Work in Progress,
Node RESTFUL API using Express.
Server-side of React Quiz.
1.1. Database configuration
$ cp config/database.example.json config/database.json
1.2 Secrets config
$ cp config/secrets.example.json config/secrets.json
!NOTE - You will need own server with MongoDB
$ npm install
$ yarn
$ npm start:dev
Plugin | Description |
Express | Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node |
Mongoose | Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment |
Babel | The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript |
Request | Simplified HTTP client |
ESLint | A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript |
Joi | Object schema validation |
Body-Parser | Node.js body parsing middleware |
Nodemon | Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development |
Node-cron | Cron jobs for your node |
Bcrypt | Lib to help you hash passwords |
Bluebird | Fully featured promise library |
Jsonwebtoken | An implementation of JSON Web Tokens |
Swagger-jsdoc | Integrate Swagger using JSDoc. |
Swagger-ui-express | Adds middleware to your express app to serve the Swagger UI |
MIT © Krystian Błaszczyk