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Monash Competitive Programming Club is a social club focused around learning and competing on programming topics. We hold numerous competitions, workshops, and also compete worldwide, representing the university.
Many of these competitions showcase real world problems, requiring abstract thinking, as well as deep knowledge of different programming, mathematical and logical techniques. Most importantly, they're fun! The contests will test your algorithmic skills, teamwork and creativity.
These competitions normally come along with substantial prizes: including cash and all-inclusive trips (both within Australia and around the world).
We've hosted local competitions with some pretty substantial prizes. Mainly dealing with pure competitive programming:
- Victoria Collegiate Programming Contest
- Monash Collegiate Programming Contest
We've also dipped our feet into some other programming related areas, such as the recent AIArena!
There are many programming contests held around the world. Many of which Monash university alumni have competed in (and done quite well). For example:
We also attempt problems / competitions from other areas, such as
- IT IS FUN! Ask anyone who has done these contests -- they are addicting and fun.
- Employment The ICPC is sponsored by IBM. Each year, they take students who performed well in the contest and offer them positions.
- Employment (again) Even if you are not given a job offer from IBM, most computer companies will ask questions that are laid out in a similar format as programming contest questions. In fact, they are often exactly programming contest questions.
- Love of Problem Solving The problems that you will see are posed as real-world problems, and often will mask the underlying question. You will need to use many ideas that you have learned in your courses plus other tricks you will learn to solve many of the problems.
- Better Grades When you learn about an algorithm in a course, you will understand the idea behind it. But it is a completely different beast to actually implement the algorithm quickly and efficiently. Do you know how to modify algorithms? Competing in programming contests will help with these skills.
Our constitution is visible here. For a list of the current acting executive team, see here.