Download or checkout (SVN/Git) from and unpack files in your protected/modules/user
original clone: clone git
modified clone(command): git clone
Change your config main:
return array(
// autoloading model and component classes
# encrypting method (php hash function)
'hash' => 'md5',
# send activation email
'sendActivationMail' => true,
# allow access for non-activated users
'loginNotActive' => false,
# activate user on registration (only sendActivationMail = false)
'activeAfterRegister' => false,
# automatically login from registration
'autoLogin' => true,
# registration path
'registrationUrl' => array('/user/registration'),
# recovery password path
'recoveryUrl' => array('/user/recovery'),
# login form path
'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'),
# page after login
'returnUrl' => array('/user/profile'),
# page after logout
'returnLogoutUrl' => array('/user/login'),
// application components
'tablePrefix' => 'tbl_',
// enable cookie-based authentication
'class' => 'WebUser',
Change your config console:
return array(
# encrypting method (php hash function)
'hash' => 'md5',
# send activation email
'sendActivationMail' => true,
# allow access for non-activated users
'loginNotActiv' => false,
# activate user on registration (only sendActivationMail = false)
'activeAfterRegister' => false,
# automatically login from registration
'autoLogin' => true,
# registration path
'registrationUrl' => array('/user/registration'),
# recovery password path
'recoveryUrl' => array('/user/recovery'),
# login form path
'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'),
# page after login
'returnUrl' => array('/user/profile'),
# page after logout
'returnLogoutUrl' => array('/user/login'),
Run command: yiic migrate --migrationPath=user.migrations
Input admin login, email and password