LFX 2020: Environmentally Sensitive Growth Module and Online Courses for Forest Greenhouse Gas Estimates
Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. We need all the help we can get to reduce emissions in every sector. The land sector is particularly important because there are not only emissions but also to potential for removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The Full Lands INtegration Tool (FLINT) is a platform for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land. This project:
Develops new modules that represent the impacts of environmental changes on growth and mortality rates. Data from South Korea is used as a pilot. Scientifically, the key challenge is to translate information about tree-level responses to environmental changes to stand-level responses.
Develops online training in response to COVID-19 to replace classroom training. A coherent approach to online instruction needs to be designed and the existing materials need to be turned into online ready versions.