Create a small test dataset in CSV format, via Chat-GPT3.5 Turbo (why: power + speed + low effort)
- Summary,Description, DOT
Ideally, about 20 million rows? Initially less - say 10,000 rows.
[[[TEST Generate training data for 10 workflows]]]
>> Create training data with 10 workflows
EmployeeOnboarding,Manage the onboarding process for new employees,This workflow manages the onboarding process for new employees, including tasks such as paperwork completion, equipment setup, and orientation.,Create a workflow to manage the onboarding process for new employees,"digraph EmployeeOnboarding {
node [shape=box];
Start -> PaperworkCompletion;
PaperworkCompletion -> EquipmentSetup;
EquipmentSetup -> Orientation;
Orientation -> End;
ExpenseApproval,Streamline the expense approval process,This workflow streamlines the process of approving employee expenses, ensuring timely and accurate reimbursement.,Design a workflow to streamline the expense approval process,"digraph ExpenseApproval {
node [shape=box];
Start -> SubmitExpenseReport;
SubmitExpenseReport -> ReviewExpense;
ReviewExpense -> ApproveExpense;
ApproveExpense -> ReimburseExpense;
ReimburseExpense -> End;