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mkornyev edited this page May 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ReEntry412 wiki!


This repository belongs to the Pittsburgh-based nonprofit, ReEntry412. The NewERA412 platform was built by student consultants in 67-373, Information Systems Consulting Project, @ Carnegie Mellon University.

The project is now maintained by Josh Lucas and the fine tech staff at WorkHardPgh

See the final Project Report, Executive Summary, and all other project deliverables.

Quick Summary

The system serves ReEntry412 in two capacities.

  1. As an accessible public platform for searchable NewERA resources
  2. As a CRM internal to the organization

Main Features

  • Publically displaying, searching, and filtering system Resources (+CRUD)

  • User management (CRUD) for two types of users:

    1. Street Outreach Workers: only able to view resources, create referrals, and manage their caseload
    2. Admins: are given complete CRUD privileges as well as access to backend KPI's
  • CaseLoad management, where system SOWs/Admins can add constituents to their caseloads (CRUD)

  • Referral Creation:

    1. In System Referral: An Admin/SOW can refer a CaseLoadUser some system resources (via phone or email)
    2. Out of System Referral: Ditto but no CaseLoadUser object is needed (only a phone or email)
    • NOTE: Referral links (sent in referral notifications) are used to confirm whether a user accessed a sent referral. This is done by hardcoding a query param into the URL's link, then matching it with a referral in the backend. See documentation on the Resource model for more info.
  • EMAIL/SMS Notifications: When a referral is made, the end-user is notified

    1. via Email: using django.core.mail
    2. via SMS: using an API key for the Twilio messaging service
  • KPI Exports: system KPI's are aggregated and exported to Excel

  • Unique Visit Tracking: Unique visits to site resources are tracked in the backend. The server checks the visitor's cookie, and increments the view count depending on whether their browser has see a particular resource or not.

  • Password Resets: via the basic django.contrib.auth library

External Documentation (general onboarding docs)

  • Onboarding documents:
  1. NewERA412 SOW Training Document (view only)

Table Of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Model Breakdown
  3. [View Actions](View Actions) In progress
  4. Deployment
  5. Technical & System Contacts
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