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+## Frp服务端一键配置脚本,脚本默認获取Frp最新版本
+## Frp server one-click configuration script. The script obtains the latest Frp version by default
+[![GitHub Repo][repo-shield]][repo-url]
+[repo-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub-mvscode%2Ffrps--onekey-brightgreen?style=flat-square&logo=github
+[repo-url]: https://github.com/mvscode/frps-onekey
+[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/mvscode/frps-onekey.svg?style=flat-square&logo=github&color=yellow
+[stars-url]: https://github.com/mvscode/frps-onekey/stargazers
+[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/mvscode/frps-onekey.svg?style=flat-square&logo=github&color=green
+[forks-url]: https://github.com/mvscode/frps-onekey/network/members
+*Frp 是一个高性能的反向代理应用,可以帮助您轻松地进行内网穿透,对外网提供服务,支持 tcp, http, https 等协议类型,并且 web 服务支持根据域名进行路由转发。*
+* Detail(详情):fatedier[](https://github.com/fatedier/frp)
+* Script author(脚本原作者):clangcn [](https://github.com/clangcn/onekey-install-shell)
+## Frps-Onekey-Install-Shell For CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora (32bit/64bit)
+### Install(安装)
+#### Gitee
+wget https://gitee.com/mvscode/frps-onekey/raw/master/install-frps.sh -O ./install-frps.sh
+chmod 700 ./install-frps.sh
+./install-frps.sh install
+#### Github
+wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mvscode/frps-onekey/master/install-frps.sh -O ./install-frps.sh
+chmod 700 ./install-frps.sh
+./install-frps.sh install
+### Uninstall(卸载)
+./install-frps.sh uninstall
+### Update(更新)
+./install-frps.sh update
+### Server management(服务管理器)
+Usage: /etc/init.d/frps {start|stop|restart|status|config|version}
+## Script ChangeLog
+### [1.0.7] - 2024-07-24
+#### Added
+* Add progress bar for download frps tar file
+[Issue 101](https://github.com/mvscode/frps-onekey/issues/101)
+#### Fixed
+* fix typo
+### [1.0.6] - 2024-06-25
+#### Added
+* Add new server os to support, RHEL,Rocky,AlmaLinux OS.
+* Add new server os on frps.init file
+#### Fixed
+* fix check server os version script bug
+### [1.0.5] - 2024-06-19
+#### Added
+* Add quic of transport protocol support,server port default same as https port.
+* Add user-defined functions for the kcp bind port,server port default same as bind port.
+#### Fixed
+* Fix the script under frps server start faild still install complete bug.
+### [1.0.4] - 2024-06-18
+#### Updated
+* Add trace option at log level, default is info
+* Update shell update function, ask the user if they want to update
+#### New
+* frps support transport heartbeatTimeout = 90, default is enable
+### [1.0.3] - 2024-06-16
+#### Amendment
+* Amend function name to frps
+#### Changed
+* Change curl common to get server ip from wget common
+### [1.0.2] - 2024-06-13
+#### Update
+* Update frp server config format to follow up the latest version.
+ ```
+ bind_addr --> bindAddr
+ bind_port --> bindPort
+ kcp_bind_port --> kcpBindPort
+ etc..
+ ```
+### [1.0.1] - 2024-06-07
+#### Changed
+* frps program config file change to frps.toml from frps.int