CiviCRM 4.4.0 or higher
NOTE: CiviHR includes some significant changes to the nomal CiviCRM user-experience. As with any significant change or addition, CiviHR should be evaluated on a test/staging site before installing on a live/production site.
cd </path/to/extension/dir>
# (ex: $drupalroot/vendor/civicrm or $civiroot/tools/extensions or a custom-configed path)
mv civihr-1.1.0 civihr
NOTE: On some misconfigured systems, the "wget" command may display a warning like "ERROR: The certificate of `' is not trusted." For a workaround, add the option "--no-check-certificate" or check out this article.
If you have Drush installed, then you can enable all the extensions at once:
cd /var/www/drupal
bash vendor/civicrm/civihr/bin/ --with-sample-data
If you're familiar with different ways to call drush, then you can use the same techniques with, e.g.
cd /var/www/drupal/vendor/civicrm/civihr
./bin/ --with-sample-data --root=/var/www/drupal
cd /var/www/drupal/sites/
bash /var/www/drupal/vendor/civicrm/civihr/bin/ --with-sample-data
Read the for details.
CiviHR includes over a dozen extensions. These can be activated piecemeal. The following extensions provide the major features and may be activated individually:
- org.civicrm.hrcareer: Career History
- org.civicrm.hrdemog: Extended Demographics
- org.civicrm.hremerg: Emergency Contacts
- org.civicrm.hrident: Identification
- org.civicrm.hrjob: Jobs and Roles
- org.civicrm.hrmed: Medical and Disability
- org.civicrm.hrqual: Qualifications
- org.civicrm.hrreport: Reporting
- org.civicrm.hrstaffdir: Staff Directory
- org.civicrm.hrvisa: Immigration
Finally, these two extensions build on top of the others:
- org.civicrm.hrsampledata: Generate random example data
- org.civicrm.hrui: Trim/revise CiviCRM UI for CiviHR users