Releases: monarch-initiative/monarch-app
Releases · monarch-initiative/monarch-app
What's Changed
- Use taxon label for search faceting/filtering by @kevinschaper in #249
- Versioning through Git Releases by @glass-ships in #247
- Try ruff by @glass-ships in #248
- One more taxon-label fix by @kevinschaper in #250
Full Changelog: v0.13.9...v0.14.0
What's Changed
- Fix subclass section linking to self by @kevinschaper in #236
- Turn xrefs on node page into links by @kevinschaper in #238
- Add a nicer error message when docker isn't installed by @glass-ships in #242
- Fix multi-category/multi-predicate association queries by @kevinschaper in #241
- Provided by links by @glass-ships in #244
- Frontend touchups by @vincerubinetti in #243
- dont check for docker in solrimplementation itself by @glass-ships in #245
Full Changelog: v0.13.5...v0.13.9
What's Changed
- Add taxon & taxon label fields for subject & object by @kevinschaper in #228
Full Changelog: v0.13.4...v0.13.5
What's Changed
- add slightly more rigorous api testing by @glass-ships in #207
- Add default sort to association-table by @kevinschaper in #205
- add basic evidence viewer section by @vincerubinetti in #212
- make has_evidence multivalued & primary_knowledge_source single valued, plus at typo fix by @kevinschaper in #226
Full Changelog: v0.13.2...v0.13.4
Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.13.2
What's Changed
- Just formatting by @kevinschaper in #195
- associations table, bug fixes, misc by @vincerubinetti in #200
- Add evidence count to schema by @kevinschaper in #202
- Redesign SolrImplementation, and update backend testing by @glass-ships in #203
- Add pagination to association-table endpoint by @kevinschaper in #204
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1
bump version to release on pypi
First release from monarch-py's new home in monarch-app. Primarily testing pypi release action.
What's Changed
- Dependency inject pagination by @kevinschaper in #23
- Refactor to add schema by @kevinschaper in #26
- Remove code that lives in monarch-py now by @kevinschaper in #27
- First pass at OAK termset similarity implementation by @caufieldjh in #28
- Add github actions for tests and linting by @caufieldjh in #30
- add dockerfile by @glass-ships in #31
- add sphinx setup by @sierra-moxon in #32
- inherit from monarch-py schema/models, hook up entity and association by @kevinschaper in #33
- convert to mkdocs, establish basic docs structure by @glass-ships in #34
- Switch to mkdocs config for doc deploy github action by @kevinschaper in #35
- add generate-docs makefile target for doct deploy action by @kevinschaper in #36
- Fix gen-docs for github action by @kevinschaper in #37
- Added node hierarchy to entity response by @kevinschaper in #39
- Add Docker image by @glass-ships in #40
- Mock test for get_node_hierarchy by @kevinschaper in #42
- Fix model generation in Makefile, formatting and skip the semsim test for now by @kevinschaper in #44
- first pass at a search endpoint by @glass-ships in #45
- Adds not super rigorous test, but maybe good enough for now by @glass-ships in #46
- Move API and UI into same repo by @glass-ships in #48
- Fix Docker and Docs Actions by @glass-ships in #56
- Add entity api request, fixture & test by @kevinschaper in #55
- Update default solr url by @kevinschaper in #59
- Add configuration control for reading the solr url by @kevinschaper in #61
- starting to write histopheno into monarch-api by @glass-ships in #62
- Match monarch py updates by @kevinschaper in #64
- Continue implementing HistoPheno endpoint by @glass-ships in #63
- Allow CORS by @glass-ships in #65
- point UI to new histopheno endpoint by @glass-ships in #66
- Add Autocomplete & Search vue api methods by @kevinschaper in #71
- add v3 to backend prefix, edit frontend url variable by @glass-ships in #146
- host docs at /v3/docs by @glass-ships in #149
- Vite migration by @vincerubinetti in #154
- Vite fixes by @vincerubinetti in #155
- Upgrade monarch-py to 0.7.2 by @kevinschaper in #157
- Incorporate new Monarch API node search endpoint into frontend by @vincerubinetti in #156
- Update makefile command to build docs by @kevinschaper in #164
- Update by @cmungall in #158
- Initial backend implementation of association-table api endpoint by @kevinschaper in #163
- Take category and taxon filters as lists on search endpoint by @kevinschaper in #168
- Incorporate new Monarch API node page endpoints into frontend, other fixes by @glass-ships in #151
- Fixes category and taxon showing up as requestbody rather than list parameters by @kevinschaper in #176
- Fix silly off-by-one constraints error on offset by @kevinschaper in #175
- monarch-py update, model rebuild and formatting by @kevinschaper in #178
- Association lists by @glass-ships in #179
- implement new monarch-py schema by @glass-ships in #182
- Generate fixtures by @glass-ships in #183
- associations summary by @vincerubinetti in #185
- Update monarch-py to bring in taxon and qualifier labels by @kevinschaper in #188
- Moving monarch-py into monarch-app by @glass-ships in #189
New Contributors
- @kevinschaper made their first contribution in #23
- @caufieldjh made their first contribution in #28
- @glass-ships made their first contribution in #31
- @sierra-moxon made their first contribution in #32
- @vincerubinetti made their first contribution in #154
- @cmungall made their first contribution in #158
Full Changelog: