This is a listing of the training and classification experiments run in this directory. We divide these by doublet classification and triplet classification.
Size | Number of Graphs | Training time | Dataset dir | Result dir | Notes |
Large | 32,768 | 6h13m | /doublet_data/hitgraphs_high_000 | /doublet_results/checkpoints_high/agnn001 | |
Medium | 2,000 | 31m | /doublet_data/hitgraphs_med_000 | /doublet_results/agnn03 | |
Size | Number of Graphs | Training time | Dataset dir | Result dir | Notes |
Medium | 1,920 | 54m | /triplet_data/hitgraphs_med | /triplet_results/checkpoints_med/agnn01 | |
1,920 | 1h12m | /triplet_data/hitgraphs_med | /triplet_results/checkpoints_med/agnn02 | ||
For future training: There is a strong link between the doublet trained results and the triplet trained results. Therefore the two sets should be closely linked by ID#.