An F# library that allows to define and display a chart as a collection of plots such as line, band, markers, heatmap. Supports visualization of uncertain values represented as quantiles.
Also, there is a similar TypeScript component ChartViewer.
Each sample is represented as an F# module containing function samples: unit -> Chart list
. It builds
the list of sample charts, so that then all the charts can be rendered using Angara.Html
library to an html file:
module Program
open Angara.Charting
type SampleCharts =
{ Lines: Chart list
; Band: Chart list
; Markers: Chart list
; Heatmap: Chart list }
let main argv =
let samples =
{ Lines = Line.samples()
; Band = Band.samples()
; Markers = Markers.samples()
; Heatmap = Heatmap.samples() }
Angara.Html.Save "Angara.Chart.SampleGallery.html" samples
All the samples below will use the Data
module to get sample data series. We use Angara.Table library to read data from CSV file.
module Data
open Angara.Charting
let wheat = Table.ReadFile("wheat.csv")
let uwheat = Table.ReadFile("uwheat.csv")
let site = Table.ReadFile("site.csv")
let npz = Table.ReadFile("npz.csv")
let grid = Table.ReadFile("grid.csv")
let ugrid = Table.ReadFile("ugrid.csv")
let col colName = Tables.ToArray<float[]> colName
let quantiles prefix table =
{ median = table |> col (prefix + "_median")
lower68 = table |> col (prefix + "_lb68")
upper68 = table |> col (prefix + "_ub68")
lower95 = table |> col (prefix + "_lb95")
upper95 = table |> col (prefix + "_ub95") }
module Line
open Angara.Charting
let samples() =
let t = |> Data.col "t"
let p = |> Data.col "p"
let p_uncertain = Data.npz |> Data.quantiles "p"
[ Plot.line(t, p) ] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.line(Array.init 100 (fun i -> let x = float(i)/10.0 in x*x), stroke = "#7F7F7F", thickness = 3.0) ] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.line(LineX.Values t, LineY.UncertainValues p_uncertain) ] |> Chart.ofList
module Markers
open Angara.Charting
let samples() =
let lon = Data.wheat |> Data.col "Lon"
let lat = Data.wheat |> Data.col "Lat"
let wheat = Data.wheat |> Data.col "wheat"
let wheat_uncertain = Data.uwheat |> Data.quantiles "w"
[ Plot.markers(lon, lat, displayName = "Lat/lon") ] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.markers(lon, lat,
color = MarkersColor.Values wheat, colorPalette = "0=Red=Green=Yellow=Blue=10",
shape = MarkersShape.Circle, displayName = "Lat/lon/color")] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.markers(lon, lat,
color = MarkersColor.Values wheat, colorPalette = "0=Red=Green=Yellow=Blue=10",
size = MarkersSize.Values wheat, sizeRange = (5.0, 25.0),
shape = MarkersShape.Diamond, displayName = "Lat/lon/color/size")] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.markers(lon, lat,
color = MarkersColor.UncertainValues wheat_uncertain,
size = MarkersSize.Value 15.0,
shape = MarkersShape.Circle, displayName = "uncertain color")] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.markers(lon, lat,
color = MarkersColor.Values wheat_uncertain.median,
size = MarkersSize.UncertainValues wheat_uncertain, sizeRange = (5.0, 25.0),
displayName = "uncertain size")] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.markers(MarkersX.Values lat, MarkersY.UncertainValues wheat_uncertain,
displayName = "uncertain y")] |> Chart.ofList
module Band
open Angara.Charting
let samples() =
let t = |> Data.col "t"
let p_lb95 = Data.npz |> Data.col "p_lb95"
let p_ub95 = Data.npz |> Data.col "p_ub95"
[, p_lb95, p_ub95) ] |> Chart.ofList
module Heatmap
open Angara.Charting
let samples() =
let lon = Data.grid |> Data.col "lon"
let lat = Data.grid |> Data.col "lat"
let value = Data.grid |> Data.col "value"
let lon2 = Data.ugrid |> Data.col "lon"
let lat2 = Data.ugrid |> Data.col "lat"
let value_uncertain = Data.ugrid |> Data.quantiles "value"
[ Plot.heatmap(lon, lat, value) ] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.heatmap(lon, lat, value, treatAs = HeatmapTreatAs.Discrete) ] |> Chart.ofList
[ Plot.heatmap(lon2, lat2, HeatmapValues.TabularUncertainValues value_uncertain, colorPalette = "blue,white,yellow,orange") ] |> Chart.ofList