diff --git a/locale/hr/settings.ftl b/locale/hr/settings.ftl index a36e66c3a4..3b5d60d333 100644 --- a/locale/hr/settings.ftl +++ b/locale/hr/settings.ftl @@ -210,10 +210,16 @@ get-data-trio-print-2 = ## Images - these are all aria labels used for illustrations ## Aria labels are used as alternate text that can be read aloud by screen readers. +hearts-broken-image-aria-label = + .aria-label = Računalo i mobitel sa slikom slomljenog srca +hearts-verified-image-aria-label = + .aria-label = Računalo i mobitel sa slikom pulsirajućeg srca signin-recovery-code-image-description = .aria-label = Dokument koji sadrži skriveni tekst. signin-totp-code-image-label = .aria-label = Uređaj sa skrivenim 6-znamenkastim kodom. +confirm-signup-aria-label = + .aria-label = Kuverta koja sadrži poveznicu ## InlineRecoveryKeySetupCreate component ## Users see this view when we prompt them to generate an account recovery key @@ -308,7 +314,6 @@ password-strength-inline-confirmed-must-match = Potvrda odgovara novoj lozinci ## Ready component -reset-password-complete-header = Tvoja je lozinka resetirana ready-complete-set-up-instruction = Završi postavljanje upisom tvoje nove lozinke na tvojim drugim { -brand-firefox } uređajima. manage-your-account-button = Upravljaj svojim računom # This is a string that tells the user they can use whatever service prompted them to reset their password or to verify their email @@ -1142,14 +1147,19 @@ confirm-reset-password-otp-resend-code-button = Ponovo pošalji kod # Link to cancel the password reset and sign in with a different account confirm-reset-password-otp-different-account-link = Koristi jedan drugi račun +## PasswordResetConfirmTotp Page + + ## ResetPassword start page password-reset-flow-heading = Resetiraj tvoju lozinku password-reset-email-input = .label = Upiši tvoju e-mail adresu + +## ResetPasswordConfirmed + +reset-password-complete-header = Tvoja je lozinka resetirana reset-password-with-recovery-key-verified-page-title = Resetiranje lozinke je uspjelo -reset-password-with-recovery-key-verified-generate-new-key = Generiraj novi ključ za obnavljanje računa -reset-password-with-recovery-key-verified-continue-to-account = Nastavi na moj račun ## CompleteSignin component