ArangoDB - the multi-model NoSQL database.
/etc/layman/layman.cfg add:
overlays: ...
layman -f -a gbevan-arangodb
emerge -v --ask arangodb
to start (systemd):
systemctl enable arangodb
systemctl start arangodb
(pre-systemd init scripts are also provided - let me know if you have any issues/fixes)
layman -s gbevan-arangodb
emerge -v -u arangodb
Ensure all active connections, from applications and arangosh etc, are shutdown/closed before restarting:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart arangodb
Check the logs:
journalctl -b -u arangodb
If you get message like:
FATAL Database 'partout' needs upgrade. Please start the server with the --upgrade option
arangod --uid arangodb --gid arangodb --upgrade
(there may be an upgrade option via systemctl... maybe...)
When releasing new ebuild, run:
ebuild arangodb-2.8.x.ebuild manifest
for your new ebuild version, then commit/push.