- CHG: use jQuery 3.0 instead of EventEmitter2 and lodash
- CHG: use phantomjs for browser testing
- CHG: improve bundle technique, which makes it an UMD module since now.
- FIX: remove useless return after throwing error
- ADD: coffeelint build task
- ADD: test coverage build task and increase test coverage
- FIX: incorrect publish of v3.0.0 on npm
- Fresh new start. Now Providing event emitter, mixins and plugins features for browser or node sub-modules.
- Changed: replace jQuery with lodash as dependency.
- Changed: replace grunt with gulp for build and publish automation.
- Changed: use jade to generate doc site instead of jekyll.
- Removed: i18n features, please use dedicated i18n module like i18next instead.
Change logs under V3.0.0 are not recorded here, please check Release History.