- Search for cheapest IK solution
- Specify search mode during code generation
- Fix issue: min_count must be negative (negative direction was ignored!)
- Added G.A. vd. Hoorn as second package maintainer
- Fix for issue #34: add liblapack-dev dependency to generated pkg manifest
- scripts: add dependency on liblapack-dev to generated pkg manifest. Fix #34.
- Use getIkType() in getPositionIK()
- Added support for the Translation3D-type IK
- Fix for missing run_depends in generated pkg manifest
- Make sure run_depends get added to pkg manifest as well. Fix #30. Short-circuit evaluation of the statement determining the value of 'modified_pkg' caused the second call to update_deps(.., 'run_depend', ..) to never happen. Using binary or to work around that.
- Fixes for 23, 27 and 28
- Eigen is not actually a dependency anymore, so remove build_dep on cmake_modules.
- Remove dependency on deprecated tip_frame_ variable
- scripts: any change to run or build depends should trigger manifest updating.
- templates: include planning group name in plugin desc install rule. Fix #28.
- templates: remove superfluous link_directories(). Fix #23.
- templates: cmake_modules provides FindEigen, so explicitly depend on it. Fix #27. Also change order of find_package(..) statements to reflect this and update dependency checking in pkg generator script to allow for different run and build depends (cmake_modules is only a build_depend).
- Remove dependency on deprecated tip_frame_ variable (now supports multiple tip frames)
- Added support for the Translation3D-type IK Modified the ikfast moveit template to work with OpenRAVE's Translation3D-type IK. This is useful for manipulators with few DOF (i.e., 3 or 4) that just want to go to a certain position without caring so much about the end effector's orientation.
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, G.A. vd. Hoorn, Ioan A Sucan, Nicolas Alt, Steve Levine, gavanderhoorn, nalt
- Fix issue #16: install 'templates' directory into pkg share directory
- Fix issue #21: move catkin pkgs to catkin_depends in generated CMakeLists
- Fix issue #18: remove install rule for ikfast.h from generated package CMakeLists.txt
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, gavanderhoorn
- adding sphinx documentation
- added branch name to build status
- added travis build status indicator in README.md
- added travis support
- use GetIkType() instead of #defines This removes the need to manually specify the IK type using #define IKTYPE_... and closes #5.
- Fix to check all depencies are in package.xml
- Merge pull request #10 from ros-planning/auto_update_script
- Merge pull request #9 from fsuarez6/master Fix IKfast plugin undefined symbol poseMsgToKDL
- Check for file existance first
- Added auto update script for keeping your plugin up to date with changes in the kinematics plugin format
- Merge branch 'master' into multiple_plugins
- Added tf_conversions dependency to expose its functions to the plugin (e.g. poseMsgToKDL)
- fix whitespace
- Changed order of parameters consistency_limits and solution to match the searchPositionIK signature.
- fixed IKFast code generator template to fit MoveIt interface
- added error message in case of malformed SRDF
- fix IK and FK for IK types other than Transform6D