- [X] Data The superclass of all data.
- [X] Object The superclass of all LÖVE types.
- [ ] Config Files Game configuration settings.
- [X] love.draw Callback function used to draw on the screen every frame.
- [ ] love.errhand The error handler, used to display error messages.
- [X] love.focus Callback function triggered when window receives or loses focus. 0.7.0
- [-] love.keypressed Callback function triggered when a key is pressed.
- [-] love.keyreleased Callback function triggered when a key is released.
- [X] love.load This function is called exactly once at the beginning of the game.
- [X] love.mousefocus Callback function triggered when window receives or loses mouse focus. 0.9.0
- [X] love.mousepressed Callback function triggered when a mouse button is pressed.
- [X] love.mousereleased Callback function triggered when a mouse button is released.
- [ ] love.quit Callback function triggered when the game is closed. 0.7.0
- [X] love.resize Called when the window is resized. 0.9.0
- [-] love.run The main function, containing the main loop. A sensible default is used when left out.
- [ ] love.textinput Called when text has been entered by the user. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.threaderror Callback function triggered when a Thread encounters an error. 0.9.0
- [X] love.update Callback function used to update the state of the game every frame.
- [X] love.visible Callback function triggered when window is shown or hidden. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.gamepadaxis Called when a Joystick’s virtual gamepad axis is moved. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.gamepadpressed Called when a Joystick’s virtual gamepad button is pressed. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.gamepadreleased Called when a Joystick’s virtual gamepad button is released. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.joystickadded Called when a Joystick is connected. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.joystickaxis Called when a joystick axis moves. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.joystickhat Called when a joystick hat direction changes. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.joystickpressed Called when a joystick button is pressed.
- [ ] love.joystickreleased Called when a joystick button is released.
- [ ] love.joystickremoved Called when a Joystick is disconnected.
- [ ] love.getVersion Gets the current running version of LÖVE.
- [X] love.event.clear Clears the event queue. 0.7.2
- [X] love.event.poll Returns an iterator for messages in the event queue.
- [X] love.event.pump Pump events into the event queue.
- [X] love.event.push Adds an event to the event queue.
2- [ ] love.event.quit Exits the LÖVE program. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.event.wait Like love.event.poll(), but blocks until there is an event in the queue.
For event status see callbacks
- [ ] Canvas Off-screen render target. 0.8.0
- [X] Drawable Superclass for all things that can be drawn on screen.
- [ ] Font Defines the shape of characters than can be drawn onto the screen.
- [ ] Framebuffer Off-screen render target. 0.7.0 0.8.0
- [X] Image Drawable image type.
- [ ] Mesh A 2D polygon mesh used for drawing arbitrary textured shapes. 0.9.0
- [ ] ParticleSystem Used to create cool effects, like fire.
- [ ] PixelEffect Pixel shader effect. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [X] Quad A quadrilateral with texture coordinate information.
- [ ] Shader Shader effect. 0.9.0
- [ ] SpriteBatch Store image positions in a buffer, and draw it in one call.
- [X] Texture Superclass for drawable objects which represent a texture. 0.9.1
- [ ] love.graphics.arc Draws an arc. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.circle Draws a circle.
- [ ] love.graphics.clear Clears the screen to background color.
- [X] love.graphics.draw Draws objects on screen.
- [X] love.graphics.line Draws lines between points.
- [X] love.graphics.point Draws a point.
- [ ] love.graphics.polygon Draw a polygon.
- [ ] love.graphics.present Displays the results of drawing operations on the screen.
- [ ] love.graphics.print Draws text on screen. If no Font is set, one will be created and set (once) if needed.
- [ ] love.graphics.printf Draws formatted text, with word wrap and alignment.
- [ ] love.graphics.quad Draws a quadrilateral shape. 0.9.0
- [X] love.graphics.rectangle Draws a rectangle.
- [ ] love.graphics.triangle Draws a triangle.
Object Creation
- [ ] love.graphics.newCanvas Creates a new Canvas. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.newFont Creates a new Font.
- [ ] love.graphics.newFramebuffer Creates a new Framebuffer. 0.7.0 0.8.0
- [X] love.graphics.newImage Creates a new Image.
- [ ] love.graphics.newImageFont Creates a new Font by loading a specifically formatted image. 0.2.0
- [ ] love.graphics.newMesh Creates a new Mesh. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.newParticleSystem Creates a new ParticleSystem.
- [ ] love.graphics.newPixelEffect Creates a new PixelEffect. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [X] love.graphics.newQuad Creates a new Quad.
- [ ] love.graphics.newScreenshot Creates a screenshot and returns the ImageData.
- [ ] love.graphics.newShader Creates a new Shader. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.newSpriteBatch Creates a new SpriteBatch.
- [ ] love.graphics.newStencil Creates a new stencil. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setNewFont Creates and sets a new Font. 0.8.0
Graphics State
- [ ] love.graphics.getBackgroundColor Gets the current background color.
- [ ] love.graphics.getBlendMode Gets the blending mode. 0.2.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getCanvas Returns the current target Canvas. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getColor Gets the current color.
- [ ] love.graphics.getColorMask Gets the active color components used when drawing. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getColorMode Gets the color mode (which controls how images are affected by the current color). 0.2.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getDefaultFilter Returns the default scaling filters used with Images, Canvases, and Fonts. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getDefaultImageFilter Returns the default scaling filters. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getFont Gets the current Font object.
- [ ] love.graphics.getLineJoin Gets the line join style.
- [ ] love.graphics.getLineStipple Gets the current line stipple. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getLineStyle Gets the line style.
- [ ] love.graphics.getLineWidth Gets the current line width.
- [ ] love.graphics.getMaxImageSize Gets the max supported width or height of Images and Canvases. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getMaxPointSize Gets the max supported point size.
- [ ] love.graphics.getPixelEffect Returns the current PixelEffect. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getPointSize Gets the point size.
- [ ] love.graphics.getPointStyle Gets the current point style.
- [ ] love.graphics.getRendererInfo Gets information about the system’s video card and drivers. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getScissor Gets the current scissor box. 0.4.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getShader Gets the current Shader. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getSystemLimit Gets the system-dependent maximum value for a love.graphics feature. 0.9.1
- [ ] love.graphics.isSupported Checks for the support of graphics related functions. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.isWireframe Gets whether wireframe mode is used when drawing. 0.9.1
- [ ] love.graphics.reset Resets the current graphics settings.
- [X] love.graphics.setBackgroundColor Sets the background color.
- [ ] love.graphics.setBlendMode Sets the blending mode. 0.2.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setCanvas Captures drawing operations to a Canvas 0.8.0
- [X] love.graphics.setColor Sets the color used for drawing.
- [ ] love.graphics.setColorMask Sets the color mask. Enables or disables specific color components when rendering. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setColorMode Sets the color mode (which controls how images are affected by the current color). 0.2.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setDefaultFilter Sets the default scaling filters used with Images, Canvases, and Fonts. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setDefaultImageFilter Sets the default scaling filters. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setFont Set an already-loaded Font as the current font.
- [ ] love.graphics.setInvertedStencil Defines an inverted stencil. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setLine Sets the line width and style. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setLineJoin Sets the line join style.
- [ ] love.graphics.setLineStipple Sets the line stipple pattern. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setLineStyle Sets the line style.
- [ ] love.graphics.setLineWidth Sets the line width.
- [ ] love.graphics.setPixelEffect Routes drawing operations through a pixel shader. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setPoint Sets the point size and style. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setPointSize Sets the point size.
- [ ] love.graphics.setPointStyle Sets the point style.
- [ ] love.graphics.setRenderTarget Captures drawing operations to a Framebuffer 0.7.0 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setScissor Sets or disables scissor. 0.4.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setShader Routes drawing operations through a shader. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setStencil Defines or releases a stencil. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setWireframe Sets whether wireframe lines will be used when drawing. 0.9.1
Coordinate System
- [ ] love.graphics.origin Resets the current coordinate transformation. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.pop Pops the current coordinate transformation from the transformation stack.
- [ ] love.graphics.push Copies and pushes the current coordinate transformation to the transformation stack.
- [ ] love.graphics.rotate Rotates the coordinate system in two dimensions.
- [ ] love.graphics.scale Scales the coordinate system in two dimensions.
- [ ] love.graphics.shear Shears the coordinate system. 0.8.0
- [ ] love.graphics.translate Translates the coordinate system in two dimensions.
- [ ] love.graphics.checkMode Checks if a display mode is supported. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getCaption Gets the window caption. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getDimensions Gets the width and height of the window. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getHeight Gets the height in pixels of the window.
- [ ] love.graphics.getMode Returns the current display mode. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getModes Gets a list of supported fullscreen modes. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.getWidth Gets the width in pixels of the window.
- [ ] love.graphics.hasFocus Checks if the game window has keyboard focus. 0.8.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.isCreated Checks if the display has been set. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setCaption Sets the window caption. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setIcon Set window icon. 0.7.0 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.setMode Changes the display mode. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.graphics.toggleFullscreen Toggles fullscreen.
- [ ] AlignMode Text alignment.
- [ ] BlendMode Different ways you do alpha blending. 0.2.0
- [ ] ColorMode Controls how drawn images are affected by current color. 0.2.0 0.9.0
- [ ] DrawMode Controls whether shapes are drawn as an outline, or filled.
- [ ] FilterMode How the image is filtered when scaling.
- [ ] GraphicsFeature Graphics features that can be checked for with love.graphics.isSupported. 0.8.0
- [ ] GraphicsLimit Types of system-dependent graphics limits. 0.9.1
- [ ] LineJoin Line join style.
- [ ] LineStyle The styles in which lines are drawn.
- [ ] MeshDrawMode How a Mesh’s vertices are used when drawing. 0.9.0
- [ ] PointStyle How points should be drawn.
- [ ] SpriteBatchUsage Usage hints for SpriteBatches. 0.8.0
- [ ] TextureFormat Controls the canvas texture format. 0.9.0
- [ ] WrapMode How the image wraps inside a large Quad.
- [X] love.timer.getAverageDelta Returns the average delta time over the last second. 0.9.0
- [X] love.timer.getDelta Returns the time between the last two frames.
- [X] love.timer.getFPS Returns the current frames per second.
- [X] love.timer.getTime Returns the amount of time since some time in the past.
- [X] love.timer.sleep Pauses the current thread for the specified amount of time.
- [X] love.timer.step Measures the time between two frames.
- [ ] love.window.getDesktopDimensions Gets the width and height of the desktop. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getDimensions Gets the width and height of the window. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getDisplayCount Gets the number of connected monitors. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getFullscreen Gets whether the window is fullscreen. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getFullscreenModes Gets a list of supported fullscreen modes. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getHeight Gets the height of the window. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getIcon Gets the window icon. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getMode Returns the current display mode. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getPixelScale Gets the scale factor associated with the window. 0.9.1
- [ ] love.window.getTitle Gets the window title. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.getWidth Gets the width of the window. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.hasFocus Checks if the game window has keyboard focus. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.hasMouseFocus Checks if the game window has mouse focus. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.isCreated Checks if the window has been created. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.isVisible Checks if the game window is visible. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.setFullscreen Enters or exits fullscreen. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.setIcon Sets the window icon. 0.9.0
- [-] love.window.setMode Changes the display mode. 0.9.0
- [ ] love.window.setTitle Sets the window title. 0.9.0
- [ ] FullscreenType Types of fullscreen modes.
- [ ] BezierCurve A Bézier curve object that can evaluate and render Bézier curves of arbitrary degree. Added since 0.9.0
- [-] RandomGenerator A random number generation object which has its own random state. Added since 0.9.0
- [X] getSeed Gets the seed of the random number generator. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] getState Gets the current state of the random number generator. Added since 0.9.1
- [ ] random Generates a pseudo random number in a platform independent way. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] randomNormal Get a normally distributed pseudo random number. Added since 0.9.0
- [X] setSeed Sets the seed of the random number generator. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] setState Sets the current state of the random number generator.
- [ ] love.math.gammaToLinear Converts a color from gamma-space (sRGB) to linear-space (RGB). Added since 0.9.1
- [ ] love.math.getRandomSeed Gets the seed of the random number generator. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.isConvex Checks whether a polygon is convex. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.linearToGamma Converts a color from linear-space (RGB) to gamma-space (RGB). Added since 0.9.1
- [ ] love.math.newBezierCurve Creates a new BezierCurve object. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.newRandomGenerator Creates a new RandomGenerator object. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.noise Generates a Simplex noise value in 1-4 dimensions. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.random Get uniformly distributed pseudo random number Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.randomNormal Get a normally distributed pseudo random number. Added since 0.9.0
- [X] love.math.setRandomSeed Sets the seed of the random number generator. Added since 0.9.0
- [ ] love.math.triangulate Decomposes a simple polygon into triangles.