Compile with:
Default option: PRINGLE : uses J. Pringle prescription (as in Lodato+2009) to solve the energy balance equation
Other options:
- ONLYPGAS : considers only gas pressure (neglects radiation pressure). Compile with:
make gas
- ENERGYCHANG: considers only gas pressure and assuemes fixed opacity (as in Chang+2010). Compile with:
make chang
Below, an annotated sample input file:
SIM_MODE='chang09sm1hbis ', # simulation name (choose freely)
INR= 200, # radial grid, number of cells
GRIDTYPE= 1, # grid type: 0:linear 1: log
T0= 0.0000000000000000 , # initial computation time
TOT_TIME= 3000000.0000 , # final computation time (the code stops when this time is reached)
DTAUSNAP= 100000.00000000000 , # time between two snapshots [yr] (files in snap/ directory containing the disk structure)
DTAUSNAP_PARAM= 10000.0000000000000 , # time between two snapshots of the disk parameters [yr] (in the mass.dat file; usually this is smaller than DTAUSNAP)
MP= 10000000.000000000 , # mass of the primay BH [Msun] (or of the central object)
Q= 0.10000000000000001 , # mass ratio q=M2/Mp
ROUT= 100000.00000000000 , # radial grid, outer radius [ROUT_UNIT]
ROUT_UNIT= 2, # unit of the radial grid: 1:parsec 2:Rg=GM/c^2 3:see routines.F90, dimensional_variables()
A0= 10000.000000000000 , # initial binary separation A0 = a(t=0)
F= 1.0000000000000000E-002, # torque parameter f
INITIAL_SIGMA_TYPE= 8, # initial surface density profile: see routines.F90, set_initialsigma()
INITIAL_SIGMA_FILE='steady.dat ', # input file for the initial surface density
SIGMADOT_TYPE= 2, # type of inflow rate at the grid outer radius: 0:no accretion 2:constant inflow at a rate MDOTIN (see routines.F90, set_sigmadot())
MDOTIN= 1.607904d-07 , # inflow rate at the grid outer radius [Msun/year]
M_DISC0= 1000.0000000000000 , # initial disk mass [Msun] (note that this is relevant only for some choices of INITIAL_SIGMA_TYPE)
ISPLANET= 1, # 0:no secondary BH 1:secondary BH is present
TINJECTPLANET= 0.0000000000000000 , # time at which the secondary BH is injected in the disk [yr]
TMIGRATION= 0.0000000000000000 , # time after which the migration BH is switched ON [yr] (see routines.F90, dimensional_variables())
ALPHA= 0.10000000000000001 , # alpha parameter from Shakura-Sunyaev prescripion
Note: For INITIAL_SIGMA_TYPE = 5, 8, 9, the value of M_DISC0 is used to re-normalize the disk surface density to match M_DISC0 initial mass.
This is useful, e.g. to reproduce Lodato+2009, Chang+2009, Armitage+2002 simulations.
It is also useful to start the simulation from a steady-state surface density profile (previously obtained with a very long simulation at a fixed MDOTIN, letting it evlove until it reached steady state).
Each execution creates a directory named as SIM_MODE with the following content:
- code/ # directory containing the code and the input file used for the run (for reproducibility)
- snap/ # directory containing the snapshots of the disk, one snapshot every DTAUSNAP
- snapshot_01.dat # snapshot of the disk (quantities as a function of disc radius)
- snap_latest/ # directory containing the snapshots of the disk, one snapshot every time the binary separation decreases by 1 Rg.
- snapshot_01.dat # same as above
- mass.dat # snapshot of the disk structure throughout the run (one line per each snapshot)
- sigma_neg.dat: # file containing a trace of points where sigma < 0 (just a sanity check for consistency; should be empty)
- splash.columns # splash file with column names
- splash.defaults # splash file with default parameters
- splash.filenames # splash file with filenames of the snapshots to be shown together
- splash.limits # splash file with plot limits
To have a look of the output snapshots, just change directory into SIM_MODE/ and do:
Since the splash.* files are already provided in the directory, it should be already set up with proper labels and limits.
Here more details on the output: File mass.dat:
open(unit=u_massfile, file=massfilename,access='append')
write(u_massfile,f_massfile) isncount ,& ! 1. snap number
& t/year ,& ! 2. time
& mass/M_sun ,& ! 3. disc mass
& mass_inner/M_sun,& ! 4. inner disc mass
& tot_acc_mass/M_sun ,& ! 5. total mass accreted
& tot_sim_mass/M_sun ,& ! 6. total mass of the simulation (must be constant)
& mdot(1)/(M_sun_year) ,& ! 7. mdot at R_in
& mdot(inr)/(M_sun_year) ,& ! 8. mdot at R_out
& a ,& ! 9. secondary's position in cm
& a/parsec ,& !10. secondary's position in parsec
& a/rg ,& !11. secondary's position in rg
& adot1 ,& !12. acceleration due to viscous torque
& adot2 ,& !13. acceleration due to gw torque
& Acc_L/L_Edd !14. Luminosity / Eddington Luminosity
File snapshot_###.dat:
write(u_snapshots_latest,f_snapshots) xrg(i) ,& ! 1. radial coordinate in rg
& max(prec_out,sigma(i)) ,& ! 2. sigma
& max(prec_out,nu(i)) ,& ! 3. viscosity
& max(prec_out,T_eff(i)) ,& ! 4. effective temperature
& max(prec_out,T_c(i)) ,& ! 5. central temperature
& max(prec_out,H(i)/x(2*i)) ,& ! 6. thickness/R
& lambda(i) ,& ! 7. torque
& xpc(i) ,& ! 8. radial coordinate in parsec
& prad ,& ! 9. radiation pressure
& pgas ,& ! 10. gas pressure
& prad_pgas ,& ! 11. radiation to gas pressure ratio
& tnu ! 12. viscous timescale
write(u_snapshots_latest,f_snapshots) xrg(inr),prec_out,prec_out,prec_out,&
& prec_out,prec_out,prec_out,xpc(inr),prec_out,prec_out,prec_out,prec_out