyCode == 13) $(this).change();
+ //if (event.ct)
+ var ch = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
+ if (!w2utils.isHex(ch, true)) {
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ })
+ .on('change', function (event) {
+ var color = '#' + $(this).val();
+ if ($(this).val().length != 6 && $(this).val().length != 3) color = '';
+ $(this).next().find('div').css('background-color', color);
+ });
+ if (options.prefix != '') {
+ $(this).before(
+ '
+ options.prefix +
+ '
+ var helper = $(this).prev();
+ helper
+ .css({
+ 'color' : $(this).css('color'),
+ 'font-family' : $(this).css('font-family'),
+ 'font-size' : $(this).css('font-size'),
+ 'padding-top' : $(this).css('padding-top'),
+ 'padding-bottom': $(this).css('padding-bottom'),
+ 'padding-left' : $(this).css('padding-left'),
+ 'padding-right' : 0,
+ 'margin-top' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-top')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-bottom' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-bottom')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-left' : 0,
+ 'margin-right' : 0
+ })
+ .on('click', function () {
+ $(this).next().focus();
+ });
+ $(this).css('padding-left', (helper.width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + 2) + 'px');
+ }
+ if (options.suffix != '') {
+ $(this).after(
+ '
+ options.suffix +
+ '
+ var helper = $(this).next();
+ helper
+ .css({
+ 'color' : $(this).css('color'),
+ 'font-family' : $(this).css('font-family'),
+ 'font-size' : $(this).css('font-size'),
+ 'padding-top' : $(this).css('padding-top'),
+ 'padding-bottom': $(this).css('padding-bottom'),
+ 'padding-left' : '3px',
+ 'padding-right' : $(this).css('padding-right'),
+ 'margin-top' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-top')) + 1) + 'px',
+ 'margin-bottom' : (parseInt($(this).css('margin-bottom')) + 1) + 'px'
+ })
+ .on('click', function () {
+ $(this).prev().focus();
+ });
+ helper.css('margin-left', '-'+ (helper.width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right')) + 4) + 'px');
+ var pr = helper.width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right')) + 4;
+ $(this).css('padding-right', pr + 'px');
+ // set color to current
+ helper.find('div').css('background-color', '#' + $(obj).val());
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'select':
+ case 'list':
+ if (this.tagName != 'SELECT') {
+ console.log('ERROR: You can only apply $().w2field(\'list\') to a SELECT element');
+ return;
+ }
+ var defaults = {
+ url : '',
+ items : [],
+ value : null,
+ showNone : true
+ };
+ var obj = this;
+ var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
+ $(obj).data('settings', settings);
+ // define refresh method
+ obj.refresh = function () {
+ var settings = $(obj).data('settings');
+ var html = '';
+ var items = w2field.cleanItems(settings.items);
+ // build options
+ if (settings.showNone) html = '
+ for (var i in items) {
+ if (!settings.showNone && settings.value == null) settings.value = items[i].id;
+ html += '
+ }
+ $(obj).html(html);
+ $(obj).val(settings.value);
+ if ($(obj).val() != settings.value) $(obj).change();
+ }
+ // pull from server
+ if (settings.url != '' ) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type : 'GET',
+ dataType : 'text',
+ url : settings.url,
+ complete: function (xhr, status) {
+ if (status == 'success') {
+ var data = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
+ var settings = $(obj).data('settings');
+ settings.items = w2field.cleanItems(data.items);
+ $(obj).data('settings', settings);
+ obj.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else { // refresh local
+ obj.refresh();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'enum':
+ if (this.tagName != 'INPUT') {
+ console.log('ERROR: You can only apply $().w2field(\'enum\') to an INPUT element');
+ return;
+ }
+ var defaults = {
+ url : '',
+ items : [],
+ selected : [], // preselected items
+ max : 0, // maximum number of items that can be selected 0 for unlim
+ maxHeight : 172, // max height for input control to grow
+ showAll : false, // if true then show selected item in drop down
+ match : 'begins with', // ['begins with', 'contains']
+ render : null, // render(item, selected)
+ maxCache : 500, // number items to cache
+ onShow : null, // when overlay is shown onShow(settings)
+ onHide : null, // when overlay is hidden onHide(settings)
+ onAdd : null, // onAdd(item, settings)
+ onRemove : null, // onRemove(index, settings)
+ onItemOver : null,
+ onItemOut : null,
+ onItemClick : null
+ }
+ var obj = this;
+ var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
+ // normalize items and selected
+ settings.items = w2field.cleanItems(settings.items);
+ settings.selected = w2field.cleanItems(settings.selected);
+ $(this).data('selected', settings.selected);
+ $(this).css({
+ 'padding' : '0px',
+ 'border-color' : 'transparent',
+ 'background-color' : 'transparent',
+ 'outline' : 'none'
+ });
+ // add item to selected
+ this.add = function (item) {
+ if ($(this).attr('readonly')) return;
+ var selected = $(this).data('selected');
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ if (typeof settings.onAdd == 'function') {
+ var cancel = settings.onAdd(item, settings);
+ if (cancel === false) return;
+ }
+ if (!$.isArray(selected)) selected = [];
+ if (settings.max != 0 && settings.max <= selected.length) {
+ // if max reached, replace last
+ selected.splice(selected.length - 1, 1);
+ }
+ selected.push(item);
+ $(this).data('last_del', null);
+ $(this).trigger('change');
+ }
+ this.remove = function (index) {
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ if (typeof settings.onRemove == 'function') {
+ var cancel = settings.onRemove(index, settings);
+ if (cancel === false) return;
+ }
+ if ($(this).attr('readonly')) return;
+ $(this).data('selected').splice(index, 1);
+ $(this).parent().find('[title=Remove][index='+ index +']').remove();
+ this.refresh();
+ w2field.list_render.call(this);
+ $(this).trigger('change');
+ }
+ this.show = function () {
+ if ($(this).attr('readonly')) return;
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ // insert global div
+ if ($('#w2ui-global-items').length == 0) {
+ $('body').append('
+ } else {
+ // ignore second click
+ return;
+ }
+ var div = $('#w2ui-global-items');
+ div.css({
+ display : 'block',
+ left : ($(obj).offset().left) + 'px',
+ top : ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight + 3) + 'px'
+ })
+ .width(w2utils.getSize(obj, 'width'))
+ .data('position', ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight));
+ // show drop content
+ w2field.list_render.call(obj);
+ // monitors
+ var monitor = function () {
+ var div = $('#w2ui-global-items');
+ // monitor if destroyed
+ if ($(obj).length == 0 || ($(obj).offset().left == 0 && $(obj).offset().top == 0)) {
+ clearInterval($(obj).data('mtimer'));
+ hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ // monitor if moved
+ if (div.data('position') != ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight)) {
+ div.css({
+ '-webkit-transition': '.2s',
+ left: ($(obj).offset().left) + 'px',
+ top : ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight + 3) + 'px'
+ })
+ .data('position', ($(obj).offset().left) + 'x' + ($(obj).offset().top + obj.offsetHeight));
+ // if moved then resize
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ w2field.list_render.call(obj, $(obj).data('last_search'));
+ }, 200);
+ }
+ if (div.length > 0) $(obj).data('mtimer', setTimeout(monitor, 100));
+ };
+ $(obj).data('mtimer', setTimeout(monitor, 100));
+ // onShow
+ if (typeof settings.onShow == 'function') settings.onShow.call(this, settings);
+ }
+ this.hide = function () {
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ clearTimeout($(obj).data('mtimer'));
+ $('#w2ui-global-items').remove();
+ // onShow
+ if (typeof settings.onHide == 'function') settings.onHide.call(this, settings);
+ }
+ // render controls with all items in it
+ this.refresh = function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ // remove all items
+ $($(this).data('div')).remove();
+ // rebuild it
+ var margin = 'margin-top: ' + $(this).css('margin-top') + '; ' +
+ 'margin-bottom: ' + $(this).css('margin-bottom') + '; ' +
+ 'margin-left: ' + $(this).css('margin-left') + '; ' +
+ 'margin-right: ' + $(this).css('margin-right') + '; '+
+ 'width: ' + (w2utils.getSize(this, 'width')
+ - parseInt($(this).css('margin-left'))
+ - parseInt($(this).css('margin-right'))) + 'px; ';
+ var html = '
+ $(this).before(html);
+ var div = $(this).prev()[0];
+ $(this).data('div', div);
+ // click on item
+ $(div).find('li')
+ .data('mouse', 'out')
+ .on('click', function (event) {
+ if ($(event.target).hasClass('nomouse')) return;
+ if (event.target.title == w2utils.lang('Remove')) {
+ obj.remove($(event.target).attr('index'));
+ return;
+ }
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ if (typeof settings.onItemClick == 'function') settings.onItemClick.call(this, settings);
+ })
+ .on('mouseover', function (event) {
+ var tmp = event.target;
+ if (tmp.tagName != 'LI') tmp = tmp.parentNode;
+ if ($(tmp).hasClass('nomouse')) return;
+ if ($(tmp).data('mouse') == 'out') {
+ if (typeof settings.onItemOver == 'function') settings.onItemOver.call(this, settings);
+ }
+ $(tmp).data('mouse', 'over');
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function (event) {
+ var tmp = event.target;
+ if (tmp.tagName != 'LI') tmp = tmp.parentNode;
+ if ($(tmp).hasClass('nomouse')) return;
+ $(tmp).data('mouse', 'leaving');
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if ($(tmp).data('mouse') == 'leaving') {
+ $(tmp).data('mouse', 'out');
+ if (typeof settings.onItemOut == 'function') settings.onItemOut.call(this, settings);
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ $(div) // click on item
+ .on('click', function (event) {
+ $(this).find('input').focus();
+ })
+ .find('input')
+ .on('focus', function (event) {
+ $(div).css({ 'outline': 'auto 5px -webkit-focus-ring-color', 'outline-offset': '-2px' });
+ obj.show();
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
+ })
+ .on('blur', function (event) {
+ $(div).css('outline', 'none');
+ obj.hide();
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
+ });
+ // adjust height
+ obj.resize();
+ }
+ this.resize = function () {
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ var div = $(this).prev();
+ var cntHeight = $(div).find('>div').height(); //w2utils.getSize(div, 'height');
+ if (cntHeight < 23) cntHeight = 23;
+ if (cntHeight > settings.maxHeight) cntHeight = settings.maxHeight;
+ $(div).height(cntHeight + (cntHeight % 23 == 0 ? 0 : 23 - cntHeight % 23) );
+ if (div.length > 0) div[0].scrollTop = 1000;
+ $(this).height(cntHeight);
+ }
+ // init control
+ $(this).data('settings', settings).attr('tabindex', -1);
+ obj.refresh();
+ break;
+ case 'upload':
+ if (this.tagName != 'INPUT') {
+ console.log('ERROR: You can only apply $().w2field(\'upload\') to an INPUT element');
+ return;
+ }
+ // init defaults
+ var defaults = {
+ url : '', // not yet implemented
+ base64 : true, // if true max file size is 20mb (only tru for now)
+ hint : w2utils.lang('Attach files by dragging and dropping or Click to Select'),
+ max : 0, // max number of files, 0 - unlim
+ maxSize : 0, // max size of all files, 0 - unlim
+ maxFileSize : 0, // max size of a single file, 0 -unlim
+ onAdd : null,
+ onRemove : null,
+ onItemClick : null,
+ onItemDblClick : null,
+ onItemOver : null,
+ onItemOut : null,
+ onProgress : null, // not yet implemented
+ onComplete : null // not yet implemented
+ }
+ var obj = this;
+ var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
+ if (settings.base64 === true) {
+ if (settings.maxSize == 0) settings.maxSize = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20mb
+ if (settings.maxFileSize == 0) settings.maxFileSize = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20mb
+ }
+ var selected = settings.selected;
+ delete settings.selected;
+ if (!$.isArray(selected)) selected = [];
+ $(this).data('selected', selected).data('settings', settings).attr('tabindex', -1);
+ w2field.upload_init.call(this);
+ this.refresh = function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var div = $(this).data('div');
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ var selected = $(this).data('selected');
+ $(div).find('li').remove();
+ $(div).find('> span:first-child').css('line-height', ($(div).height() - w2utils.getSize(div, '+height') - 8) + 'px');
+ for (var s in selected) {
+ var file = selected[s];
+ // add li element
+ var cnt = $(div).find('.file-list li').length;
+ $(div).find('> span:first-child').remove();
+ $(div).find('.file-list').append('
' +
+ '
' +
+ ' ' + file.name + '' +
+ ' - ' + w2utils.size(file.size) + ''+
+ '');
+ var li = $(div).find('.file-list #file-' + cnt);
+ var previewHTML = "";
+ if ((/image/i).test(file.type)) { // image
+ previewHTML = '
+ '
+ '
+ }
+ var td1 = 'style="padding: 3px; text-align: right; color: #777;"';
+ var td2 = 'style="padding: 3px"';
+ previewHTML += '
+ '
+ ' Name: | '+ file.name +' |
+ ' Size: | '+ w2utils.size(file.size) +' |
+ ' Type: | ' +
+ ' '+ file.type +''+
+ ' |
+ ' Modified: | '+ w2utils.date(file.modified) +' |
+ '
+ '
+ li.data('file', file)
+ .on('click', function (event) {
+ if (typeof settings.onItemClick == 'function') {
+ var ret = settings.onItemClick.call(obj, $(this).data('file'));
+ if (ret === false) return;
+ }
+ if (!$(event.target).hasClass('file-delete')) event.stopPropagation();
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function (event) {
+ if (typeof settings.onItemDblClick == 'function') {
+ var ret = settings.onItemDblClick.call(obj, $(this).data('file'));
+ if (ret === false) return;
+ }
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ if (document.selection) document.selection.empty(); else document.defaultView.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ })
+ .on('mouseover', function (event) {
+ if (typeof settings.onItemOver == 'function') {
+ var ret = settings.onItemOver.call(obj, $(this).data('file'));
+ if (ret === false) return;
+ }
+ var file = $(this).data('file');
+ $(this).w2overlay(
+ previewHTML.replace('##FILE##', (file.content ? 'data:'+ file.type +';base64,'+ file.content : '')),
+ { top: -4 }
+ );
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function () {
+ if (typeof settings.onItemOut == 'function') {
+ var ret = settings.onItemOut.call(obj, $(this).data('file'));
+ if (ret === false) return;
+ }
+ $(this).w2overlay();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.refresh();
+ break;
+ case 'slider':
+ // for future reference
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log('ERROR: w2field does not recognize "'+ options.type + '" field type.');
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // ******************************************************
+ // -- Implementation
+ addType: function (type, handler) {
+ w2field.customTypes[String(type).toLowerCase()] = handler;
+ },
+ cleanItems: function (items) {
+ var newItems = [];
+ for (var i in items) {
+ var id = '';
+ var text = '';
+ var opt = items[i];
+ if (opt == null) continue;
+ if ($.isPlainObject(items)) {
+ id = i;
+ text = opt;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof opt == 'object') {
+ if (typeof opt.id != 'undefined') id = opt.id;
+ if (typeof opt.value != 'undefined') id = opt.value;
+ if (typeof opt.txt != 'undefined') text = opt.txt;
+ if (typeof opt.text != 'undefined') text = opt.text;
+ }
+ if (typeof opt == 'string') {
+ if (String(opt) == '') continue;
+ id = opt;
+ text = opt;
+ opt = {};
+ }
+ }
+ if (w2utils.isInt(id)) id = parseInt(id);
+ if (w2utils.isFloat(id)) id = parseFloat(id);
+ newItems.push($.extend({}, opt, { id: id, text: text }));
+ }
+ return newItems;
+ },
+ // ******************************************************
+ // -- Upload
+ upload_init: function () {
+ var obj = this; // this -> input element
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ // create drop area if needed
+ var el = $(obj).prev();
+ if (el.length > 0 && el[0].tagName == 'DIV' && el.hasClass('w2ui-upload')) el.remove();
+ // rebuild it
+ var margin = 'margin-top: ' + $(obj).css('margin-top') + '; ' +
+ 'margin-bottom: ' + $(obj).css('margin-bottom') + '; ' +
+ 'margin-left: ' + $(obj).css('margin-left') + '; ' +
+ 'margin-right: ' + $(obj).css('margin-right') + '; '+
+ 'width: ' + (w2utils.getSize(obj, 'width')
+ - parseInt($(obj).css('margin-left'))
+ - parseInt($(obj).css('margin-right'))) + 'px; '+
+ 'height: ' + (w2utils.getSize(obj, 'height')
+ - parseInt($(obj).css('margin-top'))
+ - parseInt($(obj).css('margin-bottom'))) + 'px; ';
+ var html =
+ '
+ '
'+ settings.hint +''+
+ '
+ '
+ '
+ $(obj)
+ .css({
+ 'display1' : 'none',
+ 'border-color' : 'transparent'
+ })
+ .before(html);
+ $(obj).data('div', $(obj).prev()[0]);
+ var div = $(obj).data('div');
+ // if user selects files through input control
+ $(div).find('.file-input')
+ .off('change')
+ .on('change', function () {
+ if (typeof this.files !== "undefined") {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this.files.length; i < l; i++) {
+ w2field.upload_add.call(obj, this.files[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // if user clicks drop zone
+ $(div)
+ .off('click')
+ .on('click', function (event) {
+ $(div).w2tag();
+ if (event.target.tagName == 'LI' || $(event.target).hasClass('file-size')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($(event.target).hasClass('file-delete')) {
+ w2field.upload_remove.call(obj, event.target.parentNode);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (event.target.tagName != 'INPUT') {
+ var settings = $(obj).data('settings');
+ var selected = $(obj).data('selected');
+ var cnt = 0;
+ for (var s in selected) { cnt++; }
+ if (cnt < settings.max || settings.max == 0) $(div).find('.file-input').click();
+ }
+ })
+ .off('dragenter')
+ .on('dragenter', function (event) {
+ $(div).addClass('dragover');
+ })
+ .off('dragleave')
+ .on('dragleave', function (event) {
+ $(div).removeClass('dragover');
+ })
+ .off('drop')
+ .on('drop', function (event) {
+ $(div).removeClass('dragover');
+ var files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
+ for (var i=0, l=files.length; i
input element
+ var div = $(obj).data('div');
+ var settings = $(obj).data('settings');
+ var selected = $(obj).data('selected');
+ var newItem = {
+ name : file.name,
+ type : file.type,
+ modified : file.lastModifiedDate,
+ size : file.size,
+ content : null
+ };
+ var size = 0;
+ var cnt = 0;
+ for (var s in selected) { size += selected[s].size; cnt++; }
+ // check params
+ if (settings.maxFileSize != 0 && newItem.size > settings.maxFileSize) {
+ var err = 'Maximum file size is '+ w2utils.size(settings.maxFileSize);
+ $(div).w2tag(err);
+ console.log('ERROR: '+ err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (settings.maxSize != 0 && size + newItem.size > settings.maxSize) {
+ var err = 'Maximum total size is '+ w2utils.size(settings.maxFileSize);
+ $(div).w2tag(err);
+ console.log('ERROR: '+ err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (settings.max != 0 && cnt >= settings.max) {
+ var err = 'Maximum number of files is '+ settings.max;
+ $(div).w2tag(err);
+ console.log('ERROR: '+ err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof settings.onAdd == 'function') {
+ var ret = settings.onAdd.call(obj, newItem);
+ if (ret === false) return;
+ }
+ selected.push(newItem);
+ // read file as base64
+ if (typeof FileReader !== "undefined" && settings.base64 === true) {
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ // need a closure
+ reader.onload = (function () {
+ return function (event) {
+ var fl = event.target.result;
+ var ind = fl.indexOf(',');
+ newItem.content = fl.substr(ind+1);
+ obj.refresh();
+ $(obj).trigger('change');
+ };
+ })();
+ reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ } else {
+ obj.refresh();
+ $(obj).trigger('change');
+ }
+ },
+ upload_remove: function (li) {
+ var obj = this; // this -> input element
+ var div = $(obj).data('div');
+ var settings = $(obj).data('settings');
+ var selected = $(obj).data('selected');
+ var file = $(li).data('file');
+ // run event
+ if (typeof settings.onRemove == 'function') {
+ var ret = settings.onRemove.call(obj, file);
+ if (ret === false) return false;
+ }
+ // remove from selected
+ for (var i = selected.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (selected[i].name == file.name && selected[i].size == file.size) {
+ selected.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $(li).fadeOut('fast');
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ $(li).remove();
+ // if all files remoted
+ if (selected.length == 0) {
+ $(div).prepend(''+ settings.hint +'');
+ }
+ obj.refresh();
+ $(obj).trigger('change');
+ }, 300);
+ },
+ // ******************************************************
+ // -- Enum
+ list_render: function (search) {
+ var obj = this;
+ var div = $('#w2ui-global-items');
+ var settings = $(this).data('settings');
+ var items = settings.items;
+ var selected = $(this).data('selected');
+ if (div.length == 0) return; // if it is hidden
+ // build overall html
+ if (typeof search == 'undefined') {
+ var html = '';
+ html += '';
+ div.html(html);
+ search = '';
+ }
+ $(this).data('last_search', search);
+ if (typeof $(obj).data('last_index') == 'undefined' || $(obj).data('last_index') == null) $(obj).data('last_index', 0);
+ // pull items from url
+ if (typeof settings.last_total == 'undefined') settings.last_total = -1;
+ if (typeof settings.last_search_len == 'undefined') settings.last_search_len = 0;
+ if (typeof settings.last_search_match == 'undefined') settings.last_search_match = -1;
+ if (settings.url != '' && (
+ (items.length == 0 && settings.last_total != 0)
+ || (search.length > settings.last_search_len && settings.last_total > settings.maxCache)
+ || (search.length < settings.last_search_match && search.length != settings.last_search_len)
+ )
+ ) {
+ var match = false;
+ if (settings.last_total < settings.maxCache) match = true;
+ $.ajax({
+ type : 'GET',
+ dataType : 'text',
+ url : settings.url,
+ data : {
+ search : search,
+ max : settings.maxCache
+ },
+ complete: function (xhr, status) {
+ settings.last_total = 0;
+ if (status == 'success') {
+ var data = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
+ if (match == false && data.total < settings.maxCache) { settings.last_search_match = search.length; }
+ settings.last_search_len = search.length;
+ settings.last_total = data.total
+ settings.items = data.items;
+ w2field.list_render.call(obj, search);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // build items
+ var i = 0;
+ var ihtml = '';
+ // get ids of all selected items
+ var ids = [];
+ for (var a in selected) ids.push(w2utils.isInt(selected[a].id) ? parseInt(selected[a].id) : String(selected[a].id))
+ // build list
+ var group = '';
+ for (var a in items) {
+ var id = items[a].id;
+ var txt = items[a].text;
+ // if already selected
+ if ($.inArray(w2utils.isInt(id) ? parseInt(id) : String(id), ids) != -1 && settings.showAll !== true) continue;
+ // check match with search
+ var txt1 = String(search).toLowerCase();
+ var txt2 = txt.toLowerCase();
+ var match = (txt1.length <= txt2.length && txt2.substr(0, txt1.length) == txt1);
+ if (settings.match.toLowerCase() == 'contains' && txt2.indexOf(txt1) != -1) match = true;
+ if (match) {
+ if (typeof settings['render'] == 'function') {
+ txt = settings['render'](items[a], selected);
+ }
+ if (txt !== false) {
+ // render group if needed
+ if (typeof items[a].group != 'undefined' && items[a].group != group) {
+ group = items[a].group;
+ ihtml += '- '+ group +'
+ }
+ // render item
+ ihtml += '\n- '+
+ txt +'
+ if (i == $(obj).data('last_index')) $(obj).data('last_item', items[a]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ihtml += '
+ if (i == 0) {
+ ihtml = ''+ w2utils.lang('No items found') +'
+ var noItems = true;
+ }
+ div.find('.w2ui-items-list').html(ihtml);
+ $(this).data('last_max', i-1);
+ // scroll selected into view
+ if (div.find('li.selected').length > 0) div.find('li.selected')[0].scrollIntoView(false);
+ // if menu goes off screen - add scrollbar
+ div.css({ '-webkit-transition': '0s', height : 'auto' });
+ var max_height = parseInt($(document).height()) - parseInt(div.offset().top) - 8;
+ if (parseInt(div.height()) > max_height) {
+ div.css({
+ height : (max_height - 5) + 'px',
+ overflow: 'show'
+ });
+ $(div).find('.w2ui-items-list').css({
+ height : (max_height - 15) + 'px',
+ overflow: 'auto'
+ });
+ }
+ // add events
+ $(div)
+ .off('mousedown')
+ .on('mousedown', function (event) {
+ var target = event.target;
+ if (target.tagName != "LI") target = $(target).parents('li');
+ var id = $(target).attr('index');
+ if (!id) return;
+ var item = settings.items[id];
+ if (typeof id == 'undefined') { if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else return false; }
+ obj.add(item);
+ $(obj).data('last_index', 0);
+ obj.refresh();
+ w2field.list_render.call(obj, '');
+ }
+ );
+ $(obj).prev().find('li > input')
+ .val(search)
+ .css('max-width', ($(div).width() - 25) + 'px')
+ .width(((search.length + 2) * 6) + 'px')
+ .focus()
+ .on('click', function (event) {
+ if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true;
+ })
+ .off('keyup')
+ .on('keyup', function (event) {
+ var inp = this;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var curr = $(obj).data('last_index');
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 38: // up
+ curr--;
+ if (curr < 0) curr = 0;
+ $(obj).data('last_index', curr);
+ if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case 40: // down
+ curr++;
+ if (curr > $(obj).data('last_max')) curr = $(obj).data('last_max');
+ $(obj).data('last_index', curr);
+ if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case 13: // enter
+ if (typeof $(obj).data('last_item') == 'undefined' || $(obj).data('last_item') == null || noItems === true) break;
+ var selected = $(obj).data('selected');
+ obj.add($(obj).data('last_item'));
+ // select next
+ if (curr > $(obj).data('last_max') - 1) curr = $(obj).data('last_max')-1;
+ $(obj).data('last_index', curr);
+ $(obj).data('last_item', null);
+ // refrech
+ $(inp).val('');
+ obj.refresh();
+ if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case 8: // backspace
+ if (String(inp.value) == '') {
+ if (typeof $(obj).data('last_del') == 'undefined' || $(obj).data('last_del') == null) {
+ // mark for deletion
+ var selected = $(obj).data('selected');
+ if (!$.isArray(selected)) selected = [];
+ $(obj).data('last_del', selected.length-1);
+ // refrech
+ obj.refresh();
+ } else {
+ // delete marked one
+ var selected = $(obj).data('selected');
+ obj.remove(selected.length - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $(obj).data('last_index', 0);
+ $(obj).data('last_del', null);
+ break;
+ }
+ // adjust height
+ obj.resize();
+ // refresh menu
+ if (!(event.keyCode == 8 && String(inp.value) == '')) {
+ $(obj).prev().find('li').css('opacity', '1');
+ $(obj).data('last_del', null);
+ }
+ if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, [16,91,37,39]) == -1) { // command and shift keys and arrows
+ w2field.list_render.call(obj, inp.value);
+ }
+ }, 10);
+ })
+ },
+ // ******************************************************
+ // -- Calendar
+ calendar_get: function (date, options) {
+ var td = new Date();
+ var today = (Number(td.getMonth())+1) + '/' + td.getDate() + '/' + (String(td.getYear()).length > 3 ? td.getYear() : td.getYear() + 1900);
+ if (String(date) == '' || String(date) == 'undefined') date = w2utils.formatDate(today, options.format);
+ if (!w2utils.isDate(date, options.format)) date = w2utils.formatDate(today, options.format);
+ // format date
+ var tmp = date.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').toLowerCase().split('/');
+ var tmp2 = options.format.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').toLowerCase();
+ var dt = new Date();
+ if (tmp2 == 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt = new Date(tmp[0] + '/' + tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[2]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'm/d/yyyy') dt = new Date(tmp[0] + '/' + tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[2]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'dd/mm/yyyy') dt = new Date(tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[0] + '/' + tmp[2]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'd/m/yyyy') dt = new Date(tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[0] + '/' + tmp[2]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'yyyy/dd/mm') dt = new Date(tmp[2] + '/' + tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[0]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'yyyy/d/m') dt = new Date(tmp[2] + '/' + tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[0]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'yyyy/mm/dd') dt = new Date(tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[2] + '/' + tmp[0]);
+ if (tmp2 == 'yyyy/m/d') dt = new Date(tmp[1] + '/' + tmp[2] + '/' + tmp[0]);
+ var html = '' +
+ ''+ $().w2field('calendar_month', (dt.getMonth() + 1), dt.getFullYear(), options) +' | '+
+ // ''+
+ '
+ return html;
+ },
+ calendar_next: function(month_year) {
+ var tmp = String(month_year).split('/');
+ var month = tmp[0];
+ var year = tmp[1];
+ if (parseInt(month) < 12) {
+ month = parseInt(month) + 1;
+ } else {
+ month = 1;
+ year = parseInt(year) + 1;
+ }
+ var options = $($('#global_calendar_div.w2ui-calendar').data('el')).data('options');
+ $('#global_calendar_div.w2ui-calendar').html( $().w2field('calendar_get', w2utils.formatDate(month+'/1/'+year, options.format), options) );
+ },
+ calendar_previous: function(month_year) {
+ var tmp = String(month_year).split('/');
+ var month = tmp[0];
+ var year = tmp[1];
+ if (parseInt(month) > 1) {
+ month = parseInt(month) - 1;
+ } else {
+ month = 12;
+ year = parseInt(year) - 1;
+ }
+ var options = $($('#global_calendar_div.w2ui-calendar').data('el')).data('options');
+ $('#global_calendar_div.w2ui-calendar').html( $().w2field('calendar_get', w2utils.formatDate(month+'/1/'+year, options.format), options) );
+ },
+ calendar_month: function(month, year, options) {
+ var td = new Date();
+ var months = w2utils.settings.fullmonths;
+ var days = w2utils.settings.fulldays;
+ var daysCount = ['31', '28', '31', '30', '31', '30', '31', '31', '30', '31', '30', '31'];
+ var today = (Number(td.getMonth())+1) + '/' + td.getDate() + '/' + (String(td.getYear()).length > 3 ? td.getYear() : td.getYear() + 1900);
+ year = Number(year);
+ month = Number(month);
+ if (year === null || year === '') year = String(td.getYear()).length > 3 ? td.getYear() : td.getYear() + 1900;
+ if (month === null || month === '') month = Number(td.getMonth())+1;
+ if (month > 12) { month = month - 12; year++; }
+ if (month < 1 || month == 0) { month = month + 12; year--; }
+ if (year/4 == Math.floor(year/4)) { daysCount[1] = '29'; } else { daysCount[1] = '28'; }
+ if (year == null) { year = td.getYear(); }
+ if (month == null) { month = td.getMonth()-1; }
+ // start with the required date
+ var td = new Date();
+ td.setDate(1);
+ td.setMonth(month-1);
+ td.setYear(year);
+ var weekDay = td.getDay();
+ var tabDays = w2utils.settings.shortdays;
+ var dayTitle = '';
+ for ( var i = 0, len = tabDays.length; i < len; i++) {
+ dayTitle += '' + tabDays[i] + ' | ';
+ }
+ var html =
+ ''+
+ '
+ '
+ months[month-1] +', '+ year +
+ '
+ ''+
+ ' ' + dayTitle + '
+ ' ';
+ var day = 1;
+ for (var ci=1; ci<43; ci++) {
+ if (weekDay == 0 && ci == 1) {
+ for (var ti=0; ti<6; ti++) html += ' | ';
+ ci += 6;
+ } else {
+ if (ci < weekDay || day > daysCount[month-1]) {
+ html += ' | ';
+ if ((ci)%7 == 0) html += '
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ var dt = month + '/' + day + '/' + year;
+ var className = '';
+ if (ci % 7 == 6) className = 'w2ui-saturday';
+ if (ci % 7 == 0) className = 'w2ui-sunday';
+ if (dt == today) className += ' w2ui-today';
+ var dspDay = day;
+ var col = '';
+ var bgcol = '';
+ var blocked = '';
+ if (options.colored) if (options.colored[dt] != undefined) { // if there is predefined colors for dates
+ tmp = options.colored[dt].split(':');
+ bgcol = 'background-color: ' + tmp[0] + ';';
+ col = 'color: ' + tmp[1] + ';';
+ }
+ var noSelect = false;
+ // enable range
+ if (options.start || options.end) {
+ var start = new Date(options.start);
+ var end = new Date(options.end);
+ var current = new Date(dt);
+ if (current < start || current > end) {
+ blocked = ' w2ui-blocked-date';
+ noSelect = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // block predefined dates
+ if (options.blocked && $.inArray(dt, options.blocked) != -1) {
+ blocked = ' w2ui-blocked-date';
+ noSelect = true;
+ }
+ html += ''+ dspDay + ' | ';
+ if (ci % 7 == 0 || (weekDay == 0 && ci == 1)) html += '
+ day++;
+ }
+ html += '
+ return html;
+ },
+ getColorHTML: function (color) {
+ var html = ''+
+ '
+ var colors = [
+ ['000000', '444444', '666666', '999999', 'CCCCCC', 'EEEEEE', 'F3F3F3', 'FFFFFF'],
+ ['FF011B', 'FF9838', 'FFFD59', '01FD55', '00FFFE', '0424F3', '9B24F4', 'FF21F5'],
+ ['F4CCCC', 'FCE5CD', 'FFF2CC', 'D9EAD3', 'D0E0E3', 'CFE2F3', 'D9D1E9', 'EAD1DC'],
+ ['EA9899', 'F9CB9C', 'FEE599', 'B6D7A8', 'A2C4C9', '9FC5E8', 'B4A7D6', 'D5A6BD'],
+ ['E06666', 'F6B26B', 'FED966', '93C47D', '76A5AF', '6FA8DC', '8E7CC3', 'C27BA0'],
+ ['CC0814', 'E69138', 'F1C232', '6AA84F', '45818E', '3D85C6', '674EA7', 'A54D79'],
+ ['99050C', 'B45F17', 'BF901F', '37761D', '124F5C', '0A5394', '351C75', '741B47'],
+ ['660205', '783F0B', '7F6011', '274E12', '0C343D', '063762', '20124D', '4C1030']
+ ];
+ for (var i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ html += '';
+ for (var j=0; j<8; j++) {
+ html += ''+
+ ' '+
+ ' '+ (color == colors[i][j] ? '' : ' ')+
+ ' '+
+ ' | ';
+ }
+ html += '
+ if (i < 2) html += ' |
+ }
+ html += '
+ return html;
+ }
+ });
+ w2obj.field = w2field;
+}) (jQuery);
+ * Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
+ * - Following objects defined
+ * - w2form - form widget
+ * - $().w2form - jQuery wrapper
+ * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2fields, w2tabs, w2toolbar, w2alert
+ *
+ * == NICE TO HAVE ==
+ * - refresh(field) - would refresh only one field
+ * - include delta on save
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+(function ($) {
+ var w2form = function(options) {
+ // public properties
+ this.name = null;
+ this.header = '';
+ this.box = null; // HTML element that hold this element
+ this.url = '';
+ this.formURL = ''; // url where to get form HTML
+ this.formHTML = ''; // form HTML (might be loaded from the url)
+ this.page = 0; // current page
+ this.recid = 0; // can be null or 0
+ this.fields = [];
+ this.actions = {};
+ this.record = {};
+ this.original = {};
+ this.postData = {};
+ this.toolbar = {}; // if not empty, then it is toolbar
+ this.tabs = {}; // if not empty, then it is tabs object
+ this.style = '';
+ this.focus = 0; // focus first or other element
+ this.msgNotJSON = w2utils.lang('Return data is not in JSON format.');
+ this.msgRefresh = w2utils.lang('Refreshing...');
+ this.msgSaving = w2utils.lang('Saving...');
+ // events
+ this.onRequest = null;
+ this.onLoad = null;
+ this.onValidate = null;
+ this.onSubmit = null;
+ this.onSave = null;
+ this.onChange = null;
+ this.onRender = null;
+ this.onRefresh = null;
+ this.onResize = null;
+ this.onDestroy = null;
+ this.onAction = null;
+ this.onToolbar = null;
+ this.onError = null;
+ // internal
+ this.isGenerated = false;
+ this.last = {
+ xhr : null // jquery xhr requests
+ }
+ $.extend(true, this, w2obj.form, options);
+ };
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
+ $.fn.w2form = function(method) {
+ if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // check required parameters
+ if (!method || typeof method.name == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is required but not supplied in $().w2form().');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof w2ui[method.name] != 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" is not unique. There are other objects already created with the same name (obj: '+ method.name +').');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(method.name)) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore). ');
+ return;
+ }
+ // remember items
+ var record = method.record;
+ var original = method.original;
+ var fields = method.fields;
+ var toolbar = method.toolbar;
+ var tabs = method.tabs;
+ // extend items
+ var object = new w2form(method);
+ $.extend(object, { record: {}, original: {}, fields: [], tabs: {}, toolbar: {}, handlers: [] });
+ if ($.isArray(tabs)) {
+ $.extend(true, object.tabs, { tabs: [] });
+ for (var t in tabs) {
+ var tmp = tabs[t];
+ if (typeof tmp == 'object') object.tabs.tabs.push(tmp); else object.tabs.tabs.push({ id: tmp, caption: tmp });
+ }
+ } else {
+ $.extend(true, object.tabs, tabs);
+ }
+ $.extend(true, object.toolbar, toolbar);
+ // reassign variables
+ for (var p in fields) object.fields[p] = $.extend(true, {}, fields[p]);
+ for (var p in record) {
+ if ($.isPlainObject(record[p])) {
+ object.record[p] = $.extend(true, {}, record[p]);
+ } else {
+ object.record[p] = record[p];
+ }
+ }
+ for (var p in original) {
+ if ($.isPlainObject(original[p])) {
+ object.original[p] = $.extend(true, {}, original[p]);
+ } else {
+ object.original[p] = original[p];
+ }
+ }
+ if (obj.length > 0) object.box = obj[0];
+ // render if necessary
+ if (object.formURL != '') {
+ $.get(object.formURL, function (data) {
+ object.formHTML = data;
+ object.isGenerated = true;
+ if ($(object.box).length != 0 || data.length != 0) {
+ $(object.box).html(data);
+ object.render(object.box);
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (object.formHTML != '') {
+ // it is already loaded into formHTML
+ } else if ($(this).length != 0 && $.trim($(this).html()) != '') {
+ object.formHTML = $(this).html();
+ } else { // try to generate it
+ object.formHTML = object.generateHTML();
+ }
+ // register new object
+ w2ui[object.name] = object;
+ // render if not loaded from url
+ if (object.formURL == '') {
+ if (String(object.formHTML).indexOf('w2ui-page') == -1) {
+ object.formHTML = ''+ object.formHTML +'
+ }
+ $(object.box).html(object.formHTML);
+ object.isGenerated = true;
+ object.render(object.box);
+ }
+ return object;
+ } else if (w2ui[$(this).attr('name')]) {
+ var obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')];
+ obj[method].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ console.log('ERROR: Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.w2form');
+ }
+ }
+ // ====================================================
+ // -- Implementation of core functionality
+ w2form.prototype = {
+ get: function (field, returnIndex) {
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ if (this.fields[f].name == field) {
+ if (returnIndex === true) return f; else return this.fields[f];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ set: function (field, obj) {
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ if (this.fields[f].name == field) {
+ $.extend(this.fields[f] , obj);
+ this.refresh();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ reload: function (callBack) {
+ var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
+ if (url && this.recid != 0) {
+ //this.clear();
+ this.request(callBack);
+ } else {
+ this.refresh();
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
+ }
+ },
+ clear: function () {
+ this.recid = 0;
+ this.record = {};
+ // clear all enum fields
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ var field = this.fields[f];
+ }
+ $().w2tag();
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ error: function (msg) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // let the management of the error outside of the grid
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ target: this.name, type: 'error', message: msg , xhr: this.last.xhr });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // need a time out because message might be already up)
+ setTimeout(function () { w2alert(msg, 'Error'); }, 1);
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ validate: function (showErrors) {
+ if (typeof showErrors == 'undefined') showErrors = true;
+ // validate before saving
+ var errors = [];
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ var field = this.fields[f];
+ if (this.record[field.name] == null) this.record[field.name] = '';
+ switch (field.type) {
+ case 'int':
+ if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isInt(this.record[field.name])) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not an integer') });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'float':
+ if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isFloat(this.record[field.name])) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a float') });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'money':
+ if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isMoney(this.record[field.name])) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not in money format') });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'hex':
+ if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isHex(this.record[field.name])) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a hex number') });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'email':
+ if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isEmail(this.record[field.name])) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a valid email') });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'checkbox':
+ // convert true/false
+ if (this.record[field.name] == true) this.record[field.name] = 1; else this.record[field.name] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'date':
+ // format date before submit
+ if (this.record[field.name] && !w2utils.isDate(this.record[field.name], field.options.format)) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a valid date') + ': ' + field.options.format });
+ } else {
+ // convert to universal timestamp with time zone
+ //var d = new Date(this.record[field.name]);
+ //var tz = (d.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? '+' : '-') + Math.floor(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60) + ':' + (d.getTimezoneOffset() % 60);
+ //this.record[field.name] = d.getFullYear() + '-' + (d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + d.getDate() + ' '
+ // + d.getHours() + ':' + d.getSeconds() + ':' + d.getMilliseconds() + tz;
+ //this.record[field.name + '_unix'] = Math.round(d.getTime() / 1000);
+ //this.record[field.name] = w2utils.formatDate(this.record[field.name], 'mm/dd/yyyy');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'select':
+ case 'list':
+ break;
+ case 'enum':
+ break;
+ }
+ // === check required - if field is '0' it should be considered not empty
+ var val = this.record[field.name];
+ if ( field.required && (val === '' || ($.isArray(val) && val.length == 0)) ) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Required field') });
+ }
+ if ( field.equalto && this.record[field.name]!=this.record[field.equalto] ) {
+ errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Field should be equal to ')+field.equalto });
+ }
+ }
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'validate', errors: errors });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return errors;
+ // show error
+ if (showErrors) for (var e in eventData.errors) {
+ var err = eventData.errors[e];
+ $(err.field.el).w2tag(err.error, { "class": 'w2ui-error' });
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return errors;
+ },
+ request: function (postData, callBack) { // if (1) param then it is call back if (2) then postData and callBack
+ var obj = this;
+ // check for multiple params
+ if (typeof postData == 'function') {
+ callBack = postData;
+ postData = null;
+ }
+ if (typeof postData == 'undefined' || postData == null) postData = {};
+ if (!this.url || (typeof this.url == 'object' && !this.url.get)) return;
+ if (this.recid == null || typeof this.recid == 'undefined') this.recid = 0;
+ // build parameters list
+ var params = {};
+ // add list params
+ params['cmd'] = 'get-record';
+ params['name'] = this.name;
+ params['recid'] = this.recid;
+ // append other params
+ $.extend(params, this.postData);
+ $.extend(params, postData);
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'request', target: this.name, url: this.url, postData: params });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) { if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' }); return false; }
+ // default action
+ this.record = {};
+ this.original = {};
+ // call server to get data
+ this.lock(this.msgRefresh);
+ var url = eventData.url;
+ if (typeof eventData.url == 'object' && eventData.url.get) url = eventData.url.get;
+ if (this.last.xhr) try { this.last.xhr.abort(); } catch (e) {};
+ this.last.xhr = $.ajax({
+ type : 'GET',
+ url : url,
+ data : String($.param(eventData.postData, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']'),
+ dataType : 'text',
+ complete : function (xhr, status) {
+ obj.unlock();
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: obj.name, type: 'load', xhr: xhr, status: status });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Request aborted.' });
+ return false;
+ }
+ // parse server response
+ var responseText = obj.last.xhr.responseText;
+ if (status != 'error') {
+ // default action
+ if (typeof responseText != 'undefined' && responseText != '') {
+ var data;
+ // check if the onLoad handler has not already parsed the data
+ if (typeof responseText == "object") {
+ data = responseText;
+ } else {
+ // $.parseJSON or $.getJSON did not work because it expect perfect JSON data - where everything is in double quotes
+ try { eval('data = '+ responseText); } catch (e) { }
+ }
+ if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
+ data = {
+ status : 'error',
+ message : obj.msgNotJSON,
+ responseText : responseText
+ }
+ }
+ if (data['status'] == 'error') {
+ obj.error(data['message']);
+ } else {
+ obj.record = $.extend({}, data.record);
+ obj.original = $.extend({}, data.record);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ obj.error('AJAX Error ' + xhr.status + ': '+ xhr.statusText);
+ }
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ obj.refresh();
+ // call back
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data);
+ }
+ });
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ submit: function (postData, callBack) {
+ return this.save(postData, callBack);
+ },
+ save: function (postData, callBack) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // check for multiple params
+ if (typeof postData == 'function') {
+ callBack = postData;
+ postData = null;
+ }
+ // validation
+ var errors = obj.validate(true);
+ if (errors.length !== 0) {
+ obj.goto(errors[0].field.page);
+ return;
+ }
+ // submit save
+ if (typeof postData == 'undefined' || postData == null) postData = {};
+ if (!obj.url || (typeof obj.url == 'object' && !obj.url.save)) {
+ console.log("ERROR: Form cannot be saved because no url is defined.");
+ return;
+ }
+ obj.lock(obj.msgSaving + ' ');
+ // need timer to allow to lock
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // build parameters list
+ var params = {};
+ // add list params
+ params['cmd'] = 'save-record';
+ params['name'] = obj.name;
+ params['recid'] = obj.recid;
+ // append other params
+ $.extend(params, obj.postData);
+ $.extend(params, postData);
+ params.record = $.extend(true, {}, obj.record);
+ // convert before submitting
+ for (var f in obj.fields) {
+ var field = obj.fields[f];
+ switch (String(field.type).toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'date': // to yyyy-mm-dd format
+ var dt = params.record[field.name];
+ if (field.options.format.toLowerCase() == 'dd/mm/yyyy' || field.options.format.toLowerCase() == 'dd-mm-yyyy'
+ || field.options.format.toLowerCase() == 'dd.mm.yyyy') {
+ var tmp = dt.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').split('/');
+ var dt = new Date(tmp[2] + '-' + tmp[1] + '-' + tmp[0]);
+ }
+ params.record[field.name] = w2utils.formatDate(dt, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'submit', target: obj.name, url: obj.url, postData: params });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Saving aborted.' });
+ return false;
+ }
+ // default action
+ var url = eventData.url;
+ if (typeof eventData.url == 'object' && eventData.url.save) url = eventData.url.save;
+ if (obj.last.xhr) try { obj.last.xhr.abort(); } catch (e) {};
+ obj.last.xhr = $.ajax({
+ type : (w2utils.settings.RESTfull ? (obj.recid == 0 ? 'POST' : 'PUT') : 'POST'),
+ url : url,
+ data : String($.param(eventData.postData, false)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']'),
+ dataType : 'text',
+ xhr : function() {
+ var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
+ // upload
+ xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) {
+ if (evt.lengthComputable) {
+ var percent = Math.round(evt.loaded / evt.total * 100);
+ $('#'+ obj.name + '_progress').text(''+ percent + '%');
+ }
+ }, false);
+ return xhr;
+ },
+ complete : function (xhr, status) {
+ obj.unlock();
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: obj.name, type: 'save', xhr: xhr, status: status });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'error', message: 'Saving aborted.' });
+ return false;
+ }
+ // parse server response
+ var responseText = xhr.responseText;
+ if (status != 'error') {
+ // default action
+ if (typeof responseText != 'undefined' && responseText != '') {
+ var data;
+ // check if the onLoad handler has not already parsed the data
+ if (typeof responseText == "object") {
+ data = responseText;
+ } else {
+ // $.parseJSON or $.getJSON did not work because it expect perfect JSON data - where everything is in double quotes
+ try { eval('data = '+ responseText); } catch (e) { }
+ }
+ if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
+ data = {
+ status : 'error',
+ message : obj.msgNotJSON,
+ responseText : responseText
+ }
+ }
+ if (data['status'] == 'error') {
+ obj.error(data['message']);
+ } else {
+ obj.original = $.extend({}, obj.record);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ obj.error('AJAX Error ' + xhr.status + ': '+ xhr.statusText);
+ }
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ obj.refresh();
+ // call back
+ if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data);
+ }
+ });
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ }, 50);
+ },
+ lock: function (msg, showSpinner) {
+ var box = $(this.box).find('> div:first-child');
+ w2utils.lock(box, msg, showSpinner);
+ },
+ unlock: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ setTimeout(function () { w2utils.unlock(obj.box); }, 25); // needed timer so if server fast, it will not flash
+ },
+ goto: function (page) {
+ if (typeof page != 'undefined') this.page = page;
+ // if it was auto size, resize it
+ if ($(this.box).data('auto-size') === true) $(this.box).height(0);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ generateHTML: function () {
+ var pages = []; // array for each page
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ var html = '';
+ var field = this.fields[f];
+ if (typeof field.html == 'undefined') field.html = {};
+ field.html = $.extend(true, { caption: '', span: 6, attr: '', text: '', page: 0 }, field.html);
+ if (field.html.caption == '') field.html.caption = field.name;
+ var input = '';
+ if (field.type == 'list') input = '';
+ if (field.type == 'checkbox') input = '';
+ if (field.type == 'textarea') input = '';
+ html += '\n '+ field.html.caption +':
+ '\n '+
+ input + field.html.text +
+ '
+ if (typeof pages[field.html.page] == 'undefined') pages[field.html.page] = '';
+ pages[field.html.page] += html;
+ }
+ for (var p in pages) pages[p] += '\n
+ // buttons if any
+ var buttons = '';
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(this.actions)) {
+ buttons += '\n';
+ for (var a in this.actions) {
+ buttons += '\n ';
+ }
+ buttons += '\n
+ }
+ return pages.join('') + buttons;
+ },
+ action: function (action, event) {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: action, type: 'action', originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default actions
+ if (typeof (this.actions[action]) == 'function') {
+ this.actions[action].call(this, event);
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
+ resize: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'resize' });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default behaviour
+ var main = $(this.box).find('> div');
+ var header = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-form-header');
+ var toolbar = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-form-toolbar');
+ var tabs = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-form-tabs');
+ var page = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-page');
+ var cpage = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-page.page-'+ this.page);
+ var dpage = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-page.page-'+ this.page + ' > div');
+ var buttons = $(this.box).find('> div .w2ui-buttons');
+ // if no height, calculate it
+ resizeElements();
+ if (parseInt($(this.box).height()) == 0 || $(this.box).data('auto-size') === true) {
+ $(this.box).height(
+ (header.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) +
+ (this.tabs.tabs.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(tabs, 'height') : 0) +
+ (this.toolbar.items.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0) +
+ (page.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(dpage, 'height') + w2utils.getSize(cpage, '+height') + 12 : 0) + // why 12 ???
+ (buttons.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(buttons, 'height') : 0)
+ );
+ $(this.box).data('auto-size', true);
+ }
+ resizeElements();
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ function resizeElements() {
+ // resize elements
+ main.width($(obj.box).width()).height($(obj.box).height());
+ toolbar.css('top', (obj.header != '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0));
+ tabs.css('top', (obj.header != '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)
+ + (obj.toolbar.items.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0));
+ page.css('top', (obj.header != '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)
+ + (obj.toolbar.items.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') + 5 : 0)
+ + (obj.tabs.tabs.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(tabs, 'height') + 5 : 0));
+ page.css('bottom', (buttons.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(buttons, 'height') : 0));
+ }
+ },
+ refresh: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (!this.box) return;
+ if (!this.isGenerated || typeof $(this.box).html() == 'undefined') return;
+ // update what page field belongs
+ $(this.box).find('input, textarea, select').each(function (index, el) {
+ var name = (typeof $(el).attr('name') != 'undefined' ? $(el).attr('name') : $(el).attr('id'));
+ var field = obj.get(name);
+ if (field) {
+ // find page
+ var div = $(el).parents('.w2ui-page');
+ if (div.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ if (div.hasClass('page-'+i)) { field.page = i; break; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'refresh', page: this.page })
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default action
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-page').hide();
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-page.page-' + this.page).show();
+ $(this.box).find('.w2ui-form-header').html(this.header);
+ // refresh tabs if needed
+ if (typeof this.tabs == 'object' && this.tabs.tabs.length > 0) {
+ $('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').show();
+ this.tabs.active = this.tabs.tabs[this.page].id;
+ this.tabs.refresh();
+ } else {
+ $('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').hide();
+ }
+ // refresh tabs if needed
+ if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && this.toolbar.items.length > 0) {
+ $('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').show();
+ this.toolbar.refresh();
+ } else {
+ $('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').hide();
+ }
+ // refresh values of all fields
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ var field = this.fields[f];
+ field.el = $(this.box).find('[name="'+ String(field.name).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') +'"]')[0];
+ if (typeof field.el == 'undefined') {
+ console.log('ERROR: Cannot associate field "'+ field.name + '" with html control. Make sure html control exists with the same name.');
+ //return;
+ }
+ if (field.el) field.el.id = field.name;
+ $(field.el).off('change').on('change', function () {
+ var value_new = this.value;
+ var value_previous = obj.record[this.name] ? obj.record[this.name] : '';
+ var field = obj.get(this.name);
+ if ((field.type == 'enum' || field.type == 'upload') && $(this).data('selected')) {
+ var new_arr = $(this).data('selected');
+ var cur_arr = obj.record[this.name];
+ var value_new = [];
+ var value_previous = [];
+ if ($.isArray(new_arr)) for (var i in new_arr) value_new[i] = $.extend(true, {}, new_arr[i]); // clone array
+ if ($.isArray(cur_arr)) for (var i in cur_arr) value_previous[i] = $.extend(true, {}, cur_arr[i]); // clone array
+ }
+ // event before
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'change', value_new: value_new, value_previous: value_previous });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) {
+ $(this).val(obj.record[this.name]); // return previous value
+ return false;
+ }
+ // default action
+ var val = this.value;
+ if (this.type == 'checkbox') val = this.checked ? true : false;
+ if (this.type == 'radio') val = this.checked ? true : false;
+ if (field.type == 'enum') val = value_new;
+ if (field.type == 'upload') val = value_new;
+ obj.record[this.name] = val;
+ // event after
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ });
+ if (field.required) {
+ $(field.el).parent().addClass('w2ui-required');
+ } else {
+ $(field.el).parent().removeClass('w2ui-required');
+ }
+ }
+ // attach actions on buttons
+ $(this.box).find('button, input[type=button]').each(function (index, el) {
+ $(el).off('click').on('click', function (event) {
+ var action = this.value;
+ if (this.name) action = this.name;
+ if (this.id) action = this.id;
+ obj.action(action, event);
+ });
+ });
+ // init controls with record
+ for (var f in this.fields) {
+ var field = this.fields[f];
+ var value = (typeof this.record[field.name] != 'undefined' ? this.record[field.name] : '');
+ if (!field.el) continue;
+ switch (String(field.type).toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'email':
+ case 'text':
+ case 'textarea':
+ field.el.value = value;
+ break;
+ case 'date':
+ if (!field.options) field.options = {};
+ if (!field.options.format) field.options.format = w2utils.settings.date_format;
+ field.el.value = value;
+ this.record[field.name] = value;
+ $(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: 'date' }));
+ break;
+ case 'int':
+ field.el.value = value;
+ $(field.el).w2field('int');
+ break;
+ case 'float':
+ field.el.value = value;
+ $(field.el).w2field('float');
+ break;
+ case 'money':
+ field.el.value = value;
+ $(field.el).w2field('money');
+ break;
+ case 'hex':
+ field.el.value = value;
+ $(field.el).w2field('hex');
+ break;
+ case 'alphanumeric':
+ field.el.value = value;
+ $(field.el).w2field('alphaNumeric');
+ break;
+ case 'checkbox':
+ if (this.record[field.name] == true || this.record[field.name] == 1 || this.record[field.name] == 't') {
+ $(field.el).prop('checked', true);
+ } else {
+ $(field.el).prop('checked', false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'password':
+ // hide passwords
+ field.el.value = value;
+ break;
+ case 'select':
+ case 'list':
+ $(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: 'list', value: value }));
+ break;
+ case 'enum':
+ if (typeof field.options == 'undefined' || (typeof field.options.url == 'undefined' && typeof field.options.items == 'undefined')) {
+ console.log("ERROR: (w2form."+ obj.name +") the field "+ field.name +" defined as enum but not field.options.url or field.options.items provided.");
+ break;
+ }
+ // normalize value
+ this.record[field.name] = w2obj.field.cleanItems(value);
+ value = this.record[field.name];
+ $(field.el).w2field( $.extend({}, field.options, { type: 'enum', selected: value }) );
+ break;
+ case 'upload':
+ $(field.el).w2field($.extend({}, field.options, { type: 'upload', selected: value }));
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log('ERROR: field type "'+ field.type +'" is not recognized.');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // wrap pages in div
+ var tmp = $(this.box).find('.w2ui-page');
+ for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
+ if ($(tmp[i]).find('> *').length > 1) $(tmp[i]).wrapInner('');
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ this.resize();
+ },
+ render: function (box) {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (typeof box == 'object') {
+ // remove from previous box
+ if ($(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box).removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ this.box = box;
+ }
+ if (!this.isGenerated) return;
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'render', box: (typeof box != 'undefined' ? box : this.box) });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // default actions
+ var html = '' +
+ (this.header != '' ? '' : '') +
+ '
' +
+ '
' +
+ this.formHTML +
+ '
+ $(this.box).attr('name', this.name)
+ .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form')
+ .html(html);
+ if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
+ // init toolbar regardless it is defined or not
+ if (typeof this.toolbar['render'] == 'undefined') {
+ this.toolbar = $().w2toolbar($.extend({}, this.toolbar, { name: this.name +'_toolbar', owner: this }));
+ this.toolbar.on('click', function (event) {
+ var eventData = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'toolbar', target: event.target, originalEvent: event });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // no default action
+ obj.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ });
+ }
+ if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && typeof this.toolbar.render == 'function') {
+ this.toolbar.render($('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar')[0]);
+ }
+ // init tabs regardless it is defined or not
+ if (typeof this.tabs['render'] == 'undefined') {
+ this.tabs = $().w2tabs($.extend({}, this.tabs, { name: this.name +'_tabs', owner: this }));
+ this.tabs.on('click', function (event) {
+ obj.goto(this.get(event.target, true));
+ });
+ }
+ if (typeof this.tabs == 'object' && typeof this.tabs.render == 'function') {
+ this.tabs.render($('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs')[0]);
+ }
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ // after render actions
+ this.resize();
+ var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
+ if (url && this.recid != 0) {
+ this.request();
+ } else {
+ this.refresh();
+ }
+ // attach to resize event
+ if ($('.w2ui-layout').length == 0) { // if there is layout, it will send a resize event
+ this.tmp_resize = function (event) { w2ui[obj.name].resize(); }
+ $(window).off('resize', 'body').on('resize', 'body', this.tmp_resize);
+ }
+ setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); obj.refresh(); }, 150); // need timer because resize is on timer
+ // focus on load
+ function focusEl() {
+ var inputs = $(obj.box).find('input, select, textarea');
+ if (inputs.length > obj.focus) inputs[obj.focus].focus();
+ }
+ if (this.focus >= 0) setTimeout(focusEl, 500); // need timeout to allow form to render
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ // event before
+ var eventData = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', target: this.name, type: 'destroy' });
+ if (eventData.isCancelled === true) return false;
+ // clean up
+ if (typeof this.toolbar == 'object' && this.toolbar.destroy) this.toolbar.destroy();
+ if (typeof this.tabs == 'object' && this.tabs.destroy) this.tabs.destroy();
+ if ($(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form')
+ .html('');
+ }
+ delete w2ui[this.name];
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(eventData, { phase: 'after' }));
+ $(window).off('resize', 'body')
+ }
+ }
+ $.extend(w2form.prototype, w2utils.event);
+ w2obj.form = w2form;
diff --git a/js/w2ui.min.js b/js/w2ui.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2135cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/w2ui.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+var w2ui=w2ui||{},w2obj=w2obj||{},w2utils=function(n){function nt(n){var t=/^[-]?[0-9]+$/;return t.test(n)}function tt(n){var t=new RegExp(w2utils.settings.float);return t.test(n)}function d(n){var t=new RegExp(w2utils.settings.currency);return t.test(n)}function w(n){var t=/^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/;return t.test(n)}function b(n){var t=/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/;return t.test(n)}function k(n){var t=/^[a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/;return t.test(n)}function et(n,t,i){if(!n)return!1;t||(t=w2utils.settings.date_format);var r=n.replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/\./g,"/").toLowerCase().split("/"),o=t.replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/\./g,"/").toLowerCase(),s="Invalid Date",u,f,e;return(o=="mm/dd/yyyy"&&(u=r[0],f=r[1],e=r[2]),o=="m/d/yyyy"&&(u=r[0],f=r[1],e=r[2]),o=="dd/mm/yyyy"&&(u=r[1],f=r[0],e=r[2]),o=="d/m/yyyy"&&(u=r[1],f=r[0],e=r[2]),o=="yyyy/dd/mm"&&(u=r[2],f=r[1],e=r[0]),o=="yyyy/d/m"&&(u=r[2],f=r[1],e=r[0]),o=="yyyy/mm/dd"&&(u=r[1],f=r[2],e=r[0]),o=="yyyy/m/d"&&(u=r[1],f=r[2],e=r[0]),s=new Date(u+"/"+f+"/"+e),typeof u=="undefined")?!1:s=="Invalid Date"?!1:s.getMonth()+1!=u||s.getDate()!=f||s.getFullYear()!=e?!1:i===!0?s:!0}function ot(t){var r,i;return String(t)=="undefined"?!1:(t=t.toUpperCase(),r=t.indexOf("PM")>=0||t.indexOf("AM")>=0?12:23,t=n.trim(t.replace("AM","")),t=n.trim(t.replace("PM","")),i=t.split(":"),i.length!=2)?!1:i[0]==""||parseInt(i[0])<0||parseInt(i[0])>r||!this.isInt(i[0])?!1:i[1]==""||parseInt(i[1])<0||parseInt(i[1])>59||!this.isInt(i[1])?!1:!0}function st(n){var f,i;if(n==""||typeof n=="undefined"||n==null||(w2utils.isInt(n)&&(n=Number(n)),f=new Date(n),w2utils.isInt(n)&&(f=new Date(Number(n))),i=String(n).split("-"),i.length==3&&(f=new Date(i[0],Number(i[1])-1,i[2])),i=String(n).split("/"),i.length==3&&(f=new Date(i[2],Number(i[0])-1,i[1])),f=="Invalid Time"))return"";var e=new Date,t=(e.getTime()-f.getTime())/1e3,r="",u="";return t<60?(r=Math.floor(t),u="sec",t<0&&(r=0,u="sec")):t<3600?(r=Math.floor(t/60),u="min"):t<86400?(r=Math.floor(t/3600),u="hour"):t<2592e3?(r=Math.floor(t/86400),u="day"):t<31104e3?(r=Math.floor(t/259200)/10,u="month"):t>=31104e3&&(r=Math.floor(t/3110400)/10,u="year"),r+" "+u+(r>1?"s":"")}function ft(n){var o=w2utils.settings.shortmonths,t,i,f,r;if(n==""||typeof n=="undefined"||n==null||(w2utils.isInt(n)&&(n=Number(n)),t=new Date(n),w2utils.isInt(n)&&(t=new Date(Number(n))),i=String(n).split("-"),i.length==3&&(t=new Date(i[0],Number(i[1])-1,i[2])),i=String(n).split("/"),i.length==3&&(t=new Date(i[2],Number(i[0])-1,i[1])),t=="Invalid Date"))return"";f=new Date,r=new Date,r.setTime(r.getTime()-864e5);var u=o[t.getMonth()]+" "+t.getDate()+", "+t.getFullYear(),h=o[f.getMonth()]+" "+f.getDate()+", "+f.getFullYear(),c=o[r.getMonth()]+" "+r.getDate()+", "+r.getFullYear(),l=t.getHours()-(t.getHours()>12?12:0)+":"+(t.getMinutes()<10?"0":"")+t.getMinutes()+" "+(t.getHours()>=12?"pm":"am"),s=t.getHours()-(t.getHours()>12?12:0)+":"+(t.getMinutes()<10?"0":"")+t.getMinutes()+":"+(t.getSeconds()<10?"0":"")+t.getSeconds()+" "+(t.getHours()>=12?"pm":"am"),e=u;return u==h&&(e=l),u==c&&(e=w2utils.lang("Yesterday")),''+e+""}function it(n){if(!w2utils.isFloat(n)||n=="")return"";if(n=parseFloat(n),n==0)return 0;var i=["Bt","KB","MB","GB","TB"],t=parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(n)/Math.log(1024)));return(Math.floor(n/Math.pow(1024,t)*10)/10).toFixed(t==0?0:1)+" "+i[t]}function rt(n){var t="";return(w2utils.isFloat(n)||w2utils.isInt(n)||w2utils.isMoney(n))&&(t=String(n).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g,"$1,")),t}function ut(n,t){var s=w2utils.settings.shortmonths,o=w2utils.settings.fullmonths,r,i;if((typeof t=="undefined"&&(t=this.settings.date_format),typeof n=="undefined"||n==""||n==null)||(r=new Date(n),w2utils.isInt(n)&&(r=new Date(Number(n))),i=String(n).split("-"),i.length==3&&(r=new Date(i[0],Number(i[1])-1,i[2])),i=String(n).split("/"),i.length==3&&(r=new Date(i[2],Number(i[0])-1,i[1])),r=="Invalid Date"))return"";var f=r.getFullYear(),u=r.getMonth(),e=r.getDate();return t.toLowerCase().replace("month",w2utils.settings.fullmonths[u]).replace("mon",w2utils.settings.shortmonths[u]).replace(/yyyy/g,f).replace(/yyy/g,f).replace(/yy/g,String(f).substr(2)).replace(/(^|[^a-z$])y/g,"$1"+f).replace(/mm/g,(u+1<10?"0":"")+(u+1)).replace(/dd/g,(e<10?"0":"")+e).replace(/(^|[^a-z$])m/g,"$1"+(u+1)).replace(/(^|[^a-z$])d/g,"$1"+e)}function e(n,t){var h=w2utils.settings.shortmonths,s=w2utils.settings.fullmonths,i;if((typeof t=="undefined"&&(t=this.settings.time_format),typeof n=="undefined"||n==""||n==null)||(i=new Date(n),w2utils.isInt(n)&&(i=new Date(Number(n))),i=="Invalid Date"))return"";var e="am",u=i.getHours(),o=i.getHours(),r=i.getMinutes(),f=i.getSeconds();return 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