Foodsoft integrates a shared job manager, which can be useful so that the tasks necessary for the smooth operation of a boomcoop are carried out, and that each one can evaluate its level of investment compared to others.
Your calendar is accessible under the Boufcoop tab of the main menu. The jobs that are proposed to you depend on the teams of which you are a member (see :ref:`structure`). For each of them, the table includes the following information
- the due date
- the job title
- people already registered (in green), as well as the number of people still to be filled (in red),
- the Charge you this job button
Click on this button if you want to register to do this job. You can also access a more complete description by clicking on the job name in the Activity column. Once you are registered, you will see your name in the list of people in green, and you will have access to the button Performed? Which is used to indicate to Foodsoft that the job has been done. It will suffice for that one of the people registered click on this button.
The "tassels" allow the cells to measure their level of investment relative to that of other cells. The number of acorns is calculated as follows. For each cell, Foodsoft measures the number of hours worked during a certain period, and divides it by the price of orders placed during the same period. The hour / euro ratio obtained is then divided again by the same hour / euro ratio calculated for the whole of the boofcoop. Finally, the result is multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage.
Thus, if your cell has 100 acorns, it means that your cooperation / orders ratio is identical to the average of the boufcoop. On the other hand, 50 acorns mean that you make half as many cooperation hours as the average for each euro ordered. Attention, the number of acorns is not updated in real time, but only during the following three operations:
- adding a member to the cell,
- closing of an order to which the cell takes part,
- modification of a job in which one of the members of the cell is participating (including marking it as completed).
Acorns are primarily a tool for personal assessment of investment, and are therefore never made public to other cells. Only administrators who have the password to access the database can possibly consult them. When configuring Foodsoft, it is possible to set up a minimum of acorns needed to place an order. Any cell that falls below this minimum will no longer be able to command unless you contact the webmaster to set up an exception. For new cells, the minimum is not taken into account before the 6th order.
For Define a new job, click on the blue button at the top right of the Agenda, accessible under the Boufcoop * tab of the main menu. Choose a brief title for the proposed activity and then a detailed description of the task at hand. Do not forget the logistical details (place and time of appointment, tools to bring, etc.). It is not necessary to fill in the Registered Managers line at this point, as members will register themselves. Just specify the number of people needed, as well as the team involved. You can leave the team field blank if you want the job to be accessible to all members. Finally, choose the due date, and validate by clicking on the blue button at the bottom of the page.