From 6f9403818d5ed74fd8a8fefa9344f634cbd79b19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexis Saettler Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2023 11:43:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] remove missing --- app/Console/Commands/Local/MonicaLocalize.php | 6 +++++- lang/bn.json | 6 ------ lang/ca.json | 4 ---- lang/da.json | 5 ----- lang/de.json | 4 ---- lang/el.json | 4 ---- lang/en.json | 2 +- lang/es.json | 6 ------ lang/fr.json | 5 ----- lang/he.json | 4 ---- lang/hi.json | 6 ------ lang/it.json | 6 ------ lang/ja.json | 6 ------ lang/nl.json | 6 ------ lang/nn.json | 4 ---- lang/pl.json | 4 ---- lang/pt.json | 4 ---- lang/ro.json | 4 ---- lang/ru.json | 4 ---- lang/sv.json | 4 ---- lang/tr.json | 4 ---- lang/ur.json | 6 ------ lang/vi.json | 4 ---- 23 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/Console/Commands/Local/MonicaLocalize.php b/app/Console/Commands/Local/MonicaLocalize.php index 3253637b274..3c1a2123c56 100644 --- a/app/Console/Commands/Local/MonicaLocalize.php +++ b/app/Console/Commands/Local/MonicaLocalize.php @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class MonicaLocalize extends Command */ protected $signature = 'monica:localize {--update : Update the current locales.} + {--remove-missing : Remove missing translations.} {--restart : Restart translation of all messages.}'; /** @@ -44,7 +45,10 @@ public function handle(): void $this->updateLocales($locales); array_shift($langs); - $this->call('localize', ['lang' => implode(',', $langs)]); + $this->call('localize', [ + 'lang' => implode(',', $langs), + '--remove-missing' => $this->option('remove-missing'), + ]); $this->loadTranslations($locales); diff --git a/lang/bn.json b/lang/bn.json index f70fb7fafd5..4a1c12e14f0 100644 --- a/lang/bn.json +++ b/lang/bn.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "লিঙ্গ", "Gender and pronoun": "লিঙ্গ এবং সর্বনাম", "Genders": "লিঙ্গ", - "Gift center": "উপহার কেন্দ্র", "Gift occasions": "উপহার উপলক্ষ", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "উপহারের অনুষ্ঠানগুলি আপনাকে আপনার সমস্ত উপহারকে শ্রেণিবদ্ধ করতে দেয়।", "Gift states": "উপহার রাষ্ট্র", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "লাইফ মেট্রিক্স", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "লাইফ মেট্রিক্স আপনাকে আপনার জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মেট্রিক্স ট্র্যাক করতে দেয়।", "LinkedIn": "লিঙ্কডইন", - "Link to documentation": "ডকুমেন্টেশন লিঙ্ক", "List of addresses": "ঠিকানার তালিকা", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "ভল্টে পরিচিতির ঠিকানার তালিকা", "List of all important dates": "সমস্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তারিখের তালিকা", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "ছোট প্রাণী", "Social": "সামাজিক", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "কিছু তারিখের একটি বিশেষ প্রকার আছে যা আমরা একটি বয়স গণনা করতে সফ্টওয়্যারে ব্যবহার করব।", - "Sort contacts": "পরিচিতি সাজান", "So… it works 😼": "তাই… এটা কাজ করে 😼", "Sport": "খেলা", "spouse": "পত্নী", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "অজানা", "unknown action": "অজানা কর্ম", "Unknown age": "অজানা বয়স", - "Unknown contact name": "অজানা পরিচিতি নাম", "Unknown name": "অজানা নাম", "Update": "হালনাগাদ", "Update a key.": "একটি কী আপডেট করুন।", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "আপনাকে মনিকার সাথে যোগ দেওয়ার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হচ্ছে", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "আমরা আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য একটি পাসওয়ার্ড রিসেট অনুরোধ পেয়েছি, কারণ আপনি এই ইমেইল পাচ্ছেন ।", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "এমনকি আপনি সাইন ইন করতে আপনার বর্তমান ব্যবহারকারীর নাম বা পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন না,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "এমনকি আপনি সাইন ইন করতে আপনার বর্তমান ব্যবহারকারীর নাম বা পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন না,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "আপনি আপনার বর্তমান মনিকা অ্যাকাউন্ট থেকে কোনো ডেটা আমদানি করতে পারবেন না (এখনও),", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "আপনি আপনার বর্তমান মনিকা অ্যাকাউন্ট থেকে কোনো ডেটা আমদানি করতে পারবেন না (এখনও),", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "আপনি এই ট্যাবে আপনার পরিচিতিতে চাকরির তথ্য যোগ করতে পারেন এবং কোম্পানিগুলি পরিচালনা করতে পারেন।", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "আপনি এক ক্লিকে আমাদের পরিষেবাতে লগ ইন করতে আরও অ্যাকাউন্ট যোগ করতে পারেন।", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "আপনাকে বিভিন্ন চ্যানেলের মাধ্যমে অবহিত করা যেতে পারে: ইমেল, একটি টেলিগ্রাম বার্তা, Facebook-এ। তুমি ঠিক কর.", diff --git a/lang/ca.json b/lang/ca.json index 662e0349f7a..ca4bd3a6dec 100644 --- a/lang/ca.json +++ b/lang/ca.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Gènere", "Gender and pronoun": "Gènere i pronom", "Genders": "Gèneres", - "Gift center": "Centre de regals", "Gift occasions": "Ocasions de regal", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Les ocasions de regal et permeten classificar tots els teus regals.", "Gift states": "Estats de regal", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Mètriques de vida", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Les mètriques de vida et permeten fer un seguiment de les mètriques que són importants per a tu.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Enllaç a la documentació", "List of addresses": "Llista d’adreces", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Llista d’adreces dels contactes de la volta", "List of all important dates": "Llista de totes les dates importants", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Animal petit", "Social": "Social", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Algunes dates tenen un tipus especial que utilitzarem al programari per calcular una edat.", - "Sort contacts": "Ordena els contactes", "So… it works 😼": "Així que... funciona 😼", "Sport": "Esport", "spouse": "cònjuge", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Desconegut", "unknown action": "acció desconeguda", "Unknown age": "Edat desconeguda", - "Unknown contact name": "Nom del contacte desconegut", "Unknown name": "Nom desconegut", "Update": "Actualització", "Update a key.": "Actualitzar una clau.", diff --git a/lang/da.json b/lang/da.json index 921830a71db..cc140a3fa39 100644 --- a/lang/da.json +++ b/lang/da.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Køn", "Gender and pronoun": "Køn og pronomen", "Genders": "Køn", - "Gift center": "Gavecenter", "Gift occasions": "Gave lejligheder", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Gavebegivenheder giver dig mulighed for at kategorisere alle dine gaver.", "Gift states": "Gave angiver", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Livsmålinger", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Livsmålinger giver dig mulighed for at spore målinger, der er vigtige for dig.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link til dokumentation", "List of addresses": "Liste over adresser", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Liste over adresser på kontakterne i boksen", "List of all important dates": "Liste over alle vigtige datoer", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Lille dyr", "Social": "Social", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Nogle datoer har en speciel type, som vi vil bruge i softwaren til at beregne en alder.", - "Sort contacts": "Sorter kontakter", "So… it works 😼": "Så... det virker 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "ægtefælle", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Ukendt", "unknown action": "ukendt handling", "Unknown age": "Ukendt alder", - "Unknown contact name": "Ukendt kontaktnavn", "Unknown name": "Ukendt navn", "Update": "Opdatering", "Update a key.": "Opdater en nøgle.", @@ -1232,7 +1228,6 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "Du er inviteret til at slutte dig til Monica", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "Du modtager denne email fordi vi har modtaget en anmodning om nulstilling af passwordet for din konto.", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "du kan ikke engang bruge dit nuværende brugernavn eller din adgangskode til at logge ind,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "du kan ikke engang bruge dit nuværende brugernavn eller din adgangskode til at logge ind,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "du kan ikke importere nogen data fra din nuværende Monica-konto (endnu),", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "Du kan tilføje joboplysninger til dine kontakter og administrere virksomhederne her i denne fane.", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "Du kan tilføje flere kontoer for at logge ind på vores service med et enkelt klik.", diff --git a/lang/de.json b/lang/de.json index 2c6f6bd5037..ec379e10b6d 100644 --- a/lang/de.json +++ b/lang/de.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Geschlecht", "Gender and pronoun": "Geschlecht und Pronomen", "Genders": "Geschlechter", - "Gift center": "Geschenkzentrum", "Gift occasions": "Geschenkanlässe", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Mit Geschenkanlässen können Sie alle Ihre Geschenke kategorisieren.", "Gift states": "Geschenkzustände", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Lebensmetriken", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Mit Lebensmetriken können Sie Metriken verfolgen, die für Sie wichtig sind.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link zur Dokumentation", "List of addresses": "Liste der Adressen", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Liste der Adressen der Kontakte im Tresor", "List of all important dates": "Liste aller wichtigen Termine", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Kleines Tier", "Social": "Sozial", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Einige Daten haben einen speziellen Typ, den wir in der Software zur Berechnung eines Alters verwenden.", - "Sort contacts": "Kontakte sortieren", "So… it works 😼": "Also... es funktioniert 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "Ehepartner", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Unbekannt", "unknown action": "unbekannte Aktion", "Unknown age": "Unbekanntes Alter", - "Unknown contact name": "Unbekannter Kontaktname", "Unknown name": "Unbekannter Name", "Update": "Aktualisieren", "Update a key.": "Aktualisieren Sie einen Schlüssel.", diff --git a/lang/el.json b/lang/el.json index 230d76e4d3f..24a93e2e7dc 100644 --- a/lang/el.json +++ b/lang/el.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Γένος", "Gender and pronoun": "Φύλο και αντωνυμία", "Genders": "Φύλο", - "Gift center": "Κέντρο δώρων", "Gift occasions": "Ευκαιρίες δώρων", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Οι περιπτώσεις δώρων σάς επιτρέπουν να ταξινομήσετε όλα τα δώρα σας.", "Gift states": "Δώρο καταστάσεις", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Μετρήσεις ζωής", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Οι μετρήσεις ζωής σάς επιτρέπουν να παρακολουθείτε μετρήσεις που είναι σημαντικές για εσάς.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Σύνδεσμος με την τεκμηρίωση", "List of addresses": "Κατάλογος διευθύνσεων", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Λίστα διευθύνσεων των επαφών στο θησαυροφυλάκιο", "List of all important dates": "Λίστα με όλες τις σημαντικές ημερομηνίες", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Μικρό ζώο", "Social": "Κοινωνικός", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Ορισμένες ημερομηνίες έχουν έναν ειδικό τύπο που θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε στο λογισμικό για να υπολογίσουμε μια ηλικία.", - "Sort contacts": "Ταξινόμηση επαφών", "So… it works 😼": "Λοιπόν… λειτουργεί 😼", "Sport": "Αθλημα", "spouse": "σύζυγος", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Αγνωστος", "unknown action": "άγνωστη δράση", "Unknown age": "Άγνωστη ηλικία", - "Unknown contact name": "Άγνωστο όνομα επαφής", "Unknown name": "Άγνωστο όνομα", "Update": "Εκσυγχρονίζω", "Update a key.": "Ενημερώστε ένα κλειδί.", diff --git a/lang/en.json b/lang/en.json index e1f0bfb5b79..a6e28d089b7 100644 --- a/lang/en.json +++ b/lang/en.json @@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ "Couple": "Couple", "cousin": "cousin", "Create": "Create", - "Create Account": "Create Account", "Create account": "Create account", + "Create Account": "Create Account", "Create a contact": "Create a contact", "Create a contact entry for this person": "Create a contact entry for this person", "Create a journal": "Create a journal", diff --git a/lang/es.json b/lang/es.json index 4308e953616..1c29ae9cfd7 100644 --- a/lang/es.json +++ b/lang/es.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Género", "Gender and pronoun": "Género y pronombre", "Genders": "Géneros", - "Gift center": "Centro de regalos", "Gift occasions": "Ocasiones de regalo", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Las ocasiones de regalo te permiten clasificar todos tus regalos.", "Gift states": "Estados de regalo", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Métricas de vida", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Las métricas de vida le permiten realizar un seguimiento de las métricas que son importantes para usted.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Enlace a la documentación", "List of addresses": "Lista de direcciones", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Lista de direcciones de los contactos en la bóveda", "List of all important dates": "Lista de todas las fechas importantes", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Animal pequeño", "Social": "Social", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Algunas fechas tienen un tipo especial que usaremos en el software para calcular una edad.", - "Sort contacts": "Ordenar contactos", "So… it works 😼": "Entonces… funciona 😼", "Sport": "Deporte", "spouse": "cónyuge", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Desconocido", "unknown action": "acción desconocida", "Unknown age": "edad desconocida", - "Unknown contact name": "Nombre de contacto desconocido", "Unknown name": "Nombre desconocido", "Update": "Actualizar", "Update a key.": "Actualizar una clave.", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "Estás invitado a unirte a Mónica.", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "Ha recibido este mensaje porque se solicitó un restablecimiento de contraseña para su cuenta.", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "ni siquiera puedes usar tu nombre de usuario o contraseña actuales para iniciar sesión,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "ni siquiera puedes usar tu nombre de usuario o contraseña actuales para iniciar sesión,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "no puedes importar ningún dato de tu cuenta actual de Mónica (todavía),", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "no puedes importar ningún dato de tu cuenta actual de Mónica (todavía),", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "Puede agregar información laboral a sus contactos y administrar las empresas aquí en esta pestaña.", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "Puede agregar más cuentas para iniciar sesión en nuestro servicio con un solo clic.", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "Puedes recibir notificaciones a través de diferentes canales: correos electrónicos, un mensaje de Telegram, en Facebook. Tú decides.", diff --git a/lang/fr.json b/lang/fr.json index ceb8b48618d..c3018a01f58 100644 --- a/lang/fr.json +++ b/lang/fr.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Genre", "Gender and pronoun": "Genre et pronom", "Genders": "Genres", - "Gift center": "Centre de cadeaux", "Gift occasions": "Occasions de cadeaux", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Les occasions cadeaux vous permettent de catégoriser tous vos cadeaux.", "Gift states": "États cadeaux", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Mesures de vie", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Les métriques de vie vous permettent de suivre les métriques qui sont importantes pour vous.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Lien vers la documentation", "List of addresses": "Liste des adresses", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Liste des adresses des contacts dans le coffre-fort", "List of all important dates": "Liste de toutes les dates importantes", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Petit animal", "Social": "Sociale", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Certaines dates ont un type spécial que nous utiliserons dans le logiciel pour calculer un âge.", - "Sort contacts": "Trier les contacts", "So… it works 😼": "Alors… ça marche 😼", "Sport": "sport", "spouse": "conjoint", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Inconnu·e", "unknown action": "action inconnue", "Unknown age": "Âge inconnu", - "Unknown contact name": "Nom du contact inconnu", "Unknown name": "Nom inconnu", "Update": "Mise à jour", "Update a key.": "Mettre à jour une clé.", @@ -1232,7 +1228,6 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "Vous êtes invité à rejoindre Monica", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "Vous recevez cet e-mail car nous avons reçu une demande de réinitialisation de mot de passe pour votre compte.", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "vous ne pouvez même pas utiliser votre nom d’utilisateur ou votre mot de passe actuel pour vous connecter,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "vous ne pouvez même pas utiliser votre nom d’utilisateur ou votre mot de passe actuel pour vous connecter,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "vous ne pouvez (encore) importer aucune donnée de votre compte Monica actuel,", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "Vous pouvez ajouter des informations d’emploi à vos contacts et gérer les entreprises ici dans cet onglet.", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "Vous pouvez ajouter plus de compte pour vous connecter à notre service en un seul clic.", diff --git a/lang/he.json b/lang/he.json index b5481c0b67c..93c77d9c0f4 100644 --- a/lang/he.json +++ b/lang/he.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "מִין", "Gender and pronoun": "מגדר וכינוי", "Genders": "מגדרים", - "Gift center": "מרכז מתנות", "Gift occasions": "אירועי מתנות", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "אירועי מתנות מאפשרים לך לסווג את כל המתנות שלך.", "Gift states": "מצבי מתנה", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "מדדי חיים", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "מדדי חיים מאפשרים לך לעקוב אחר מדדים שחשובים לך.", "LinkedIn": "לינקדאין", - "Link to documentation": "קישור לתיעוד", "List of addresses": "רשימת כתובות", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "רשימת הכתובות של אנשי הקשר בכספת", "List of all important dates": "רשימה של כל התאריכים החשובים", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "חיה קטנה", "Social": "חֶברָתִי", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "לחלק מהתאריכים יש סוג מיוחד בו נשתמש בתוכנה לחישוב גיל.", - "Sort contacts": "מיין אנשי קשר", "So… it works 😼": "אז... זה עובד 😼", "Sport": "ספּוֹרט", "spouse": "בן זוג", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "לא ידוע", "unknown action": "פעולה לא ידועה", "Unknown age": "גיל לא ידוע", - "Unknown contact name": "שם איש קשר לא ידוע", "Unknown name": "שם לא ידוע", "Update": "עדכון", "Update a key.": "עדכן מפתח.", diff --git a/lang/hi.json b/lang/hi.json index e4d6d8ae767..ea122dc53b6 100644 --- a/lang/hi.json +++ b/lang/hi.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "लिंग", "Gender and pronoun": "लिंग एवं सर्वनाम", "Genders": "लिंगों", - "Gift center": "उपहार केंद्र", "Gift occasions": "उपहार के अवसर", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "उपहार के अवसर आपको अपने सभी उपहारों को वर्गीकृत करने देते हैं।", "Gift states": "उपहार बताता है", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "जीवन मेट्रिक्स", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "जीवन मेट्रिक्स आपको उन मेट्रिक्स को ट्रैक करने देता है जो आपके लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं।", "LinkedIn": "Linkedin", - "Link to documentation": "दस्तावेज़ीकरण से लिंक करें", "List of addresses": "पतों की सूची", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "वॉल्ट में संपर्कों के पतों की सूची", "List of all important dates": "सभी महत्वपूर्ण तिथियों की सूची", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "छोटा जानवर", "Social": "सामाजिक", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "कुछ तिथियों का एक विशेष प्रकार होता है जिसका उपयोग हम सॉफ़्टवेयर में आयु की गणना करने के लिए करेंगे।", - "Sort contacts": "संपर्कों को क्रमबद्ध करें", "So… it works 😼": "तो... यह काम करता है 😼", "Sport": "खेल", "spouse": "जीवनसाथी", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "अनजान", "unknown action": "अज्ञात क्रिया", "Unknown age": "अज्ञात उम्र", - "Unknown contact name": "अज्ञात संपर्क नाम", "Unknown name": "अज्ञात नाम", "Update": "अद्यतन", "Update a key.": "एक कुंजी अद्यतन करें.", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "आपको मोनिका से जुड़ने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया है", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "आपको यह ईमेल प्राप्त हो रहा है क्योंकि हमें आपके खाते के लिए पासवर्ड रीसेट अनुरोध प्राप्त हुआ है ।", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "आप साइन इन करने के लिए अपने वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता नाम या पासवर्ड का भी उपयोग नहीं कर सकते,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "आप साइन इन करने के लिए अपने वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता नाम या पासवर्ड का भी उपयोग नहीं कर सकते,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "आप अपने वर्तमान मोनिका खाते से कोई भी डेटा आयात नहीं कर सकते(अभी तक),", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "आप अपने वर्तमान मोनिका खाते से कोई भी डेटा आयात नहीं कर सकते(अभी तक),", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "आप इस टैब में अपने संपर्कों में नौकरी की जानकारी जोड़ सकते हैं और कंपनियों का प्रबंधन कर सकते हैं।", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "आप एक क्लिक से हमारी सेवा में लॉग इन करने के लिए और खाते जोड़ सकते हैं।", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "आपको विभिन्न चैनलों के माध्यम से सूचित किया जा सकता है: ईमेल, टेलीग्राम संदेश, फेसबुक पर। आप तय करें।", diff --git a/lang/it.json b/lang/it.json index af30eabc3ce..a7adcbfc07e 100644 --- a/lang/it.json +++ b/lang/it.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Genere", "Gender and pronoun": "Genere e pronome", "Genders": "Generi", - "Gift center": "Centro regali", "Gift occasions": "Occasioni regalo", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Le occasioni regalo ti consentono di classificare tutti i tuoi regali.", "Gift states": "Stati del dono", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Metriche della vita", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Le metriche sulla vita ti consentono di tenere traccia delle metriche importanti per te.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Collegamento alla documentazione", "List of addresses": "Elenco degli indirizzi", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Elenco degli indirizzi dei contatti nel caveau", "List of all important dates": "Elenco di tutte le date importanti", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Piccolo animale", "Social": "Sociale", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Alcune date hanno un tipo speciale che utilizzeremo nel software per calcolare l’età.", - "Sort contacts": "Ordina i contatti", "So… it works 😼": "Quindi... funziona 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "Sposa", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Sconosciuto", "unknown action": "azione sconosciuta", "Unknown age": "Età sconosciuta", - "Unknown contact name": "Nome del contatto sconosciuto", "Unknown name": "Nome sconosciuto", "Update": "Aggiornamento", "Update a key.": "Aggiorna una chiave.", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "Sei invitato a unirti a Monica", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "Hai ricevuto questa email perché abbiamo ricevuto una richiesta di reset della password per il tuo account.", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "non puoi nemmeno utilizzare il nome utente o la password attuali per accedere,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "non puoi nemmeno utilizzare il nome utente o la password attuali per accedere,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "non puoi importare alcun dato dal tuo attuale account Monica (ancora),", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "non puoi importare alcun dato dal tuo attuale account Monica (ancora),", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "Puoi aggiungere informazioni sul lavoro ai tuoi contatti e gestire le aziende qui in questa scheda.", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "Puoi aggiungere più account per accedere al nostro servizio con un clic.", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "Puoi essere avvisato attraverso diversi canali: email, un messaggio Telegram, su Facebook. Tu decidi.", diff --git a/lang/ja.json b/lang/ja.json index 3cbf762f577..387a6707ec4 100644 --- a/lang/ja.json +++ b/lang/ja.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "性別", "Gender and pronoun": "性別と代名詞", "Genders": "性別", - "Gift center": "ギフトセンター", "Gift occasions": "ギフトシーン", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "ギフト機会では、すべてのギフトを分類できます。", "Gift states": "ギフトの状態", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "人生の指標", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "ライフメトリクスを使用すると、自分にとって重要な指標を追跡できます。", "LinkedIn": "リンクトイン", - "Link to documentation": "ドキュメントへのリンク", "List of addresses": "住所一覧", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "ボールト内の連絡先のアドレスのリスト", "List of all important dates": "すべての重要な日付のリスト", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "小動物", "Social": "社交", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "一部の日付には、ソフトウェアで年齢を計算するために使用する特別なタイプがあります。", - "Sort contacts": "連絡先を並べ替える", "So… it works 😼": "それで…うまくいきます 😼", "Sport": "スポーツ", "spouse": "配偶者", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "不明", "unknown action": "未知のアクション", "Unknown age": "年齢不詳", - "Unknown contact name": "不明な連絡先名", "Unknown name": "不明な名前", "Update": "アップデート", "Update a key.": "キーを更新します。", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "モニカに招待されています", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "パスワード再設定のリクエストを受け付けました。", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "現在のユーザー名やパスワードを使用してサインインすることもできません。", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "現在のユーザー名やパスワードを使用してサインインすることもできません。", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "現在の Monica アカウントからは (まだ) データをインポートできません。", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "現在の Monica アカウントからは (まだ) データをインポートできません。", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "このタブでは、連絡先に求人情報を追加し、会社を管理できます。", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "ワンクリックでサービスにログインするためのアカウントを追加できます。", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "電子メール、電報メッセージ、Facebook など、さまざまなチャネルを通じて通知を受け取ることができます。あなたが決める。", diff --git a/lang/nl.json b/lang/nl.json index ba4aa00e5ca..6fd08d27932 100644 --- a/lang/nl.json +++ b/lang/nl.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Geslacht", "Gender and pronoun": "Geslacht en voornaamwoord", "Genders": "Geslachten", - "Gift center": "Cadeau centrum", "Gift occasions": "Cadeau gelegenheden", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Met cadeaugelegenheden kunt u al uw geschenken categoriseren.", "Gift states": "Geschenkstaten", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Levensstatistieken", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Met levensstatistieken kunt u statistieken bijhouden die voor u belangrijk zijn.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link naar documentatie", "List of addresses": "Lijst met adressen", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Lijst met adressen van de contacten in de kluis", "List of all important dates": "Lijst met alle belangrijke data", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Klein dier", "Social": "Sociaal", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Sommige datums hebben een speciaal type dat we in de software zullen gebruiken om een ​​leeftijd te berekenen.", - "Sort contacts": "Sorteer contacten", "So… it works 😼": "Dus... het werkt 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "echtgenoot", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Onbekend", "unknown action": "onbekende actie", "Unknown age": "Onbekende leeftijd", - "Unknown contact name": "Onbekende contactnaam", "Unknown name": "Onbekende naam", "Update": "Update", "Update a key.": "Een sleutel bijwerken.", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "Je bent van harte uitgenodigd om je bij Monica aan te sluiten", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "Je ontvangt deze e-mail omdat we een wachtwoordherstel verzoek hebben ontvangen voor je account.", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "u kunt niet eens uw huidige gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord gebruiken om in te loggen,", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "u kunt niet eens uw huidige gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord gebruiken om in te loggen,", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "je kunt (nog) geen gegevens uit je huidige Monica-account importeren,", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "je kunt (nog) geen gegevens uit je huidige Monica-account importeren,", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "Hier op dit tabblad kunt u functie-informatie aan uw contacten toevoegen en de bedrijven beheren.", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "U kunt met één klik meer accounts toevoegen om in te loggen op onze service.", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "Je kunt via verschillende kanalen op de hoogte worden gebracht: e-mails, een Telegram-bericht, op Facebook. Jij beslist.", diff --git a/lang/nn.json b/lang/nn.json index 2a9cdb6d13d..418a541f2d1 100644 --- a/lang/nn.json +++ b/lang/nn.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Kjønn", "Gender and pronoun": "Kjønn og pronomen", "Genders": "Kjønn", - "Gift center": "Gavesenter", "Gift occasions": "Gaveanledninger", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Gaveanledninger lar deg kategorisere alle gavene dine.", "Gift states": "Gave opplyser", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Livsmål", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Livsmålinger lar deg spore beregninger som er viktige for deg.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link til dokumentasjon", "List of addresses": "Liste over adresser", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Liste over adresser til kontaktene i hvelvet", "List of all important dates": "Liste over alle viktige datoer", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Lite dyr", "Social": "Sosial", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Noen datoer har en spesiell type som vi vil bruke i programvaren for å beregne en alder.", - "Sort contacts": "Sorter kontakter", "So… it works 😼": "Så... det fungerer 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "ektefelle", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Ukjent", "unknown action": "ukjent handling", "Unknown age": "Ukjent alder", - "Unknown contact name": "Ukjent kontaktnavn", "Unknown name": "Ukjent navn", "Update": "Oppdater", "Update a key.": "Oppdater en nøkkel.", diff --git a/lang/pl.json b/lang/pl.json index 942e17556b5..8961b056af5 100644 --- a/lang/pl.json +++ b/lang/pl.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Płeć", "Gender and pronoun": "Rodzaj i zaimek", "Genders": "Płeć", - "Gift center": "Centrum prezentów", "Gift occasions": "Okazje na prezenty", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Okazje na prezenty pozwalają kategoryzować wszystkie prezenty.", "Gift states": "Stany prezentów", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Metryki życia", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Metryki życiowe umożliwiają śledzenie metryk, które są dla Ciebie ważne.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link do dokumentacji", "List of addresses": "Lista adresów", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Lista adresów kontaktów w skarbcu", "List of all important dates": "Lista wszystkich ważnych dat", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Małe zwierzę", "Social": "Społeczny", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Niektóre daty mają specjalny typ, którego będziemy używać w oprogramowaniu do obliczania wieku.", - "Sort contacts": "Sortuj kontakty", "So… it works 😼": "Zatem… to działa 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "współmałżonek", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Nieznane", "unknown action": "nieznane działanie", "Unknown age": "Nieznany wiek", - "Unknown contact name": "Nieznana nazwa kontaktu", "Unknown name": "Nieznane imię", "Update": "Aktualizacja", "Update a key.": "Zaktualizuj klucz.", diff --git a/lang/pt.json b/lang/pt.json index 11dede43c97..a357f4bea1c 100644 --- a/lang/pt.json +++ b/lang/pt.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Gênero", "Gender and pronoun": "Gênero e pronome", "Genders": "Gêneros", - "Gift center": "Centro de presentes", "Gift occasions": "Ocasiões para presentes", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "As ocasiões para presentes permitem categorizar todos os seus presentes.", "Gift states": "Estados de presente", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Métricas de vida", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "As métricas de vida permitem rastrear métricas que são importantes para você.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link para documentação", "List of addresses": "Lista de endereços", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Lista de endereços dos contatos no cofre", "List of all important dates": "Lista de todas as datas importantes", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Animal pequeno", "Social": "Social", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Algumas datas possuem um tipo especial que usaremos no software para calcular a idade.", - "Sort contacts": "Classificar contatos", "So… it works 😼": "Então… funciona 😼", "Sport": "Esporte", "spouse": "cônjuge", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Desconhecido", "unknown action": "ação desconhecida", "Unknown age": "Idade desconhecida", - "Unknown contact name": "Nome de contato desconhecido", "Unknown name": "Nome desconhecido", "Update": "Atualizar", "Update a key.": "Atualize uma chave.", diff --git a/lang/ro.json b/lang/ro.json index ee63ac38daa..cda53c9cd47 100644 --- a/lang/ro.json +++ b/lang/ro.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Gen", "Gender and pronoun": "Gen și pronume", "Genders": "Genurile", - "Gift center": "Centru de cadouri", "Gift occasions": "Ocazii cadou", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Ocaziile cadou vă permit să vă clasificați toate cadourile.", "Gift states": "Stări de cadou", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Măsuri de viață", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Valorile de viață vă permit să urmăriți valorile care sunt importante pentru dvs.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Link către documentație", "List of addresses": "Lista adreselor", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Lista adreselor persoanelor de contact din seif", "List of all important dates": "Lista tuturor datelor importante", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Animal mic", "Social": "Social", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Unele date au un tip special pe care îl vom folosi în software pentru a calcula o vârstă.", - "Sort contacts": "Sortați contacte", "So… it works 😼": "Deci... funcționează 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "soție", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Necunoscut", "unknown action": "acțiune necunoscută", "Unknown age": "Vârsta necunoscută", - "Unknown contact name": "Nume de contact necunoscut", "Unknown name": "Nume necunoscut", "Update": "Actualizați", "Update a key.": "Actualizați o cheie.", diff --git a/lang/ru.json b/lang/ru.json index b2aa42dd764..27f046470d5 100644 --- a/lang/ru.json +++ b/lang/ru.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Пол", "Gender and pronoun": "Пол и местоимение", "Genders": "Полы", - "Gift center": "Сувенирный центр", "Gift occasions": "Подарки", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Подарочные поводы позволяют классифицировать все ваши подарки.", "Gift states": "Подарочные состояния", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Жизненные метрики", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Метрики жизни позволяют отслеживать важные для вас показатели.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Ссылка на документацию", "List of addresses": "Список адресов", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Список адресов контактов в хранилище", "List of all important dates": "Список всех важных дат", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Маленькое животное", "Social": "Социальное", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Некоторые даты имеют специальный тип, который мы будем использовать в программе для расчета возраста.", - "Sort contacts": "Сортировать контакты", "So… it works 😼": "Итак… это работает 😼", "Sport": "Спорт", "spouse": "супруг", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Неизвестно", "unknown action": "неизвестное действие", "Unknown age": "Неизвестный возраст", - "Unknown contact name": "Неизвестное имя контакта", "Unknown name": "Неизвестное имя", "Update": "Обновлять", "Update a key.": "Обновите ключ.", diff --git a/lang/sv.json b/lang/sv.json index 020de77f7dc..3e4ba31c520 100644 --- a/lang/sv.json +++ b/lang/sv.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Kön", "Gender and pronoun": "Kön och pronomen", "Genders": "Kön", - "Gift center": "Presentcenter", "Gift occasions": "Presenttillfällen", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Presenttillfällen låter dig kategorisera alla dina gåvor.", "Gift states": "Gåva anger", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Livsmått", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Livsmått låter dig spåra mätvärden som är viktiga för dig.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Länk till dokumentation", "List of addresses": "Lista över adresser", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Lista över adresser till kontakterna i valvet", "List of all important dates": "Lista över alla viktiga datum", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Litet djur", "Social": "Social", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Vissa datum har en speciell typ som vi kommer att använda i programvaran för att beräkna en ålder.", - "Sort contacts": "Sortera kontakter", "So… it works 😼": "Så... det fungerar 😼", "Sport": "Sport", "spouse": "make", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Okänd", "unknown action": "okänd åtgärd", "Unknown age": "Okänd ålder", - "Unknown contact name": "Okänt kontaktnamn", "Unknown name": "Okänt namn", "Update": "Uppdatering", "Update a key.": "Uppdatera en nyckel.", diff --git a/lang/tr.json b/lang/tr.json index 69f3e75ffa9..79e69f44834 100644 --- a/lang/tr.json +++ b/lang/tr.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Cinsiyet", "Gender and pronoun": "Cinsiyet ve zamir", "Genders": "Cinsiyetler", - "Gift center": "Hediye merkezi", "Gift occasions": "Hediye günleri", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Hediye etkinlikleri, tüm hediyelerinizi kategorilere ayırmanıza olanak tanır.", "Gift states": "Hediye durumları", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Yaşam ölçümleri", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Yaşam metrikleri, sizin için önemli olan metrikleri izlemenize olanak tanır.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Dokümantasyona bağlantı", "List of addresses": "Adres listesi", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Kasadaki kişilerin adreslerinin listesi", "List of all important dates": "Tüm önemli tarihlerin listesi", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Küçük hayvan", "Social": "Sosyal", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Bazı tarihlerin yazılımda yaş hesaplamak için kullanacağımız özel bir türü vardır.", - "Sort contacts": "Kişileri sırala", "So… it works 😼": "Yani… işe yarıyor 😼", "Sport": "Spor", "spouse": "eş", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Bilinmeyen", "unknown action": "bilinmeyen eylem", "Unknown age": "Bilinmeyen yaş", - "Unknown contact name": "Bilinmeyen kişi adı", "Unknown name": "Bilinmeyen isim", "Update": "Güncelleme", "Update a key.": "Bir anahtarı güncelleyin.", diff --git a/lang/ur.json b/lang/ur.json index a0efafa15f9..c1e10a93569 100644 --- a/lang/ur.json +++ b/lang/ur.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "صنف", "Gender and pronoun": "جنس اور ضمیر", "Genders": "جنس", - "Gift center": "گفٹ سینٹر", "Gift occasions": "تحفے کے مواقع", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "تحفے کے مواقع آپ کو اپنے تمام تحائف کی درجہ بندی کرنے دیتے ہیں۔", "Gift states": "گفٹ اسٹیٹس", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "زندگی کی پیمائش", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "لائف میٹرکس آپ کو ان میٹرکس کو ٹریک کرنے دیتی ہیں جو آپ کے لیے اہم ہیں۔", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "دستاویزات سے لنک کریں۔", "List of addresses": "پتوں کی فہرست", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "والٹ میں رابطوں کے پتوں کی فہرست", "List of all important dates": "تمام اہم تاریخوں کی فہرست", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "چھوٹا جانور", "Social": "سماجی", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "کچھ تاریخوں کی ایک خاص قسم ہوتی ہے جسے ہم سافٹ ویئر میں عمر کا حساب لگانے کے لیے استعمال کریں گے۔", - "Sort contacts": "رابطوں کو ترتیب دیں۔", "So… it works 😼": "تو… یہ کام کرتا ہے 😼", "Sport": "کھیل", "spouse": "شریک حیات", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "نامعلوم", "unknown action": "نامعلوم کارروائی", "Unknown age": "نامعلوم عمر", - "Unknown contact name": "نامعلوم رابطہ نام", "Unknown name": "نامعلوم نام", "Update": "اپ ڈیٹ", "Update a key.": "ایک کلید کو اپ ڈیٹ کریں۔", @@ -1232,9 +1228,7 @@ "You are invited to join Monica": "آپ کو مونیکا میں شامل ہونے کی دعوت دی جاتی ہے۔", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "آپ کو یہ ای میل موصول ہو رہا ہے کیونکہ ہم نے آپ کے اکاؤنٹ کے پاس پاسورٹ ری سیٹ کی درخواست موصول ہوئی ہے.", "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in,": "آپ سائن ان کرنے کے لیے اپنا موجودہ صارف نام یا پاس ورڈ بھی استعمال نہیں کر سکتے،", - "you can't even use your current username or password to sign in, ": "آپ سائن ان کرنے کے لیے اپنا موجودہ صارف نام یا پاس ورڈ بھی استعمال نہیں کر سکتے،", "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet),": "آپ اپنے موجودہ مونیکا اکاؤنٹ (ابھی تک) سے کوئی ڈیٹا درآمد نہیں کر سکتے،", - "you can't import any data from your current Monica account(yet), ": "آپ اپنے موجودہ مونیکا اکاؤنٹ (ابھی تک) سے کوئی ڈیٹا درآمد نہیں کر سکتے،", "You can add job information to your contacts and manage the companies here in this tab.": "آپ اپنے رابطوں میں ملازمت کی معلومات شامل کر سکتے ہیں اور یہاں اس ٹیب میں کمپنیوں کا نظم کر سکتے ہیں۔", "You can add more account to log in to our service with one click.": "آپ ایک کلک کے ساتھ ہماری سروس میں لاگ ان کرنے کے لیے مزید اکاؤنٹ شامل کر سکتے ہیں۔", "You can be notified through different channels: emails, a Telegram message, on Facebook. You decide.": "آپ کو مختلف چینلز کے ذریعے مطلع کیا جا سکتا ہے: ای میلز، ایک ٹیلیگرام پیغام، فیس بک پر۔ تم فیصلہ کرو.", diff --git a/lang/vi.json b/lang/vi.json index 62a84f029f9..5ee29537a07 100644 --- a/lang/vi.json +++ b/lang/vi.json @@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ "Gender": "Giới tính", "Gender and pronoun": "Giới tính và đại từ", "Genders": "Giới tính", - "Gift center": "Trung tâm quà tặng", "Gift occasions": "Dịp tặng quà", "Gift occasions let you categorize all your gifts.": "Các dịp tặng quà cho phép bạn phân loại tất cả quà tặng của mình.", "Gift states": "Trạng thái quà tặng", @@ -567,7 +566,6 @@ "Life metrics": "Số liệu cuộc sống", "Life metrics let you track metrics that are important to you.": "Các thước đo cuộc sống cho phép bạn theo dõi các thước đo quan trọng đối với bạn.", "LinkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "Link to documentation": "Liên kết đến tài liệu", "List of addresses": "Danh sách địa chỉ", "List of addresses of the contacts in the vault": "Danh sách địa chỉ liên lạc trong vault", "List of all important dates": "Danh sách tất cả các ngày quan trọng", @@ -861,7 +859,6 @@ "Small animal": "Con thú nhỏ", "Social": "Xã hội", "Some dates have a special type that we will use in the software to calculate an age.": "Một số ngày có một loại đặc biệt mà chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng trong phần mềm để tính tuổi.", - "Sort contacts": "Sắp xếp danh bạ", "So… it works 😼": "Vì vậy… nó hoạt động 😼", "Sport": "Thể thao", "spouse": "vợ chồng", @@ -1133,7 +1130,6 @@ "Unknown": "Không Xác Định", "unknown action": "hành động không xác định", "Unknown age": "Không rõ tuổi", - "Unknown contact name": "Tên liên hệ không xác định", "Unknown name": "Cái tên không quen biết", "Update": "Cập nhật", "Update a key.": "Cập nhật một khóa.",