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+# Awards and Recognition
+### 2023
+#### SK TECH SUMMIT 2023 IMAGE를 제대로 이해하는 ‘AI’는 없나요? (Vision-Language Model을 활용한 SKT만의 Vision Data Asset 구축기)
+- Speaker: Sungho Kim, Jiwon Ryu(SK Telecom)
+### 2022
+#### NVIDIA GTC 22 Vision data warehouse and accelerating the analytics for massive vision data
+- Speaker: Sungho Kim(SK Telecom), Allen Xu(NVIDIA)
+### 2021
+#### NVIDIA GTC 21 Deep-Learning Data-Pipeline Optimization for Network Data Analysis in SK Telecom by Employing Spark Rapids for Custom Data Source
+- Speaker: Dooyoung Hwan(SK Telecom), Thomas Graves(NVIDIA)
+### 2020
+#### Spark AI Summit 2020 Vectorized Deep Learning Acceleration from Preprocessing to Inference and Training on Apache Spark in SK Telecom
+- Speaker: Hongchan Roh(SK Telecom)
+### 2019
+#### Spark AI Summit Europe 2019 Spark AI Usecase in Telco: Network Quality Analysis and Prediction with Geospatial Visualization
+- Speaker: Hongchan Roh, Dooyoung Hwang(SK Telecom)
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-# Build LightningDB(Admin Only)
+# Build 'LightningDB' (Admin Only)
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+## 1. LightningDB Source Code(Private Repository)
+$ git clone https://github.com/mnms/LightningDB
+## 2. Build
+### - v1
+- Branch: release/flashbase_v1.4.3
+- Commands:
+$ ./build.sh compile
+$ cd nvkvs
+$ docker build . -t harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/nvkvs:v1.4.3
+$ docker push harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/nvkvs:v1.4.3
+### - v2
+- Branch: release/flashbase_v2.0.0
+- Commands:
+$ ./build.sh compile debug
+$ cd nvkvs
+$ docker build . -t harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/nvkvs:v2.0.0
+$ docker push harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/nvkvs:v2.0.0
+### - v2 CXL-CMS
+- Branch: cms-integration
+- Prerequisite(install daxctl):
+$ yum install -y kmod-devel rubygem-asciidoctor.noarch iniparser-devel.x86_64 meson.noarch
+// json-c (version: json-c-0.14-20200419)
+$ git clone https://github.com/json-c/json-c.git
+$ cd json-c
+$ git checkout json-c-0.14-20200419 -b json-c-0.14-20200419
+$ mkdir json-c-build
+$ cd json-c-build/
+$ cmake ../
+$ make -j48
+//Required Min Version: v75 (latest version: v78)
+$ git clone https://github.com/pmem/ndctl
+$ git checkout v75 -b v75
+$ meson setup build;
+$ meson compile -C build;
+$ meson install -C build;
+- Commands:
+$ ./build.sh compile debug
+// dax-ctl 을 이미지 base 경로에 설치 필요
+// 컴파일 작업 디렉토리가 "/root/ldb/LightningDB_v2_cxl/nvkvs/debug/output"라 가정
+// ndctl github 컴파일 디렉토리로 이동
+$ cd ndctl
+$ rm -rf build
+$ meson -Drootprefix=/root/ldb/LightningDB_v2_cxl/nvkvs/debug/output -Dlibdir=/root/ldb/LightningDB_v2_cxl/nvkvs/debug/output/lib build -Dprefix=/root/ldb/LightningDB_v2_cxl/nvkvs/debug/output
+$ meson compile -C build;
+$ meson install -C build;
+$ cd nvkvs
+$ docker build . -t harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/nvkvs:v2-cms-integration
+$ docker push harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/nvkvs:v2-cms-integration
+!!! Tip
+ How to use maximum cores to compile (e.g. max cpu core:56)
+ In 'build.sh', use `cmake --build . --target install -- -j56` and `mvn clean install -DskipTests -P $RELEASE_MODE $MAVEN_OPTS -T 56`
+# Build 'ltdb-http API Server' (Admin Only)
+## 1. ltdb-http Source Code(Private Repository)
+$ git clone https://github.com/mnms/ltdb-http
+## 2. Build
+### - v1
+- Branch: develop
+- Commands:
+$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -P release-k8s,dist-k8s,tgz -Dsite-spec=k8s -Dk8s.namespace=metavision
+$ cd target-k8s
+$ tar xzvf ltdb-http-1.0-k8s-xxx_xxx.tar.gz
+$ cd ltdb-http
+$ docker build . -t harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/ltdb-http:develop
+$ docker push harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/ltdb-http:develop
+### - v2 / v2 CXL-CMS
+- Branch: develop-v2
+- Commands:
+$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -P release-k8s,dist-k8s,tgz -Dsite-spec=k8s -Dk8s.namespace=metavision
+$ cd target-k8s
+$ tar xzvf ltdb-http-1.0-k8s-xxx_xxx.tar.gz
+$ cd ltdb-http
+$ docker build . -t harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/ltdb-http:develop-v2
+$ docker push harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/ltdb-http:develop-v2
+# Build 'Thunderquery API Server' (Admin Only)
+## 1. Thunderquery Source Code(Private Repository)
+$ git clone https://github.com/mnms/thunderquery_api
+$ git clone https://github.com/mnms/thunderquery-cli
+## 2. Build
+- Branch: develop
+- Prerequisite(install musl-gcc):
+$ yum install -y kmod-devel rubygem-asciidoctor.noarch iniparser-devel.x86_64 meson.noarch
+$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/cert-forensics-tools.repo
+name=Cert Forensics Tools Repository
+$ yum clean all
+$ yum makecache
+$ yum install musl-gcc.x86_64
+- Register public key to github
+$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+- Command:
+$ vi ~/.cargo/config.toml
+git-fetch-with-cli = true
+$ cd thunderquery_api
+$ cargo install --path . --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
+$ cd thunderquery-cli
+$ cargo install --path . --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
+$ cd thunderquery_api
+## thunderquery-cli binary 를 api 디렉토리로 복사 ##
+$ cp ../thunderquery-cli/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/thunderquery-cli target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release
+$ docker build . -t harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/thunderquery_api:develop
+$ docker push harbor.k8s.lightningdb/ltdb/thunderquery_api:develop
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--- a/docs/deploy-lightningdb-on-k8s.md
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-# Deploy LightningDB
+# Deploy LightningDB and API Server
-todo ...
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+## 1. Kubernetes manifest github
+$ git clone https://github.com/mnms/metavision2_k8s_manifests
+## 2. Install LightningDB v1
+- Install ltdb-operator
+$ cd ltdb-operator
+$ kubectl create -f ltdb-operator-controller-manager.yaml
+- deploy LightningDB with CRD
+$ cd ltdb
+$ kubectl create -f ltdb.yaml -n {namespace}
+- 참조
+ - size / storageClass / maxMemory 등 통해 클러스터 설정 조정
+ - AOF/RDB 는 디폴트 옵션 on
+ - fs 내 redis/rocksdb mount 위치
+ - /tmp-redis_rocksdb_integration_0: redis's aof/rdb, conf
+ - /tmp-redis_rocksdb_integration_1: rocksdb's sst/wal
+ - rdb 명시적 명령: bash flashbase cli-all bgsave
+ - on-premise 경우, 아래 URL 처럼 system 튜닝이 들어감. k8s 운영 상황에서도 튜닝 여부 확인 필요
+ - https://docs.lightningdb.io/get-started-with-scratch/
+ - 삭제
+ - STS 는 PVC 가 자동으로 삭제되지 않으므로 완전히 삭제하려면 해당 PVC 수동 삭제 필요
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdb.yaml
+$ kubectl delete ltdb ltdb -n metavision
+$ for i in {0..39}; do kubectl delete pvc "ltdb-data-logging-ltdb-$i" -n metavision; done
+$ for i in {0..39}; do kubectl delete pvc "ltdb-data-ltdb-$i" -n metavision; done
+## 3. Install LightningDB v2 / Thunderquery
+$ cd ltdbv2
+$ kubectl create -f ltdbv2-all-in-one.yaml
+$ kubectl -n metavision exec -it ltdbv2-0 -- redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster create `kubectl -n metavision get po -o wide -l app=ltdbv2 | grep ltdbv2 | awk '{print $6":6379"}' | tr '\n' ' '`
+- 참조
+ - Operator 없이 수동 설치
+ - namespace 가 metavision 으로 명시적으로 되어 있음. namespace 를 바꾸고 싶으면 해당 부분 수정
+ - 최신 버전은 ann 을 사용한다 하더라도 maxmemory-policy 를 noeviction 으로 바꿀 필요 없이 eviction rule 정상 작동하면서 사용하면 됨
+ - AOF/RDB 는 디폴트 옵션 on
+ - fs 내 redis/rocksdb mount 위치
+ - /tmp/redis: redis's aof/rdb, conf, rocksdb's sst/wal
+ - rdb 명시적 명령: flashbase cli-all bgrewriteaof
+ - 삭제
+ - STS 는 PVC 가 자동으로 삭제되지 않으므로 완전히 삭제하려면 해당 PVC 수동 삭제 필요
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdbv2-all-in-one.yaml
+$ for i in {0..99}; do kubectl delete pvc "ltdbv2-pvc-ltdbv2-$i" -n metavision; done
+## 4. Install ltdb-http v1
+$ cd ltdb-http
+$ ls -alh
+total 32
+drwxr-xr-x 6 1111462 1437349805 192B 8 31 17:53 .
+drwxr-xr-x 11 1111462 1437349805 352B 8 31 17:54 ..
+-rw-r--r-- 1 1111462 1437349805 1.3K 8 31 17:53 ltdb-http-configmap.yaml
+-rw-r--r-- 1 1111462 1437349805 1.5K 8 31 17:53 ltdb-http.yaml
+-rw-r--r-- 1 1111462 1437349805 259B 8 31 17:53 pvc.yaml
+-rw-r--r-- 1 1111462 1437349805 342B 8 31 17:53 spark-rbac.yaml
+- ltdb-http.yaml만 가장 나중에 apply
+kubectl -n metavision apply -f ltdb-http-configmap.yaml
+kubectl -n metavision apply -f spark-rbac.yaml
+kubectl -n metavision apply -f pvc.yaml
+kubectl -n metavision apply -f ltdb-http.yaml // 가장 나중에...
+## 5. Install ltdb-http v2
+- 참조: https://www.notion.so/ltdb/LTDB-HTTP-V2-0-K8S-b47ad5741e9a43668c7bee4d40e1616e?pvs=4
+- 아이스버그 사용 안할 시, ltdb-postgresql.yaml 제외 가능
+- namespace 가 metavision 으로 명시적으로 되어 있음. namespace 를 바꾸고 싶으면 해당 부분 수정
+- s3 기능을 사용하고 싶으면, app/s3-secret.yaml 설치 필요 (분당 9층 TB에는 이미 설치 됨)
+- s3 region 은 기본값으로 ap-northeast-2 설정 됨
+$ cd ltdbv2-http
+$ kubectl create -f ltdb-http-configmap.yaml
+$ kubectl create -f ltdb-http.yaml
+$ kubectl create -f ltdbv2-http-vs.yaml
+- 삭제
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdbv2-http-vs.yaml
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdb-http.yaml
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdb-http-configmap.yaml
+## 6. Install ltdb-http v2 CXL-CMS
+$ cd hynix
+$ kubectl create -f ltdbv2.yaml
+$ kubectl -n hynix exec -it ltdbv2-0 -- redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster create `kubectl -n hynix get po -o wide -l app=ltdbv2 | grep ltdbv2 | awk '{print $6":6379"}' | tr '\n' ' '`
+$ kubectl create -f thunderquery.yaml
+$ kubectl create -f ltdbv2-http.yaml
+$ kubectl create -f istio-ingress.yaml
+- 참조
+ - cxl-cms 에서 추가 된 config 값은 아래 같으며, cxl-cms dev 용 CSI 드라이버가 없기 때문에 STS 에서 수동으로 pod 개수 및 Node Affinity 설정 하면서 테스트 해야 함
+ - dax-device-name /dev/xxx, cms-device-name /dev/yyy 형태로 잡아짐
+$ vi ltdbv2.yaml
+cms-enabled no
+dax-device-name no
+cms-device-name no
+- 삭제
+ - STS 는 PVC 가 자동으로 삭제되지 않으므로 완전히 삭제하려면 해당 PVC 수동 삭제 필요
+$ cd hynix
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdbv2-http.yaml
+$ kubectl delete -f thunderquery.yaml
+$ kubectl delete -f ltdbv2.yaml
+for i in {0..9}; do kubectl delete pvc "ltdbv2-pvc-ltdbv2-$i" -n hynix; done
+$ kubectl delete -f istio-ingress.yaml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/how-to-use-lightningdb-on-k8s.md
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+# How to use LightningDB on Kubernetes
+### 1. ltdb-http v2 - thrift beeline
+kubectl -n metavision exec -it pod/ltdbv2-beeline-857f578cd9-d7kc4 -- beeline.sh
+0: jdbc:hive2://ltdbv2-http-svc:13000> select * from files limit 3;
+- Create table(Do not use ANN)
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ltdb.metavision.img_feats_noann(
+is_s3 BOOLEAN,
+bucket STRING,
+obj_key STRING,
+features ARRAY,
+meta STRING
+) USING lightning
+TBLPROPERTIES ('partition.size'=2, 'partition.0'='bucket','partition.1'='id');
+- Create table for ANN
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ltdb.metavision.img_feats(
+is_s3 BOOLEAN,
+bucket STRING,
+obj_key STRING,
+features ARRAY,
+meta STRING
+) USING lightning
+LOCATION 'ltdbv2:6379'
+TBLPROPERTIES ('partition.size'=2, 'partition.0'='bucket','partition.1'='id', 'feature_idx'='4', 'ann_type'='1', 'feature_dim'='1024', 'ef_construction'='500', 'ann_max_elem'='10000', 'ann_m'='20');
+- Ingest ANN data (from parquet)
+ - parquet 을 받아줄 임시 테이블 생성
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ltdb.parquet.temptable(
+is_s3 BOOLEAN,
+bucket STRING,
+obj_key STRING,
+features ARRAY,
+meta STRING
+) USING parquet LOCATION 's3a://upload-data/real/vision-ai-private-data_6.csv.ViT-H-14.laion2b_s32b_b79k.975.parquet';
+- Insert data
+INSERT INTO ltdb.metavision.img_feats
+(CAST(RANDOM() * 1000000 AS INTEGER) % 400) AS id,
+CONCAT('metavision-', bucket) AS bucket,
+LIMIT 100;
+- Query data
+SELECT * FROM ltdb.metavision.img_feats;
+SELECT count(obj_key) FROM ltdb.metavision.img_feats;
+- Describe table
+DESCRIBE formatted ltdb.metavision.img_feats;
+- Drop table
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ltdb.parquet.temptable;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ltdb.metavision.img_feats;
+### 2. Thunderquery CLI tool
+kubectl -n metavision exec -it thunderquery-68544ff5f7-9shjv -- thunderquery-cli ltdbv2-0.ltdbv2
+- ANN command
+select bucket, obj_key, ann(features, [-0.009953999, -0.0006904541, -0.006250763, -0.009839512, 0.012631393, 0.024262842, -0.029540457, -0.01707404, 0.0061618676, 0.029112583, ... , -0.011023628]) as ann_result from ltdb.metavision.img_feats limit 2;
+- KNN command
+select bucket, obj_key, euclideandistance(features, [-0.009953999, -0.0006904541, -0.006250763, -0.009839512, 0.012631393, 0.024262842, -0.029540457, -0.01707404, 0.0061618676, 0.029112583, ... , -0.011023628]) as knn_result from ltdb.metavision.img_feats limit 2;
+### 3. REST API
+- Create table
+$ curl --location --request POST http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/ltdbv2-http/ingest/table \
+--header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
+--data "{
+'table': 'ltdb.metavision.img_feats',
+'schema': [{'name': 'id', 'typ': 'BIGINT'},
+{'name': 'is_s3', 'typ': 'BOOLEAN'},
+{'name': 'bucket', 'typ': 'STRING'},
+{'name': 'obj_key', 'typ': 'STRING'},
+{'name': 'features', 'typ': 'ARRAY'},
+{'name': 'meta', 'typ': 'STRING'}],
+'loc': 'ltdbv2:6379',
+'props': [{'key': 'partition.size', 'val': '2'},
+{'key': 'partition.0', 'val': 'bucket'},
+{'key': 'partition.1', 'val': 'id'},
+{'key': 'feature_idx', 'val': '4'},
+{'key': 'ann_type', 'val': '1'},
+{'key': 'feature_dim', 'val': '1024'},
+{'key': 'ef_construction', 'val': '500'},
+{'key': 'ann_max_elem', 'val': '10000'},
+{'key': 'ann_m', 'val': '20'}]
+- Ingest ANN data( from parquet)
+$ curl --location --request POST http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/ltdbv2-http/ingest/data \
+--header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
+--data "{
+'src_format': 'parquet',
+'src_loc': 's3a://upload-data/real/vision-ai-private-data_6.csv.ViT-H-14.laion2b_s32b_b79k.975.parquet',
+'dest_table': 'ltdb.metavision.img_feats',
+'limit': 100,
+'src_cols_with_random': [{'name': 'id', 'range': 400}],
+'src_cols_to_modify': [{'name': 'bucket', 'prefix': 'metavision-'}]
+- Query data
+$ curl --location --request POST http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/ltdbv2-http/query \
+--header "Content-Type: text/plain" \
+--data "SELECT count(obj_key) FROM ltdb.metavision.img_feats"
+- Describe table
+$ curl --location --request GET http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/ltdbv2-http/ingest/table/ltdb.metavision.img_feats
+- Drop table
+$ curl --location --request DELETE http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/ltdbv2-http/ingest/table/ltdb.metavision.img_feats
+- ANN command
+$ curl -d 'select bucket, obj_key, ann(features, [-0.009953999, -0.0006904541, -0.006250763, -0.009839512, 0.012631393, 0.024262842, -0.029540457, -0.01707404, 0.0061618676, 0.029112583, ... , -0.011023628]) as ann_result from ltdb.metavision.img_feats limit 2;' http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/thunderquery/sql
+- KNN command
+$ curl -d 'select bucket, obj_key, euclideandistance(features, [-0.009953999, -0.0006904541, -0.006250763, -0.009839512, 0.012631393, 0.024262842, -0.029540457, -0.01707404, 0.0061618676, ... , -0.011023628]) as ann_result from ltdb.metavision.img_feats limit 2;' http://metavision.k8s.lightningdb/thunderquery/sql
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/ltdb-deployment-env.png differ
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+# Why Kubernetes?
+### Legacy system
+- As we work with multiple companies/organizations, deployment environments have diversified to cloud, Kubernetes, on-premise, etc. and OS requirements have also diversified, requiring us to be agile and responsive.
+### On Kubernetes
+- We built these environments to help you create versions in a consistently optimized environment across different environments.
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@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ nav:
- Introduction:
- Overview: index.md
- Release Notes: release-note.md
+ - Awards and Recognition: awards-recognition.md
- Getting Started:
- Prerequisite: prerequisite.md
@@ -36,8 +37,10 @@ nav:
- 'KNN SEARCH': zeppelin-example-face-data.md
- Build and deploy on Kubernetes:
+ - Why Kubernetes?: why-k8s.md
- Build LightningDB(Admin Only): build-lightningdb-on-k8s.md
- Deploy LightningDB: deploy-lightningdb-on-k8s.md
+ - How to use LightningDB: how-to-use-lightningdb-on-k8s.md
- Additional Resources:
- Manual Installation: get-started-with-scratch.md