diff --git a/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.js b/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.js
index 873b5db91..870559223 100755
--- a/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.js
+++ b/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.js
@@ -4,601 +4,608 @@
* @time 2017-7
-define(function (require) {
- var customElement = require('customElement').create();
- var util = require('util');
- var viewport = require('viewport');
- var timeoutArray = [];
- var increaseId = 0;
- var ShowmoreInstance = {};
- // 匹配节点是否在按钮中
- function matchOriginTarget (id, node) {
- while (node.parentNode) {
- var attr = node.getAttribute('on');
- // 兼容click
- if (attr && new RegExp('^(tap|click):'+id).test(attr)) {
- return node;
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
+define(function(require) {
+ var customElement = require('customElement').create();
+ var util = require('util');
+ var viewport = require('viewport');
+ var timeoutArray = [];
+ var increaseId = 0;
+ var ShowmoreInstance = {};
+ // 匹配节点是否在按钮中
+ function matchOriginTarget(id, node) {
+ while (node.parentNode) {
+ var attr = node.getAttribute('on');
+ // 兼容click
+ if (attr && new RegExp('^(tap|click):' + id).test(attr)) {
return node;
+ }
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ return node;
+ }
+ /**
+ * define a showmore class based on
+ *
+ * @class Showmore
+ * @param {Object} ele dom element
+ */
+ var Showmore = function(ele) {
+ this.ele = ele;
+ // 获取点击按钮,v1.0.0 方法
+ this.clickBtn = ele.querySelector('[showmorebtn]');
+ this.clickBtnSpan = this.clickBtn && this.clickBtn.querySelector(
+ '.mip-showmore-btnshow');
+ // 获取内容显示框,v1.0.0 方法
+ this.showBox = this.ele.querySelector('[showmorebox]');
+ // 获取动画时间, 默认为0.24,兼容0的写法
+ this.animateTime = this.ele.getAttribute('animatetime');
+ if (this.animateTime === null || isNaN(this.animateTime)) {
+ // if transition time is not set, set into 0.24s
+ this.animateTime = 0.24;
+ }
+ // 折叠高度类型
+ this.heightType = ['HEIGHTSCREEN', 'HEIGHT', 'LENGTH'];
+ // 对应的收起按钮,因收起按钮可能不在 showmore组件中,故使用 document.querySelector 全局选择
+ this.btn = document.querySelector('div[on="tap:' + this.ele.id +
+ '.toggle"]') || document.querySelector('div[on="click:' + this.ele
+ .id + '.toggle"]');
+ this.eleid = ele.id;
+ // 是否含有mip-showmore子元素
+ this.containSMChild = false;
+ // 是否初使化
+ this.initialized = false;
+ // 获取内容显示框,v1.1.0 方法
+ if (!this.showBox) {
+ this.showBox = this.ele;
+ }
+ };
- /**
- * define a showmore class based on
- *
- * @class Showmore
- * @param {Object} ele dom element
- */
- var Showmore = function (ele) {
- this.ele = ele;
- // 获取点击按钮,v1.0.0 方法
- this.clickBtn = ele.querySelector('[showmorebtn]');
- this.clickBtnSpan = this.clickBtn && this.clickBtn.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnshow');
- // 获取内容显示框,v1.0.0 方法
- this.showBox = this.ele.querySelector('[showmorebox]');
- // 获取动画时间, 默认为0.24,兼容0的写法
- this.animateTime = this.ele.getAttribute('animatetime');
- if (this.animateTime === null || isNaN(this.animateTime)) {
- // if transition time is not set, set into 0.24s
- this.animateTime = 0.24;
- }
- // 折叠高度类型
- this.heightType = ['HEIGHTSCREEN', 'HEIGHT', 'LENGTH'];
- // 对应的收起按钮,因收起按钮可能不在 showmore组件中,故使用 document.querySelector 全局选择
- this.btn = document.querySelector('div[on="tap:' + this.ele.id + '.toggle"]') || document.querySelector('div[on="click:' + this.ele.id + '.toggle"]');
- this.eleid = ele.id;
- // 是否含有mip-showmore子元素
- this.containSMChild = false;
- // 是否初使化
- this.initialized = false;
- // 获取内容显示框,v1.1.0 方法
- if (!this.showBox) {
- this.showBox = this.ele;
- }
- };
- Showmore.prototype.init = function (deps) {
- // 如果动画不是数字
- if (isNaN(this.animateTime)) {
- return;
- }
+ Showmore.prototype.init = function(deps) {
+ // 如果动画不是数字
+ if (isNaN(this.animateTime)) {
+ return;
+ }
- // console.log(this.ele.id)
- // 获取高度阈值
- this.maxHeight = this.ele.getAttribute('maxheight');
- // 获取字数阈值
- this.maxLen = this.ele.getAttribute('maxlen');
- // 获取是否需要bottom渐变
- this.bottomShadow = this.ele.getAttribute('bottomshadow') === '1';
- // 弹性高度,判断高度阈值时会增加此弹性
- this.bufferHeight = this.ele.getAttribute('bufferheight');
- this.bufferHeight = +this.bufferHeight ? +this.bufferHeight : 0;
- // 渐变className
- this.bottomShadowClassName = 'linear-gradient';
- // 处理阈值高度(高度优先于字体长度,不允许两个同时存在)
- if (this.maxHeight && isNaN(this.maxHeight)) {
- var maxHeightArr = this.maxHeight.split(':');
- var key;
- var value;
- if (maxHeightArr.length > 1) {
- key = maxHeightArr[0].trim();
- value = maxHeightArr[1].trim();
- switch (key) {
- case 'screen':
- this.showType = this.heightType[0];
- this.maxHeight = viewport.getHeight() * value;
- this._initHeight();
- break;
- case 'heightpx':
- this.showType = this.heightType[1];
- this._initHeight();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (this.maxHeight && !isNaN(this.maxHeight)) {
- this.showType = this.heightType[1];
+ // console.log(this.ele.id)
+ // 获取高度阈值
+ this.maxHeight = this.ele.getAttribute('maxheight');
+ // 获取字数阈值
+ this.maxLen = this.ele.getAttribute('maxlen');
+ // 获取是否需要bottom渐变
+ this.bottomShadow = this.ele.getAttribute('bottomshadow') === '1';
+ // 弹性高度,判断高度阈值时会增加此弹性
+ this.bufferHeight = this.ele.getAttribute('bufferheight');
+ this.bufferHeight = +this.bufferHeight ? +this.bufferHeight : 0;
+ // 渐变className
+ this.bottomShadowClassName = 'linear-gradient';
+ // 处理阈值高度(高度优先于字体长度,不允许两个同时存在)
+ if (this.maxHeight && isNaN(this.maxHeight)) {
+ var maxHeightArr = this.maxHeight.split(':');
+ var key;
+ var value;
+ if (maxHeightArr.length > 1) {
+ key = maxHeightArr[0].trim();
+ value = maxHeightArr[1].trim();
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'screen':
+ this.showType = this.heightType[0];
+ this.maxHeight = viewport.getHeight() * value;
- }
- else if (this.maxLen && !isNaN(this.maxLen)) {
- this.showType = this.heightType[2];
- this._initTextLength();
- }
- else {
- this.maxHeight = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'heightpx':
+ this.showType = this.heightType[1];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (this.maxHeight && !isNaN(this.maxHeight)) {
+ this.showType = this.heightType[1];
+ this._initHeight();
+ } else if (this.maxLen && !isNaN(this.maxLen)) {
+ this.showType = this.heightType[2];
+ this._initTextLength();
+ } else {
+ this.maxHeight = 0;
+ this._initHeight();
+ }
- // 避免初始加载闪现
- util.css(this.ele, {
- visibility: 'visible'
- });
- this.runInitShowMore();
- this.initialized = true;
- // 保存点击按钮当前display状态,兼容v1.0.0和v1.1.0
- var display = this.clickBtnSpan && getComputedStyle(this.clickBtnSpan).display;
- var displayNew = this.btn && getComputedStyle(this.btn).display
- this.btn && this.btn.style && (this.btn.style.cursor = 'pointer');
- this.btnDisplay = displayNew || display;
- };
+ // 避免初始加载闪现
+ util.css(this.ele, {
+ visibility: 'visible'
+ });
+ this.runInitShowMore();
+ this.initialized = true;
+ // 保存点击按钮当前display状态,兼容v1.0.0和v1.1.0
+ var display = this.clickBtnSpan && getComputedStyle(this.clickBtnSpan)
+ .display;
+ var displayNew = this.btn && getComputedStyle(this.btn).display
+ this.btn && this.btn.style && (this.btn.style.cursor = 'pointer');
+ this.btnDisplay = displayNew || display;
+ };
+ // 改变按钮的样式值 - showmore改为隐藏状态, 按钮为“收起”
+ Showmore.prototype.changeBtnStyle = function(type) {
+ // v1.0.0显示更多按钮
+ var showMoreBtn = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnshow');
+ var showMoreBtnHide = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnhide');
+ // v1.1.0选中 showmore的div
+ var showMoreBtn2 = this.btn || showMoreBtn;
+ if (type === 'fold') {
+ util.css(showMoreBtn2, 'display', 'inline-block');
+ showMoreBtnHide && util.css(showMoreBtnHide, 'display', 'none');
+ // 处理bottom渐变
+ this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.add(this.bottomShadowClassName);
+ } else if ((type === 'unfold')) {
+ util.css(showMoreBtn2, 'display', 'none');
+ // showMoreBtnHide && util.css(showMoreBtnHide, 'display', 'inline-block');
+ // 处理bottom渐变
+ this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.remove(this.bottomShadowClassName);
+ }
+ };
+ Showmore.prototype._initHeight = function() {
+ // 获取页面元素高度
+ var height;
+ if (this.showBox.style.height && this.showBox.style.height.match('px')) {
+ height = getHeightUnfold(this.showBox);
+ } else {
+ height = util.rect.getElementOffset(this.showBox).height;
+ }
+ // 如果高度大于阈值
+ if (height > (+this.maxHeight) + this.bufferHeight) {
+ util.css(this.showBox, {
+ 'height': this.maxHeight + 'px',
+ 'overflow': 'hidden'
+ });
+ // 改变按钮的样式值 - 改为隐藏状态
+ this.changeBtnStyle('fold');
+ } else {
+ util.css(this.showBox, height, 'auto');
+ this.changeBtnStyle('unfold');
+ }
+ };
- // 改变按钮的样式值 - showmore改为隐藏状态, 按钮为“收起”
- Showmore.prototype.changeBtnStyle = function (type) {
- // v1.0.0显示更多按钮
- var showMoreBtn = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnshow');
- var showMoreBtnHide = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnhide');
- // v1.1.0选中 showmore的div
- var showMoreBtn2 = this.btn || showMoreBtn;
- if (type === 'fold') {
- util.css(showMoreBtn2, 'display', 'inline-block');
- showMoreBtnHide && util.css(showMoreBtnHide, 'display', 'none');
- // 处理bottom渐变
- this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.add(this.bottomShadowClassName);
- } else if ((type === 'unfold')) {
- util.css(showMoreBtn2, 'display', 'none');
- // showMoreBtnHide && util.css(showMoreBtnHide, 'display', 'inline-block');
- // 处理bottom渐变
- this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.remove(this.bottomShadowClassName);
- }
- };
+ // 字数控制
+ Showmore.prototype._initTextLength = function() {
+ // 防止重复初始化
+ if (this.oriDiv) {
+ return
+ }
+ // 存储原始html文字 & NODE
+ var originalHtml = this.showBox.innerHTML;
+ // 获取剪切后的字符串
+ var cutOffText = this._cutHtmlStr(this.maxLen);
+ // 如果长度大于阈值,复制修改前内容到.mip-showmore-originText,
+ // 剪切后的内容保存在.mip-showmore-abstract,未来修改内容,
+ // 只需要针对这两个DOM做展示/隐藏处理
+ if (originalHtml.length !== cutOffText.length) {
+ // 改变按钮的样式值 - 改为隐藏状态
+ this.changeBtnStyle('fold');
+ // 清除被_cutHtmlStr处理之后的原始内容
+ this.showBox.innerHTML = '';
+ // 保存剪切前 dom,插入文档
+ this.oriDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ this.oriDiv.setAttribute('class',
+ 'mip-showmore-originText mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ this.oriDiv.innerHTML = originalHtml;
+ this.showBox.appendChild(this.oriDiv);
+ // 创建剪切后 dom, 插入文档
+ this.cutDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ this.cutDiv.setAttribute('class', 'mip-showmore-abstract');
+ this.cutDiv.innerHTML = '
' + cutOffText + '...' + '
+ this.showBox.appendChild(this.cutDiv);
+ }
+ };
- Showmore.prototype._initHeight = function () {
- // 获取页面元素高度
- var height;
- if (this.showBox.style.height && this.showBox.style.height.match('px')) {
- height = getHeightUnfold(this.showBox);
+ // 绑定显示更多按钮
+ // XXX: v1.0.0 逻辑,兼容
+ Showmore.prototype._bindClick = function() {
+ if (!this.clickBtn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var showmore = this;
+ this.clickBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
+ showmore.toggle.apply(showmore);
+ }, false);
+ };
+ // 点击时按钮添加class
+ Showmore.prototype.addClassWhenUnfold = function() {
+ var btnShowmore = this.btn;
+ btnShowmore ? btnShowmore.classList.add('mip-showmore-btn-hide') : '';
+ };
+ // 高度阈值控制
+ Showmore.prototype.toggle = function(event) {
+ var me = this;
+ var classList = this.ele.classList;
+ var clickBtn = event && event.target ? matchOriginTarget(this.ele.id.trim(),
+ event.target) : null;
+ var opt = {};
+ opt.aniTime = this.animateTime;
+ if (this.showType === this.heightType[2]) {
+ // 高度限制
+ opt.oriHeight = util.rect.getElementOffset(this.showBox).height +
+ 'px';
+ var originDom = this.oriDiv;
+ var cutDom = this.cutDiv;
+ if (classList.contains('mip-showmore-boxshow')) {
+ // 隐藏超出字数的内容
+ originDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ cutDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ opt.tarHeight = util.rect.getElementOffset(this.showBox).height +
+ 'px';
+ originDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ cutDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.add(this.bottomShadowClassName);
+ opt.type = 'fold';
+ opt.cbFun = function(showmore) {
+ showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showOpen');
+ classList.remove('mip-showmore-boxshow');
+ originDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ cutDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ }.bind(undefined, this);
+ } else {
+ // 显示超出字数的内容
+ this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.remove(this.bottomShadowClassName);
+ opt.type = 'unfold';
+ originDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ cutDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
+ opt.tarHeight = getHeightUnfold(this.showBox) + 'px';
+ this.showBox.style.height = this.maxHeight + 'px';
+ opt.cbFun = function(showmore) {
+ showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showClose');
+ classList.add('mip-showmore-boxshow');
+ me.addClassWhenUnfold();
+ }.bind(undefined, this);
+ }
+ } else if (this.showType === this.heightType[1] || this.showType ===
+ this.heightType[0]) {
+ if (classList.contains('mip-showmore-boxshow')) {
+ this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.add(this.bottomShadowClassName);
+ // 隐藏超出高度的内容
+ classList.remove('mip-showmore-boxshow');
+ opt.type = 'fold';
+ opt.tarHeight = this.maxHeight + 'px';
+ opt.cbFun = function(showmore, clickBtn) {
+ showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showOpen');
+ }.bind(undefined, this, clickBtn);
+ } else {
+ // 显示超出高度的内容
+ this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.remove(this.bottomShadowClassName);
+ classList.add('mip-showmore-boxshow');
+ opt.type = 'unfold';
+ opt.cbFun = function(showmore, clickBtn) {
+ showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showClose');
+ showmore.ele.style.height = 'auto';
+ me.addClassWhenUnfold();
+ }.bind(undefined, this, clickBtn);
+ }
+ }
+ heightAni({
+ ele: this.showBox,
+ type: opt.type,
+ transitionTime: opt.aniTime,
+ tarHeight: opt.tarHeight,
+ oriHeight: opt.oriHeight,
+ cbFun: opt.cbFun
+ });
+ };
+ Showmore.prototype._toggleClickBtn = function(clickBtn, status) {
+ if (!status) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var closeclass;
+ if (clickBtn && clickBtn.dataset && clickBtn.dataset.closeclass) {
+ closeclass = clickBtn.dataset.closeclass;
+ }
+ if (status === 'showOpen') {
+ // v1.1.0 显示“展开”按钮
+ if (clickBtn) {
+ if (closeclass) {
+ clickBtn.classList.remove(closeclass);
} else {
- height = util.rect.getElementOffset(this.showBox).height;
+ clickBtn.innerText = clickBtn.dataset.opentext;
- // 如果高度大于阈值
- if (height > (+this.maxHeight) + this.bufferHeight) {
- util.css(this.showBox, {
- 'height': this.maxHeight + 'px',
- 'overflow': 'hidden'
- });
- // 改变按钮的样式值 - 改为隐藏状态
- this.changeBtnStyle('fold');
+ }
+ // v1.0.0 显示“展开”按钮
+ this._changeBtnText({
+ display: this.btnDisplay
+ }, {
+ display: 'none'
+ });
+ } else {
+ // v1.1.0显示“收起”按钮
+ if (clickBtn) {
+ if (closeclass) {
+ clickBtn.classList.add(closeclass);
} else {
- util.css(this.showBox, height, 'auto');
- this.changeBtnStyle('unfold');
- }
- };
- // 字数控制
- Showmore.prototype._initTextLength = function () {
- // 防止重复初始化
- if(this.oriDiv) {
- return
- }
- // 存储原始html文字 & NODE
- var originalHtml = this.showBox.innerHTML;
- // 获取剪切后的字符串
- var cutOffText = this._cutHtmlStr(this.maxLen);
- // 如果长度大于阈值,复制修改前内容到.mip-showmore-originText,
- // 剪切后的内容保存在.mip-showmore-abstract,未来修改内容,
- // 只需要针对这两个DOM做展示/隐藏处理
- if (originalHtml.length !== cutOffText.length) {
- // 改变按钮的样式值 - 改为隐藏状态
- this.changeBtnStyle('fold');
- // 清除被_cutHtmlStr处理之后的原始内容
- this.showBox.innerHTML = '';
- // 保存剪切前 dom,插入文档
- this.oriDiv = document.createElement('div');
- this.oriDiv.setAttribute('class', 'mip-showmore-originText mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- this.oriDiv.innerHTML = originalHtml;
- this.showBox.appendChild(this.oriDiv);
- // 创建剪切后 dom, 插入文档
- this.cutDiv = document.createElement('div');
- this.cutDiv.setAttribute('class', 'mip-showmore-abstract');
- this.cutDiv.innerHTML = '' + cutOffText + '...' + '
- this.showBox.appendChild(this.cutDiv);
- }
- };
- // 绑定显示更多按钮
- // XXX: v1.0.0 逻辑,兼容
- Showmore.prototype._bindClick = function () {
- if (!this.clickBtn) {
- return;
- }
- var showmore = this;
- this.clickBtn.addEventListener('click', function () {
- showmore.toggle.apply(showmore);
- }, false);
- };
- // 点击时按钮添加class
- Showmore.prototype.addClassWhenUnfold = function () {
- var btnShowmore = this.btn;
- btnShowmore ? btnShowmore.classList.add('mip-showmore-btn-hide') : '';
- };
- // 高度阈值控制
- Showmore.prototype.toggle = function (event) {
- var me = this;
- var classList = this.ele.classList;
- var clickBtn = event && event.target
- ? matchOriginTarget(this.ele.id.trim(), event.target)
- : null;
- var opt = {};
- opt.aniTime = this.animateTime;
- if (this.showType === this.heightType[2]) {
- // 高度限制
- opt.oriHeight = util.rect.getElementOffset(this.showBox).height + 'px';
- var originDom = this.oriDiv;
- var cutDom = this.cutDiv;
- if (classList.contains('mip-showmore-boxshow')) {
- // 隐藏超出字数的内容
- originDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- cutDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- opt.tarHeight = util.rect.getElementOffset(this.showBox).height + 'px';
- originDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- cutDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.add(this.bottomShadowClassName);
- opt.type = 'fold';
- opt.cbFun = function (showmore) {
- showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showOpen');
- classList.remove('mip-showmore-boxshow');
- originDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- cutDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- }.bind(undefined, this);
- }
- else {
- // 显示超出字数的内容
- this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.remove(this.bottomShadowClassName);
- opt.type = 'unfold';
- originDom.classList.remove('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- cutDom.classList.add('mip-showmore-nodisplay');
- opt.tarHeight = getHeightUnfold(this.showBox) + 'px';
- this.showBox.style.height = this.maxHeight + 'px';
- opt.cbFun = function (showmore) {
- showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showClose');
- classList.add('mip-showmore-boxshow');
- me.addClassWhenUnfold();
- }.bind(undefined, this);
- }
- }
- else if (this.showType === this.heightType[1] || this.showType === this.heightType[0]) {
- if (classList.contains('mip-showmore-boxshow')) {
- this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.add(this.bottomShadowClassName);
- // 隐藏超出高度的内容
- classList.remove('mip-showmore-boxshow');
- opt.type = 'fold';
- opt.tarHeight = this.maxHeight + 'px';
- opt.cbFun = function (showmore, clickBtn) {
- showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showOpen');
- }.bind(undefined, this, clickBtn);
- }
- else {
- // 显示超出高度的内容
- this.bottomShadow && this.showBox.classList.remove(this.bottomShadowClassName);
- classList.add('mip-showmore-boxshow');
- opt.type = 'unfold';
- opt.cbFun = function (showmore, clickBtn) {
- showmore._toggleClickBtn(clickBtn, 'showClose');
- showmore.ele.style.height = 'auto';
- me.addClassWhenUnfold();
- }.bind(undefined, this, clickBtn);
- }
- }
- heightAni({
- ele: this.showBox,
- type: opt.type,
- transitionTime: opt.aniTime,
- tarHeight: opt.tarHeight,
- oriHeight: opt.oriHeight,
- cbFun: opt.cbFun
- });
- };
- Showmore.prototype._toggleClickBtn = function (clickBtn, status) {
- if (!status) {
- return;
- }
- var closeclass;
- if (clickBtn && clickBtn.dataset && clickBtn.dataset.closeclass) {
- closeclass = clickBtn.dataset.closeclass;
- }
- if (status === 'showOpen') {
- // v1.1.0 显示“展开”按钮
- if (clickBtn) {
- if (closeclass) {
- clickBtn.classList.remove(closeclass);
- }
- else {
- clickBtn.innerText = clickBtn.dataset.opentext;
- }
- }
- // v1.0.0 显示“展开”按钮
- this._changeBtnText({
- display: this.btnDisplay
- }, {
- display: 'none'
- });
+ var opentext = clickBtn.innerText;
+ clickBtn.innerText = clickBtn.dataset.closetext || '收起';
+ clickBtn.dataset.opentext = opentext;
- else {
- // v1.1.0显示“收起”按钮
- if (clickBtn) {
- if (closeclass) {
- clickBtn.classList.add(closeclass);
- }
- else {
- var opentext = clickBtn.innerText;
- clickBtn.innerText = clickBtn.dataset.closetext || '收起';
- clickBtn.dataset.opentext = opentext;
- }
- }
- // v1.0.0 显示“收起”按钮
- this._changeBtnText({
- display: 'none'
- }, {
- display: this.btnDisplay
- });
- }
- };
- // 剪切字符串
- Showmore.prototype._cutHtmlStr = function (maxLen) {
- var allChildList = this.showBox.childNodes;
- var cutHtml = '';
- var tmpNum = 0;
- var newNodeList = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < allChildList.length; i++) {
- var tmpHtml = allChildList[i].textContent.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '');
- if ((cutHtml.length + tmpHtml.length) <= maxLen) { // 如果长度没有达到最大字数
- cutHtml = cutHtml + tmpHtml;
- tmpNum = cutHtml.length;
- newNodeList.push(allChildList[i]);
- }
- else { // 已经大于
- var diffNum = maxLen - tmpNum > 0 ? maxLen - tmpNum : tmpNum - maxLen;
- var cutText = tmpHtml ? tmpHtml.slice(0, diffNum) : '';
- allChildList[i].textContent = cutText;
- newNodeList.push(allChildList[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- var endHtml = '';
- for (var j = 0; j < newNodeList.length; j++) {
- var nodeType = newNodeList[j].nodeType;
- if (nodeType === 1) {
- endHtml = endHtml + newNodeList[j].outerHTML;
- }
- else if (nodeType === 3) {
- endHtml = endHtml + newNodeList[j].textContent;
- }
- }
- return endHtml;
- };
- // v1.0.0 按钮文案显示切换
- Showmore.prototype._changeBtnText = function (showBtnObj, hideBtnObj) {
- var btnShow = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnshow');
- var btnHide = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnhide');
- this._changeBtnShow(btnShow, showBtnObj);
- this._changeBtnShow(btnHide, hideBtnObj);
- };
- // v1.0.0 文案切换显示
- Showmore.prototype._changeBtnShow = function (obj, cssObj) {
- util.css(obj, cssObj);
- };
- Showmore.prototype.getId = function(showmore){
- if( !showmore.dataset.showmoreId ){
- showmore.dataset.showmoreId = '__showmoreincreaseId__'+(++increaseId);
- }
- return showmore.dataset.showmoreId;
+ }
+ // v1.0.0 显示“收起”按钮
+ this._changeBtnText({
+ display: 'none'
+ }, {
+ display: this.btnDisplay
+ });
+ };
+ // 剪切字符串
+ Showmore.prototype._cutHtmlStr = function(maxLen) {
+ var allChildList = this.showBox.childNodes;
+ var cutHtml = '';
+ var tmpNum = 0;
+ var newNodeList = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < allChildList.length; i++) {
+ var tmpHtml = allChildList[i].textContent.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,
+ '');
+ if ((cutHtml.length + tmpHtml.length) <= maxLen) { // 如果长度没有达到最大字数
+ cutHtml = cutHtml + tmpHtml;
+ tmpNum = cutHtml.length;
+ newNodeList.push(allChildList[i]);
+ } else { // 已经大于
+ var diffNum = maxLen - tmpNum > 0 ? maxLen - tmpNum : tmpNum -
+ maxLen;
+ var cutText = tmpHtml ? tmpHtml.slice(0, diffNum) : '';
+ allChildList[i].textContent = cutText;
+ newNodeList.push(allChildList[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var endHtml = '';
+ for (var j = 0; j < newNodeList.length; j++) {
+ var nodeType = newNodeList[j].nodeType;
+ if (nodeType === 1) {
+ endHtml = endHtml + newNodeList[j].outerHTML;
+ } else if (nodeType === 3) {
+ endHtml = endHtml + newNodeList[j].textContent;
+ }
- // 分析组件嵌套关系
- Showmore.prototype.analysisDep = function(){
- var childMipShowmore = this.ele.querySelectorAll('mip-showmore');
- var self = this;
- if( !childMipShowmore.length ){
- return
- }
- var parentId = this.getId(this.ele)
- ShowmoreInstance[parentId] = ShowmoreInstance[parentId] || {deps:[]};
- ShowmoreInstance[parentId].instance = this;
- var currendParentNode = childMipShowmore[0];
- Array.prototype.slice.call(childMipShowmore).forEach(function(child){
- if( currendParentNode !== child && currendParentNode.contains(child) ){
- return;
- }
- var id = self.getId(child);
- var childIns = ShowmoreInstance[id] || {};
- childIns.deps = (childIns.deps || []).concat([parentId])
- ShowmoreInstance[id] = childIns
- currendParentNode = child;
- });
- this.containSMChild = true;
- };
+ }
+ return endHtml;
+ };
+ // v1.0.0 按钮文案显示切换
+ Showmore.prototype._changeBtnText = function(showBtnObj, hideBtnObj) {
+ var btnShow = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnshow');
+ var btnHide = this.ele.querySelector('.mip-showmore-btnhide');
+ this._changeBtnShow(btnShow, showBtnObj);
+ this._changeBtnShow(btnHide, hideBtnObj);
+ };
+ // v1.0.0 文案切换显示
+ Showmore.prototype._changeBtnShow = function(obj, cssObj) {
+ util.css(obj, cssObj);
+ };
+ Showmore.prototype.getId = function(showmore) {
+ if (!showmore.dataset.showmoreId) {
+ showmore.dataset.showmoreId = '__showmoreincreaseId__' + (++
+ increaseId);
+ }
+ return showmore.dataset.showmoreId;
+ }
+ // 分析组件嵌套关系
+ Showmore.prototype.analysisDep = function() {
+ var childMipShowmore = this.ele.querySelectorAll('mip-showmore');
+ var self = this;
+ if (!childMipShowmore.length) {
+ return
+ }
+ var parentId = this.getId(this.ele)
- // 运行嵌套的showmore组件实例
- Showmore.prototype.runInitShowMore = function(){
- var depIds = ShowmoreInstance[this.getId(this.ele)];
- depIds && depIds.deps.forEach(function(depid){
- var instan = ShowmoreInstance[depid];
- instan && instan.instance && !instan.instance.initialized &&instan.instance.init()
- })
+ ShowmoreInstance[parentId] = ShowmoreInstance[parentId] || {
+ deps: []
- /**
- * Make height transiton for element that has unknown height.
- * height transiton from 0px/40px to whatever height element will be.
- *
- * author&maintainer liangjiaying
- *
- * @param {Object} opt options
- * @example
- * {
- * "ele": document.getElementById('id1'), // target DOM
- * "type": "fold", // "fold" or "unfold"
- * "transitionTime": "0.3", // seconds, animation time
- * "tarHeight": "140px", // DOM height when animation ends
- * "oriHeight": "20px", // DOM height when animation begins
- * "cbFun": function() {}.bind() //callback, exec after animation
- * }
- */
- function heightAni(opt) {
- var element = opt.ele;
- var type = opt.type;
- var transitionTime;
- var timeoutArr = timeoutArray || [];
- if (!type || !element) {
- return;
- }
- if (opt.transitionTime === undefined || isNaN(opt.transitionTime)) {
- // if transition time is not set, set into 0.24s
- transitionTime = 0.24;
- }
- else {
- // '0.2s' -> 0.2, 20 -> 1, -0.5 -> 0.5
- transitionTime = Math.min(parseFloat(opt.transitionTime), 1);
- }
- // use ?: to make sure oriHeight won't be rewrite when opt.oriHeight is set to 0
- var oriHeight = (opt.oriHeight !== undefined ? opt.oriHeight : getComputedStyle(element).height);
- var tarHeight;
- var cbFun = opt.cbFun || function () {};
- if (type === 'unfold') {
- // make sure tarHeight won't be rewrite when opt.tarHeight is set to 0
- if (opt.tarHeight !== undefined) {
- tarHeight = opt.tarHeight;
- }
- else {
- // before set height to auto, remove animation.
- // or bad animation happens in iphone 4s
- element.style.transition = 'height 0s';
- element.style.height = 'auto';
- tarHeight = getComputedStyle(element).height;
- }
- // set height to auto after transition,
- // in case of height change of inside element later.
- var timeout1 = setTimeout(function () {
- // before set height to auto, remove animation.
- // or bad animation happens in iphone 4s
- element.style.transition = 'height 0s';
- element.style.height = 'auto';
- }, transitionTime * 1000);
- timeoutArr[0] = timeout1;
- }
- else if (type === 'fold') {
- tarHeight = opt.tarHeight || 0;
- }
- element.style.height = oriHeight;
- element.style.transition = 'height ' + transitionTime + 's';
- // now start the animation
- var timeout2 = requestAnimationFrame ? (requestAnimationFrame)(function () {
- // XXX: in setTimeout, or there won't be any animation
- element.style.height = tarHeight;
- }) : setTimeout(function(){
- element.style.height = tarHeight;
- },10);
- // after transition, exec callback functions
- var timeout3 = setTimeout(function () {
- cbFun();
- }, transitionTime * 1000);
- // save timeout, for later clearTimeout
- timeoutArr[element.id] = timeoutArr[element.id] || [];
- timeoutArr[element.id][1] = timeout2;
- timeoutArr[element.id][2] = timeout3;
+ ShowmoreInstance[parentId].instance = this;
+ var currendParentNode = childMipShowmore[0];
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(childMipShowmore).forEach(function(child) {
+ if (currendParentNode !== child && currendParentNode.contains(
+ child)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var id = self.getId(child);
+ var childIns = ShowmoreInstance[id] || {};
+ childIns.deps = (childIns.deps || []).concat([parentId])
+ ShowmoreInstance[id] = childIns
+ currendParentNode = child;
+ });
+ this.containSMChild = true;
+ };
+ // 运行嵌套的showmore组件实例
+ Showmore.prototype.runInitShowMore = function() {
+ var depIds = ShowmoreInstance[this.getId(this.ele)];
+ depIds && depIds.deps.forEach(function(depid) {
+ var instan = ShowmoreInstance[depid];
+ instan && instan.instance && !instan.instance.initialized &&
+ instan.instance.init()
+ })
+ };
+ /**
+ * Make height transiton for element that has unknown height.
+ * height transiton from 0px/40px to whatever height element will be.
+ *
+ * author&maintainer liangjiaying
+ *
+ * @param {Object} opt options
+ * @example
+ * {
+ * "ele": document.getElementById('id1'), // target DOM
+ * "type": "fold", // "fold" or "unfold"
+ * "transitionTime": "0.3", // seconds, animation time
+ * "tarHeight": "140px", // DOM height when animation ends
+ * "oriHeight": "20px", // DOM height when animation begins
+ * "cbFun": function() {}.bind() //callback, exec after animation
+ * }
+ */
+ function heightAni(opt) {
+ var element = opt.ele;
+ var type = opt.type;
+ var transitionTime;
+ var timeoutArr = timeoutArray || [];
+ if (!type || !element) {
+ return;
- /**
- * get real height of DOM without height restrictions
- *
- * @param {Object} dom some dom
- * @return {number} height
- */
- function getHeightUnfold (dom) {
- var fakeNode = document.createElement('div');
- var style = getComputedStyle(dom);
- fakeNode.innerHTML = dom.innerHTML;
- fakeNode.style.padding = style.padding;
- fakeNode.style.margin = style.margin;
- fakeNode.style.border = style.border;
- fakeNode.style.position = 'absolute';
- // 先插入再改样式,以防元素属性在createdCallback中被添加覆盖
- dom.parentNode.insertBefore(fakeNode, dom);
- fakeNode.style.height = 'auto';
- fakeNode.style.visibility = 'hidden';
- var height = util.rect.getElementOffset(fakeNode).height;
- dom.parentNode.removeChild(fakeNode);
- return height;
+ if (opt.transitionTime === undefined || isNaN(opt.transitionTime)) {
+ // if transition time is not set, set into 0.24s
+ transitionTime = 0.24;
+ } else {
+ // '0.2s' -> 0.2, 20 -> 1, -0.5 -> 0.5
+ transitionTime = Math.min(parseFloat(opt.transitionTime), 1);
+ // use ?: to make sure oriHeight won't be rewrite when opt.oriHeight is set to 0
+ var oriHeight = (opt.oriHeight !== undefined ? opt.oriHeight :
+ getComputedStyle(element).height);
+ var tarHeight;
+ var cbFun = opt.cbFun || function() {};
+ if (type === 'unfold') {
+ // make sure tarHeight won't be rewrite when opt.tarHeight is set to 0
+ if (opt.tarHeight !== undefined) {
+ tarHeight = opt.tarHeight;
+ } else {
+ // before set height to auto, remove animation.
+ // or bad animation happens in iphone 4s
+ element.style.transition = 'height 0s';
+ element.style.height = 'auto';
+ tarHeight = getComputedStyle(element).height;
+ }
+ // set height to auto after transition,
+ // in case of height change of inside element later.
+ var timeout1 = setTimeout(function() {
+ // before set height to auto, remove animation.
+ // or bad animation happens in iphone 4s
+ element.style.transition = 'height 0s';
+ element.style.height = 'auto';
+ }, transitionTime * 1000);
+ timeoutArr[0] = timeout1;
+ } else if (type === 'fold') {
+ tarHeight = opt.tarHeight || 0;
+ }
- /**
- * 构造元素,只会运行一次
- */
- customElement.prototype.build = function () {
- var me = this;
- var ele = this.element;
- var showmoreObj = new Showmore(ele);
- showmoreObj.analysisDep();
+ element.style.height = oriHeight;
+ element.style.transition = 'height ' + transitionTime + 's';
+ // now start the animation
+ var timeout2 = requestAnimationFrame ? (requestAnimationFrame)(function() {
+ // XXX: in setTimeout, or there won't be any animation
+ element.style.height = tarHeight;
+ }) : setTimeout(function() {
+ element.style.height = tarHeight;
+ }, 10);
+ // after transition, exec callback functions
+ var timeout3 = setTimeout(function() {
+ cbFun();
+ }, transitionTime * 1000);
+ // save timeout, for later clearTimeout
+ timeoutArr[element.id] = timeoutArr[element.id] || [];
+ timeoutArr[element.id][1] = timeout2;
+ timeoutArr[element.id][2] = timeout3;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get real height of DOM without height restrictions
+ *
+ * @param {Object} dom some dom
+ * @return {number} height
+ */
+ function getHeightUnfold(dom) {
+ var fakeNode = document.createElement('div');
+ var style = getComputedStyle(dom);
+ fakeNode.innerHTML = dom.innerHTML;
+ fakeNode.style.padding = style.padding;
+ fakeNode.style.margin = style.margin;
+ fakeNode.style.border = style.border;
+ fakeNode.style.position = 'absolute';
+ // 先插入再改样式,以防元素属性在createdCallback中被添加覆盖
+ dom.parentNode.insertBefore(fakeNode, dom);
+ fakeNode.style.height = 'auto';
+ fakeNode.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ var height = util.rect.getElementOffset(fakeNode).height;
+ dom.parentNode.removeChild(fakeNode);
+ return height;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 构造元素,只会运行一次
+ */
+ customElement.prototype.build = function() {
+ var me = this;
+ var ele = this.element;
+ var showmoreObj = new Showmore(ele);
+ showmoreObj.analysisDep();
+ if (!showmoreObj.containSMChild) {
+ showmoreObj.init();
+ }
- if( !showmoreObj.containSMChild ){
- showmoreObj.init();
- }
+ showmoreObj._bindClick();
- showmoreObj._bindClick();
+ this.addEventAction('toggle', function(event) {
+ showmoreObj.toggle(event);
+ });
- this.addEventAction('toggle', function (event) {
- showmoreObj.toggle(event);
- });
+ //添加重置事件,当该组件没有正常加载则发起请求重新加载
+ this.addEventAction('refresh', function(event) {
+ showmoreObj.init();
+ });
- window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function() {
- showmoreObj.init();
- }, false);
- };
+ window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function() {
+ showmoreObj.init();
+ }, false);
+ };
- // when remove node, clear timeout
- customElement.prototype.detachedCallback = function () {
- var tArr = timeoutArray && timeoutArray[this.element.id] || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < tArr.length; i++) {
- window.clearTimeout(tArr[i]);
- }
- };
+ // when remove node, clear timeout
+ customElement.prototype.detachedCallback = function() {
+ var tArr = timeoutArray && timeoutArray[this.element.id] || [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < tArr.length; i++) {
+ window.clearTimeout(tArr[i]);
+ }
+ };
- return customElement;
\ No newline at end of file
+ return customElement;
diff --git a/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.less b/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.less
index 9772adfb4..ecd40bfe8 100755
--- a/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.less
+++ b/src/mip-showmore/mip-showmore.less
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ mip-showmore {
.mip-showmore-btn {
- display: none;
+ display: block;
padding: 15px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
background: #fafafa;
diff --git a/src/mip-vd-tabs/mip-vd-tabs.js b/src/mip-vd-tabs/mip-vd-tabs.js
index e3e55056d..55eed5f10 100644
--- a/src/mip-vd-tabs/mip-vd-tabs.js
+++ b/src/mip-vd-tabs/mip-vd-tabs.js
@@ -5,383 +5,394 @@
* @copyright 2016 Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-define(function (require) {
- var $ = require('zepto');
- var customElement = require('customElement').create();
- var Tab = require('./tab');
- var EPISODE_RANGE = 25;
- var ALLOW_SCROLL = 'allow-scroll';
- var TOGGLE_MORE = 'toggle-more';
- var CURRENT = 'current';
- var TYPE = 'type';
- var WRAPPER_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs';
- var CONTENT_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-content';
- var SELECTED_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-selected';
- var ITEM_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-li';
- var NAV_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav';
- var VIEW_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-view';
- var TOGGLE_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-toggle';
- var BOTTOM_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-bottom';
- var TPL_REG = /\{\{\w}}/g;
- /**
- * 渲染
- */
- customElement.prototype.build = function () {
- var el = this.element;
- var type = el.getAttribute(TYPE);
- switch (type) {
- case 'episode':
- var $result = generateWrapper.call(this);
- if (el.hasAttribute(TOGGLE_MORE)) {
- $result = generateToggle.call(this, $result);
- }
- generateEpisode.call(
- this,
- $result,
- el.getAttribute('total'),
- el.getAttribute(CURRENT),
- el.getAttribute('text-tpl'),
- el.getAttribute('link-tpl'),
- el.getAttribute('head-title')
- );
- break;
- case 'bottom':
- default:
- generateCommonTab.call(this, $result);
+define(function(require) {
+ var $ = require('zepto');
+ var viewport = require('viewport');
+ var viewer = require('viewer');
+ var customElement = require('customElement').create();
+ var Tab = require('./tab');
+ var EPISODE_RANGE = 25;
+ var ICON_SRC =
+ var ALLOW_SCROLL = 'allow-scroll';
+ var TOGGLE_MORE = 'toggle-more';
+ var CURRENT = 'current';
+ var TYPE = 'type';
+ var WRAPPER_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs';
+ var CONTENT_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-content';
+ var SELECTED_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-selected';
+ var ITEM_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-li';
+ var NAV_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav';
+ var VIEW_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-view';
+ var TOGGLE_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-toggle';
+ var BOTTOM_CLS = 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-bottom';
+ var TPL_REG = /\{\{\w}}/g;
+ /**
+ * 渲染
+ */
+ customElement.prototype.build = function() {
+ var el = this.element;
+ var type = el.getAttribute(TYPE);
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'episode':
+ var $result = generateWrapper.call(this);
+ if (el.hasAttribute(TOGGLE_MORE)) {
+ $result = generateToggle.call(this, $result);
+ generateEpisode.call(
+ this,
+ $result,
+ el.getAttribute('total'),
+ el.getAttribute(CURRENT),
+ el.getAttribute('text-tpl'),
+ el.getAttribute('link-tpl'),
+ el.getAttribute('head-title')
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'bottom':
+ default:
+ generateCommonTab.call(this, $result);
+ }
+ }
+ function generateCommonTab() {
+ var el = this.element;
+ var $el = $(el);
+ var type = el.getAttribute(TYPE);
+ var allowScroll = !!el.hasAttribute(ALLOW_SCROLL);
+ var toggleMore = !!el.hasAttribute(TOGGLE_MORE);
+ var current = parseInt(el.getAttribute(CURRENT), 0) || 0;
+ var $header = null;
+ $el.addClass(WRAPPER_CLS);
+ if (type === 'bottom') {
+ $header = $(el.children.item(el.children.length - 1));
+ } else {
+ $header = $(el.children.item(0));
+ }
+ $header.detach();
+ $header.children().each(function(index, element) {
+ var $element = $(element);
+ if (current === index) {
+ $element.addClass(SELECTED_CLS);
+ }
+ $element.addClass(ITEM_CLS);
+ });
+ if (allowScroll) {
+ $header
+ .addClass(VIEW_CLS)
+ .append(
+ $('')
+ .append($header.children())
+ );
+ if (toggleMore) {
+ $header.append('');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $header
+ .addClass('mip-vd-tabs-row-tile')
+ .append(
+ $('')
+ .append($header.children())
+ );
- function generateCommonTab() {
- var el = this.element;
- var $el = $(el);
- var type = el.getAttribute(TYPE);
- var allowScroll = !!el.hasAttribute(ALLOW_SCROLL);
- var toggleMore = !!el.hasAttribute(TOGGLE_MORE);
- var current = parseInt(el.getAttribute(CURRENT), 0) || 0;
- var $header = null;
- $el.addClass(WRAPPER_CLS);
- if (type === 'bottom') {
- $header = $(el.children.item(el.children.length - 1));
- } else {
- $header = $(el.children.item(0));
- }
+ $el.children()
+ .addClass(CONTENT_CLS)
+ .css('display', 'none')
+ .eq(current)
+ .css('display', 'block');
- $header.detach();
- $header.children().each(function (index, element) {
- var $element = $(element);
- if (current === index) {
- $element.addClass(SELECTED_CLS);
- }
- $element.addClass(ITEM_CLS);
- });
- if (allowScroll) {
- $header
- .addClass(VIEW_CLS)
- .append(
- $('')
- .append($header.children())
- );
- if (toggleMore) {
- $header.append('');
- }
- } else {
- $header
- .addClass('mip-vd-tabs-row-tile')
- .append(
- $('')
- .append($header.children())
- );
- }
+ if (type === 'bottom') {
+ $el.append($header);
+ } else {
+ $el.prepend($header);
+ }
- $el.children()
- .addClass(CONTENT_CLS)
- .css('display', 'none')
- .eq(current)
- .css('display', 'block');
+ new Tab($el, {
+ allowScroll: allowScroll,
+ current: parseInt($el.attr(CURRENT), 10) || 1,
+ toggleMore: toggleMore,
+ toggleLabel: $el.attr('toggle-label') || '请选择',
+ currentClass: SELECTED_CLS,
+ navWrapperClass: NAV_CLS,
+ viewClass: VIEW_CLS,
+ contClass: CONTENT_CLS,
+ navClass: ITEM_CLS,
+ logClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-log',
+ toggleClass: TOGGLE_CLS,
+ layerClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer',
+ layerUlClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer-ul',
+ element: this.element
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * 生成剧集选择下拉列表
+ * @returns {jQuery|HTMLElement}
+ */
+ function generateEpisodeDown(linkTpl) {
+ var $el = $(this.element);
+ var pageSize = parseInt($el.attr('page-size'), 10) || EPISODE_PAGE_SIZE;
+ var currentNum = parseInt($el.attr(CURRENT), 10) || 1;
+ var totalNum = parseInt($el.attr('total'), 10) || 1;
+ var tabCount = Math.ceil(totalNum / pageSize);
+ var tabCurNum = Math.floor((currentNum - 1) / pageSize);
+ var tabList = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
+ var from = pageSize * i + 1;
+ var to = Math.min(totalNum, pageSize * (i + 1));
+ tabList.push({
+ from: from,
+ to: to,
+ text: '' + from + (from < to ? ' - ' + to : '')
+ });
+ }
- if (type === 'bottom') {
- $el.append($header);
- } else {
- $el.prepend($header);
+ var wrapper = $('');
+ wrapper.append(
+ tabList.map(function(v, index) {
+ var epFragment = '';
+ for (var j = v.from; j <= v.to; j++) {
+ var selectedClass = j === currentNum ?
+ 'mip-vd-tabs-episode-item-selected' : '';
+ var link = (linkTpl ? ' href="' + linkTpl.replace(TPL_REG, j) +
+ '"' : '');
+ epFragment = epFragment +
+ '' + j + '';
+ epFragment += '
+ return epFragment;
+ }).join('')
+ );
+ if (tabCount > 1) {
+ var tabFragment = '';
+ var scrollNum = 4;
+ if (tabCount > scrollNum) {
+ tabFragment = '';
+ }
+ tabFragment += '
+ tabFragment += tabList.map(function(v, index) {
+ var selectedClass = index === tabCurNum ? SELECTED_CLS : '';
+ return '- ' +
+ v.text + '
+ }).join('');
+ tabFragment += '
+ if (tabCount > scrollNum) {
+ tabFragment += '
+ }
+ wrapper.append(tabFragment);
+ new Tab(wrapper, {
+ allowScroll: tabCount > scrollNum,
+ current: Math.floor((currentNum - 1) / pageSize) || 1,
+ currentClass: SELECTED_CLS,
+ navWrapperClass: NAV_CLS,
+ viewClass: VIEW_CLS,
+ contClass: CONTENT_CLS,
+ navClass: ITEM_CLS,
+ logClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-log',
+ toggleClass: TOGGLE_CLS
+ })
+ }
+ return wrapper;
+ }
+ function generateWrapper() {
+ var $el = $(this.element);
+ var $result = null;
+ $el.addClass(WRAPPER_CLS);
+ var totalNum = parseInt($el.attr('total'), 10) || 1;
+ if (totalNum > 4) {
+ $result = $(''
+ );
+ } else {
+ $result = $(''
+ );
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function generateToggle($result) {
+ var $el = $(this.element);
+ var totalNum = parseInt($el.attr('total'), 10) || 1;
+ if (totalNum <= 4) {
+ return $result;
+ }
- new Tab($el, {
- allowScroll: allowScroll,
- current: parseInt($el.attr(CURRENT), 10) || 1,
- toggleMore: toggleMore,
- toggleLabel: $el.attr('toggle-label') || '请选择',
- currentClass: SELECTED_CLS,
- navWrapperClass: NAV_CLS,
- viewClass: VIEW_CLS,
- contClass: CONTENT_CLS,
- navClass: ITEM_CLS,
- logClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-log',
- toggleClass: TOGGLE_CLS,
- layerClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer',
- layerUlClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer-ul'
- });
+ $result.append('' + '
' + '
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function generateEpisode($result, total, current, textTpl, linkTpl,
+ headTitle) {
+ var $el = $(this.element);
+ var totalNum = parseInt(total, 10);
+ var currentNum = parseInt(current, 10) || 1;
+ var tpl = textTpl || '第{x}集';
+ var html = '';
+ for (var i = Math.max(1, currentNum - EPISODE_RANGE),
+ r = Math.min(totalNum, currentNum + EPISODE_RANGE); i <= r; i++) {
+ html = html + '' + tpl.replace(TPL_REG, '' + i) +
+ '';
- /**
- * 生成剧集选择下拉列表
- * @returns {jQuery|HTMLElement}
- */
- function generateEpisodeDown(linkTpl) {
- var $el = $(this.element);
- var pageSize = parseInt($el.attr('page-size'), 10) || EPISODE_PAGE_SIZE;
- var currentNum = parseInt($el.attr(CURRENT), 10) || 1;
- var totalNum = parseInt($el.attr('total'), 10) || 1;
- var tabCount = Math.ceil(totalNum / pageSize);
- var tabCurNum = Math.floor((currentNum - 1) / pageSize);
- var tabList = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
- var from = pageSize * i + 1;
- var to = Math.min(totalNum, pageSize * (i + 1));
- tabList.push({
- from: from,
- to : to,
- text: '' + from + (from < to ? ' - ' + to : '')
- });
+ $result.find('.' + NAV_CLS).append(html);
+ $el.empty().append($result);
+ var tab = new Tab($el, {
+ allowScroll: !!$el.get(0).hasAttribute(ALLOW_SCROLL),
+ toggleMore: false,
+ current: currentNum || 1,
+ currentClass: SELECTED_CLS,
+ navWrapperClass: NAV_CLS,
+ viewClass: VIEW_CLS,
+ navClass: ITEM_CLS,
+ logClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-log',
+ toggleClass: TOGGLE_CLS,
+ toggleLabel: $el.attr('toggle-label') || '请选择'
+ });
+ // override toggle-more
+ (function register(ptr) {
+ var _this = tab;
+ var $navLayer = $('' + _this.toggleLabel +
+ '
+ var $navLayerUl = $('');
+ var $mask = $('');
+ _this.toggleState = 0; // 展开状态 0-收起,1-展开
+ // 事件代理
+ $navLayerUl.on('click', '.mip-vd-tabs-episode-item ', function() {
+ toggleUp();
+ });
+ $mask.on('click', function() {
+ toggleUp();
+ }).on('touchmove', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ _this.toggle.on('click', function() {
+ if (_this.toggleState == 0) {
+ // 点击时为收起
+ toggleDown();
+ } else {
+ // 点击时为展开
+ toggleUp();
+ });
+ // 收起
+ function toggleUp() {
+ $navLayerUl.empty();
+ $navLayer.hide();
+ $mask.hide();
+ $el
+ .find('.mip-vd-tabs-nav-toggle,.mip-vd-tabs-scroll-touch')
+ .css({
+ 'position': '',
+ 'top': ''
+ });
+ $el
+ .find('.mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer')
+ .css({
+ 'position': '',
+ 'border-top': '',
+ 'top': ''
+ });
+ _this.toggle.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
+ 'transform': 'scaleY(1)'
+ });
+ _this.toggleState = 0;
+ }
+ // 展开
+ function toggleDown() {
+ $navLayerUl.html(generateEpisodeDown.call(ptr, linkTpl));
+ $navLayer.append($navLayerUl);
+ $el.append($mask.show());
+ _this.view.after($navLayer.show());
+ $el
+ .find('.mip-vd-tabs-scroll-touch,.mip-vd-tabs-nav-toggle')
+ .css({
+ 'position': 'fixed',
+ 'top': '1px'
+ });
+ $el
+ .find('.mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer')
+ .css({
+ 'position': 'fixed',
+ 'border-top': '1px solid #ccc',
+ 'top': '0'
+ });
+ _this.toggle.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
+ 'transform': 'scaleY(-1)'
+ });
+ _this.toggleState = 1;
+ }
+ })(this);
- var wrapper = $('');
- wrapper.append(
- tabList.map(function (v, index) {
- var epFragment = '';
- for (var j = v.from; j <= v.to; j++) {
- var selectedClass = j === currentNum ? 'mip-vd-tabs-episode-item-selected' : '';
- var link = (linkTpl ? ' href="' + linkTpl.replace(TPL_REG, j) + '"' : '' );
- epFragment = epFragment
- + ''
- + j
- + '';
- }
- epFragment += '
- return epFragment;
- }).join('')
- );
+ $el.delegate('.' + ITEM_CLS + ', .mip-vd-tabs-episode-item', 'click',
+ function(ev) {
- if (tabCount > 1) {
- var tabFragment = '';
- var scrollNum = 4;
- if (tabCount > scrollNum) {
- tabFragment = '';
- }
- tabFragment += '
- tabFragment += tabList.map(function (v, index) {
- var selectedClass = index === tabCurNum ? SELECTED_CLS : '';
- return '- ' + v.text + '
- }).join('');
- tabFragment += '
- if (tabCount > scrollNum) {
- tabFragment += '
- }
- wrapper.append(tabFragment);
- new Tab(wrapper, {
- allowScroll: tabCount > scrollNum,
- current: Math.floor((currentNum - 1) / pageSize) || 1,
- currentClass: SELECTED_CLS,
- navWrapperClass: NAV_CLS,
- viewClass: VIEW_CLS,
- contClass: CONTENT_CLS,
- navClass: ITEM_CLS,
- logClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-log',
- toggleClass: TOGGLE_CLS
- })
- }
- return wrapper;
- }
+ ev.preventDefault();
- function generateWrapper() {
- var $el = $(this.element);
- var $result = null;
- $el.addClass(WRAPPER_CLS);
- var totalNum = parseInt($el.attr('total'), 10) || 1;
- if (totalNum > 4) {
- $result = $(''
- );
- } else {
- $result = $(''
- );
- }
- return $result;
- }
+ var href = $(this).attr("href");
- function generateToggle($result) {
- var $el = $(this.element);
- var totalNum = parseInt($el.attr('total'), 10) || 1;
- if (totalNum <= 4) {
- return $result;
+ if (!href) {
+ return;
- $result.append(''
- + '
- + '
- return $result;
- }
- function generateEpisode($result, total, current, textTpl, linkTpl, headTitle) {
- var $el = $(this.element);
- var totalNum = parseInt(total, 10);
- var currentNum = parseInt(current, 10) || 1;
- var tpl = textTpl || '第{x}集';
- var html = '';
- for (var i = Math.max(1, currentNum - EPISODE_RANGE),
- r = Math.min(totalNum, currentNum + EPISODE_RANGE);
- i <= r;
- i++) {
- html = html
- + ''
- + tpl.replace(TPL_REG, '' + i)
- + '';
- }
+ // 顶部标题
+ var head = $(this).text();
- $result.find('.' + NAV_CLS).append(html);
- $el.empty().append($result);
- var tab = new Tab($el, {
- allowScroll: !!$el.get(0).hasAttribute(ALLOW_SCROLL),
- toggleMore: false,
- current: currentNum || 1,
- currentClass: SELECTED_CLS,
- navWrapperClass: NAV_CLS,
- viewClass: VIEW_CLS,
- navClass: ITEM_CLS,
- logClass: 'mip-vd-tabs-log',
- toggleClass: TOGGLE_CLS,
- toggleLabel: $el.attr('toggle-label') || '请选择'
- });
+ if (!head) {
+ head = $(this).find('.' + ITEM_CLS).text();
+ }
- // override toggle-more
- (function register(ptr) {
- var _this = tab;
- var $navLayer = $('' + _this.toggleLabel + '
- var $navLayerUl = $('');
- var $mask = $('');
- _this.toggleState = 0; // 展开状态 0-收起,1-展开
- // 事件代理
- $navLayerUl.on('click', '.mip-vd-tabs-episode-item ', function(){
- toggleUp();
- });
- $mask.on('click', function () {
- toggleUp();
- }).on('touchmove', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- _this.toggle.on('click', function() {
- if (_this.toggleState == 0) {
- // 点击时为收起
- toggleDown();
- } else {
- // 点击时为展开
- toggleUp();
- }
- });
- // 收起
- function toggleUp() {
- $navLayerUl.empty();
- $navLayer.hide();
- $mask.hide();
- $el
- .find('.mip-vd-tabs-nav-toggle,.mip-vd-tabs-scroll-touch')
- .css({'position': '', 'top': ''});
- $el
- .find('.mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer')
- .css({'position': '', 'border-top': '', 'top': ''});
- _this.toggle.css({
- '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
- 'transform': 'scaleY(1)'
- });
- _this.toggleState = 0;
- }
- // 展开
- function toggleDown() {
- $navLayerUl.html(generateEpisodeDown.call(ptr, linkTpl));
- $navLayer.append($navLayerUl);
- $el.append($mask.show());
- _this.view.after($navLayer.show());
- $el
- .find('.mip-vd-tabs-scroll-touch,.mip-vd-tabs-nav-toggle')
- .css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': '1px'});
- $el
- .find('.mip-vd-tabs-nav-layer')
- .css({'position': 'fixed', 'border-top': '1px solid #ccc', 'top': '0'});
- _this.toggle.css({
- '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
- 'transform': 'scaleY(-1)'
- });
- _this.toggleState = 1;
- }
- })(this);
- $el.delegate('.' + ITEM_CLS + ', .mip-vd-tabs-episode-item', 'click' , function(ev) {
- ev.preventDefault();
- var href = $(this).attr("href");
- if (!href) {
- return;
- }
- // 顶部标题
- var head = $(this).text();
- if (!head) {
- head = $(this).find('.' + ITEM_CLS).text();
- }
- var message = {
- "event": "loadiframe",
- "data": {
- "url": href,
- "title": headTitle || head,
- "click": $el.data('click')
- }
- };
- if (window.parent !== window) {
- window.parent.postMessage(message, '*');
- }
- else {
- location.href = href;
- }
+ var message = {
+ "event": "loadiframe",
+ "data": {
+ "url": href,
+ "title": headTitle || head,
+ "click": $el.data('click')
+ }
+ };
+ if (window.parent !== window) {
+ window.parent.postMessage(message, '*');
+ } else {
+ location.href = href;
+ }
- });
- }
+ });
+ }
- return customElement;
+ return customElement;
diff --git a/src/mip-vd-tabs/tab.js b/src/mip-vd-tabs/tab.js
index 4e4e9b2da..0b8aa0a0f 100644
--- a/src/mip-vd-tabs/tab.js
+++ b/src/mip-vd-tabs/tab.js
@@ -1,257 +1,291 @@
-define(function () {
- var fn = function() {};
- var inter;
- var _init = function(opt) {
- var _this = this,
- $panel = $(_this.panel);
- this.toggle = $panel.find('.' + _this.toggleClass); // 更多切换按钮
- this.view = $panel.find('.' + _this.viewClass); // nav可视区dom
- this.wrapper = $panel.find('.' + _this.navWrapperClass); // nav实际区域dom
- this.navs = this.wrapper.find('.' + _this.navClass); // nav项
- this.conts = $panel.find('.' + _this.contClass); // tabs内容
- this.sum = this.navs.length;
- this.tabScroll = undefined;
- _setEvents.call(this);
- this.allowScroll && this.view.length && _setScroll.call(this);
- this.toggleMore && this.allowScroll && this.view.length && _setToggerMore.call(this);
- },
- _setWrap = function ($wrapper) {
- var _this = this;
- $wrapper.children().eq(0).wrap('');
- // UC浏览器对overflow-x兼容性太差,只能用元素占位的方式来解决
- if ($wrapper.children().eq(1).hasClass(_this.toggleClass)) {
- $wrapper.find('.' + _this.navWrapperClass).append(
- ''
- );
- }
- return $wrapper;
- },
- _setScroll = function() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.tabScroll = _setWrap.call(_this, _this.view);
- // 前置检测选中的tab是否在可视区
- if (_this.current > 0 && _this.current < _this.sum) {
- var currentTab = Math.min(_this.current + 1, _this.sum - 1);
- slideTo(currentTab, 1, _this.navs.eq(_this.current), _this.navs.length, false);
- }
- // 若tab横滑回调方法存在,执行回调
- if (typeof _this.onTabScrollEnd === 'function') {
- _this.tabScroll.on('scrollEnd', function () {
- if (this.customFlag && this.customFlag.autoScroll) {
- // 若为自动触发滑动,不执行回调
- return;
- }
- ;
- _this.onTabScrollEnd.call(_this, this);
- });
- }
- },
- _setToggerMore = function() {
- var _this = this;
- var $navLayer = $('' + _this.toggleLabel + '
- var $navLayerUl = $('');
- _this.toggleState = 0; // 展开状态 0-收起,1-展开
- // 事件代理
- $navLayerUl.on('click', '.'+_this.navClass, function(){
- var $dom_this = $(this);
- //$(this).addClass(_this.currentClass);
- _this.navs.eq($dom_this.attr('data-tid')).trigger('click');
- toggleUp();
- });
- _this.toggle.on('click', function() {
- if (_this.toggleState == 0) {
- // 点击时为收起
- toggleDown();
- } else {
- // 点击时为展开
- toggleUp();
- };
- });
- // 收起
- function toggleUp() {
- $navLayerUl.empty();
- $navLayer.hide();
- _this.toggle.css({
- '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
- 'transform': 'scaleY(1)'
- });
- _this.toggleState = 0;
- }
- // 展开
- function toggleDown() {
- $navLayerUl.html(_this.navs.clone());
- $navLayer.append($navLayerUl);
- _this.view.after($navLayer.show());
- _this.toggle.css({
- '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
- 'transform': 'scaleY(-1)'
- });
- _this.toggleState = 1;
- }
- },
- _setEvents = function() {
- var _this = this;
- $.each(_this.navs, function(i, v){
- var $v = $(v);
- if($v.hasClass(_this.currentClass)){
- _this.current = i; // 获取当前nav序号
- }
- $v.addClass(_this.logClass);
- $v.attr('data-tid', i);
- $v.on('click', function(){
- var tid = parseInt($(this).attr('data-tid'));
- if(tid === _this.current){
- return;
- }
- _this.last = _this.current;
- _this.current = tid;
- _this.hideTab(_this.last);
- _this.showTab(_this.current);
- if(_this.onResetChange == fn){
- _this.hideContent(_this.last);
- _this.showContent(_this.current);
- /* 添加异步处理事件,返回点击tab序号及内容框 */
- _this.onChange.call(_this, _this.current, _this.conts[_this.current]);
- }else{
- _this.onResetChange.call(_this, _this.current);
- }
- // 滑动对象存在,执行滑动并传递autoScroll标记用于scrollEnd事件判断
- if (_this.tabScroll) {
- slideTo(_this.current + 1, 1, $v, _this.navs.length, true);
- };
- });
- });
- // 第一次加载
- $.each(_this.conts, function(i, v){
- if(i == _this.current){
- _this.showTab(i);
- _this.showContent(i);
- }else{
- _this.hideTab(i);
- _this.hideContent(i);
- }
- });
+define(function() {
+ var fn = function() {};
+ var inter;
+ var viewport = require('viewport');
+ var viewer = require('viewer');
+ var _init = function(opt) {
+ var _this = this,
+ $panel = $(_this.panel);
+ this.toggle = $panel.find('.' + _this.toggleClass); // 更多切换按钮
+ this.view = $panel.find('.' + _this.viewClass); // nav可视区dom
+ this.wrapper = $panel.find('.' + _this.navWrapperClass); // nav实际区域dom
+ this.navs = this.wrapper.find('.' + _this.navClass); // nav项
+ this.conts = $panel.find('.' + _this.contClass); // tabs内容
+ this.sum = this.navs.length;
+ this.tabScroll = undefined;
+ _setEvents.call(this);
+ this.allowScroll && this.view.length && _setScroll.call(this);
+ this.toggleMore && this.allowScroll && this.view.length &&
+ _setToggerMore.call(this);
+ },
+ _setWrap = function($wrapper) {
+ var _this = this;
+ $wrapper.children().eq(0).wrap(
+ '');
+ // UC浏览器对overflow-x兼容性太差,只能用元素占位的方式来解决
+ if ($wrapper.children().eq(1).hasClass(_this.toggleClass)) {
+ $wrapper.find('.' + _this.navWrapperClass).append(
+ ''
+ );
+ }
+ return $wrapper;
+ },
+ _setScroll = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ _this.tabScroll = _setWrap.call(_this, _this.view);
+ // 前置检测选中的tab是否在可视区
+ if (_this.current > 0 && _this.current < _this.sum) {
+ var currentTab = Math.min(_this.current + 1, _this.sum - 1);
+ slideTo(currentTab, 1, _this.navs.eq(_this.current), _this.navs.length,
+ false);
+ }
+ // 若tab横滑回调方法存在,执行回调
+ if (typeof _this.onTabScrollEnd === 'function') {
+ _this.tabScroll.on('scrollEnd', function() {
+ if (this.customFlag && this.customFlag.autoScroll) {
+ // 若为自动触发滑动,不执行回调
+ return;
+ };
+ _this.onTabScrollEnd.call(_this, this);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _setToggerMore = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ var $navLayer = $('' + _this
+ .toggleLabel + '
+ var $navLayerUl = $('');
+ _this.toggleState = 0; // 展开状态 0-收起,1-展开
+ // 事件代理
+ $navLayerUl.on('click', '.' + _this.navClass, function() {
+ var $dom_this = $(this);
+ //$(this).addClass(_this.currentClass);
+ _this.navs.eq($dom_this.attr('data-tid')).trigger('click');
+ toggleUp();
+ });
+ _this.toggle.on('click', function() {
+ if (_this.toggleState == 0) {
+ // 点击时为收起
+ toggleDown();
+ } else {
+ // 点击时为展开
+ toggleUp();
- var Tabs = function(panel, options) {
- options = options || {};
- this.panel = panel;
- this.current = options.current || 0; // 当前选中的tab
- this.currentClass = options.currentClass || 'c-tabs-nav-selected';
- this.navWrapperClass = options.navWrapperClass || 'c-tabs-nav';
- this.navClass = options.navClass || 'c-tabs-nav-li';
- this.contClass = options.contClass || 'c-tabs-content';
- this.viewClass = options.viewClass || 'c-tabs-nav-view';
- this.toggleClass = options.toggleClass || 'c-tabs-nav-toggle';
- this.layerClass = options.layerClass || 'c-tabs-nav-layer';
- this.layerUlClass = options.layerUlClass || 'c-tabs-nav-layer-ul';
- this.allowScroll = options.allowScroll || false; // 是否允许滚动
- this.toggleMore = options.toggleMore || false; // 是否允许切换显示更多
- this.toggleLabel = options.toggleLabel || '请选择'; // 切换label
- this.logClass = options.logClass || 'WA_LOG_TAB'; // 统计class
- this.scrollSize = options.scrollSize || '-40'; // tabs滚动的size
- this.navs = [];
- this.seps = [];
- this.conts = [];
- this.sum = 0; // tab切换次数
- this.last = null; // 上次tab切换序号
- // 函数
- this.onChange = options.onChange || fn;
- this.onResetChange = options.onResetChange || fn;
- this.onTabScrollEnd = options.onTabScrollEnd;
- // init
- panel && _init.call(this, options);
- };
- $.extend(Tabs.prototype, {
- showContent : function(i){
- var cont=this.conts[i];
- if(cont){
- $(this.conts[i]).show();
- }
- },
- hideContent : function(i){
- var cont=this.conts[i];
- if(cont){
- $(cont).hide();
- }
- },
- showTab : function(i){
- var _this = this,
- navs = _this.navs,
- seps = _this.seps;
- $(navs[i]).addClass(_this.currentClass);
- },
- hideTab : function(i){
- var _this = this,
- navs = _this.navs,
- seps = _this.seps;
- $(navs[i]).removeClass(_this.currentClass);
+ });
+ // 收起
+ function toggleUp() {
+ $navLayerUl.empty();
+ $navLayer.hide();
+ _this.toggle.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
+ 'transform': 'scaleY(1)'
+ });
+ _this.toggleState = 0;
+ }
+ // 展开
+ function toggleDown() {
+ $navLayerUl.html(_this.navs.clone());
+ $navLayer.append($navLayerUl);
+ _this.view.after($navLayer.show());
+ _this.toggle.css({
+ '-webkit-transform': 'scaleY(1)',
+ 'transform': 'scaleY(-1)'
+ });
+ _this.toggleState = 1;
+ }
+ },
+ _setEvents = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ $.each(_this.navs, function(i, v) {
+ var $v = $(v);
+ if ($v.hasClass(_this.currentClass)) {
+ _this.current = i; // 获取当前nav序号
- });
- function slideTo(index, leftNum, $thisDom, totalNum, animate) {
- var left = 0;
- if (index < leftNum) {
- } else if (index >= totalNum - leftNum) {
- left = $thisDom.parent().offset().width;
+ $v.addClass(_this.logClass);
+ $v.attr('data-tid', i);
+ $v.on('click', function() {
+ var tid = parseInt($(this).attr('data-tid'));
+ if (tid === _this.current) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _this.last = _this.current;
+ _this.current = tid;
+ _this.hideTab(_this.last);
+ _this.showTab(_this.current);
+ if (_this.onResetChange == fn) {
+ _this.hideContent(_this.last);
+ _this.showContent(_this.current);
+ /* 添加异步处理事件,返回点击tab序号及内容框 */
+ _this.onChange.call(_this, _this.current, _this.conts[
+ _this.current]);
+ } else {
+ _this.onResetChange.call(_this, _this.current);
+ }
+ // 滑动对象存在,执行滑动并传递autoScroll标记用于scrollEnd事件判断
+ if (_this.tabScroll) {
+ slideTo(_this.current + 1, 1, $v, _this.navs.length,
+ true);
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ // 第一次加载
+ $.each(_this.conts, function(i, v) {
+ if (i == _this.current) {
+ _this.showTab(i);
+ _this.showContent(i);
} else {
- left = $thisDom.offset().left - $thisDom.parent().offset().left - $thisDom.width();
- }
- if (!inter) {
- if (animate) {
- animateSlide($thisDom.parent().parent().scrollLeft(), left, $thisDom.parent().parent());
- } else {
- $thisDom.parent().parent().scrollLeft(left);
- }
+ _this.hideTab(i);
+ _this.hideContent(i);
+ });
+ };
+ var Tabs = function(panel, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ this.panel = panel;
+ this.current = options.current || 0; // 当前选中的tab
+ this.currentClass = options.currentClass || 'c-tabs-nav-selected';
+ this.navWrapperClass = options.navWrapperClass || 'c-tabs-nav';
+ this.navClass = options.navClass || 'c-tabs-nav-li';
+ this.contClass = options.contClass || 'c-tabs-content';
+ this.viewClass = options.viewClass || 'c-tabs-nav-view';
+ this.toggleClass = options.toggleClass || 'c-tabs-nav-toggle';
+ this.layerClass = options.layerClass || 'c-tabs-nav-layer';
+ this.layerUlClass = options.layerUlClass || 'c-tabs-nav-layer-ul';
+ this.allowScroll = options.allowScroll || false; // 是否允许滚动
+ this.toggleMore = options.toggleMore || false; // 是否允许切换显示更多
+ this.toggleLabel = options.toggleLabel || '请选择'; // 切换label
+ this.logClass = options.logClass || 'WA_LOG_TAB'; // 统计class
+ this.scrollSize = options.scrollSize || '-40'; // tabs滚动的size
+ this.navs = [];
+ this.seps = [];
+ this.conts = [];
+ this.sum = 0; // tab切换次数
+ this.last = null; // 上次tab切换序号
+ // 函数
+ this.onChange = options.onChange || fn;
+ this.onResetChange = options.onResetChange || fn;
+ this.onTabScrollEnd = options.onTabScrollEnd;
+ // init
+ panel && _init.call(this, options);
+ //添加hasShowMore参数,没有hasShowMore就不走下面的流程
+ this.hasShowMore = false;
+ if(!!options.element.querySelectorAll('mip-showmore')) {
+ this.hasShowMore = true;
+ for(var iConts=0;iConts0) {
+ this.conts[iConts].hasShowMore = true
+ }
+ }
- function animateSlide (start, end, $dom) {
- var x = (end - start)/8;
- inter = setInterval(function () {
- var scl = $dom.scrollLeft();
- if ((x > 0 && scl >= end) || x == 0) {
- x = 0;
- clearInterval(inter);
- } else if (x < 0 && scl <= end) {
- x = 0;
- clearInterval(inter);
- }
- $dom.scrollLeft(scl + x);
- }, 30);
- setTimeout(function(){clearInterval(inter); $dom.scrollLeft(end); inter = null;}, 270);
+ };
+ $.extend(Tabs.prototype, {
+ showContent: function(i) {
+ var cont = this.conts[i];
+ if (cont) {
+ $(this.conts[i]).show();
+ //判断当前tabitem下面是否含有showmore组件,如果有,让下面的showmore走refresh事件。
+ if(!!cont.hasShowMore) {
+ for(var showNum = 0;showNum= totalNum - leftNum) {
+ left = $thisDom.parent().offset().width;
+ } else {
+ left = $thisDom.offset().left - $thisDom.parent().offset().left -
+ $thisDom.width();
+ }
+ if (!inter) {
+ if (animate) {
+ animateSlide($thisDom.parent().parent().scrollLeft(), left,
+ $thisDom.parent().parent());
+ } else {
+ $thisDom.parent().parent().scrollLeft(left);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function animateSlide(start, end, $dom) {
+ var x = (end - start) / 8;
+ inter = setInterval(function() {
+ var scl = $dom.scrollLeft();
+ if ((x > 0 && scl >= end) || x == 0) {
+ x = 0;
+ clearInterval(inter);
+ } else if (x < 0 && scl <= end) {
+ x = 0;
+ clearInterval(inter);
+ }
+ $dom.scrollLeft(scl + x);
+ }, 30);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ clearInterval(inter);
+ $dom.scrollLeft(end);
+ inter = null;
+ }, 270);
+ }
+ return Tabs;