diff --git a/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl b/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl index e783fa0e7b..462c2ad166 100644 --- a/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl +++ b/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl @@ -975,6 +975,8 @@ tfa-row-backup-codes-get-new-cta = Nije koaden krije # Shown to users who have no backup authentication codes # Button to add backup authentication codes when none are configured tfa-row-backup-codes-add-cta = Tafoegje +# 'This' refers to 'backup authentication codes', used as a recovery method for two-step authentication +tfa-row-backup-codes-description = Dit is de feilichste werstelmetoade as jo gjin tagong hawwe ta jo mobile apparaat of autentikaasje-app. ## Switch component @@ -1060,6 +1062,7 @@ se-secondary-email-none = Gjin tfa-row-header = Autentikaasje yn twa stappen tfa-row-enabled = Ynskeakele +tfa-row-disabled-status = Utskeakele tfa-row-action-add = Tafoegje tfa-row-action-disable = Utskeakelje tfa-row-button-refresh = @@ -1067,6 +1070,9 @@ tfa-row-button-refresh = tfa-row-cannot-refresh = Sorry, der is in probleem bard by it fernijen fan autentikaasje yn twa stappen. +tfa-row-enabled-description = Jo account wurdt beskerme troch twa-stapsautentikaasje. Jo moatte ien kear in tagongskoade ynfiere fan jo autentikaasje-app ôf by it oanmelden by jo { -product-mozilla-account }. +# goes to https://support.mozilla.org/kb/secure-firefox-account-two-step-authentication +tfa-row-disabled-description = Help jo account te befeiligjen troch in autentikaasje-app fan tredden te brûken as twadde stap om jo oan te melden. tfa-row-cannot-verify-session-4 = Sorry, der is in probleem bard by it befêstigjen fan jo sesje tfa-row-disable-modal-heading = Autentikaasje yn twa stappen útskeakelje? tfa-row-disable-modal-confirm = Utskeakelje