#Attendees chandeepkhosa, thenyoudi, rubyji, kae76, rteijeiro, techgirlgeek
#Notes: chandeepkhosa one thing I’d like to share is that we should perhaps encourage diverse groups to stand near the front of DrupalCon / camp photos, I’ve been doing that here in the UK. also what would amazing is if we can encourage more POC to blog about attending Drupal events
thenyoudi I’d like to to take that a step further and see if we can work on encouraging POC to present and lead BoFs I wonder if we can work on getting Diversity in Drupal tables at our local Drupal camps? Intro lanyards?
rteijeiro That’s what I’m thinking. I use to see people quite lost in such a big conference like DrupalCon and they just need someone that can introduce them to other people. The same way we use mentors in Contribution Sprints, why we don’t propose Ambassadors for the rest of the DrupalCon. I would volunteer :