This project includes 3 functionalities together:
- Using Akka Persistence as EventSourcing
- Using Protocol Buffers within Akka Persistence(ScalaPB used)
- Simple example of Schema Evolution
Problem Definition
Suppose that you have a UserEntity class that contains only name
and your journal has already stored some events based on this entity;
case class UserEntity(name: String)
case class UserCreatedEvent(name: String)
but you need to add another field to this entity, so Event Message should also be changed so;
case class UserEntity(id: Long, name: String)
case class UserCreatedEvent(id: Long, name: String)
and you might want to remove id
field of entity.
case class UserEntity(name: String)
case class UserCreatedEvent(name: String)
So the thing you should do is to transform these event messages before you use, you can do it simply by creating a custom serializer.
Proto messages
syntax = "proto3";
message UserCreatedEventv1 {
string name = 1;
message UserCreatedEventv2 {
string name = 1;
int64 id = 2;
message UserCreatedEventv3 {
int64 id = 2;
ScalaPB will generate Protocol Buffers classes when you compile project bu sbt
I simply versioned manifest by
final val v1: String = "1"
final val v2: String = "2"
final val v3: String = "3"
final val currentVersion: String = v3
override def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = s"${o.getClass.getName}|$currentVersion"
When a message is being serialized by our Serializer, it will has this string manifest that created by manifest
Also when a message is being deserialized by our Serializer we will understand the message type and manifet by this manifest
Serializing messages
This is very simple with ScalaPB, only thing you should do is to transform your custom messages into the generated class by ScalaPB
override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = o match {
// these two lines are commented due to schema evolution
//case UserCreatedEvent(name: String) => protobuf.UserCreatedEventv1(name).toByteArray
//case UserCreatedEvent(name, id) => protobuf.UserCreatedEventv2(name, id).toByteArray
case UserCreatedEvent(id) => protobuf.UserCreatedEventv3(id).toByteArray
Deserializing messages
Our messages are serialized using manifest and toBinary methods, so when a message is serialized, we can consider it as two parts: manifest and bytes, so we are going to use both of these parameters when we deserialize messages.
override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = {
implicit val bytes_ : Array[Byte] = bytes
manifest.split('|').toList match {
case UserCreatedEventManifest :: `v1` :: Nil => fromBytes(protobuf.UserCreatedEventv1) { msg => UserCreatedEvent(-1) }
case UserCreatedEventManifest :: `v2` :: Nil => fromBytes(protobuf.UserCreatedEventv2) { msg => UserCreatedEvent( }
case UserCreatedEventManifest :: `v3` :: Nil => fromBytes(protobuf.UserCreatedEventv3) { msg => UserCreatedEvent( }
case _ => throw new NotSerializableException(s"Unable to handle manifest: [[$manifest]], currentVersion: [[$currentVersion]] ")
// this is a little helper method for converting any generated message to our custom classes easily
def fromBytes[T <: com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[T]]
(msg: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T])(handler: T ⇒ AnyRef)(implicit bytes: Array[Byte]): AnyRef = handler(msg.parseFrom(bytes))
If incoming message has v1
in its manifest, we are using protobuf.UserCreatedEventv1
class to deserialize it.
Since our last custom event has only id
field and protobuf.UserCreatedEventv1
has only name
field, we transform the message by using
an invalid identifier(magic number) like -1 as UserCreatedEvent(-1)
and v3
conversions are very like to v1