- add Modal Panel for daemons like currently in statusbar
- Add key to open this Modal Panel
- add Settings item to deaktivate statusbar
- define keys for modal panel (1-9-0 and a-z)
- show all Daemons with hide option
- sort
- Add Daemon Wizard (with modal-file-manager)
- Daemon Edit Page
- remove hide option
- fix theme issue #4
- remove old load daemons from file
- fix space-pen issue
- add new awesome EventBusSystem (geb on npm)
- fix bug on delete item
- fix menu bar call
- Fix problems with atom's state
- Thanks for testing aitorllj93
- Fix daemonItemCollection==undefined
- Bugfix jQuery
- Use an Eventbus (Emitter) for Daemons control
- Add checkDeamon interval to settings
- Use atoms state instaed of json file to save daemons
- Only on this Release: transform json to atoms state
- will be removed in next version
- Only on this Release: transform json to atoms state
- aktivate start with atom
- Daemon Edit Page
- Atom Checkbox
- fit input length
- The source code has been completely reworked.
- And many other fixes
- remove jQuery from dependencies and use jquery from atom-space-pen-views
- set default statusbar orientation to right
- fix windows open settings bug
- fix autohide DaemonItemConfigureView for windows
- fix daemons.json init on update (for the next versions)
- add Debian-Scan-Algorithm
- check after start/stop Daemon if it is on/off
- fix: backspace issue on item configuration
- add yes/no question before delete item
- add settings to position the DaemonStatusBarContainer in your statusbar
- no more need to restart - i build an own Configuration Item. Now, the atom-config is only for static configurations.
- Mac OS X: scan /usr/local/opt/ for Daemons andoo add them
- Start/Stop Daemons with one click in your Atom status-bar
- Register your Daemons in Config