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Jump start the cli based project

suntong edited this page May 30, 2016 · 10 revisions

This wiki is on how to jump-start a cli based project.

The cli package really make it easy to code your command line handling program, especially when you need to deal with sub commands like apt-get, git etc. Now, want to make it even simpler?

Yes! Use the code auto generation. It can make things even more simple. Run the following on command line and see for yourself:

go get
ls -l $GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

easygen $GOPATH/src/

You should see the following Go code:

// -*- go -*-
// Program: gogo
// Purpose: Golang package manager

package main

import (

var app = &cli.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "gogo",
	Desc: "Golang package manager",
	Text: "  gogo is a new golang package manager\n  very very good",
	Argv: func() interface{} { return new(gogoT) },
	Fn:   gogo,

	NumArg:      cli.ExactN(1),

type gogoT struct {
	Version	bool	`cli:"v,version" usage:"display version"`
	List	bool	`cli:"l,list" usage:"list all sub commands or not"`

func gogo(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	argv := ctx.Argv().(*gogoT)
	ctx.String("%s: %v", ctx.Path(), jsonIndent(argv))
	ctx.String("[gogo]: %v\n", ctx.Args())

	return nil

// Program: build
// Purpose: Build golang application

package main

import (

var buildCmd = app.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "build",
	Desc: "Build golang application",
	Text: "Usage:\n  gogo build [Options] Arch(i386|amd64)",
	Argv: func() interface{} { return new(buildT) },
	Fn:   build,

	NumArg:      cli.ExactN(1),
	CanSubRoute: true,

type buildT struct {
	Dir	string	`cli:"dir" usage:"source code root dir" dft:"./"`
	Suffix	string	`cli:"suffix" usage:"source file suffix" dft:".go,.c,.s"`
	Out	string	`cli:"o,out" usage:"output filename"`

func build(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	argv := ctx.Argv().(*buildT)
	ctx.String("%s: %v", ctx.Path(), jsonIndent(argv))
	ctx.String("[build]: %v\n", ctx.Args())

	return nil

// Program: install
// Purpose: Install golang application

package main

import (

var installCmd = app.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "install",
	Desc: "Install golang application",
	Text: "Usage:\n  gogo install [Options] package [package...]",
	Argv: func() interface{} { return new(installT) },
	Fn:   install,

	NumArg:      cli.AtLeast(1),
	CanSubRoute: true,

type installT struct {
	Dir	string	`cli:"dir" usage:"source code root dir" dft:"./"`
	Suffix	string	`cli:"suffix" usage:"source file suffix" dft:".go,.c,.s"`
	Out	string	`cli:"o,out" usage:"output filename"`

func install(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	argv := ctx.Argv().(*installT)
	ctx.String("%s: %v", ctx.Path(), jsonIndent(argv))
	ctx.String("[install]: %v\n", ctx.Args())

	return nil

// Program: publish
// Purpose: Publish golang application

package main

import (

var publishCmd = app.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "publish",
	Desc: "Publish golang application",
	Argv: func() interface{} { return new(publishT) },
	Fn:   publish,

type publishT struct {
	Dir	string	`cli:"dir" usage:"source code root dir" dft:"./"`
	Suffix	string	`cli:"suffix" usage:"source file suffix" dft:".go,.c,.s"`
	Out	string	`cli:"o,out" usage:"output filename"`
	List	bool	`cli:"l,list" usage:"list all sub commands"`

func publish(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	argv := ctx.Argv().(*publishT)
	ctx.String("%s: %v", ctx.Path(), jsonIndent(argv))
	ctx.String("[publish]: %v\n", ctx.Args())

	return nil

As you can see the skeleton of the program has been automatically generated.

So what's behind the scene of the "magic"? Take a look at the driving Yaml file, that's everything you specify to make the magic happen. I'm republishing it below for your reference:

# program name, name for the executable
ProgramName: gogo

# package name
# - For standalone program that does not belong to any package, e.g., 
#   just ignore the first line, the `package` output, and copy the rest
# - If you don't mind using a separated file to handle commandline paramters,
#   then name the package as "main". see the spin-out "TF-minus1.go" file under
# - If you are using it in a pacakge, look no further than
#   which was a direct dump: easygen test/commandlineFlag | gofmt > easygenapi/config.go
PackageName: main

Name: gogo
Var: app
Desc: "Golang package manager"
Text: '  gogo is a new golang package manager\n  very very good'
NumArg: cli.ExactN(1)

  - Name: Version
    Type: bool
    Flag: v,version
    Usage: display version

  - Name: List
    Type: bool
    Flag: l,list
    Usage: list all sub commands or not


  - Name: build
    Desc: "Build golang application"
    Text: 'Usage:\n  gogo build [Options] Arch(i386|amd64)'
    NumArg: cli.ExactN(1)
      - Name: Dir
        Type: string
        Flag: dir
        Value: '"./"'
        Usage: source code root dir

      - Name: Suffix
        Type: string
        Flag: suffix
        Value: '".go,.c,.s"'
        Usage: "source file suffix"

      - Name: Out
        Type: string
        Flag: o,out
        Usage: "output filename"

  - Name: install
    Desc: "Install golang application"
    Text: 'Usage:\n  gogo install [Options] package [package...]'
    NumArg: cli.AtLeast(1)
      - Name: Dir
        Type: string
        Flag: dir
        Value: '"./"'
        Usage: source code root dir

      - Name: Suffix
        Type: string
        Flag: suffix
        Value: '".go,.c,.s"'
        Usage: "source file suffix"

      - Name: Out
        Type: string
        Flag: o,out
        Usage: "output filename"

  - Name: publish
    Desc: "Publish golang application"
      - Name: Dir
        Type: string
        Flag: dir
        Value: '"./"'
        Usage: source code root dir

      - Name: Suffix
        Type: string
        Flag: suffix
        Value: '".go,.c,.s"'
        Usage: "source file suffix"

      - Name: Out
        Type: string
        Flag: o,out
        Usage: "output filename"

      - Name: List
        Type: bool
        Flag: l,list
        Usage: "list all sub commands"

Yes, you are right -- that's all you need to have the above code skeleton generated.

Now, the question is, how it can help your own project. Assuming you have never code a cli based project before, what you need to do are,

  • Take a look at the above Yaml file and see the generated Go code, and see their relationship.
  • Take a look at the orginal finished Go code that such code generation is for, and see what else you need to do to make it a working code.
  • The generated Go code was meant to be cut into each corresponding Go code files, e.g., the main.go, build.go, install.go and publish.go as in the above finished code
  • At this point, you have a good starting point already, because the code skeletons are already in place.

This is for illustration only. However, for round-trip generation, I.e., you generate and use the generated code, and you find yourself need to add more options later, then such manual cut & paste (into each corresponding Go code) method will be flimsy. So what shall we do?

  • Take a look at the template file that is being used to generate the Go code. This is where the true magic happens.
  • I recommend removing all the repeating part, and the sample implementation part out. I.e., your own build.go, install.go and publish.go contains the true implementation, and use the code-gen to automatically generate all the declaration part. This way the automatically-generated code can always been overwritten (with the latest definition) without affecting your existing implementation.
  • For details on code automatic generation, refer to easygen for all other information. Note that the code has been recently moved, and the document hasn't been updated yet.

For ideas, please discuss them here. For easygen code issue, please comment in the commit (e.g., here).

Todo, write how to deal with sub-sub comands.

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