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Here is a list of every native function in Acacia.

a '*' means not implemented yet


These are standard library functions useable wherever.

  • print() - prints to console. Takes in anything.
  • println() - prints to console with a newline. Takes in as many of anything.
  • input() - gets console/user input. Takes in a type (as a string) to convert input to.
  • sleep() - pauses thread. Takes in a number of milliseconds to sleep.
  • clock() - gets current system time in seconds. Takes in no arguments.
  • type() - gets something's type. Takes in anything.
  • convert() - returns something of a new type. Takes in anything to convert, and new type (as a string) for it.
  • callable() - returns true if a given object is callable. Takes in anything.
  • inherits() - returns true if a given object inherits a given class. Takes in an object and a class.
  • instanceof() - returns true if a given object is an instance of a given class or its superclass.
  • len() - gets the number of elements in something. Takes in a set or string.
  • assert() - throws an error with a specified message if a given expression is false. Takes in an expression and a string.
  • *read() - gets a string from a file. Takes in a string representing the file path.
  • *write() - writes a string to a file. Takes in a string representing the file path, and a string to write to file.


These functions are mounted on strings automatically, but do not modify them. They only return a value. For example, " abc ".strip() returns "abc" but does not modify the original string. Note that String below refers to any string in code, as opposed to the word "String".

  • String.contains() - returns whether or not a string contains another. Takes in a string to find.
  • String.replace() - replaces given string with another. Takes in a string to find, and string to replace with.
  • String.split() - returns a set from a string. Takes in string to use as splitter. Default is one space.
  • String.strip() - removes spaces from beginning and end. Takes in no arguments.
  • String.charCode() - returns character code of first character of string. Takes in no arguments.


These functions are mounted on sets automatically, but do not modify them. They only return a value. For example, [1,2,3].get(1) returns 2 but does not modify the original set. Note that Set below refers to any set in code, as opposed to the word "Set".

  • Set.get() - returns an object in a set. Takes in an index.
  • Set.contains() - returns true if a given element exists in the set. Takes in an object to look for.
  • Set.copy() - returns a copy of a set. Takes in no arguments.
  • Set.join() - returns a newly joined string. Takes in a delimiter to put between elements of set.

These functions are also mounted on sets automatically, however they do modify the sets they are called on (and usually don't return anything). For example, [4,5,2].sort() returns null but converts [4,5,2] into [2,4,5].

  • Set.sort() - sorts a set. Takes in no arguments.
  • Set.reverse() - reverses a set. Takes in no arguments.
  • Set.push() - adds an element to the end of a list. Takes in a new object to add.
  • Set.pop() - removes the last element of a set, and returns it. Takes in no arguments.
  • Set.add() - adds an element to a set at the given index, shifting everything after it to the right by one. Takes in an object to add, and an index to put it at.
  • Set.clear() - empties a set. Takes in no arguments.


These functions are part of the Time box.

  • * - gets system time.
  • *Time.diff() - returns the difference as a time object between two time objects. Takes in two time objects.


These functions are part of the Math box.

  • Math.random(min, max) - gets random number between the given minimum and maximum numbers.
  • Math.abs(x) - returns absolute value of x.
  • Math.ceil(x) - rounds to the nearest whole number above x.
  • Math.floor(x) - rounds to the nearest whole number below x.
  • Math.round(x) - rounds the number x to the nearest whole number.
  • Math.min(a, b) - Returns whichever number is smaller.
  • Math.max(a, b) - Returns whichever number is smaller.
  • Math.quadratic(a, b, c) - Runs the quadratic formula on the given 3 numbers, and returns a set with two elements: The positive result, and the negative result.
  • Math.setSum(set) - Returns the summation of every element in the set. Assumes elements in set are all numbers.


These functions are part of the HashMap box. Dict represents an example variable of type HashMap

  • Dict.set(key, value) - saves a value with a given key in the map.
  • Dict.get(key) - looks up a value with a given key in the map and returns it.
  • Dict.getKeys() - returns a set of all keys in the map.
  • Dict.getValues() - returns a set of all values in the map.
  • Dict.getPairs() - puts each key with their value in their own set, and returns a set of all those sets.