This is the docker-compose setup to run mimoto which act as BFF for Inji mobile and backend for Inji web. This is not for production use.
- certs folder holds the p12 file which is being created as part of OIDC client onboarding.
- "config" folder holds the mimoto system properties file, issuer configuration and credential template.
- "docker-compose.yml" file with mimoto setup.
Add Id providers as an issuer in mimoto-issuers-config.json
Add verifiers clientId and redirect Uris in mimoto-trusted-verifiers.json for Online Sharing
Start esignet services and update esignet host references in and mimoto-issuers-config.json
Start the data share services and update data share host references in data share service helm is available in the Inji Web Helm
Create certs folder in the same directory and create OIDC client. Add key in oidckeystore.p12 and copy this file under certs folder. Refer here to create client
- Update client_id and client_alias as per onboarding in mimoto-issuers-config.json file.
- Start the docker-compose file
docker-compose up
- Access Apis as
- Replace mosipbox.public.url, mosip.api.public.url with your public accessible domain. For dev or local env ngrok is recommended.