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Third Party Tools

Jingle-Cat edited this page May 19, 2020 · 24 revisions

This page lists third party plugins and other tools that have been developed for MyBatis generator.

Plugin Name Description Type URL
JAXB Annotations This Plugin enables MyBatis Generator (mbg) to add JAXB annotations to the generated Java Model classes. This plugin provides reasonable flexibility while adding JAXB annotations at both, the class level and field / property level. plugin
Database Function Invoker This plugin enables incorporating or adding Database Function Invocations (such as the soundex, RawToHex, database encryption functions, etc) to the MyBatis Generator generated SQL Map files (XML mapper files). The invoked database functions could be built-in database functions or user defined database functions. plugin
mybatis-generator-gradle-plugin This plugin is based on mybatis generator maven plugin.This is a Gradle plugin of mybatis generator plugin(mbg).This plugin has all the features of mybatis generator maven plugin,but the plugin realization of groovy from gradle3.3. plugin gradle plugin page
github page
Lombok Annotations The Plugin can add Lombok annotations to the generated Java Model classes plugin
mybatis-generator-plugin The plugins (such as SelectOneByExamplePlugin, LimitPlugin, ModelBuilderPlugin, ExampleEnhancedPlugin, ExampleTargetPlugin, BatchInsertPlugin, LogicalDeletePlugin, ModelColumnPlugin, UpsertPlugin, SelectiveEnhancedPlugin, CommentPlugin, IncrementsPlugin, SelectSelectivePlugin, OptimisticLockerPlugin, TableRenameConfigurationPlugin, LombokPlugin, etc) base on 'XMLMAPPER' config and tested with Mysql. plugin
mygen The extension handle template and generate files extension

Type should be one of the following:

Type Description
plugin A plugin that can be configured with and developed according to
extension An extension developed according to
other Anything Else
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