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Year 1 Issue 2 |
2015-06-15 |
Last week has been WWDC week. There's been great announcements for all iOS, Mac and now watchOS ⌚️ developers, like open source Swift 2.0.
Compared to what has been announced at WWDC this week's projects might seem little things, but you should not underestimate them, as some are full of goodness!
An unofficial WWDC OS X client to download the session's videos. It is integrated with ASCII WWDC so you can see the transcript as well, and downloadble through Homebrew Cask.
A port of the ActionScript 3.0 SDK in Swift to work with UIKit, if you like those kind of things...
An AutoLayout DSL for Swift that comes with its own website, and lets you write layout code as simple as this this:
let box = UIView()
let container = UIView()
box.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in
If you're looking for an Objective-C version check out Masonry, which is made by the same folks.
A Framework for intelligently requesting permissions from users. It contains not only a simple UI to request permissions but also a unified permissions API that can tell you the status of any given system permission or easily request them.
A Swift port of Microsoft Reactive Extensions, which allow for easy composition of asynchronous operations and event/data streams.
In case you didn't know the Rx frameworks inspired ReactiveCocoa.
And if you'd like to keep up the functional vibe checkout Dollar.swift: a functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript.
A tiny HTTP server written in Swift.
Add the Try
type to your code and do something like:
let t = Try(try lineCountOfFile("data.text"))
switch t {
case .Success(let lines): print(lines)
case .Failure(let error): print(error)
If you're interested in this concept have a look at Result and Either.
An unofficial Swift SDK for to interface with Xcode Server.
Yet another attempt to make working with CoreData easier.
Ionicons integration, get icons like this:
let image = Ionicons.IosClock.image(35, color: UIColor.greenColor())
FallibleKit is an implementation of functional-style error handling for Swift. Functional-style error handling allows you to easily handle errors by chaining operations together.
See also FunctionalReactiveAwesome and PowerUpYourAnimations that are sample from talks given by their authors, and Kissogram the source for the app with the same name kindly released by Max Howell.
A framework that provides developers with a quick and easy means to create a beautiful, engaging, and useful onboarding experience with only a few lines of code.
Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS or OS X Keychain, and aims to remove the need to understand how the Keychain works.
An Objective-C and Swift implementation of the promises pattern, to simplify async programming.
A UIPageControl
re-implementation that provides two interesting animated dotted page counters.
Sample code on how to specify exception domains in the Info.plist
file for those hosts that don't support TLSv1.2 SSL, which is required by iOS 9 and OS X 10.11.
A drop-in code snippet that detects non-recycled UI elements inside your UITableViewCells
, and marks them in red. Very useful while developing, and it's disabled in Release builds by default.
A clustering map interface for Realm objects, configurable via Interface Builder.
Thanks for reading The iOS Times, if you have comments, complaints, suggestions, or any other feedback please tweet us @mokacoding.