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Joystream storage node.

oclif License


The main responsibility of Colossus is handling media data for users. The data could be images, audio, or video files. Colossus receives uploads and saves files in the local folder, registers uploads in the blockchain, and later serves files to Argus nodes (distribution nodes). Colossus instances spread the data using peer-to-peer synchronization. Data management is blockchain-based, it relies on the concepts of buckets, bags, data objects. The full description of the blockchain smart contracts could be found here.


Colossus provides REST API for its clients and other Colossus instances. It's based on the OpenAPI Specification v3. Here is the complete spec (work in progress).

API endpoints:

  • files
    • get - get the data file by its ID
    • head - get the data file headers by its ID
    • post - upload a file
  • state
    • version - Colossus version and system environment
    • all data objects IDs
    • data objects IDs for bag
    • data statistics - total data folder size and data object number


There is a command-line interface to manage Storage Working Group operations like create a bucket or change storage settings. Full description could be found below.

There are several groups of command:

  • leader - manages the Storage Working group in the blockchain. Requires leader privileges.
  • operator - Storage Provider group - it manages data object uploads and storage provider metadata(endpoint is the most important). Requires active Storage Working group membership.
  • dev - development support commands. Requires development blockchain setup with Alice account.
  • ungroupped - server and help commands. server starts Colossus and help shows the full command list.


The storage provider should provide metadata for Colossus instance to be discoverable by other Colossus or Argus (distributor node) instances. At the very least an endpoint should be registered in the blockchain. For some complex scenarios, Colossus should provide its geolocation.

Metadata could be registered using operator:set-metadata command. A simple endpoint could be set using the --endpoint flag of the command. Complex metadata requires JSON file (example). JSON file format based on the protobuf format described here.



Colossus accepts files using its API. The data must be uploaded using POST http method with multipart/form-data. Simplified process (file uploading):

  • accepting the data upload in the temp folder
  • data hash & size verification
  • moving the data to the data folder
  • registering the data object as accepted in the blockchain


Several instances of Colossus should contain the data replica in order to provide some degree of reliability. When some Colossus instance receives the data upload it marks the related data object as accepted. Other instances that have the same obligations to store the data (they serve storage buckets assigned to the same bag) will eventually load this data object from the initial receiver (or some other node that already downloaded a new data object from the initial receiver) using REST API.


The actual data distribution (serving to end-users) is done via Argus - the distributor node. It gets data from Colossus using the same get endpoint on a single data object basis.


  • Colossus relies on the Query Node (Hydra) to get the blockchain data in a structured form.
  • Using Colossus as a functioning Storage Provider requires providing account URI or key file and password of a transactor account associated with the assigned storage bucket, as well as active WorkerId from the Storage Working group.


# Ubuntu Linux

# Install packages required for installation
apt update
apt install git curl

# Clone the code repository
git clone
cd joystream

# Install volta
curl | bash

# Install project dependencies and build it
yarn workspace @joystream/types build
yarn workspace @joystream/metadata-protobuf build
yarn workspace storage-node build

# Verify installation
cd storage-node
yarn storage-node version


$ yarn storage-node server --apiUrl ws://localhost:9944  -w 0 --accountUri //Alice -q localhost:4352 -o 3333 -d ~/uploads --sync


  • accountURI or keyfile and password of the transactor account
  • workerId from the Storage working group that matches with the transactor account above
  • Joystream node websocket endpoint URL
  • QueryNode URL
  • (optional) ElasticSearch URL
  • created directory for data uploading

CLI command

Full command description could be find below.


There is also an option to run Colossus as Docker container.

CLI Commands

storage-node help [COMMAND]

display help for storage-node

  $ storage-node help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

storage-node leader:cancel-invite

Cancel a storage bucket operator invite. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:cancel-invite

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/cancel-invite.ts

storage-node leader:create-bucket

Create new storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:create-bucket

  -a, --allow                  Accepts new bags
  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --invited=invited        Invited storage operator ID (storage WG worker ID)
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode
  -n, --number=number          Storage bucket max total objects number

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -s, --size=size              Storage bucket max total objects size

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts

storage-node leader:delete-bucket

Delete a storage bucket. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:delete-bucket

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts

storage-node leader:invite-operator

Invite a storage bucket operator. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:invite-operator

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -w, --operatorId=operatorId  (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID)

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/invite-operator.ts

storage-node leader:remove-operator

Remove a storage bucket operator. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:remove-operator

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/remove-operator.ts

storage-node leader:set-bucket-limits

Set VoucherObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherObjectsNumberLimit for the storage bucket.

  $ storage-node leader:set-bucket-limits

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode
  -o, --objects=objects        (required) New 'voucher object number limit' value

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -s, --size=size              (required) New 'voucher object size limit' value

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/set-bucket-limits.ts

storage-node leader:set-global-uploading-status

Set global uploading block. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:set-global-uploading-status

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -s, --set=(on|off)           (required) Sets global uploading block (on/off).

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/set-global-uploading-status.ts

storage-node leader:update-bag-limit

Update StorageBucketsPerBagLimit variable in the Joystream node storage.

  $ storage-node leader:update-bag-limit

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -l, --limit=limit            (required) New StorageBucketsPerBagLimit value
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-bag-limit.ts

storage-node leader:update-bags

Add/remove a storage bucket/s from a bag/s. If multiple bags are provided, then the same input bucket ID/s would be added/removed from all bags.

  $ storage-node leader:update-bags

  -a, --add=add
      [default: ] Comma separated list of bucket IDs to add to all bag/s

  -h, --help
      show CLI help

  -i, --bagIds=bagIds
      (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
      - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
      - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
      - Id:
      - absent for 'static:council'
      - working group name for 'static:wg'
      - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
      - static:council
      - static:wg:storage
      - dynamic:member:4

  -k, --keyFile=keyFile
      Path to key file to add to the keyring.

  -m, --dev
      Use development mode

  -p, --password=password
      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files. If not specified a single
      password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -r, --remove=remove
      [default: ] Comma separated list of bucket IDs to remove from all bag/s

  -s, --updateStrategy=(atomic|force)
      [default: atomic] Update strategy to use. Either "atomic" or "force".

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl
      [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri
      Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.

      Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-bags.ts

storage-node leader:update-blacklist

Add/remove a content ID from the blacklist (adds by default).

  $ storage-node leader:update-blacklist

  -a, --add=add                [default: ] Content ID to add
  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -r, --remove=remove          [default: ] Content ID to remove

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-blacklist.ts

storage-node leader:update-bucket-status

Update storage bucket status (accepting new bags).

  $ storage-node leader:update-bucket-status

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -s, --set=(on|off)           (required) Sets 'accepting new bags' parameter for the bucket (on/off).

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-bucket-status.ts

storage-node leader:update-data-fee

Update data size fee. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:update-data-fee

  -f, --fee=fee                (required) New data size fee
  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-data-fee.ts

storage-node leader:update-data-object-bloat-bond

Update data object bloat bond value. Requires storage working group leader permissions.

  $ storage-node leader:update-data-object-bloat-bond

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -v, --value=value            (required) New data object bloat bond value

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-data-object-bloat-bond.ts

storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy

Update number of storage buckets used in the dynamic bag creation policy.

  $ storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy

  -h, --help                      show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile           Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                       Use development mode
  -n, --number=number             (required) New storage buckets number

  -p, --password=password         Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all
                                  files. If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment

  -t, --bagType=(Channel|Member)  (required) Dynamic bag type (Channel, Member).

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl             [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri     Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                                  environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore             Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts

storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits

Update VoucherMaxObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherMaxObjectsNumberLimit for the Joystream node storage.

  $ storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits

  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode
  -o, --objects=objects        (required) New 'max voucher object number limit' value

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -s, --size=size              (required) New 'max voucher object size limit' value

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/leader/update-voucher-limits.ts

storage-node operator:accept-invitation

Accept pending storage bucket invitation.

  $ storage-node operator:accept-invitation

  -h, --help                                     show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId                        (required) Storage bucket ID
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile                          Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                                      Use development mode

  -p, --password=password                        Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try
                                                 against all files. If not specified a single password can be set in
                                                 ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -t, --transactorAccountId=transactorAccountId  (required) Transactor account ID (public key)

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl                            [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev

  -w, --workerId=workerId                        (required) Storage operator worker ID

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri                    Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in
                                                 ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore                            Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts

storage-node operator:set-metadata

Set metadata for the storage bucket.

  $ storage-node operator:set-metadata

  -e, --endpoint=endpoint      Root distribution node endpoint
  -h, --help                   show CLI help
  -i, --bucketId=bucketId      (required) Storage bucket ID
  -j, --jsonFile=jsonFile      Path to JSON metadata file
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile        Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                    Use development mode

  -p, --password=password      Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try against all files.
                               If not specified a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl          [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -w, --workerId=workerId      (required) Storage operator worker ID

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri  Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in ACCOUNT_URI
                               environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore          Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts

storage-node server

Starts the storage node server.

  $ storage-node server

  -b, --buckets=buckets                                            [default: ] Comma separated list of bucket IDs to
                                                                   service. Buckets that are not assigned to worker are
                                                                   ignored. If not specified all buckets will be

  -c, --cleanup                                                    Enable cleanup/pruning of no-longer assigned assets.

  -d, --uploads=uploads                                            (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path).

  -e, --elasticSearchEndpoint=elasticSearchEndpoint                Elasticsearch endpoint (e.g.:
                                                                   Log level could be set using the ELASTIC_LOG_LEVEL
                                                                   enviroment variable.
                                                                   Supported values: warn, error, debug, info.

  -h, --help                                                       show CLI help

  -i, --cleanupInterval=cleanupInterval                            [default: 360] Interval between periodic cleanup
                                                                   actions (in minutes)

  -i, --syncInterval=syncInterval                                  [default: 20] Interval between synchronizations (in

  -k, --keyFile=keyFile                                            Path to key file to add to the keyring.

  -l, --logFilePath=logFilePath                                    Absolute path to the rolling log files.

  -m, --dev                                                        Use development mode

  -n, --logMaxFileNumber=logMaxFileNumber                          [default: 7] Maximum rolling log files number.

  -o, --port=port                                                  (required) Server port.

  -p, --password=password                                          Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can
                                                                   be passed, to try against all files. If not specified
                                                                   a single password can be set in ACCOUNT_PWD
                                                                   environment variable.

  -q, --storageSquidEndpoint=storageSquidEndpoint                  (required) [default: http://localhost:4352/graphql]
                                                                   Storage Squid graphql server endpoint (e.g.:

  -r, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber                        [default: 20] Sync workers number (max async
                                                                   operations in progress).

  -s, --sync                                                       Enable data synchronization.

  -t, --syncWorkersTimeout=syncWorkersTimeout                      [default: 30] Asset downloading timeout for the
                                                                   syncronization (in minutes).

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl                                              [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL.
                                                                   Mandatory in non-dev environment.

  -w, --worker=worker                                              (required) Storage provider worker ID

  -x, --logMaxFileSize=logMaxFileSize                              [default: 50000000] Maximum rolling log files size in

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri                                      Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key
                                                                   can be set in ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.

  -z, --logFileChangeFrequency=(yearly|monthly|daily|hourly|none)  [default: daily] Log files update frequency.

  --elasticSearchIndexPrefix=elasticSearchIndexPrefix              Elasticsearch index prefix. Node ID will be appended
                                                                   to the prefix. Default: logs-colossus

  --elasticSearchPassword=elasticSearchPassword                    Elasticsearch password for basic authentication.

  --elasticSearchUser=elasticSearchUser                            Elasticsearch user for basic authentication.

  --keyStore=keyStore                                              Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into

  --maxBatchTxSize=maxBatchTxSize                                  [default: 20] Maximum number of
                                                                   `accept_pending_data_objects` in a batch

  --pendingFolder=pendingFolder                                    Directory to store pending files which are uploaded
                                                                   upload (absolute path).
                                                                   If not specified a subfolder under the uploads
                                                                   directory will be used.

  --syncRetryInterval=syncRetryInterval                            [default: 3] Interval before retrying failed
                                                                   synchronization run (in minutes)

  --tempFolder=tempFolder                                          Directory to store tempory files during sync and
                                                                   upload (absolute path).
                                                                   If not specified a subfolder under the uploads
                                                                   directory will be used.

See code: src/commands/server.ts

storage-node util:cleanup

Runs the data objects cleanup/pruning workflow. It removes all the local stored data objects that the operator is no longer obliged to store

  $ storage-node util:cleanup

  -b, --bucketId=bucketId                          (required) The buckerId to sync prune/cleanup
  -d, --uploads=uploads                            (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path).
  -h, --help                                       show CLI help
  -k, --keyFile=keyFile                            Path to key file to add to the keyring.
  -m, --dev                                        Use development mode

  -p, --cleanupWorkersNumber=cleanupWorkersNumber  [default: 20] Cleanup/Pruning workers number (max async operations in

  -p, --password=password                          Password to unlock keyfiles. Multiple passwords can be passed, to try
                                                   against all files. If not specified a single password can be set in
                                                   ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.

  -q, --queryNodeEndpoint=queryNodeEndpoint        [default: http://localhost:4352/graphql] Storage Squid graphql server
                                                   endpoint (e.g.:

  -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl                              [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev

  -w, --workerId=workerId                          (required) Storage node operator worker ID.

  -y, --accountUri=accountUri                      Account URI (optional). If not specified a single key can be set in
                                                   ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.

  --keyStore=keyStore                              Path to a folder with multiple key files to load into keystore.

See code: src/commands/util/cleanup.ts

storage-node util:fetch-bucket

Downloads all data objects of specified bucket, that matches worker ID obligations.

  $ storage-node util:fetch-bucket

  -b, --bucketId=bucketId                            (required) The buckerId to fetch
  -d, --uploads=uploads                              (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path).
  -h, --help                                         show CLI help

  -n, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber          [default: 20] Sync workers number (max async operations in

  -o, --dataSourceOperatorUrl=dataSourceOperatorUrl  Storage node url base (e.g.: to get data

  -q, --queryNodeEndpoint=queryNodeEndpoint          [default: http://localhost:4352/graphql] Storage Squid graphql
                                                     server endpoint (e.g.:

  -t, --syncWorkersTimeout=syncWorkersTimeout        [default: 30] Asset downloading timeout for the syncronization (in

  -w, --workerId=workerId                            (required) Storage node operator worker ID.

  --tempFolder=tempFolder                            Directory to store tempory files during sync and upload (absolute
                                                     ,Temporary directory (absolute path). If not specified a subfolder
                                                     under the uploads directory will be used.

See code: src/commands/util/fetch-bucket.ts

storage-node util:multihash

Creates a multihash (blake3) for a file.

  $ storage-node util:multihash

  -f, --file=file  (required) Path for a hashing file.
  -h, --help       show CLI help

See code: src/commands/util/multihash.ts

storage-node util:verify-bag-id

The command verifies bag id supported by the storage node. Requires chain connection.

  $ storage-node util:verify-bag-id

  -h, --help
      show CLI help

  -i, --bagId=bagId
      (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
      - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
      - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
      - Id:
      - absent for 'static:council'
      - working group name for 'static:wg'
      - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
      - static:council
      - static:wg:storage
      - dynamic:member:4

See code: src/commands/util/verify-bag-id.ts