diff --git a/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/java/io/mosip/testrig/dslrig/ivv/e2e/methods/CheckUpdatedUIN.java b/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/java/io/mosip/testrig/dslrig/ivv/e2e/methods/CheckUpdatedUIN.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c0d9882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/java/io/mosip/testrig/dslrig/ivv/e2e/methods/CheckUpdatedUIN.java
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+package io.mosip.testrig.dslrig.ivv.e2e.methods;
+import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.testng.Reporter;
+import io.mosip.testrig.dslrig.ivv.core.base.StepInterface;
+import io.mosip.testrig.dslrig.ivv.core.exceptions.RigInternalError;
+import io.mosip.testrig.dslrig.ivv.orchestrator.BaseTestCaseUtil;
+import io.mosip.testrig.dslrig.ivv.orchestrator.dslConfigManager;
+public class CheckUpdatedUIN extends BaseTestCaseUtil implements StepInterface {
+ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CheckUpdatedUIN.class);
+ static {
+ if (dslConfigManager.IsDebugEnabled()) {
+ logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);
+ } else {
+ logger.setLevel(Level.ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws RigInternalError {
+ String uin1 = null;
+ String uin2 = null;
+ try {
+ // Validate step parameters
+ if (step.getParameters() == null || step.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
+ logger.error("Parameters are missing from the DSL step.");
+ assertTrue(false, "Parameters are missing in step: " + step.getName());
+ } else if (step.getParameters().size() == 2) {
+ uin1 = step.getScenario().getVariables().get(step.getParameters().get(0));
+ uin2 = step.getScenario().getVariables().get(step.getParameters().get(1));
+ } else {
+ logger.error("Incorrect number of parameters provided. Expected 2, found: "
+ + step.getParameters().size());
+ assertTrue(false, "Expected 2 parameters but found: " + step.getParameters().size());
+ }
+ // Compare UINs
+ if (uin1 == null || uin2 == null) {
+ logger.error("One or both UINs are null. UIN1: " + uin1 + ", UIN2: " + uin2);
+ throw new RigInternalError("One or both UINs are null.");
+ }
+ if (uin1.equals(uin2)) {
+ logger.info("Updated UIN is the same as the previous UIN. UIN: " + uin1);
+ Reporter.log("Marking test case as passed. As Updated UIN is the same as the previous UIN. UIN:
\n" + uin1);
+ } else {
+ logger.error("Updated UIN is different from the previous UIN. Previous UIN: "
+ + uin1 + ", Updated UIN: " + uin2);
+ this.hasError = true;
+ throw new RigInternalError("Updated UIN is different from the previous UIN.");
+ }
+ } catch (RigInternalError e) {
+ logger.error("RigInternalError occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
+ throw e; // Re-throw after logging
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.error("An unexpected error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
+ throw new RigInternalError("Unexpected error occurred: " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/resources/config/scenarios.json b/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/resources/config/scenarios.json
index 236a7eab..09934345 100644
--- a/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/resources/config/scenarios.json
+++ b/mosip-acceptance-tests/ivv-orchestrator/src/main/resources/config/scenarios.json
@@ -20129,6 +20129,416 @@
"Action": "$$uin3=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid3)"
+ {
+ "Scenario": "180",
+ "Tag": "Postive_Test",
+ "Persona": "ResidentFemaleAdult",
+ "Group": "Adult_New",
+ "Description": "Resident goes to reg-center and gets UIN same person goes to center and updates his biometrics again he visits the reg-center and updates biometric for his UIN and updates biometrics successfully",
+ "Step-0": {
+ "Description": "Performs health check of given component",
+ "Input Parameters": "Keyword to check, only packetcreator is supported",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_getPingHealth(packetcreator)"
+ },
+ "Step-1": {
+ "Description": "Reads the pre-requisite data at the given index",
+ "Input Parameters": "Details can be found in in-line comments on the parameters",
+ "Return Value": "pre-requiste details",
+ "Action": "$$details1=e2e_ReadPreReq(1/*PRE_REQUISITE_DATA_INDEX*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-2": {
+ "Description": "Sets the context for scenario execution",
+ "Input Parameters": "Enviornment and user details. Other prarameters details can be found in-line",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_setContext(env_context,$$details1,false/*GENERATE_PRIVATE_KEY*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-3": {
+ "Description": "Performs health check of required server components to run end-to-end scenarios",
+ "Input Parameters": "NA",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_getPingHealth(targetenv)"
+ },
+ "Step-4": {
+ "Description": "Generates persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Details are in parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Persona file path",
+ "Action": "$$personaFilePath=e2e_getResidentData(adult/*PERSONA_TYPE*/,false,Female)"
+ },
+ "Step-5": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$templatePath=e2e_getPacketTemplate(NEW/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-6": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid1=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$templatePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-7": {
+ "Description": "Checkes the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid1)"
+ },
+ "Step-8": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin1=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid1)"
+ },
+ "Step-9": {
+ "Description": "Generates the hash for the given modalities",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalitie and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Hash value",
+ "Action": "$$modalityHashValue=e2e_getBioModalityHash(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger@@Left LittleFinger,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-10": {
+ "Description": "Sets expectatation on mock ABIS",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalities hash value. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_configureMockAbis(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger,true/*DUPLICATE_FLAG*/,Right IndexFinger,$$personaFilePath,$$modalityHashValue,-1/*DEFAULT_MOCK_DELAY*/,@@Duplicate/*STATUS_CODE*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-11": {
+ "Description": "Updates Demo graphic details and biometric in the persona file",
+ "Input Parameters": "Data to update and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateDemoOrBioDetails(0/*BIO_TYPE*/,face@@leftEye@@rightEye@@rightIndex@@rightLittle@@rightRing@@rightMiddle@@leftIndex@@leftLittle@@leftRing@@leftMiddle@@leftThumb@@rightThumb,0,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-12": {
+ "Description": "Updates persona with UIN",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and UIN",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateResidentWithUIN($$personaFilePath,$$uin1)"
+ },
+ "Step-13": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$updateTemplate=e2e_getPacketTemplate(UPDATE/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-14": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid2=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$updateTemplate)"
+ },
+ "Step-15": {
+ "Description": "Checks the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid2)"
+ },
+ "Step-16": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin2=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid2)"
+ },
+ "Step-17": {
+ "Description": "Generates the hash for the given modalities",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalitie and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Hash value",
+ "Action": "$$modalityHashValue=e2e_getBioModalityHash(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Left@@Right,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-18": {
+ "Description": "Sets expectatation on mock ABIS",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalities hash value. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_configureMockAbis(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Left@@Right,true/*DUPLICATE_FLAG*/,Right IndexFinger,$$personaFilePath,$$modalityHashValue,-1/*DEFAULT_MOCK_DELAY*/,@@Duplicate/*STATUS_CODE*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-19": {
+ "Description": "Updates Demo graphic details and biometric in the persona file",
+ "Input Parameters": "Data to update and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateDemoOrBioDetails(0/*BIO_TYPE*/,face@@leftEye@@rightEye@@rightIndex@@rightLittle@@rightRing@@rightMiddle@@leftIndex@@leftLittle@@leftRing@@leftMiddle@@leftThumb@@rightThumb,0,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-20": {
+ "Description": "Updates persona with UIN",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and UIN",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateResidentWithUIN($$personaFilePath,$$uin2)"
+ },
+ "Step-21": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$updateTemplate=e2e_getPacketTemplate(UPDATE/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-22": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid3=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$updateTemplate)"
+ },
+ "Step-23": {
+ "Description": "Checks the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid3)"
+ },
+ "Step-24": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin3=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid3)"
+ },
+ "Step-25": {
+ "Description": "Checks RID stage and stage status",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID, stage and stage status",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_CheckRIDStage($$rid3,PRINT_SERVICE,PROCESSED)"
+ },
+ "Step-26": {
+ "Description": "Checks uin after updating it",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID, stage and stage status",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_CheckUpdatedUIN($$uin1,$$uin3)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Scenario": "181",
+ "Tag": "Postive_Test",
+ "Persona": "ResidentFemaleAdult",
+ "Group": "Adult_New",
+ "Description": "Resident goes to reg-center and gets UIN same person goes to center and updates his biometrics for 2 consecutive times at the reg-center and updates his/her biometrics successfully resident 2 goes to center and generates UIN later resident 2 tries to update his biometrics with resident 1 biometrics",
+ "Step-0": {
+ "Description": "Performs health check of given component",
+ "Input Parameters": "Keyword to check, only packetcreator is supported",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_getPingHealth(packetcreator)"
+ },
+ "Step-1": {
+ "Description": "Reads the pre-requisite data at the given index",
+ "Input Parameters": "Details can be found in in-line comments on the parameters",
+ "Return Value": "pre-requiste details",
+ "Action": "$$details1=e2e_ReadPreReq(1/*PRE_REQUISITE_DATA_INDEX*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-2": {
+ "Description": "Sets the context for scenario execution",
+ "Input Parameters": "Enviornment and user details. Other prarameters details can be found in-line",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_setContext(env_context,$$details1,false/*GENERATE_PRIVATE_KEY*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-3": {
+ "Description": "Performs health check of required server components to run end-to-end scenarios",
+ "Input Parameters": "NA",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_getPingHealth(targetenv)"
+ },
+ "Step-4": {
+ "Description": "Generates persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Details are in parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Persona file path",
+ "Action": "$$personaFilePath=e2e_getResidentData(adult/*PERSONA_TYPE*/,false,Female)"
+ },
+ "Step-5": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$templatePath=e2e_getPacketTemplate(NEW/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-6": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid1=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$templatePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-7": {
+ "Description": "Checkes the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid1)"
+ },
+ "Step-8": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin1=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid1)"
+ },
+ "Step-9": {
+ "Description": "Generates the hash for the given modalities",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalitie and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Hash value",
+ "Action": "$$modalityHashValue=e2e_getBioModalityHash(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger@@Left LittleFinger,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-10": {
+ "Description": "Sets expectatation on mock ABIS",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalities hash value. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_configureMockAbis(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger,true/*DUPLICATE_FLAG*/,Right IndexFinger,$$personaFilePath,$$modalityHashValue,-1/*DEFAULT_MOCK_DELAY*/,@@Duplicate/*STATUS_CODE*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-11": {
+ "Description": "Updates Demo graphic details and biometric in the persona file",
+ "Input Parameters": "Data to update and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateDemoOrBioDetails(0/*BIO_TYPE*/,face@@leftEye@@rightEye@@rightIndex@@rightLittle@@rightRing@@rightMiddle@@leftIndex@@leftLittle@@leftRing@@leftMiddle@@leftThumb@@rightThumb,0,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-12": {
+ "Description": "Updates persona with UIN",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and UIN",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateResidentWithUIN($$personaFilePath,$$uin1)"
+ },
+ "Step-13": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$updateTemplate=e2e_getPacketTemplate(UPDATE/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-14": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid2=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$updateTemplate)"
+ },
+ "Step-15": {
+ "Description": "Checks the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid2)"
+ },
+ "Step-16": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin2=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid2)"
+ },
+ "Step-17": {
+ "Description": "Generates the hash for the given modalities",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalitie and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Hash value",
+ "Action": "$$modalityHashValue=e2e_getBioModalityHash(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger@@Left LittleFinger,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-18": {
+ "Description": "Sets expectatation on mock ABIS",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalities hash value. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_configureMockAbis(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger,true/*DUPLICATE_FLAG*/,Right IndexFinger,$$personaFilePath,$$modalityHashValue,-1/*DEFAULT_MOCK_DELAY*/,@@Duplicate/*STATUS_CODE*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-19": {
+ "Description": "Updates Demo graphic details and biometric in the persona file",
+ "Input Parameters": "Data to update and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateDemoOrBioDetails(0/*BIO_TYPE*/,face@@leftEye@@rightEye@@rightIndex@@rightLittle@@rightRing@@rightMiddle@@leftIndex@@leftLittle@@leftRing@@leftMiddle@@leftThumb@@rightThumb,0,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-20": {
+ "Description": "Updates persona with UIN",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and UIN",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateResidentWithUIN($$personaFilePath,$$uin2)"
+ },
+ "Step-21": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$updateTemplate=e2e_getPacketTemplate(UPDATE/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-22": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid3=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$updateTemplate)"
+ },
+ "Step-23": {
+ "Description": "Checks the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid3)"
+ },
+ "Step-24": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin3=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid3)"
+ },
+ "Step-25": {
+ "Description": "Generates persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Details are in parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Persona file path",
+ "Action": "$$personaFilePath2=e2e_getResidentData(adult/*PERSONA_TYPE*/,false,Female)"
+ },
+ "Step-26": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$templatePath2=e2e_getPacketTemplate(NEW/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath2)"
+ },
+ "Step-27": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid4=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath2,$$templatePath2)"
+ },
+ "Step-28": {
+ "Description": "Checkes the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid4)"
+ },
+ "Step-29": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin4=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid4)"
+ },
+ "Step-30": {
+ "Description": "Generates the hash for the given modalities",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalitie and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "Hash value",
+ "Action": "$$modalityHashValue=e2e_getBioModalityHash(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger@@Left LittleFinger,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-31": {
+ "Description": "Sets expectatation on mock ABIS",
+ "Input Parameters": "Modalities hash value. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_configureMockAbis(-1/*CHECK_PERSONA_PRESENCE*/,Right IndexFinger,true/*DUPLICATE_FLAG*/,Right IndexFinger,$$personaFilePath,$$modalityHashValue,-1/*DEFAULT_MOCK_DELAY*/,@@Duplicate/*STATUS_CODE*/)"
+ },
+ "Step-32": {
+ "Description": "Updates Demo graphic details and biometric in the persona file",
+ "Input Parameters": "Data to update and persona file path. Other details can be found in the parameter in-line comments",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateDemoOrBioDetails(0/*BIO_TYPE*/,face@@leftEye@@rightEye@@rightIndex@@rightLittle@@rightRing@@rightMiddle@@leftIndex@@leftLittle@@leftRing@@leftMiddle@@leftThumb@@rightThumb,0,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-33": {
+ "Description": "Updates persona with UIN",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and UIN",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_updateResidentWithUIN($$personaFilePath,$$uin4)"
+ },
+ "Step-34": {
+ "Description": "Generates packet template based on the persona data",
+ "Input Parameters": "Process and persona file path",
+ "Return Value": "Generated Template file path",
+ "Action": "$$updateTemplate=e2e_getPacketTemplate(UPDATE/*PACKET_TYPE*/,$$personaFilePath)"
+ },
+ "Step-35": {
+ "Description": "Genertes and uploads packet with given persona and packet template skipping pre-registration step",
+ "Input Parameters": "Persona file path and template file path",
+ "Return Value": "RID",
+ "Action": "$$rid5=e2e_generateAndUploadPacketSkippingPrereg($$personaFilePath,$$updateTemplate)"
+ },
+ "Step-36": {
+ "Description": "Checks the RID status against given packet processing status",
+ "Input Parameters": "Packet processing status and RID",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_checkStatus(PROCESSED/*PACKET_STATUS*/,$$rid5)"
+ },
+ "Step-37": {
+ "Description": "Gets the UIN for the given RID",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID",
+ "Return Value": "UIN",
+ "Action": "$$uin5=e2e_getUINByRid($$rid5)"
+ },
+ "Step-38": {
+ "Description": "Checks RID stage and stage status",
+ "Input Parameters": "RID, stage and stage status",
+ "Return Value": "NA",
+ "Action": "e2e_CheckRIDStage($$rid5,MANUAL_ADJUDICATION,SUCCESS)"
+ }
+ },
"Scenario": "AFTER_SUITE",
"Tag": "Postive_Test",