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Ruben Bielen edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 9 revisions

Configure the Mollie Dashboards

After importing the data, 2 additional dashboards should be available in the Business Manager Merchant Tools section.

Mollie General settings

This dashboard contains all global Mollie settings and is located under: Merchant Tools -> Mollie -> Mollie General Settings.

Configure Mollie General settings

These are all the settings that are configurable. Make sure to create an API user in the Mollie back office.

ID Type Description
Environment (mollieEnabledMode) Set of Strings Environment used (TEST/LIVE). In TEST mode “API Key Test” will be used, in LIVE mode “API Key Live” will be used.
API Key Test (mollieBearerTestToken) String This API Key will be used when “Environment” is set to TEST. You can find your API key in your Mollie Profile, it starts with live.
API Key Live (mollieBearerToken) String This API Key will be used when “Environment” is set to LIVE. You can find your API key in your Mollie Profile, it starts with test.
Profile ID (mollieProfileId) String You can find your Profile ID in your Mollie Profile:
Default Method (mollieDefaultEnabledTransactionAPI) Set of String The default enabled method API (Orders/Payment). Read more about the differences between the Payment and Orders API:
Default order expiry days (mollieDefaultOrderExpiryDays) Set of Integers Default expiry days for orders created with the Orders API.
Use Single Click Payments for Credit Cards (mollieEnableSingleClickPayments) Boolean Indicates if Single Click Payments are enabled. Read more about Single Click Payments and how it improves your conversion.
Use Mollie Components for Credit Cards (mollieComponentsEnabled) Boolean Indicates if Mollie Components are enabled. Read more about Mollie Components and how it improves your conversion.
Use QR code (mollieEnableQrCode) Boolean Indicates if the QR code feature is enabled. Read more about QR code and how it improves your conversion.
Log category (mollieLogCategory) String Log category used by SFCC. The log category can be selected under: "Administration -> Operations -> Custom Log Settings".

Mollie Apple Pay Direct settings

This dashboard contains all Apple Pay Direct related settings and is located under: Merchant Tools -> Mollie -> Mollie Apple Pay Direct Settings.

Configure Mollie Apple Pay Direct settings

These are all the settings that are configurable for Apple Pay Direct.

ID Type Description
Enabled (mollieApplePayDirectEnabled) Boolean Enable the Apple Pay Direct integration for Mollie. Make sure to also enable the Apple Pay Direct payment method
Merchant Name (mollieApplePayDirectMerchantName) String Configure the name that will be shown on the apple pay payment sheet in the "total" line item. This will be shown as "Pay {{Merchant Name}}".
Merchant Country Code (mollieApplePayDirectCountryCode) String Configure the Country Code for the country or region of the merchant’s principle place of business.
Domain Verification String (mollieApplePayDirectVerificationString) Text The Domain verification string is a way for Apple to validate the domain that is requesting the Apple Payment Sheet. Since Mollie has a validateMerchant API, they take care of the validation. The value you need to add as a parameter can be found here.
PDP Button Style (mollieApplePayDirectPdpButtonStyle) Enum of Strings Decide the Button Style for the Apple Pay Button on the Product Detail page.
PDP Button Type (mollieApplePayDirectPdpType) Enum of Strings Decide the Button Type for the Apple Pay Button on the Product Detail page.
Cart Button Style (mollieApplePayDirectCartButtonStyle) Enum of Strings Decide the Button Style for the Apple Pay Button on the Minicart & Cart page.
Cart Button Type (mollieApplePayDirectCartType) Enum of Strings Decide the Button Type for the Apple Pay Button on the Minicart & Cart page.
Merchant Capabilities (mollieApplePayDirectMerchantCapabilities) Enum of Strings Configure the Merchant Payment Capabilities supported.
Supported Card Networks (mollieApplePayDirectSupportedNetworks) Enum of Strings Configure the Merchant Payment Capabilities supported.
Required Billing Contact Fields (mollieApplePayDirectRequiredBillingContactFields) Enum of Strings Determine which billing contact field(s) are required when paying with Apple Pay Direct.
Required Shipping Contact Fields (mollieApplePayDirectRequiredShippingContactFields) Enum of Strings Determine which shipping contact field(s) are required when paying with Apple Pay Direct.

Configure Services

It is necessary to configure the correct Mollie service credentials.

  1. Go to Administration -> Operations -> Services
  2. If the import was successful, you should see the following services Services Overview
  3. Go to the Mollie Credentials
  4. Fill in the correct URL 

Configure Payment Methods

Validating Payment Methods

Validate that the payments methods were imported correctly.

  1. Go to Merchant Tools -> Ordering -> Payment Methods
  2. There should be a list that contains the following payment methods Paymentmethods Overview
  3. These payment methods should be linked to the MOLLIE_ECOM_DEFAULT payment processor. If the payment method uses Mollie components use MOLLIE_ECOM_CREDIT instead. For QR code supported payment methods (bancontact, iDeal & bank transfers) use the MOLLIE_ECOM_QR payment processor. Then finally there is MOLLIE_ECOM_APPLEPAY_DIRECT that is used for the Apple Pay Direct integration on the website.

Localizing payment methods

Payment methods are localizable, this means that you can, for example, change the payment method name for each locale/language. This can be done by switching the “Language” select to the desired locale/language.

The following fields are localizable:

  1. Name
  2. Description

Paymentmethods Details

Sorting payment methods

Payment methods can be sorted. This order will be used for displaying the payment methods in the checkout. Take the following steps to change the order of the payment methods:

  1. Click on Sort Order
  2. Drag the payment method to the desired place
  3. Click on Sort Order again
  4. Click on Apply

Paymentmethods Details

Description Field

The description field is used to generate a description for payments created with the Payment API. String interpolation is used to generate a unique description for each payment.

ID Description
{orderNumber} The Salesforce order number (dw.order.Order.orderNo)
{storeName} The site name configured under: Administration -> Sites -> Manage Sites -> (Click on site) -> Name
{order.reference} The order reference (dw.order.Order.customerOrderReference)
{customer.firstname} The billing address first name (dw.order.OrderAddress.firstName)
{customer.lastname} The billing address last name (dw.order.OrderAddress.lastName)
{} The billing address company (dw.order.OrderAddress.companyName)

Paymentmethods Description Field

Example order:

  • First name: John
  • Last name: Doe
  • Order number:
  • Store name: RefArch

The description can be found under: Merchant Tools -> Ordering -> Orders -> (select order) -> Payment tab.

Show Payment Methods based on certain criteria

You can determine which payment methods need to be shown when by editing the following criteria:

  • Countries (will be matched with the billing country)
  • Currencies
  • Customer Group
  • Payment Ranges

Have a look at the payment methods on Mollie here to know how to configure them.

Payment Method Details Criteria

Pay after delivery payment methods

Pay after delivery payment methods Pay after delivery payment methods such as Klarna Pay later or Klarna Slice it require the Orders API and cannot be used with the Payments API. This is because Klarna needs the order information to do a risk assessment.

Bank transfer payment method

After using bank transfer as payment method, the payment information needed for the user to complete the payment like bank BIC, bank name, etc... will be saved on the molliePaymentDetails attribute and will be visible on both the confirmation and order details page.

The molliePaymentDetails attribute is located at: Merchant Tools -> Ordering -> Orders -> (select order) -> Payment tab.

Voucher payment method

The voucher payment method becomes visible when the basket contains one or more products that have filled in the mollieProductCategory attribute. The mollieProductCategory attribute is available on both the product page and payment method.

Note that the product attribute is leading and will overwrite the payment method attribute when filled in.

The mollieProductCategory for products can be found at Merchant Tools -> Products and Catalogs -> Products -> (select product) -> Mollie product category

For more information about the voucher payment method visit:

QR code feature

The QR code feature can be enabled on the Mollie settings page located at Merchant Tools -> Mollie -> Mollie General Settings. After enabling the general setting, make sure the MOLLIE_ECOM_QR payment processor is available in **Merchant Tools -> Ordering -> Payment Processors. This processor is used to be assigned to QR code payment methods. At last, make sure the QR code payment method is configured in Merchant Tools -> Ordering -> Payment Methods by assigning supported payment methods with the QR payment processor.

Payment Methods QR Code

After selecting a payment method that is supported and placing the order, the QR code modal will show. Once the user scans the QR code and the payment is completed, the user will be redirected to the SFCC confirmation page.

Note that the QR code feature is only supported on the Payments API. For now only bancontact, iDeal & bank transfers have QR code support.

For more information about the QR code feature visit:

Payment Methods Storefront QR Code

Apple Pay Direct

Apple Pay Direct is also part of the Mollie Cartridge. You can find the Apple Pay Settings under Merchant Tools -> Mollie -> Mollie Apple Pay Direct Settings. On the storefront, Apple Pay Direct will appear on the Product Detail and Cart page and in the Mini Cart popup. Apple Pay can also be used both with the PAYMENT API as well as the ORDER API.

Overview of the different sections the apple pay button will appear:

  • Product Detail Page

Apple Pay Direct PDP

  • Cart Page

Apple Pay Direct Cart

  • Mini Cart

Apple Pay Direct Minicart

In order to make Apple Pay Direct fully functional, a couple of things will need to require manual actions:

  1. Make sure Apple Pay is enabled in the Mollie Dashboard

  2. Setup SEO Aliasses so the Apple server can do a merchant validation under Merchant Tools -> SEO -> Aliases

    • Example Sandbox Configuration:
          "__version": "1",
          "settings": {
              "http-host": "{{realm_id}}-{{instance_id}}",
              "https-host": "{{realm_id}}-{{instance_id}}"
  3. Make sure to enable the MOLLIE_APPLE_PAY_DIRECT payment method in the payment method overview

  4. Make sure to enable the Enabled setting in the Mollie Apple Pay Direct Settings page in the Business Manager

  5. Change the Mollie Active Environment to LIVE. Apple Pay is currently not available in TEST environment.

  6. Enable the Commerce Cloud Apple Pay Module in Merchant Tools -> Site Preferences -> Apple Pay

    • The Mollie LINK cartridge uses some core functionalities provided by Commerce Cloud Apple Pay. Because of this, Apple Pay module must be enabled. This is the only time this page should be configured.
    • The only important setting here is "Apple Pay Enabled?". All the other settings are obsolete and not relevant for your Mollie Apple Pay Integration. But before we can apply the changes, we need to fill in the required fields.
    • The error message "The merchant details for the Apple Production environment couldn't be retrieved." can be ignored
    • You can have a look at the example below

    Apple Pay Direct Minicart

Why is Commerce Cloud Apple Pay only partially used?

Commerce Cloud has Apple Pay built-in. But there are some downsides using this built-in system completly together with Mollie. Here is a list of reasons why we only partially use the Commerce Cloud Apple Pay module:

  • The Commerce Cloud Apple Pay module only supports Apple Pay version 1. The current version is 12, which is also used by the Mollie LINK cartridge.
  • Commerce Cloud Apple Pay requires you to have an Apple Sandbox and/or an Apple Production environment. With Mollie, you do not have nor need this to complete the setup. With Mollie, instead of a direct connection to Apple Pay, the merchant makes use of a Mollie API that eliminates the use of Apple Environments.
  • More information for those who are interested:

Remaining attributes & settings

There are also some custom attributes available on the payment methods.

Note that these payment specific attributes overwrite the general settings located under: Merchant Tools -> Mollie -> Mollie General Settings

ID Type Description
Payment method ID (molliePaymentMethodId) String The payment id from Mollie
Order expiry days (mollieOrderExpiryDays) Enum-of-strings expiry days for orders created with the Orders API.
Method (mollieEnabledTransactionAPI) Enum-of-strings enabled method API (Orders/Payment). Read more about the differences between the Payment and Orders API:
Product category (mollieProductCategory) Enum-of-strings Product category being used for the voucher payment method (meal/eco/gift). Read more about the voucher payment method here: